
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant growth on mine wastes is restricted by the lack of water, nutrients, phytotoxic responses and the absence of a seedbank. In a mesocosm study, we addressed the establishment of vegetation on metalliferous mine wastes from two seed mixtures. Besides the composition of the vegetation and the increase in plant cover and biomass over time, we studied concentrations of heavy metals in the shoot and analyzed the quantity of throughflow, its pH and EC to follow pollutant discharge. We hypothesized that the types of mine wastes and sown grasslands will affect species composition and the formation of a protective plant cover. Our platform was well-suited to study build-up and succession of a vegetation layer and its potential to stabilize mine wastes. However, the establishing community was less diverse than expected. The dilution of wastes increased species number and biomass, and we found a reduction of material discharge with increasing vegetation cover. Over time, drainage was reduced, while pH of the throughflow did not change. However, it was higher under the addition of greywater. Interestingly, the use of greywater led to a higher biomass in one mixture and slight changes in the chemistry of the throughflow and the plant matter.
    Here, we present an integrative method to test the greening potentials of mine wastes. In the mesocosm approach different mine wastes, additives and seed mixtures can be screened and the potential of the establishing vegetation to reduce drainage and runoff may be addressed at the same time. Furthermore, analyses of pollutants in plants, soil substrates and drainage waters serve to study the phytoextraction and phytostabilization potentials of the established vegetation and their ecological services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytoremediation is a cost-effective nature-based solution for brownfield reclamation. The choice of phytoextraction or phytostabilization strategies is highly relevant when planning full-scale treatments. A suitable approach to identify such species involves the evaluation of plants that grow spontaneously on the contaminated sites. Here, we sought to determine the phytoremediation potential of three spontaneous plant species, namely the trees Acer pseudoplatanus L (A. pseudoplatanus) and Betula celtiberica Rothm. & Vasc (B. celtiberica), and the shrub Buddleja davidii Franch (B. davidii), for the recovery of an urban brownfield. To determine the response of the species to the degree of contamination, we conducted soil and vegetation sampling inside and outside the site. The concentrations of As, Cu, and Zn in soil and plant samples were measured, and then various indexes related to phytoremediation were calculated. The translocation factor and transfer coefficient indicated that vegetation outside the brownfield had phytoextraction capacity while the same plants inside the brownfield revealed phytostabilization properties. Given our results, we propose that the selected species are suitable for phytostabilization strategies in areas with high concentrations of contaminants, whereas they could be used for phytoextraction only in soils with low or moderate levels of pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed at evaluating the geochemical fractions of Zn, Pb, Cd and their bioavailability in soil in-depth and around the root of Pinus halepensis grown on heavily contaminated mine tailing in south-western Sardinia, Italy. The contaminated substrates were partly investigated in a previous study and are composed of pyrite, dolomite, calcite, quartz, gypsum, barite, iron-sulfate and iron-oxide. The geochemical fractions and bioavailability of Zn, Pb and Cd were measured through the BCR extractions method. Cadmium in the superficial contaminated substrates was mainly found in the exchangeable BCR fraction. Zinc and lead were often found in the residual BCR fraction. PCA confirmed that the uppermost alkaline-calcareous layers of mine waste were different with respect to the deeper acidic layers. We demonstrated that Pb and Zn were less present in the exchangeable form around the roots of P. halepensis and in soil depth. This can be due to uptake or other beneficial effect of rhizospheres interaction processes. Further studies will shed light to confirm if P. halepensis is a good candidate to apply phytostabilization in mine tailing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitigation of metals contamination is currently a crucial issue for the reclamation of mine sites. Indeed, mine wastes are often disposed in open dumps and consequently pollutants are subjected to dispersion in the surrounding areas. In this study, the potential use of Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum for phytostabilization was evaluated in ex