Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hormone signaling plays an essential role during fetal life and is vital for brain development. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can interfere with the hormonal milieu during this critical time-period, disrupting key neurodevelopmental processes. Hence, there is a need for the development of assays that evaluate developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) induced by an endocrine mode of action. Herein, we evaluated the applicability of the neural progenitor C17. 2 cell-line, as an in vitro test system to aid in the detection of endocrine disruption (ED) induced DNT. For this, C17.2 cells were exposed during 10 days of differentiation to agonists and antagonists of the thyroid hormone (Thr), glucocorticoid (Gr), retinoic acid (Rar), retinoic x (Rxr), oxysterols (Lxr), estrogen (Er), androgen (Ar), and peroxisome proliferator activated delta (Pparβ/δ) receptors, as well as to the agonist of the vitamin D (Vdr) receptor. Upon exposure and differentiation, neuronal morphology (neurite outgrowth and branching), and the percentage of neurons in culture were assessed by immunofluorescence. For this, the cells were incubated with Hoechst (nuclear staining) and stained for βIII-tubulin (neuronal marker). The C17.2 cells were responsive to the Rar, Rxr and Pparβ/δ agonists which decreased neurite outgrowth and branching. Additionally, exposure to the Gr agonist increased the number of cells differentiating into neurons, while exposure to the Rxr agonist had the opposite effect. With this approach, we have identified that the C17.2 cells are responsive to Gr, Rar, Rxr, and Pparβ/δ agonists, hence contributing to the development of test systems for hazard assessment of ED-induced DNT.
    Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) interfere with hormonal signaling. As hormones play a vital role for an organism’s development, EDC exposure is of high concern. In European regulations, the use of a chemical can be restricted if its toxicity is mediated by hormonal interference. A number of EDCs affect brain development. However, in animal tests, it is impossible to prove that a chemical induces developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) via endocrine disruption (ED). Furthermore, the regulatory DNT tests require large amounts of animals. Thus, there is an urgent need for in vitro test systems to identify ED-induced DNT. Herein we present the development of such a method based on the murine neural progenitor cell-line C17.2 with which neuronal differentiation processes can be mimicked. We show that differentiation of C17.2 cells are sensitive to retinoid, glucocorticoid, and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling disruption, thus providing an alternative method for identifying ED-induced DNT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutrient metabolism is regulated by several factors. Social determinants of health with or without genetics are the primary regulator of metabolism, and an unhealthy lifestyle affects all modulators and mediators, leading to the adaptation and finally to the exhaustion of cellular functions. Hepatic steatosis is defined by presence of fat in more than 5% of hepatocytes. In hepatocytes, fat is stored as triglycerides in lipid droplet. Hepatic steatosis results from a combination of multiple intracellular processes. In a healthy individual nutrient metabolism is regulated at several steps. It ranges from the selection of nutrients in a grocery store to the last step of consumption of ATP as an energy or as a building block of a cell as structural component. Several hormones, peptides, and genes have been described that participate in nutrient metabolism. Several enzymes participate in each nutrient metabolism as described above from ingestion to generation of ATP. As of now several publications have revealed very intricate regulation of nutrient metabolism, where most of the regulatory factors are tied to each other bidirectionally, making it difficult to comprehend chronological sequence of events. Insulin hormone is the primary regulator of all nutrients\' metabolism both in prandial and fasting states. Insulin exerts its effects directly and indirectly on enzymes involved in the three main cellular function processes; metabolic, inflammation and repair, and cell growth and regeneration. Final regulators that control the enzymatic functions through stimulation or suppression of a cell are nuclear receptors in especially farnesoid X receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor/RXR ligands, adiponectin, leptin, and adiponutrin. Insulin hormone has direct effect on these final modulators. Whereas blood glucose level, serum lipids, incretin hormones, bile acids in conjunction with microbiota are intermediary modulators which are controlled by lifestyle. The purpose of this review is to overview the key players in the pathogenesis of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) that help us understand the disease natural course, risk stratification, role of lifestyle and pharmacotherapy in each individual patient with MASLD to achieve personalized care and target the practice of precision medicine. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were used to identify publication related to metabolism of carbohydrate and fat in states of health and disease states; MASLD, cardiovascular disease and cancer. More than 1000 publications including original research and review papers were reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the importance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma in epidermal inflammation and carcinogenesis, we analyzed the transcriptomic changes observed in epidermal PPARγ-deficient mice (Pparg-/-epi). A gene set enrichment analysis revealed a close association with epithelial malignancy, inflammatory cell chemotaxis, and cell survival. Single-cell sequencing of Pparg-/-epi mice verified changes to the stromal compartment, including increased inflammatory cell infiltrates, particularly neutrophils, and an increase in fibroblasts expressing myofibroblast marker genes. A comparison of transcriptomic data from Pparg-/-epi and publicly available human and/or mouse actinic keratoses (AKs) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) revealed a strong correlation between the datasets. Importantly, PPAR signaling was the top common inhibited canonical pathway in AKs and SCCs. Both AKs and SCCs also had significantly reduced PPARG expression and PPARγ activity z-scores. Smaller reductions in PPARA expression and PPARα activity and increased PPARD expression but reduced PPARδ activation were also observed. Reduced PPAR activity was also associated with reduced PPARα/RXRα activity, while LPS/IL1-mediated inhibition of RXR activity was significantly activated in the tumor datasets. Notably, these changes were not observed in normal sun-exposed skin relative to non-exposed skin. Finally, Ppara and Pparg were heavily expressed in sebocytes, while Ppard was highly expressed in myofibroblasts, suggesting that PPARδ has a role in myofibroblast differentiation. In conclusion, these data provide strong evidence that PPARγ and possibly PPARα represent key tumor suppressors by acting as master inhibitors of the inflammatory changes found in AKs and SCCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phthalates are a class of known endocrine disrupting chemicals that are found in common everyday products. Several studies associate phthalate exposure with detrimental effects on ovarian function, including growth and development of the follicle and production of steroid hormones. We hypothesized that dysregulation of the ovary by phthalates may be mediated by phthalate toxicity towards granulosa cells, a major cell type in ovarian follicles responsible for key steps of hormone production and nourishing the developing oocyte. To test the hypothesis that phthalates target granulosa cells, we harvested granulosa cells from adult CD-1 mouse ovaries and cultured them for 96 hours in vehicle control, a phthalate mixture, or a phthalate metabolite mixture (0.1-100 μg/mL). After culture, we measured metabolism of the phthalate mixture into monoester metabolites by the granulosa cells, finding that granulosa cells do not significantly contribute to ovarian metabolism of phthalates. Immunohistochemistry of phthalate metabolizing enzymes in whole ovaries confirmed that these enzymes are not strongly expressed in granulosa cells of antral follicles and that ovarian metabolism of phthalates likely occurs primarily in the stroma. RNA sequencing of treated granulosa cells identified 407 differentially expressed genes, with overrepresentation of genes from lipid metabolic processes, cholesterol metabolism, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathways. Expression of significantly differentially expressed genes related to these pathways was confirmed using qPCR. Our results agree with previous findings that phthalates and phthalate metabolites have different effects on the ovary, but both interfere with PPAR signaling in granulosa cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cholestatic liver diseases, including primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), result from an impairment of bile flow that leads to the hepatic retention of bile acids, causing liver injury. Until recently, the only approved treatments for PBC were ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and obeticholic acid (OCA). While these therapies slow the progression of PBC in the early stage of the disease, approximately 40% of patients respond incompletely to UDCA, and advanced cases do not respond. UDCA does not improve survival in patients with PSC, and patients often have dose-limiting pruritus reactions to OCA. Left untreated, these diseases can progress to fibrosis and cirrhosis, resulting in liver failure and the need for transplantation. These shortcomings emphasize the urgent need for alternative treatment strategies. Recently, nuclear hormone receptors have been explored as pharmacological targets for adjunct therapy because they regulate enzymes involved in bile acid metabolism and detoxification. In particular, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) has emerged as a therapeutic target for patients with PBC or PSC who experience an incomplete response to UDCA. PPARα is predominantly expressed in the liver, and it plays an essential role in the regulation of cytochrome P450 (CYP) and uridine 5\'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes, both of which are critical enzyme families involved in the regulation of bile acid metabolism and glucuronidation, respectively. Importantly, PPARα agonists, e.g., fenofibrate, have shown therapeutic benefits in reducing elevated markers of cholestasis in patients with PBC and PSC, and elafibranor, the first PPAR (dual α, β/δ) agonist, has been FDA-approved for the second-line treatment of PBC. Additionally, newer PPAR agonists that target various PPAR isoforms (β/δ, γ) are under development as an adjunct therapy for PBC or PSC, although their impact on glucuronidation pathways are less characterized. This review will focus on PPAR-mediated bile acid glucuronidation as a therapeutic pathway to improve outcomes for patients with PBC and PSC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This year marks the 35th anniversary of Professor Walter Wahli\'s discovery of the PPARs (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors) family of nuclear hormone receptors. To mark the occasion, the editors of the scientific periodical Biomolecules decided to publish a special issue in his honor. This paper summarizes what is known about PPARs and shows how trends have changed and how research on PPARs has evolved. The article also highlights the importance of PPARs and what role they play in various diseases and ailments. The paper is in a mixed form; essentially it is a review article, but it has been enriched with the results of our experiments. The selection of works was subjective, as there are more than 200,000 publications in the PubMed database alone. First, all papers done on an animal model were discarded at the outset. What remained was still far too large to describe directly. Therefore, only papers that were outstanding, groundbreaking, or simply interesting were described and briefly commented on.