
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Intravesical instillations of mitomycin C, epirubicin and BCG are considered as the standard treatment for most patients diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. These guidelines aim to optimize the adjuvant intravesical treatment in order to increase the efficacy and lower the morbidity associated with its administration.
    METHODS: We conducted a daily practice survey, an online search of available national regulation recommendations and of published guidelines. A bibliography search in French and English using Medline® and Embase® with the keywords \"BCG\"; \"mitomycin C\"; \"epirubicin\"; \"bladder\"; \"complication\"; \"toxicity\"; \"adverse reaction\"; \"prevention\" and \"treatment\" was performed November 2021.
    RESULTS: Patient information should be given by the attending physician before the first intravesical instillation. A medical exam to look for specific contraindications is also mandatory to select adequate candidates. Intravesical instillations should be delivered in health-care centers where urologic endoscopic procedures are routinely performed. Attending urologist or specialized nurse should check for negative pretreatment urine test. Intravesical instillation can only be delivered after bladder catheter has been inserted in the bladder without any injury of the lower urinary tract. The pharmaceutical agent should be kept in the bladder for two hours. Finally, voiding within the 6hours following intravesical instillations should be done in the sitting position and the patient should drink at least 2 liters of water per day for 2 days.
    CONCLUSIONS: The delivery of intravesical instillations of mitomycin C, epirubicin and BCG should follow a standardized procedure for better efficacy and lower morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Borderline ovarian tumours (BOT) represent around 15% of all ovarian neoplasms and are more likely to be diagnosed in women of reproductive age. Overall, given the epidemiological profile of BOT and their favourable prognosis, ovarian function and fertility preservation should be systematically considered in patients presenting these lesions.
    The research strategy was based on the following terms: borderline ovarian tumour, fertility, fertility preservation, infertility, fertility-sparing surgery, in vitro fertilization, ovarian stimulation, oocyte cryopreservation, using PubMed, in English and French.
    Fertility counselling should become an integral part of the clinical management of women with BOT. Patients with BOT should be informed that surgical management of BOT may cause damage ovarian reserve and/or peritoneal adhesions. Nomogram to predict recurrence, ovarian reserve markers and fertility explorations should be used to provide a clear and relevant information about the risk of infertility in patients with BOT. Fertility-sparing surgery should be considered for young women who wish preserving their fertility when possible. There is insufficient evidence to claim a causal relation between controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) and BOT. However, in case of poor prognosis factors, the use of COS should be considered cautiously through a multidisciplinary approach. In case of infertility after surgery for BOT, COS can be performed without delay, once histopathological diagnosis of BOT is confirmed. There is insufficient consistent evidence that fertility drugs and COS increase the risk of recurrence of BOT after conservative management. The conservative surgical treatment can be associated to oocyte cryopreservation considering the high risk of recurrence of the disease. In women with BOT recurrence in a single ovary and in women with bilateral ovarian involvement when the conservative management is not possible, other fertility preservation strategies are available, but still experimental.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the diagnostic value of serum/urinary biomarkers and the operability diagnosis strategy to make management recommendations.
    Bibliographical search in French and English languages by consultation of Pubmed, Cochrane and Embase databases.
    For the diagnosis of a suspicious adnexal mass on imaging: Serum CA125 antigen is recommended (grade A). Serum CAE is not recommended (grade C). The low evidence in literature concerning diagnostic value of CA19.9 does not allow any recommendation concerning its use. Serum Human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) is recommended (grade A). Comparison of data concerning diagnosis value of CA125 and HE4 show similar results for the prediction of malignancy in case of a suspicious adnexal mass on imaging (NP1). Urinary HE4 is not recommended (grade A). The use of circulating tumor DNA is not recommended (grade A). Tumor associated antigen-antibodies (AAbs) is not recommended (grade B). The use of ROMA score (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) is recommended (grade A). The use of Copenhagen index (CPH-I), R-OPS score, OVA500 is not recommended (grade C). For the prediction of resectability of an ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis in the context of a primary debulking surgery: It is not recommendend to use serum CA125 (grade A). The low evidence in literature concerning diagnostic value of HE4 does not allow any recommendation concerning its use in this context. No recommendation can be given concerning CA19.9 and CAE. For the prediction of resectability of an ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis in the context of surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: the low evidence in literature concerning diagnostic value of serum markers in this context does not allow any recommendation concerning their use in this context. Place of laparoscopy for the prediction of resectability in case of upfront surgery of an ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis robust data shows that the use of laparoscopy significantly reduce futile laparotomies (LE1). Laparoscopy is recommended in this context (grade A). Fagotti score is a reproducible tool (LE1) permitting the evaluation of feasibility of an optimal upfront debulking (NP4), its use is recommended (grade C). A Fagotti score≥8 is correlated to a low probability of complete or optimal debulking surgery (LE4) (grade C). There is no sufficient evidence to recommend the use of the modified Fagotti score or any other laparoscopic score (LE4). In case of laparotomy for an ovarian cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis, the use of Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI) is recommended (grade C). For the prediction of overall survival, disease free survival and the prediction of postoperative complications, the clinical and statistical of actually available tools do not allow any recommendation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the methods and strategies of fertility preservation in young women with stage I epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), in order to provide recommendations for clinical practice.
