• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Confocal microscopy and fluorescence staining of cellular structures are commonly used to study neutrophil activation and NETosis. However, they do not reveal the specific characteristics of the neutrophil membrane surface, its nanostructure, and morphology. The aim of this study was to reveal the topography and nanosurface characteristics of neutrophils during activation and NETosis using atomic force microscopy (AFM). We showed the main stages of neutrophil activation and NETosis, which include control cell spreading, cell fragment formation, fusion of nuclear segments, membrane disruption, release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), and final cell disintegration. Changes in neutrophil membrane nanosurface parameters during activation and NETosis were quantified. It was shown that with increasing activation time there was a decrease in the spectral intensity of the spatial periods. Exposure to the activator A23187 resulted in an increase in the number and average size of cell fragments over time. Exposure to the activators A23187 and PMA (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) caused the same pattern of cell transformation from spherical cells with segmented nuclei to disrupted cells with NET release. A23187 induced NETosis earlier than PMA, but PMA resulted in more cells with NETosis at the end of the specified time interval (180 min). In our study, we used AFM as the main research tool. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM) images are provided for identification and detailed analysis of the phenomena studied. In this way, we exploited the advantages of both techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The benefits of physical activities conducted systematically on the harmonious development, intellectual performance, and general health of children are unanimously accepted. This study\'s aim is to determine whether differences in oral health between young athletes and children not engaged in competitive sports are present. A total of 173 children aged between 6 and 17 years, 58 hockey players, 55 football players, and 60 in the control group were divided into groups according to their activity, age, and biological sex and examined for oral hygiene and dental and periodontal health, using clinically determined indices. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between the groups, with lower (better) values for athletes, regardless of age, sex, or activity. Oral hygiene showed the most relevant differences for males aged 14 to 17, as did the index for dental health. Periodontal health, on the other hand, was significantly better for females aged 6 to 13. Based on this data, the beneficial influence of regular physical activity also has an impact on oral health. Identifying the mechanisms behind this needs to be explored in depth and may be a topic for further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although high-throughput DNA sequencing-based methods have been of great value for determining the composition of microbial communities in various environments, there is the potential for inaccuracies arising from the sequencing of DNA from dead microorganisms. In this pilot study, we compared different sequencing-based methods to assess their relative accuracy with respect to distinguishing between viable and non-viable cells, using a live and heat-inactivated model community spiked into bovine milk. The methods used were shotgun metagenomics with and without propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment, RNA-based 16S rRNA sequencing and metatranscriptomics. The results showed that methods were generally accurate, though significant differences were found depending on the library types and sequencing technologies. Different molecular targets were the basis for variations in the results generated using different library types, while differences in the derived composition data from Oxford Nanopore Technologies-and Illumina-based sequencing likely reflect a combination of different sequencing depths, error rates and bioinformatics pipelines. Although PMA was successfully applied in this study, further optimisation is required before it can be applied in a more universal context for complex microbiomes. Overall, these methods show promise and represent another important step towards the ultimate establishment of approaches that can be applied to accurately identify live microorganisms in milk and other food niches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute megakaryocytic leukemia (AMKL) is one of the rarest sub-types of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). AMKL is characterized by high proliferation of megakaryoblasts and myelofibrosis of bone marrow, this disease is also associated with poor prognosis. Previous analyses have reported that the human megakaryoblastic cells can be differentiated into cells with megakaryocyte (MK)-like characteristics by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). However, little is known about the mechanism responsible for regulating this differentiation process. We performed long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) profiling to investigate the differently expressed lncRNAs in megakaryocyte blast cells treated with and without PMA and examined those that may be responsible for the PMA-induced differentiation of megakaryoblasts into MKs. We found 30 out of 90 lncRNA signatures to be differentially expressed after PMA treatment of