
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech alterations have been reported in manifest Huntington\'s disease (HD) and premanifest mutation carriers (preHD). The aim of our study was to explore these alterations in preHD and whether they can be used as biomarkers. 13 preHD mutation carriers performed reading task, sustained phonation task and syllable repetition tasks at baseline and after 21 months, as well as clinical examination and MRI. Syllable repetition capacity and self-chosen velocity of single syllable repetition differed significantly between time points. There were no changes in clinical ratings or MRI volumetry. Measurements of speech might be sensitive tools for monitoring subclinical changes in preHD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to describe the acoustic, auditory-perceptive, and subjective voice changes under the Lombard effect (LE) in adductor laryngeal dystonia (AdLD) patients.
    METHODS: Subjective perception of vocal effort (OMNI Vocal Effort Scale OMNI-VES), Maximum Phonation Time (MPT), and the perceptual severity of dysphonia (GRBAS scale) were assessed in condition of stillness and under LE in 10 AdLD patients and in 10 patients with typical voice. Speakers were asked to produce the sustained vowel /a/ and to read a phonetically balanced text aloud. Using the PRAAT software, the following acoustic parameters were analyzed: Mean Pitch (Hz), Minimum and Maximum Intensity (dB), the Fraction of Locally Unvoiced Frames, the Number of Voice Breaks, the Degree of Voice Breaks (%), the Cepstral Peak Prominence-Smoothed (CPPS) (dB).
    RESULTS: Under LE, the AdLD group showed a decrease of both G and S parameters of GRBAS and subjective effort, mean MPT increased significantly; in the controls there were no significant changes. In both groups under LE, pitch and intensity of the sustained vowel /a/ significantly increased consistently with LE. In the AdLD group the mean gain of OMNI-VES score and the mean gain of each parameter of the speech analysis were significantly greater than the controls\' ones.
    CONCLUSIONS: Auditory feedback deprivation obtained under LE improves subjective, perceptual-auditory, and acoustics parameters of AdLD patients. These findings encourage further research to provide new knowledge into the role of the auditory system in the pathogenesis of AdLD and to develop new therapeutic strategies.
    METHODS: 4 Laryngoscope, 134:3754-3760, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify factors that influence vocal habits during online meetings (OMs).
    METHODS: A prospective trial of forty participants without any known hearing or vocal cord disorders. Subjects participated in an OM divided into six randomly ordered sections, with alterations in audio/speaking equipment and language: the computer\'s speaker-microphone, a single earbud, two-earbuds or headphones; with/without video, native-language-speaking (Hebrew) versus second language-speaking (English). Each section included free speech, sustained phonation, and a standardized passage. Participants ranked their vocal-effort for each section. Three blinded raters independently scored the voice using the GRBAS scale, and acoustic analyses were performed.
    RESULTS: No significant difference in self-reported vocal effort was demonstrated between sections. Second-language speaking resulted in significantly increased intensity (p < 0.0001), frequency (p = 0.015), GRBAS (p = 0.008), and strain (p < 0.0001) scores. Using the computer\'s speaker/microphone resulted in significantly higher strain (p < 0.0001). Using headphones, single or two earbuds resulted in lower intensity and a lower strain score. No differences were detected between OMs with or without video.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using the computer\'s microphone/speaker or speaking in a second language during OMs, may result in vocal habits associated with vocal trauma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to compare the acoustic characteristics of voice between Auditory Brainstem Implantees, Cochlear Implantees and normal hearing children. Voice parameters such as fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, perturbation measures, and harmonic to noise ratio were measured in a total of 30 children out of which 10 were Auditory Brainstem Implantees, 10 were Cochlear Implantees and 10 were normal hearing children. Parametric and nonparametric statistics were done to establish the nature of significance between the three groups. Overall deviancies were seen in the implanted group for all acoustic parameters. However abnormal deviations were seen in individuals with Auditory Brainstem Implants indicating the deficit in the feedback loop impacting the voice characteristics. The deviancy in feedback could attribute to the poor performance in ABI and CI. The CI performed comparatively better when