    The PubMed database was searched for english and french language articles, between 2005 and 2001, according to predefined search equations.
    Young patients with stage IA EOC willing to conceive should be informed that conservative treatment (contralateral ovary and salpinx, uterus) is possible (GradeC), associated with a 6 % to 13 % recurrence risk (GradeC) on the remaining ovary. This conservative surgical treatment includes adnexectomy, peritoneal and lymph node staging for all subtypes, and additional endometrial curettage for endometriosis and mucinous subtypes (GradeC). In case of positive staging conservative treatment is not possible. In case of mucinous EOC with an infiltrative pattern, lymph node staging is not necessary. Multidisciplinary analysis (including oncologists and reproductive medicine specialists) of the risk-benefit balance for a conservative surgery is recommended and must rely on a complete final pathology report (GradeC). No recommendation on bilateral adnexectomy and uterine conservation to allow pregnancy using egg donation can be provided in case of low-grade stage IA EOC, in the absence of data. Bilateral adnexectomy and uterine conservation to allow pregnancy using egg donation can be offered in case of serous, mucinous or endometrioid high-grade FIGO stage IA or low-grade FIGO stage IC1 or IC2 EOC (GradeC). Preservation of the uterus and contralateral ovary and Fallopian tube can be discussed with a specialized rare ovarian tumors multidiciplinary staff in case of clear cell stage I EOC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep endometriosis with colorectal involvement is considered one of the most severe forms of the disease due to its impact on patients\' quality of life and fertility but also by the difficulties encountered by the clinicians when proposing a therapeutic strategy. Although the literature is very rich, evidence based medicine remains poor explaining the great heterogeneity concerning the management of such patients. Surgery therefore remains a therapeutic option. It improves the intensity of gynecological, digestive and general symptoms and the quality of life. Concerning the surgical approach, it appears that laparoscopy should be the first option; the laparoscopic robot-assisted route can also be proposed. The techniques of rectal shaving, discoid resection and segmental resection are the three techniques used for surgical excision of colorectal endometriosis. The parameters taken into account for the use of either technique are: the surgeon\'s experience, the depth of infiltration of the lesion within the rectosigmoid wall, the lesion size and circumference, multifocality and the distance of the lesion from the anal margin. In the case of deep endometriosis with colorectal involvement, performing an incomplete surgery increases the rate of pain recurrence and decreases postoperative fertility. In case of surgery for colorectal endometriosis, pregnancy rates are similar to those obtained after ART in non-operated patients. Existing data are insufficient to formally recommend first line surgery or ART in infertile patients with colorectal endometriosis. The surgery for colorectal endometriosis exposes to a risk of postoperative complications and recurrence of which the patients should be informed preoperatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The available literature, from 2006 to 2017, on hormonal treatment has been analysed as a contribution to the HAS-CNGOF task force for the treatment of endometriosis. Available data are heterogeneous and the general level of evidence is moderate. Hormonal treatment is usually offered as the primary option to women suffering from endometriosis. It cannot be used in women willing to conceive. In women who have not been operated, the first line of hormonal treatment includes combined oral contraceptives (COC) and the levonorgestrel-releasing intra uterine system (52mg LNG-IUS). As a second line, desogestrel progestin only pills, etonogestrel implants, GnRH analogs (GnRHa) with add back therapy and dienogest can be offered. Add back therapy should include estrogens to prevent bone loss and improve quality of life, it can be introduced before the third month of treatment to prevent side effects. The literature does not support preoperative hormonal treatment for the sole purpose of reducing complications or recurrence, or facilitating surgical procedures. After surgical treatment, hormonal treatment is recommended to prevent pain recurrence and improve quality of life. COCs or LNG IUS are recommended as a first line. To prevent recurrence of endometriomas COC is advised and maintained as long as tolerance is good in the absence of pregnancy plans. In case of dysmenorrhea, postoperative COC should be used in a continuous scheme. GnRHa are not recommended in the sole purpose of reducing endometrioma recurrence risk.





