
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Parotid gland is the largest salivary gland of the body. Pleomorphic adenomas are the most prevalent benign parotid gland tumors. They can eventually grow to a size where they weigh several kilograms if not timely addressed. The \'pleomorphic\' characteristics are attributed to the origin of the tumor from the connective tissue and epithelium. Pleomorphic adenomas often arise from the superficial lobe, further extending into the parapharyngeal space and gland\'s other deeper tissues. Common incidence is noted in females between 30 and 50 years. Tumors typically present as asymptomatic swelling and progress slowly. The cornerstone of treatment is surgical removal of the tumor mass, with great care being given to protect the facial nerve. Most of these tumors are observed with the involvement of the superficial lobe; only a few are observed involving the deep lobe. This case report presents an intriguing case of a pleomorphic adenoma of superficial and deep parotid gland in a 65-year-old male. The left side of the patient\'s face had a steadily increasing, asymptomatic swelling on admission. Magnetic resonance imaging of the neck revealed a pleomorphic adenoma of the superficial and deep parotid gland. The patient underwent surgical excision of the parotid gland, which was uneventful.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The primary malignant melanoma of the parotid is a rare and complex clinical entity, posing numerous diagnostic challenges due to the absence of melanin in the tumor and its histological similarities with other poorly differentiated lesions. Accurate diagnosis often requires advanced imaging techniques and immunohistochemical procedures to identify specific melanoma markers. Therapeutically, total parotidectomy with simultaneous cervical dissection is frequently recommended, although approaches combining surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or even immunotherapy are also being explored. Despite these advancements, malignant parotid melanoma continues to be associated with a grim prognosis, emphasizing the importance of ongoing research to improve therapeutic options and understanding of this rare pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to trace the development of surgical therapy in a large cohort, examine its changes at one single institution that has been specializing in salivary gland pathologies over the last 22 years, and to determine the extent to which a possible shift in the surgical therapy of parotid benign tumors towards less radical methods was correlated with a change in the incidence of facial palsy and Frey\'s syndrome.
    METHODS: Retrospective clinical study.
    METHODS: A retrospective evaluation of the records of all patients treated for benign parotid tumors at a tertiary referral center between 2000 and 2022 was carried out. Surgical methods were classified into four groups: extracapsular dissection, partial superficial parotidectomy, superficial parotidectomy and complete parotidectomy.
    RESULTS: A total of 4037 patients were included in the study. Our analysis demonstrated an increase in the total number of parotidectomies for benign lesions from 71 (2000) to 298 (2022), mostly due to the increase in extracapsular dissections (from 9 to 212). The increased performance of less radical surgery was associated with a significantly decreased incidence of perioperative complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that the increased performance of less radical surgery was associated with better functional outcomes over the years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Reconstruction of large facial defects is quite a challenging and difficult task. Various surgical options are available, each with its challenges and complications. Galeo-pericranial flap has provided a suitable technique for reconstruction of radical parotidectomy defects with satisfactory outcomes. A 50-year-old farmer with a histologically diagnosed mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the right parotid gland of 15 years duration had radical parotidectomy and reconstruction of the defect with galeo-pericranial flap. The patient was followed up for 2 years, and the flap was completely taken with no donor site morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To describe, according to the CARE guidelines, an easily reproducible technique using two local muscle flaps to reduce the unsightly retromandibular hollow left by total parotidectomy for cancer.
    METHODS: A 40-year-old Caucasian male with T3N1M0 temporal skin melanoma was managed by skin resection, conservative total parotidectomy and ipsilateral level II-IV selective lymph-node dissection. Two rotational muscle flaps were taken from the ipsilateral posterior belly of the digastric and sternocleidomastoid muscles. Postoperative course was uneventful, with 3 days\' hospital stay, without facial or spinal palsy. At 3 days, 3 months and 9 months postoperatively, the appearance of the parotid region was similar to the non-operated contralateral region.