situ conditions. Ninety specimens were randomly selected and were planted in three substrates (reference substrate, mine waste materials, and mine wastes with compost). Mineralogical compositions of substrates, rhizosphere, and roots were assessed through X-ray diffraction (XRD). Zn, Pb, and Cd concentrations of substrates, rhizosphere, soil pore waters, and plant tissues were determined. The phytostabilization potential was determined through the application of biological accumulation coefficient (BAC), biological concentration factor (BCF), and translocation factor (TF). Moreover, survival and biometric parameters were assessed on plant specimens. The polluted substrates and related rhizosphere materials were mainly composed of dolomite, quartz, pyrite, and phyllosilicate. Zn was the most abundant metal in substrates, rhizosphere, and soil pore waters. XRD analysis on roots showed the presence of amorphous cellulose and quartz and Zn was the most abundant metal in plant tissues. H. microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum restricts the accumulation of the metals into roots limiting their translocation in aereal parts, indicating its potential use as phytostabilizer (BCF, BAC, TF < 1). Survival and growth data showed a great adaptability to different substrates, with an evident positive effect of the implementation of compost which increased the plant survival and decreased the metals uptake into roots.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytoremediation techniques to clean heavy metal pollution soil depend on identifying plant species that can act as phytoremediators. One important approach to screening potential phytoremediators is to evaluate characteristics of heavy metal accumulation. In this study, we performed firsthand analysis of Cd tolerance and accumulation characteristics of three Sansevieria trifasciata cultivars by pot experiment. Plant growth results showed that all three S. trifasciata cultivars can tolerate 50 mg kg-1 soil Cd concentration. After growth under 50 mg kg-1 soil Cd concentration for 4 months, the Cd bioconcentration factors in the shoots of S. \'Trifasciata\', S. trifasciata \'Laurentii\', and S. trifasciata \'Silver Hahnii\' were 1.26, 1.30, and 1.19, while those in the roots were 12.53, 11.43, and 5.45, respectively. This result reveals the considerably low translocation factors of 0.10, 0.12, and 0.22 for S. \'Trifasciata\', S. trifasciata \'Laurentii\', and S. trifasciata \'Silver Hahnii\', respectively. These results suggest that all three S. trifasciata cultivars had high Cd absorption capacities but low Cd translocation capacities. In combination with total Cd accumulation distribution and plant growth characteristics, S. trifasciata can be designed as a phytostabilizer in Cd-contaminated soils in its cultivation regions. Meanwhile, the mechanism of high Cd tolerance and accumulation characteristics in the roots of S. trifasciata should be explored. This study provides new resources for dealing with Cd-contaminated soils and exploring Cd tolerance and accumulation mechanisms in plants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to evaluate the physiological mechanisms underlying differences in metals and metalloid uptake and tolerance of two tree species cultivated in mining waste material. Two-year old Acer platanoides L. and Tilia cordata Mill. were cultivated in mining sludge characterized by high pH, salinity and an extremely high concentration of As. Both species were able to develop leaves from leafless seedlings, however, their total biomass was greatly reduced in comparison to control plants, following the severe disturbances in chlorophyll content. Phytoextraction abilities were observed for T. cordata for Ba, Nb, Rb and Se, and phytostabilisation was stated for Pd, Ru, Sc and Sm for both species, Ba and Nd for A. platonoides and Be for T. cordata only. Metal exclusion was observed for the majority of detected elements indicating an intense limitation of metal transport to photosynthetic tissue. A diversified uptake of elements was accompanied by a species-specific pattern of physiological reaction during the cultivation in sludge. Organic ligands (glutatnione and low-molecular-weight organic acids) were suppressed in A. platanoides, and enhanced biosynthesis of phenolic compounds was observed for both species, being more pronounced in T. cordata. Despite its higher accumulation of key metabolites for plant reaction to oxidative stress, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and organic ligands, T. cordata exhibited relatively lower tolerance to sludge, probably due to the increased uptake and translocation rate of toxic metal/loids to aerial organs and/or restricted accumulation of salicylic acid which is known to play a decisive role in mechanisms of plant tolerance.





