
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hand-wrist radiography is the most common and accurate method for evaluating children\'s bone age. To reduce the scattered radiation of radiosensitive organs in bone age assessment, we designed a small X-ray instrument with radioprotection function by adding metal enclosure for X-ray shielding. We used a phantom operator to compare the scattered radiation doses received by sensitive organs under three different protection scenarios (proposed instrument, radiation personal protective equipment, no protection). The proposed instrument showed greater reduction in the mean dose of a single exposure compared with radiation personal protective equipment especially on the left side which was proximal to the X-ray machine (≥80.0% in eye and thyroid,  ≥99.9% in breast and gonad). The proposed instrument provides a new pathway towards more convenient and efficient radioprotection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lung cancer remains a leading cause of death among cancer patients. Computed tomography (CT) plays a key role in lung cancer screening. Previous studies have not adequately quantified the effect of scanning protocols on the detected tumor size. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of various CT scanning parameters on tumor size and densitometry based on a phantom study and to investigate the optimal energy and mA image quality for screening assessment.
    We proposed a new model using the LUNGMAN N1 phantom multipurpose anthropomorphic chest phantom (diameters: 8, 10, and 12 mm; CT values: - 100, - 630, and - 800 HU) to evaluate the influence of changes in tube voltage and tube current on the size and density of pulmonary nodules. In the LUNGMAN N1 model, three types of simulated lung nodules representing solid tumors of different sizes were used. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were used to evaluate the image quality of each scanning combination. The consistency between the calculated results based on segmentation from two physicists was evaluated using the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
    In terms of nodule size, the longest diameters of ground-glass nodules (GGNs) were closest to the ground truth on the images measured at 100 kVp tube voltage, and the longest diameters of solid nodules were closest to the ground truth on the images measured at 80 kVp tube voltage. In respect to density, the CT values of GGNs and solid nodules were closest to the ground truth when measured at 80 kVp and 100 kVp tube voltage, respectively. The overall agreement demonstrates that the measurements were consistent between the two physicists.
    Our proposed model demonstrated that a combination of 80 kVp and 140 mA scans was preferred for measuring the size of the solid nodules, and a combination of 100 kVp and 100 mA scans was preferred for measuring the size of the GGNs when performing lung cancer screening. The CT values at 80 kVp and 100 kVp were preferred for the measurement of GGNs and solid nodules, respectively, which were closest to the true CT values of the nodules. Therefore, the combination of scanning parameters should be selected for different types of nodules to obtain more accurate nodal data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    No study has rigorously compared the performances of iodine quantification on recent CT systems employing different emission-based technologies, depending on the manufacturers and models.
    A specific bespoke phantom was used for this study, with 12 known concentrations of iodinated contrast agent: 0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0 and 50.0 mg/mL. Three different dual-energy scanners were tested: one system using dual-source acquisition (CT#1) and two systems using Fast kilovolt-peak switching technology ± artificial intelligence (AI) reconstruction methods (CT#2 and #3) from two different manufacturers. For each system, helical scans were performed following recommended clinical protocols. Four acquisitions were performed per iodine concentration (mg/mL), and measurements were made on iodine-maps using ROIs. Mean measured values were compared to the known concentrations, and the absolute quantification error (AQE) and the relative percentage error (RPE) were used to compare the performances of each CT.
    The accuracy of the obtained measurements varied depending on the studied model but not on the acquisition mode (dual-source vs kVp switch ± AI). The quantification was more precise at high concentrations. RPE values were below 10 % with CT#2 (kVp switch) and below 25 % with CT#1 (dual-source), but were significantly higher with CT#3 (kVp switch + AI), exceeding 50 % at low concentrations (<3 mg/mL).
    With the help of a phantom, we identified variability in the results accuracy depending on the CT model, with sometimes significant deviation. Considering the performances of the different DECT technologies in iodine mapping, dual-source (CT#1) and kVp switch (CT#2) technologies appear more accurate than kVp switch technology combined with deep-learning-based reconstruction (CT#3) especially at low concentrations (<3 mg/mL).
    As the primary and daily user of medical imaging devices, the radiographer role is to be attentive to the performance of imaging systems, particularly when performing quantitative acquisitions like iodine-quantification. In CT quantitative imaging (iodine map), it\'s essential for radiographers to consider their CT systems as measuring tools, and to be aware of their accuracies and limits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dramatic advances in the management of congenital heart disease (CHD) have improved survival to adulthood from less than 10% in the 1960s to over 90% in the current era, such that adult CHD (ACHD) patients now outnumber their pediatric counterparts. ACHD patients demonstrate domain-specific neurocognitive deficits associated with reduced quality of life that include deficits in educational attainment and social interaction. Our hypothesis is that ACHD patients exhibit vascular brain injury and structural/physiological brain alterations that are predictive of specific neurocognitive deficits modified by behavioral and environmental enrichment proxies of cognitive reserve (e.g., level of education and lifestyle/social habits). This technical note describes an ancillary study to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)-funded Pediatric Heart Network (PHN) \"Multi-Institutional Neurocognitive Discovery Study (MINDS) in Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD)\". Leveraging clinical, neuropsychological, and biospecimen data from the parent study, our study will provide structural-physiological correlates of neurocognitive outcomes, representing the first multi-center neuroimaging initiative to be performed in ACHD patients. Limitations of the study include recruitment challenges inherent to an ancillary study, implantable cardiac devices, and harmonization of neuroimaging biomarkers. Results from this research will help shape the care of ACHD patients and further our understanding of the interplay between brain injury and cognitive reserve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Substantial variation in Agatston scores (AS) acquired with different computed tomography (CT) scanners may influence patient risk classification.