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whilst western diet and sedentary lifestyles heavily contribute to the global obesity epidemic, it is likely that chemical exposure may also contribute. A substantial body of literature implicates a variety of suspected environmental chemicals in metabolic disruption and obesogenic mechanisms. Chemically induced obesogenic metabolic disruption is not yet considered in regulatory testing paradigms or regulations, but this is an internationally recognised human health regulatory development need. An early step in the development of relevant regulatory test methods is to derive appropriate minimum chemical selection lists for the target endpoint and its key mechanisms, such that the test method can be suitably optimised and validated. Independently collated and reviewed reference and proficiency chemicals relevant for the regulatory chemical universe that they are intended to serve, assist regulatory test method development and validation, particularly in relation to the OECD Test Guidelines Programme. To address obesogenic mechanisms and modes of action for chemical hazard assessment, key initiating mechanisms include molecular-level Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) α and γ agonism and the tissue/organ-level key event of perturbation of the adipogenesis process that may lead to excess white adipose tissue. Here we present a critical literature review, analysis and evaluation of chemicals suitable for the development, optimisation and validation of human PPARα and PPARγ agonism and human white adipose tissue adipogenesis test methods. The chemical lists have been derived with consideration of essential criteria needed for understanding the strengths and limitations of the test methods. With a weight of evidence approach, this has been combined with practical and applied aspects required for the integration and combination of relevant candidate test methods into test batteries, as part of an Integrated Approach to Testing and Assessment for metabolic disruption. The proposed proficiency and reference chemical list includes a long list of negatives and positives (20 chemicals for PPARα, 21 for PPARγ, and 11 for adipogenesis) from which a (pre-)validation proficiency chemicals list has been derived.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear hormone receptors exist in dynamic equilibrium between transcriptionally active and inactive complexes dependent on interactions with ligands, proteins, and chromatin. The present studies examined the hypothesis that endogenous ligands activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-β/δ (PPARβ/δ) in keratinocytes. The phorbol ester treatment or HRAS infection of primary keratinocytes increased fatty acids that were associated with enhanced PPARβ/δ activity. Fatty acids caused PPARβ/δ-dependent increases in chromatin occupancy and the expression of angiopoietin-like protein 4 (Angptl4) mRNA. Analyses demonstrated that stearoyl Co-A desaturase 1 (Scd1) mediates an increase in intracellular monounsaturated fatty acids in keratinocytes that act as PPARβ/δ ligands. The activation of PPARβ/δ with palmitoleic or oleic acid causes arrest at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle of HRAS-expressing keratinocytes that is not found in similarly treated HRAS-expressing Pparb/d-null keratinocytes. HRAS-expressing Scd1-null mouse keratinocytes exhibit enhanced cell proliferation, an effect that is mitigated by treatment with palmitoleic or oleic acid. Consistent with these findings, the ligand activation of PPARβ/δ with GW0742 or oleic acid prevented UVB-induced non-melanoma skin carcinogenesis, an effect that required PPARβ/δ. The results from these studies demonstrate that PPARβ/δ has endogenous roles in keratinocytes and can be activated by lipids found in diet and cellular components.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the main causes of death on the globe is cancer. Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors, including PPARα, PPARδ and PPARγ, which are important in regulating cancer cell proliferation, survival, apoptosis, and tumor growth. Activation of PPARs by endogenous or synthetic compounds regulates tumor progression in various tissues. Although each PPAR isotype suppresses or promotes tumor development depending on the specific tissues or ligands, the mechanism is still unclear. PPARs are receiving interest as possible therapeutic targets for a number of disorders. Numerous clinical studies are being conducted on PPARs as possible therapeutic targets for cancer. Therefore, this review will focus on the existing and future uses of PPARs agonists and antagonists in treating malignancies. PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus databases were searched regarding the effect of PPARs on various types of cancers until the end of May 2023. The results of the review articles showed the therapeutic influence of PPARs on a wide range of cancer on in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies. However, further experimental and clinical studies are needed to be conducted on the influence of PPARs on various cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photo-switchable nuclear receptor modulators (\"photohormones\") enable spatial and temporal control over transcription factor activity and are valuable precision tools for biological studies. We have developed a new photohormone chemotype by incorporating a light-switchable motif in the scaffold of a cinalukast-derived PPARα ligand and tuned light-controlled activity by systematic structural variation. An optimized photohormone exhibited PPARα agonism in its light-induced (Z)-configuration and strong selectivity over related lipid-activated transcription factors representing a valuable addition to the collection of light-controlled tools to study nuclear receptor activity.