    CONCLUSIONS: Easy to perform and without associated scars, the approach described here should be included in the armamentarium available to the head and neck surgeon to avoid an unsightly hollow after total parotidectomy for cancer, in an effort to improve quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dysphagia is a common clinical manifestation with a wide range of underlying medical conditions. Here, we present a case of a 52-year-old man with dysphagia, found to have a pleomorphic adenoma in the right parotid gland causing significant pharyngeal wall distortion. The patient underwent a successful total parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation using a transparotid-transcervical approach. A histological examination confirmed the diagnosis. While the patient experienced temporary facial weakness post-surgery, he had a successful recovery with no further issues during the 2-year follow-up. This case highlights the importance of considering parotid gland tumors as a potential cause of dysphagia when a mass is present in the oropharynx. Additionally, it demonstrates the feasibility of using a transparotid-transcervical approach for total parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) is an extremely rare neoplasm arising from dendritic cells and is mainly located in the lymph nodes. To the best of our knowledge, no treatment strategy has yet been established for IDCS, despite its aggressive clinical features. The present study presents the case of a patient with IDCS who experienced a 40-month disease-free survival time after surgery alone. The patient, a 29-year-old woman, presented with a painful right subaural swelling. Diagnostic MRI and 18F-fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography revealed a right parotid gland tumour and ipsilateral cervical lymph node. The patient underwent surgical resection, and histological examination of the resected tissue specimens confirmed IDCS diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is only the fifth report of an IDCS located in the parotid gland, with the longest follow-up period among cases of IDCS reported in this region. The positive outcome of this patient suggests that surgical resection may be an effective treatment option for local IDCS. Nonetheless, further studies are required to establish a definitive diagnosis and treatment strategy for IDCS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Tuberculosis at extrapulmonary sites is relatively uncommon. A case of isolated involvement of the salivary gland is even rare and primary rifampicin mono-resistant tuberculosis of the parotid gland is rarest of rare with no such report ever documented in the medical literature. In this case report, the author presents a case of primary extrapulmonary rifampicin mono-resistant tuberculosis of the parotid gland in a 44-year-old Indian female. She presented with complaints of a painless swelling in the right parotid region and underwent a detailed diagnostic work-up including fine needle aspiration cytology, cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test, computed tomography scan of head and neck, and culture, and was diagnosed with primary extrapulmonary rifampicin mono-resistant tuberculosis of the parotid gland. The patient was initiated on a WHO-recommended regimen per the national guidelines. After nine months of treatment, she had no symptoms and was declared as treatment completed. With no such case ever reported, this case emphasizes the importance of a high degree of suspicion for rare presentations of common diseases like tuberculosis even in the absence of a history, contacts, or other constitutional symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nodular fasciitis (NF) is a benign fibroblastic and myofibroblastic proliferation of subcutaneous tissues. Rarely, it has been identified in the ear and more rarely in children. We describe a case in a four-year-old girl and the surgical management of it. The patient was referred to the otolaryngology unit of a tertiary referral center because she was affected by a painless and growing lesion in the left external auditory canal (EAC). The girl was treated by large-spectrum antibiotic therapy for one week without success. For this reason, we requested ultrasonography (US) of the left hemiface, maxillofacial and temporal bone computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head with and without contrast. The imaging identified an irregular ovoid hypoechoic nodule with distinct margins indissociable from the cartilaginous planes and extending into the parotid loggia with local infiltration of the fascia. The lesion was surgically removed through preauricular access due its extension into the parotid area. The mass was excised in toto and sent to the pathologist for immunohistochemistry. The histopathologist based on the finding diagnosed a nodular fasciitis. In case of suspicion of malignancy, early investigations should be done to evaluate the lesion, then a traditional parotidectomy can be safely and successfully performed even in a very young child. The open technique allows the removal of NF with full control of the surgical area and facial nerve. In this article, we presented the management of a case in a 4-year-old female affected by NF of the external auditory canal (EAC), and we described clinical and surgical management of the case. We also reviewed literature of nodular fasciitis cases of ears in children.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Lymphangioma is a malformation of the lymphatic system. It is a rare occurrence in adults. The exact etiology of the disease is unclear but it is expected to be either congenital or due to obstruction and retention of lymph in developing lymphatic vessels.
    UNASSIGNED: We report a case of Parotid Lymphangioma in a 35-year-old male who presented to ENT OPD with painless right infraauricular swelling for 1 year which was insidious in onset and progressive in nature.
    UNASSIGNED: FNAC of the right parotid lump, USG of the parotid and neck, CT scan, and MRI of the neck were done which demonstrated the lesion and helped in the diagnosis.
    UNASSIGNED: The lesion was surgically excised under general anesthesia.
    UNASSIGNED: After the surgery, the patient was given IV antibiotics for 7 days and then discharged by prescribing Cefixime, Mupirocin, Pantop, Flexon, and eye drops. There was mouth deviation to the left side and incomplete closure of the right eye. However, the follow-up was uneventful with normal mouth and eye closure.
    UNASSIGNED: Parotid Lymphangioma must be diagnosed and treated as early as possible as it may cause complications. Regular follow-up even after the treatment is recommended.





