
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to investigate if Low Anterior Resection Syndrome (LARS) score contributed with complementary information to Wexner score when assessing fecal incontinence (FI). The hypothesis was that LARS score would be likely to provide complementary information to Wexner score in the assessment of FI regardless of etiology. LARS score has been used as a complement to traditional scoring systems to assess bowel dysfunction, targeting FI among patients after radical cystectomy, in women with endometriosis, and in colorectal cancer patients. Wexner score as a single tool does not address the complexity of FI and urgency, a disabling symptom. A retrospective cohort study at a surgical outpatient clinic included patients diagnosed with FI who answered LARS and Wexner scores questionnaires at their first visit to the clinic between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2018. Kendall\'s tau, Spearman rank correlation, Cohen\'s kappa, and scatterplots were analyzed for participants and specific subgroups to assess any correlation and agreement between answers to the two scoring systems. One hundred nineteen patients met the inclusion criteria, one hundred eight women and eleven men. Kendall\'s tau ranged from 0.32 to 0.39, indicating lack of correlation. Correlation coefficients using Spearman rank ranged from 0.36 to 0.55, i.e., only fair to moderate correlation. Kappa was 0.21-0.28, i.e., only slight to fair agreement. Distribution of LARS and Wexner scores in the scatterplot showed wide variability and lack of agreement. Combined use of both the Wexner and LARS scores provided complimentary information, and thus a more complete mapping of FI as well as taking all entities in consideration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anal fissure is one of the most common proctological pathologies. It consists of the formation of a longitudinal tear in the anoderm, causing pain and bleeding during and after defecation. When chronic, it can significantly negatively impact the quality of life of the affected patient. Currently, multiple therapeutic options are available, both medical and surgical. The objective of this article is to highlight the historical evolution in the physiopathological understanding and treatment of this disease, underlining the key moments in this history. This is the first article to summarize the milestones in the treatment of anal fissure from ancient to current times.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report outlines the intricate management of rectal perforation following laser hemorrhoidoplasty in a 31-year-old female, leading to an acute abdomen, sepsis, and multiorgan failure. Urgent laparoscopic exploration and the establishment of a double-loop colostomy were undertaken, marking the beginning of a complex course characterized by relapsed pelvic sepsis. Laser hemorrhoidoplasty has gained widespread acceptance for its minimally invasive approach in treating hemorrhoids. Remarkably, to our knowledge, the case we present is the first major complication reported after laser hemorrhoidoplasty, likely attributed to collateral thermic and mechanical tissue damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Research in pilonidal disease faces several challenges, one of which is consistent and useful disease classification. The International Pilonidal Society (IPS) proposed a four-part classification in 2017. The aim of this work was to assess the validity and reliability of this tool using data from the PITSTOP cohort study.
    METHODS: Face validity was assessed by mapping the items/domains in the IPS tool against tools identified through a systematic review. Key concepts were defined as those appearing in more than two-thirds of published tools. Concurrent and predictive validity were assessed by comparing key patient-reported outcome measures between groups at baseline and at clinic visit. The outcomes of interest were health utility, Cardiff Wound Impact Questionnaire (CWIQ) and pain score between groups. Significance was set at p = 0.05 a priori. Interrater reliability was assessed using images captured during the PITSTOP cohort. Ninety images were assessed by six raters (two experts, two general surgeons and two trainees), and classified into IPS type. Interrater reliability was assessed using the unweighted kappa and unweighted Gwet\'s AC1 statistics.
    RESULTS: For face validity items represented in the IPS were common to other classification systems. Concurrent and predictive validity assessment showed differences in health utility and pain between groups at baseline, and for some treatment groups at follow-up. Assessors agreed the same classification in 38% of participants [chance-corrected kappa 0.52 (95% CI 0.42-0.61), Gwet\'s AC1 0.63 (95% CI 0.56-0.69)].
    CONCLUSIONS: The IPS classification demonstrates key aspects of reliability and validity that would support its implementation.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    UNASSIGNED: During the state of alarm established in Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the face-to-face outpatient consultations were cancelled and a telephone consultation was established to follow up coloproctological patients. The objective of this study was to analyse the efficacy of telemedicine (by telephone) in monitoring patients in a coloproctology unit, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    UNASSIGNED: Prospective descriptive study of consecutive patients in a single centre. The result of the teleconsultation was classified as discharge, resolved visit or reprogramming and was analysed by different diagnostic groups.