    This study sought to develop a calibration tool for state-of-the-art CT systems resulting in vendor-neutral AS (vnAS), and to assess the impact of vnAS on coronary heart disease (CHD) event prediction.
    The vnAS calibration tool was derived by imaging 2 anthropomorphic calcium containing phantoms on 7 different CT and 1 electron beam tomography system, which was used as the reference system. The effect of vnAS on CHD event prediction was analyzed with data from 3,181 participants from MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study on Atherosclerosis). Chi-square analysis was used to compare CHD event rates between low (vnAS <100) and high calcium groups (vnAS ≥100). Multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to assess the incremental value of vnAS.
    For all CT systems, a strong correlation with electron beam tomography-AS was found (R2 >0.932). Of the MESA participants originally in the low calcium group (n = 781), 85 (11%) participants were reclassified to a higher risk category based on the recalculated vnAS. For reclassified participants, the CHD event rate of 15% was significantly higher compared with participants in the low calcium group (7%; P = 0.008) with a CHD HR of 3.39 (95% CI: 1.82-6.35; P = 0.001).
    The authors developed a calibration tool that enables calculation of a vnAS. MESA participants who were reclassified to a higher calcium category by means of the vnAS experienced more CHD events, indicating improved risk categorization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the impact of high matrix image reconstruction in combination with different reconstruction kernels and levels of iterative reconstructions on image quality in chest CT.
    An anthropomorphic chest phantom (Kyoto Kagaku Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan), and a Catphan® 600 (The Phantom Laboratory, Greenwich, NY, USA) phantom were scanned using a dual source scanner. Standard institutional protocol with 512 × 512 matrix was used as a reference. Reconstructions were performed for 768 × 768 and 1024 × 1024 matrices and all possible combinations of three different kernels and five levels of iterative reconstructions were included. Signal difference to noise ratio (SdNR) and line pairs per cm (lp/cm) were manually measured. A Linear regression model was applied for objective image analysis (SdNR) and inter-and intra-reader agreement was given as Cohen\'s kappa for the visual image assessment.
    Matrix size did not have a significant impact on SdNR (p = 0.595). Kernel (p = 0.014) and ADMIRE level (p = 0.001) had a statistically significant impact on SdNR. The spatial resolution ranged from 7 lp/cm to 9 lp/cm. The highest spatial resolution was achieved using kernel Br64 and ADMIRE 1, 2 and 3 in both 768- and 1024-matrices, and with Br59 with ADMIRE 2 and 4 and 768-matrix, all visualizing 9 lp/cm. Both readers scored kernel Br59 highest, and the scoring increased with increasing levels of Iterative Reconstruction.
    Matrix size did not influence image quality, however, the choice of kernel and degree of IR had an impact on objective and visual image quality in 768 - and 1024-matrices, suggesting that increased degree of IR may improve diagnostic image quality in chest CT.
    Image quality in CT of the lung may be improved by increasing the level of IR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome who have been palliated with the Fontan procedure are at risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, lower quality of life, and reduced employability. We describe the methods (including quality assurance and quality control protocols) and challenges of a multi-center observational ancillary study, SVRIII (Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial) Brain Connectome. Our original goal was to obtain advanced neuroimaging (Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Resting-BOLD) in 140 SVR III participants and 100 healthy controls for brain connectome analyses. Linear regression and mediation statistical methods will be used to analyze associations of brain connectome measures with neurocognitive measures and clinical risk factors. Initial recruitment challenges occurred that were related to difficulties with: (1) coordinating brain MRI for participants already undergoing extensive testing in the parent study, and (2) recruiting healthy control subjects. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected enrollment late in the study. Enrollment challenges were addressed by: (1) adding additional study sites, (2) increasing the frequency of meetings with site coordinators, and (3) developing additional healthy control recruitment strategies, including using research registries and advertising the study to community-based groups. Technical challenges that emerged early in the study were related to the acquisition, harmonization, and transfer of neuroimages. These hurdles were successfully overcome with protocol modifications and frequent site visits that involved human and synthetic phantoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In modern clinical decision-support algorithms, heterogeneity in image characteristics due to variations in imaging systems and protocols hinders the development of reproducible quantitative measures including for feature extraction pipelines. With the help of a reader study, we investigate the ability to provide consistent ground-truth targets by using patient-specific 3D-printed lung phantoms. PixelPrint was developed for 3D-printing lifelike computed tomography (CT) lung phantoms by directly translating clinical images into printer instructions that control density on a voxel-by-voxel basis. Data sets of three COVID-19 patients served as input for 3D-printing