compared to the ABI group indicating a slight feedback loop due to the type of Implant. However, there needs to be additional evidence supporting this and there is a need to carry out the same study using a larger sample size and a longitudinal design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with Parkinson\'s disease (PD) experience speech and voice-related symptoms that diminish communication and quality of life. Semi-occluded vocal tract (SOVT) exercises are targeted interventions that, when combined with the positive psychosocial benefits of therapeutic group singing (TGS), may affect outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of SOVT exercises, specifically straw phonation combined with TGS, to improve voice quality and mood for individuals with PD. We used a true experimental pretest-posttest between-subjects design (i.e., randomized controlled trial) facilitated by a board-certified music therapist. All participants (N = 27) were randomly assigned to one of three groups (a) straw phonation combined with TGS (SP + TGS, n = 10), (b) TGS (n = 10), and (c) speaking-only control group (n = 7). Participants completed voice recordings for acoustic measures and the Visual Analogue Mood Scale for mood analysis before and after a 30-min intervention. The results demonstrated significant improvement in voice quality evidenced by decreasing Acoustic Voice Quality Index scores following a single session for both SP + TGS and TGS intervention groups when compared to the control. Happiness scores improved in the experimental groups when compared to control. Although not statistically significant, participants in the experimental groups (SP + TGS, TGS) demonstrated better mean mood scores on happiness, anxiety, and angry when compared to control, indicating a positive psychological response to the singing interventions. Overall, this study indicated the effectiveness of SP + TGS and TGS as promising therapeutic interventions for voice quality and mood in individuals with PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abductor laryngeal dystonia (ABLD) is a rare neurological voice disorder which results in sporadic opening of the vocal folds during speech. Etiology is unknown, and to date there is no identified effective behavioral treatment for it. It is hypothesized that LSVT LOUD®, which was developed to treat dysphonia secondary to Parkinson\'s disease, may have application to speakers with ABLD to improve outcomes beyond that with botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) treatment alone. The participant received one injection of BoNT in each vocal fold 2 to 3 months prior to initiating intensive voice therapy via teletherapy. Objective measures of vocal loudness (dB sound pressure level), maximum phonation time, and high/low pitch frequency (Hz) were recorded in all treatment sessions and follow-up sessions. Over the course of treatment, the participant showed steady gains in phonation time, volume, pitch range, and vocal quality with a substantial reduction in aphonic voice breaks by the end of the treatment program. Perceptual symptoms of ABLD were nearly undetectable by the participant and the clinicians up to 12 months posttreatment, with no additional BoNT injections. The results suggest that LSVT LOUD® following BoNT was effective, with long-lasting improvement in vocal function, for this speaker with ABLD.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    The present study aimed at assessing the efficacy of remote voice therapy (telepractice) implemented with Shaker Medic Plus device in subjects with vocal fatigue.
    Thirty-six participants were initially enrolled in this study. Twenty-four participants with vocal fatigue were finally randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: (a) voice treatment with Shaker Medic Plus device plus vocal hygiene program (n = 12) and (b) voice treatment with water resistance therapy (WRT) plus vocal hygiene program (n = 12). Laryngoscopic assessment was conducted on all subjects. Before and after voice therapy, participants underwent (a) self-assessment of voice: Vocal Fatigue Index and Vocal Tract Discomfort Scale and (b) instrumental assessment with aerodynamic, acoustic, and electroglottographic measures. The treatment period included six voice therapy sessions within 6 weeks. Each session lasted 30 min. For both groups, exercises consisted of a sequence of nine phonatory tasks performed with Shaker Medic Plus (experimental group) and WRT (control group). Comparisons for all variables were performed between the experimental group and control group.
    Significant improvements were found for self-reported variables when comparing pre- and postmeasures for both groups. No significant differences were found when comparing groups. No significant main effects or interactions were observed for any of the observed instrumental variables.