    UNASSIGNED: From March 19th to April 17th, 2020, the teleconsultation of 190 patients was carried out. The response rate was 94.2% (179). The diagnostic categories of the patients attended were: 51 (26.9%) colorectal neoplasia, 48 (25.3%) proctological pathology, 72 (37.9%) pelvic floor dysfunctions and 19 (10%) other benign pathologies. 105 (55.26%) could be recited as if they had come in person. Eleven (5.8%) patients were discharged. No significant differences were found between the different diagnostic categories and the resolution of the teleconsultation. The reasons for reprogramming are analyzed in the study.
    UNASSIGNED: In the context of a pandemic, teleconsultation has allowed 61% of follow-up visits to be definitively solved, avoiding the reprogramming of 116 patients. The new social and health paradigm after the pandemic will require a rethinking of our healthcare model, and in many aspects, telemedicine can offer tools for this.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Quality of life (QoL) is a crucial and core outcome in assessing the effectiveness of treatments for cryptoglandular anal fistula. Despite its extensive impact, there is a lack of patient-centred, disease-specific QoL measurement instruments of adequate quality. The aim of this study is to develop a disease-specific measurement instrument that can accurately measure QoL for patients with cryptoglandular anal fistula.
    METHODS: Semi-structured qualitative patient interviews and a systematic review of current instruments were used to generate items for the draft instrument. This underwent successive rounds of cognitive interviews to refine its wording and structure. Individual item and overall scale content validity were determined by asking experts to rate the relevance of each item and those deemed irrelevant were removed. The final instrument then underwent psychometric testing and test-retest analysis to determine its sensitivity and stability.
    RESULTS: A total of 148 patients were involved in item generation, scale development and psychometric testing. A 22-item measurement instrument has been developed; it is scored on a scale of 0-100, where 0 indicates the worst QoL and 100 demonstrates perfect QoL. The scale demonstrates excellent internal consistency (Cronbach-α = 0.927), strong content and construct validity [correlation with Perianal Disease Activity Index = -0.713, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Anxiety (-0.659) and Depression (-0.673) subscales and Short Form-12 physical (0.609) and mental (0.589) component scales] and strong reliability and responsiveness.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have developed a cryptoglandular Anal Fistula Quality of Life scale (AF-QoL), a comprehensive, disease-specific patient reported outcome measure assessing QoL in patients with cryptoglandular anal fistula.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Symptomatic haemorrhoids (SH) are a common condition; however, conventional outpatient treatment, including rubber band ligation, is contraindicated in patients receiving concurrent anticoagulation. Injection sclerotherapy (IST) has been proposed as a treatment option for these patients.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of case notes was performed in a colorectal surgery department that sits alongside a tertiary cardiothoracic surgical unit. Patients treated with an IST for SH between 1 April 2014 and 30 November 2021 were identified. Anticoagulation was not stopped in these patients as they were at high risk of developing thromboembolism, except in two patients who required alternative procedures. The primary outcome was symptom resolution, defined as no patient reporting bleeding for at least six months. The secondary outcomes were patient-reported complications, number of IST procedures and number of other procedures performed to achieve symptom resolution.
    RESULTS: A total of 20 patients with a median age of 64 years (range 35-86, 14 male) who underwent 32 IST treatments were identified. Symptom resolution was achieved in 18 (90%) patients using IST while continuing anticoagulation treatment, with two (10%) patients requiring alternative interventions. Ten patients (50%) required only one IST procedure, and three patients (15%) required two procedures. The remaining five (25%) patients required three or four interventions. The median time between IST treatments was 32 weeks (range 8-133). No complications were reported.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that IST can be considered as a potential treatment option for patients with SH who are at a high risk of thromboembolic disease requiring anticoagulation.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Anogenital disorders encompass a broad spectrum of conditions with diverse pathogenetic origins, often presenting with nonspecific symptoms and overlapping causative factors, thereby posing diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Effective management requires interdisciplinary knowledge and the use of medical guidelines. Guidelines can play an important role in translating current knowledge into clinical practice and ensuring consistent care, minimizing complications, and optimizing patient outcomes.
    OBJECTIVE: The dermatologically relevant guidelines for anogenital disorders, categorized by etiological groups, are reviewed.
    METHODS: A selective literature review was conducted, incorporating data from the guideline repository of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF).