lung phantoms. Five radiologists rated patient and phantom images for imaging characteristics and diagnostic confidence in a blinded reader study. Effect sizes of evaluating phantom as opposed to patient images were assessed using linear mixed models. Finally, PixelPrint\'s production reproducibility was evaluated. Images of patients and phantoms had little variation in the estimated mean (0.03-0.29, using a 1-5 scale). When comparing phantom images to patient images, effect size analysis revealed that the difference was within one-third of the inter- and intrareader variabilities. High correspondence between the four phantoms created using the same patient images was demonstrated by PixelPrint\'s production repeatability tests, with greater similarity scores between high-dose acquisitions of the phantoms than between clinical-dose acquisitions of a single phantom. We demonstrated PixelPrint\'s ability to produce lifelike CT lung phantoms reliably. These phantoms have the potential to provide ground-truth targets for validating the generalizability of inference-based decision-support algorithms between different health centers and imaging protocols and for optimizing examination protocols with realistic patient-based phantoms. Classification: CT lung phantoms, reader study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In computed tomography, coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores are influenced by image reconstruction. The effect of a newly introduced deep learning-based reconstruction (DLR) on CAC scoring in relation to other algorithms is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of four generations of image reconstruction techniques (filtered back projection (FBP), hybrid iterative reconstruction (HIR), model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR), and DLR) on CAC detectability, quantification, and risk classification. First, CAC detectability was assessed with a dedicated static phantom containing 100 small calcifications varying in size and density. Second, CAC quantification was assessed with a dynamic coronary phantom with velocities equivalent to heart rates of 60-75 bpm. Both phantoms were scanned and reconstructed with four techniques. Last, scans of fifty patients were included and the Agatston calcium score was calculated for all four reconstruction techniques. FBP was used as a reference. In the phantom studies, all reconstruction techniques resulted in less detected small calcifications, up to 22%. No clinically relevant quantification changes occurred with different reconstruction techniques (less than 10%). In the patient study, the cardiovascular risk classification resulted, for all reconstruction techniques, in excellent agreement with the reference (κ = 0.96-0.97). However, MBIR resulted in significantly higher Agatston scores (61 (5.5-435.0) vs. 81.5 (9.25-435.0); p < 0.001) and 6% reclassification rate. In conclusion, HIR and DLR reconstructed scans resulted in similar Agatston scores with excellent agreement and low-risk reclassification rate compared with routine reconstructed scans (FBP). However, caution should be taken with low Agatston scores, as based on phantom study, detectability of small calcifications varies with the used reconstruction algorithm, especially with MBIR and DLR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ultra-high-resolution CT (UHR-CT), which can be applied normal resolution (NR), high-resolution (HR), and super-high-resolution (SHR) modes, has become available as in conjunction with multi-detector CT (MDCT). Moreover, deep learning reconstruction (DLR) method, as well as filtered back projection (FBP), hybrid-type iterative reconstruction (IR), and model-based IR methods, has been clinically used. The purpose of this study was to directly compare lung CT number and airway dimension evaluation capabilities of UHR-CT using different scan modes with those of MDCT with different reconstruction methods as investigated in a lung density and airway phantom design recommended by QIBA.
    METHODS: Lung CT number, inner diameter (ID), inner area (IA), and wall thickness (WT) were measured, and mean differences between measured CT number, ID, IA, WT, and standard reference were compared by means of Tukey\'s HSD test between all UHR-CT data and MDCT reconstructed with FBP as 1.0-mm section thickness.
    RESULTS: For each reconstruction method, mean differences in lung CT numbers and all airway parameters on 0.5-mm and 1-mm section thickness CTs obtained with SHR and HR modes showed significant differences with those obtained with the NR mode on UHR-CT and MDCT (p < 0.05). Moreover, the mean differences on all UHR-CTs obtained with SHR, HR, or NR modes were significantly different from those of 1.0-mm section thickness MDCTs reconstructed with FBP (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Scan modes and reconstruction methods used for UHR-CT were found to significantly affect lung CT number and airway dimension evaluations as did reconstruction methods used for MDCT.
    CONCLUSIONS: • Scan and reconstruction methods used for UHR-CT showed significantly higher CT numbers and smaller airway dimension evaluations as did those for MDCT in a QIBA phantom study (p < 0.05). • Mean differences in lung CT number for 0.25-mm, 0.5-mm, and 1.0-mm section thickness CT images obtained with SHR and HR modes were significantly larger than those for CT images at 1.0-mm section thickness obtained with MDCT and reconstructed with FBP (p < 0.05). • Mean differences in inner diameter (ID), inner area (IA), and wall thickness (WT) measured with SHR and HR modes on 0.5- and 1.0-mm section thickness CT images were significantly smaller than those obtained with NR mode on UHR-CT and MDCT (p < 0.05).





