Patched-1 Receptor

Patched - 1 受体
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Here we review the role of GDNF, PTCH1, RNF213 illustrated by a case of renal cell carcinoma, chromophobe type (pT2a 8th pTNM edition) of the left kidney of 71-year-old man. Status of potential hotspots in 409 tumor genes were studied by means of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology (IonTorrent - Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) using Ion AmpliSeq™ Comprehensive Cancer Panel. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) revealed mutations of GDNF (NM_001190468: c. 328C>T, p.R110W, allelic frequency 46%), PTCH1 (NM_001083607:c. 2969C






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracardiac tumors in children are relatively rare, but their clinical consequences may include severe outflow tract obstruction, embolism, cardiac insufficiency, or rhythm disturbances. In some cases, the tumor may constitute part of a genetic condition and prompt additional investigations, as well as a modification of therapeutic management. Herein, we present a molecularly confirmed familial case of Gorlin syndrome with an early cardiac tumor as a presenting sign. We provide detailed clinical characteristics of the affected individuals and a useful review of syndromic causes of pediatric cardiac tumors in clinical practice.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant disorder with variable expression and nearly complete penetrance. PTCH1 is the major susceptibility locus and has no known hot spots or genotype-phenotype relationships.
    We evaluated 18 NBCCS National Cancer Institute (NCI) families plus PTCH1 data on 333 NBCCS disease-causing mutations (DM) reported in the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD). National Cancer Institute families underwent comprehensive genomic evaluation, and clinical data were extracted from NCI and HGMD cases. Genotype-phenotype relationships were analyzed using Fisher\'s exact tests focusing on mutation type and PTCH1 domains.
    PTCH1 pathogenic mutations were identified in 16 of 18 NCI families, including three previously mutation-negative families. PTCH1 mutations were spread across the gene with no hot spot. After adjustment for multiple tests, a statistically significant genotype-phenotype association was observed for developmental delay and gross deletion-insertions (p = 9.0 × 10-6 ), and suggestive associations between falx cerebri calcification and all transmembrane domains (p = 0.002) and severe outcomes and gross deletion-insertions (p = 4.0 × 10-4 ).
    Overall, 89% of our NCI families had a pathogenic PTCH1 mutation. The identification of PTCH1 mutations in previously mutation-negative families underscores the importance of repeated testing when new technologies become available. Additional clinical information linked to mutation databases would enhance follow-up and future studies of genotype-phenotype relationships.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have an increased risk of acute leukemia compared to a markedly decreased incidence of solid tumors. Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood, is particularly rare in the DS population, with only one published case. As demonstrated in a mouse model, DS is associated with cerebellar hypoplasia and a decreased number of cerebellar granule neuron progenitor cells (CGNPs) in the external granule cell layer (EGL). Treatment of these mice with sonic hedgehog signaling pathway (Shh) agonists promote normalization of CGNPs and improved cognitive functioning.
    METHODS: We describe a 21-month-old male with DS and concurrent desmoplastic/nodular medulloblastoma (DNMB)-a tumor derived from Shh dysregulation and over-activation of CGNPs. Molecular profiling further classified the tumor into the new consensus SHH molecular subgroup. Additional testing revealed a de novo heterozygous germ line mutation in the PTCH1 gene encoding a tumor suppressor protein in the Shh pathway.
    CONCLUSIONS: The developmental failure of CGNPs in DS patients offers a plausible explanation for the rarity of medulloblastoma in this population. Conversely, patients with PTCH1 germline mutations experience Shh overstimulation resulting in Gorlin (Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma) syndrome and an increased incidence of malignant transformation of CGNPs leading to medulloblastoma formation. This represents the first documented report of an individual with DS simultaneously carrying PTCH1 germline mutation.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have observed a highly unusual circumstance in which the PTCH1 mutation appears to \"trump\" the effects of DS in causation of Shh-activated medulloblastoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS), also referred to as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome or Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, was first described by Gorlin and Goltz in 1960 as an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the early appearance of multiple basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), keratocysts of the jaw, ectopic calcifications, palmar and plantar pits, and anomalies of the ocular, skeletal, and reproductive systems. The genesis of this cancer\'s etiology in relation to BCNS was unclear until a few years ago when molecular analysis studies suggested a relationship between BCC and the loss-of-function mutations of the patched gene (PTCH) found on chromosome arm 9q. PTCH inhibits signaling by the membrane protein Smoothened (Smo), and this inhibition is relieved by binding sonic hedgehog (SHH) to PTCH. We describe a patient with multiple BCCs associated with x-ray anomalies of BCNS and review the basis of the SHH signaling pathway and clinical aspects of BCNS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancers of the upper gastro-intestinal tract (UGIT) comprise esophageal, esophago-gastric junction, stomach and duodenal cancers. Together, these cancers represent over 1.5 million cases and are the cause of about 1.25 million deaths annually. This group of cancers encompasses diseases with marked disparities in etiology, geographic distribution, histopathological