    RESULTS: A broad range of current guidelines pertinent to the management of anogenital disorders with relevance for dermatologists is available. These encompass guidelines for the management of chronic inflammatory dermatoses with (potential) involvement of the anogenital region, such as anal eczema, psoriasis, lichen sclerosus, or lichen ruber, as well as sexually transmitted infections and associated conditions, involving a broad range of pathogens, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, or human papillomaviruses (HPV)-associated disorders. In this article, we provide an overview of the available guidelines.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present article does not claim to be exhaustive. The validity of the mentioned guidelines and the availability of updates needs to be verified in each case.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Im Anogenitalbereich treten vielfältige Erkrankungen mit sehr unterschiedlichen pathogenetischen Ursachen auf. Teils unspezifische Symptome und überlappende Ursachen erschweren die Diagnose und Behandlung. Die effektive Diagnose und Behandlung erfordern interdisziplinäres Wissen und die Anwendung von medizinischen Leitlinien. Leitlinien spielen eine wichtige Rolle beim Transfer des aktuellen Wissensstands in die klinische Praxis und bei der Gewährleistung einer konsistenten Versorgung, Minimierung von Komplikationen und Optimierung der Ergebnisse für Patient*innen.
    UNASSIGNED: Ziel war die Erstellung einer Übersicht über die aktuell vorliegenden dermatologisch relevanten Leitlinien für das Management von ausgewählten Erkrankungen des Anogenitalbereichs.
    METHODS: Es erfolgte eine elektive Literaturrecherche unter Einbezug des Leitlinienregisters der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften (AWMF).
    UNASSIGNED: Es liegt eine Vielzahl aktueller Leitlinien zur Behandlung anogenitaler Erkrankungen von dermatologischer Relevanz vor. Dies umfasst insbesondere Leitlinien für chronisch entzündliche Dermatosen mit (möglicher) Beteiligung des Anogenitalbereichs, wie etwa das Analekzem, die Psoriasis, den Lichen sclerosus oder Lichen ruber, sowie sexuell übertragbare Infektionen und assoziierte Erkrankungen mit einer großen Bandbreite an Pathogenen, etwa Gonorrhö, Chlamydien, Syphilis oder HPV(humane Papillomaviren)-assoziierte Erkrankungen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag geben wir eine Übersicht über die bestehenden Leitlinien.
    UNASSIGNED: Die vorliegende Übersicht erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Die Gültigkeit der genannten Leitlinien oder das Vorliegen von Aktualisierungen ist im Einzelfall zu prüfen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an increase in outpatient procedures and this trend will continue in the future. For hemorrhoidectomy, it is the standard of treatment in many health care systems. Perioperative management including adequate pain control is of paramount importance to ensure successful ambulatory surgery. This study investigates the role and effect of morphine compared to short-acting opiates applied before, during, or after proctological interventions and with focus on hemorrhoidectomy. A retrospective analysis of a prospective database was conducted comparing two populations. The control cohort received morphine (Yes-Mô) intra- and postoperatively, while the intervention group did not receive morphine (No-Mô) between January 2018 and January 2020. Both cohorts were balanced by propensity score matching. The outcomes were postoperative pain measured by numeric ratings scale (NRS) one hour postoperatively, pain 24 h postoperatively, success rate of outpatient management, and complication rate including postoperative nausea and vomiting as well as urinary retention. The intervention population comprised 54 patients and the control group contained 79 patients. One hour after surgery, patients in No-Mô reported lower NRS (1.44 ± 1.41) compared to Yes-Mô (2.48 ± 2.30) (p = 0.029). However, there was no difference in NRS 24 h postoperatively (No-Mô: 1.61 ± 1.41 vs Yes-Mô: 1.63 ± 1.72; p = 0.738). 100% of No-Mô was managed as outpatients while only 50% of Yes-Mô was dismissed on the day of the operation (p = < 0.001). There was no difference in postoperative complications (including postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and urinary retention) between the two groups (PONV No-Mô 7.4% vs Yes-Mô 5.6%, p = 1.0 and urinary retention No-Mô 3.7% vs Yes-Mô 7.4%, p = 0.679). No-Mô received an oral morphine equivalent of 227.25 ± 140.35 mg intraoperatively and 11.02 ± 18.02 mg postoperatively. Yes-Mô received 263.17 ± 153.60 mg intraoperatively and 15.97 ± 14.17 mg postoperatively. The difference in received morphine equivalent between the groups was not significant after matching for the intraoperative (p = 0.212) and postoperative (p = 0.119) received equivalent. Omission of perioperative morphine is a viable but yet not understood method for reducing postoperative pain. Omission of morphine leads to a lower use of total morphine equivalent to attain satisfactory analgesia. The reduction of the overall opiate load and using opiates with a very short half-life potentially leads to a reduction of side effects like sedation. This in turn promotes discharge of the patient on the day of surgery. Omission of morphine is safe and does not increase postoperative complications.