    Remote physiologic voice therapy with Shaker Medic Plus device and water resistance therapy seem to be both effective to improve voice in subjects diagnosed with vocal fatigue. No differences should be expected between these therapeutic protocols when treating patients with vocal fatigue. Moreover, both are effective at reducing tiredness of voice, voice avoidance, physical discomfort associated with voicing, subjective perception of sensory discomfort in throat, and reduction of physical, emotional, and functional impact of voice problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study explored how respiration, voice, and speech were affected following expiratory muscle strength training (EMST) and maintenance training in persons with Parkinson\'s disease (PD) or multiple sclerosis (MS).
    UNASSIGNED: Nine participants with PD and six with MS participated in a randomised study, where the effects of EMST, sham, and maintenance treatment were investigated. Outcome measures included maximum expiratory pressure (MEP); maximum phonation time (MPT); intelligibility; verbal diadochokinesis (DDK); speech rate; a self-report form on voice, speech, and communication; and open questions about how the participants experienced the intervention. Group comparisons were performed within and between groups.
    UNASSIGNED: The PD and the MS groups both improved significantly in MEP, and this improvement remained after 3 months of maintenance EMST. An improvement was also seen in DDK. Post-EMST, 33% of the PD group and 80% of the MS group reported a positive effect on communication.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of this study support previous evidence that EMST has positive effects on expiratory pressure in persons with PD or MS, but its effect on voice and speech remains unclear. Since subjective reports of the intervention and effects on communication were predominantly positive, further research is needed on larger groups to explore appropriate outcome measures.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition with constantly increasing prevalence rates, affecting strongly life quality in terms of neuromotor and cognitive performance. PD symptoms include voice and speech alterations, known as hypokinetic dysarthria (HD). Unstable phonation is one of the manifestations of HD. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a rehabilitative treatment thathas been shown to improve some motor and non-motor symptoms of persons with PD (PwP). This study analyzed the phonation functional behavior of 18 participants (13 males, 5 females) with PD diagnosis before (one pre-stimulus) and after (four post-stimulus) evaluation sessions of rTMS treatment, to assess the extent of changes in their phonation stability. Participants were randomized 1:1 to receive either rTMS or sham stimulation. Voice recordings of a sustained vowel [a:] taken immediately before and after the treatment, and at follow-up evaluation sessions (immediately after, at six, ten, and fourteen weeks after the baseline assessment) were processed by inverse filtering to estimate a biomechanical correlate of vocal fold tension. This estimate was further band-pass filtered into EEG-related frequency bands. Log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) between pre- and post-stimulus amplitude distributions of each frequency band showed significant differences in five cases actively stimulated. Seven cases submitted to the sham protocol did not show relevant improvements in phonation instability. Conversely, four active cases did not show phonation improvements, whereas two sham cases did. The study provides early preliminary insights into the capability of phonation quality assessment by monitoring neuromechanical activity from acoustic signals in frequency bands aligned with EEG ones.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Teachers stand out among occupational groups due to their contribution to modern societies, and their voice is the main form of interaction.
    The aim of the study was to verify the changes in vocal and respiratory measurements from teachers with vocal and musculoskeletal complaints and with normal larynx after applying a musculoskeletal manipulation protocol of myofascial release using pompage.
    Controlled and randomized clinical trial with 56 participants: 28 teachers in the study group and 28 teachers in the control group. Anamnesis, videolaryngoscopy, hearing screening, sound pressure and maximum phonation time measurements, and manovacuometry were performed. The musculoskeletal manipulation protocol of myofascial release using pompage consisted of a total of 24 sessions, 40 min for each session, three times a week, for 8 weeks.
    There was a significant improvement in the maximum respiratory pressure in the study group after the intervention. The sound pressure level and the maximum phonation time did not change significantly.
    Musculoskeletal manipulation protocol of myofascial release using pompage had a direct effect on the respiratory measurements from female teachers, significantly increasing the maximum respiratory pressure but without affecting sound pressure level and the /a/ maximum phonation time.