features and frequency. Based on histological origin, squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus (ESCC), which arises through a dysplasia-carcinoma sequence within the squamous mucosa, is a completely different cancer than junction, stomach and duodenal cancers, which develop within glandular epithelia through cascades involving inflammation, metaplasia, dysplasia and carcinoma. At the frontline between these two histological domains, cancers of the esophago-gastric junction constitute a mixed group of glandular tumors including distal esophageal adenocarcinomas and cancers arising within the most proximal part of the stomach - the cardia. Most of UGIT cancers are sporadic, although familial susceptibility genes have been identified for stomach and rare cases of ESCC. We have used the COSMIC database ( to identify genes commonly mutated in UGIT cancers. Regardless of etiology and histopathology, three genes are mutated in at least 5% of UGIT cancers: TP53, CDKN2a and PIK3CA. Another three genes, NFE2L2, PTCH1 and NOTCH1, are mutated in ESCC only. Conversely, genes of the RAS family and of the CDH1/APC/CTNNB1 pathway are mutated only in non-squamous cancers, with differences in mutated genes according to topography. We review the potential functional significance of these observations for understanding mechanisms of UGIT carcinogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a locally aggressive cystic jaw lesion that occurs sporadically or in association with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS). PTCH1, the gene responsible for NBCCS, may play an important role in sporadic KCOTs. In this study, we analyzed and compared the distribution pattern of PTCH1 mutations in patients with sporadic and NBCCS-associated KCOTs.
    METHODS: We detected PTCH1 mutations in 14 patients with NBCCS-associated KCOTs and 29 patients with sporadic KCOTs by direct sequencing. In addition, five electronic databases were searched for studies detecting PTCH1 mutations in individuals with NBCCS-associated or sporadic KCOTs, published between January 1996 and June 2013 in English language.
    RESULTS: We identified 15 mutations in 11 cases with NBCCS-associated KCOTs and 19 mutations in 13 cases with sporadic KCOTs. In addition, a total of 204 PTCH1 mutations (187 mutations from 210 cases with NBCCS-associated and 17 mutations from 57 cases with sporadic KCOTs) were compiled from 78 published papers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that mutations in transmembrane 2 (TM2) are closely related to the development of sporadic KCOTs. Moreover, for the early diagnosis of NBCCS, a genetic analysis of the PTCH1 gene should be included in the new diagnostic criteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS) has existed at least since Dynastic Egyptian times. In 1960, Gorlin and Goltz first described the classic clinical triad: multiple basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), jaw keratocysts, and bifid ribs. As an autosomal-dominant disorder, it is characterized by tumorigenesis and developmental defects.
    OBJECTIVE: To review the current literature on BCNS, including reports on epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, management, treatment, and prognosis.
    METHODS: A literature review of currently available articles related to BCNS.
    RESULTS: Individuals with a mutation in the tumor suppressor gene PTCH1 are predisposed to tumorigenesis and developmental defects. Clinical features include BCCs, often with onset in adolescence, jaw keratocysts, bifid ribs, craniofacial defects, palmar-plantar pits, and ectopic intracranial calcification. Despite high cure rates for individual lesions and various treatment modalities including excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, photodynamic therapy, and topical imiquimod, management of BCCs is challenging. The development of an oral hedgehog pathway inhibitor, vismodegib, has added a new dimension to current treatment algorithms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents and young adults with BCC should be evaluated for BCNS. Early diagnosis of BCNS is critical for possible prevention of the devastating effects of BCCs and establishment of multidisciplinary care.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND AND CASE PRESENTATION: A patient with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin syndrome) presented with two unusual clinical features, i.e. adenocarcinoma of the small bowel and extensive mesenchymal proliferation of the lower gastrointestinal tract.
    CONCLUSIONS: We discuss the possibility that these two features are pathogenetically linked to the formerly undescribed patient\'s PTCH germ line mutation.







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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome (Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome) is a well-known disorder with distinctive symptoms, which are studied since the 1960s. This is an hereditary disease, with autosomal dominant trait, characterised by high penetration and variable expressivity. Only recently it has been ascertained that it is caused by the aberration of the long arm of the chromosome 9q22.3, mapped specifically in the area of Patched gene (PTCH). In particular, the PTCH gene is important both for embryonic structuring and cellular cycle, therefore, its mutation represents a key event for the development of the disease. From a clinical point of view, the syndrome requires a multidisciplinary approach meaning that a successful treatment needs the simultaneous co-operation of different specialists. Thus, a correct treatment entails the following steps: an early detection of the disease, an extended family history and a careful evaluation of symptoms. The aim of this article was to highlight the main pathologic and genetic features of Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome, its outbreak frequency and the main characteristics of the population clusters it is more likely to hit. Furthermore, due to the predisposition of the disease to relapse, a constant clinical follow-up combined with a correct treatment are important.