megakaryoblast cells, including the highly expressed JPX lncRNA. Further, in silico lncRNA-miRNA and miRNA-mRNA interaction analysis revealed that the JPX is likely involved in unblocking the expression of TGF-β receptor (TGF-βR) by sponging oncogenic miRNAs (miR-9-5p, miR-17-5p, and miR-106-5p) during MK differentiation. Further, we report the activation of TGF-βR-induced non-canonical ERK1/2 and PI3K/AKT pathways during PMA-induced MK differentiation and ploidy development. The present study demonstrates that TGF-βR-induced non-canonical ERK1/2 and PI3K/AKT pathways are associated with PMA-induced MK differentiation and ploidy development; in this molecular mechanism, JPX lncRNA could act as a decoy for miR-9-5p, miR-17-5p, and miR-106-5p, titrating them away from TGF-βR mRNAs. Importantly, this study reveals the activation of ERK1/2 and PI3K/AKT pathway in PMA-induced Dami cell differentiation into MK. The identified differentially expressed lncRNA signatures may facilitate further study of the detailed molecular mechanisms associated with MK development. Thus, our data provide numerous targets with therapeutic potential for the modulation of the differentiation of megakaryoblastic cells in AMKL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Criteria for assessing upper motor neuron pathology in lower motor neuron disease (LMND) still remain major issues in clinical diagnosis. This study was designed to investigate patients with the clinical diagnosis of adult pure LMND by use of whole brain based diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to delineate alterations of corticoefferent pathways in vivo. Comparison of fractional anisotropy (FA) maps was performed by whole brain-based spatial statistics for 37 LMND patients vs. 53 matched controls to detect white matter structural alterations. LMND patients were clinically differentiated in fast and slow progressors. Furthermore, tract specific alterations were investigated by fiber tracking techniques according to the staging hypothesis for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The analysis of white matter structural connectivity demonstrated widespread and characteristic patterns of alterations in patients with LMND, predominantly along the corticospinal tract (CST), with multiple clusters of regional FA reductions in the motor system at p < 0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons). Fast progressing LMND showed substantial CST involvement, while slow progressors showed less CST alterations. In the tract-specific analysis according to the ALS-staging pattern as suggested by Braak, fast progressing LMND showed significant alterations of ALS-related tract systems beyond the CST compared to slow progressors and controls. In clinically pure LMND patients, the involvement of corticoefferent fibers was demonstrated, in particular along the CST, supporting the hypothesis that LMND is a phenotypical variant of ALS. This finding suggests to treat these patients like ALS, including the opportunity to participate in clinical trials.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: To compare extubation failure rate with two ranges of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) in oxygen dependent preterm infants.
    METHODS: Preterm infants of birth weight 500-1000 g and gestational age 23-30 weeks, extubated for the first time during the first 6 weeks while requiring fraction of inspired oxygen ≥ 0.25, were randomly assigned to a NCPAP range of 4-6 (low NCPAP) or 7-9 (high NCPAP) cmH2O.
    RESULTS: Infants were randomized to low (n = 47) or high NCPAP (n = 46) at day 16.3 ± 14.7 and 15.5 ± 12.4, respectively. Rates of extubation failure per criteria (24% vs 43%, P = .04, OR and 95% CI: 0.39 [0.16-0.96]) and re-intubation (17% vs 38%, P = .023, 0.33 [0.016-0.85]) within 96 hours were significantly lower in the high- compared with the low NCPAP group. This was mainly due to a strikingly lower failure rate in the 500-750 g birth weight strata. Duration of ventilation, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia did not differ significantly. No infant developed pneumothorax during 96 hours post-extubation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Extubation failure in preterm infants with residual lung disease was lower with NCPAP range of 7-9 compared with 4-6 cmH2O. These findings suggest the need for higher distending pressure post-extubation in the more immature infants who are still oxygen dependent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At near-term age the brain undergoes rapid growth and development. Abnormalities identified during this period have been recognized as potential predictors of neurodevelopment in children born preterm. This study used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to examine white matter (WM) microstructure in very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) preterm infants to better understand regional WM developmental trajectories at near-term age. DTI scans were analyzed in a cross-sectional sample of 45 VLBW preterm infants (BW≤1500g, GA≤32weeks) within a cohort of 102 neonates admitted to the NICU and recruited to participate prior to standard-of-care MRI, from 2010 to 2011, 66/102 also had DTI. For inclusion in this analysis, 45 infants had DTI, no evidence of brain abnormality on MRI, and were scanned at PMA ≤40weeks (34.7-38.6). White matter microstructure was analyzed in 19 subcortical regions defined by DiffeoMap neonatal brain atlas, using threshold values of trace <0.006mm(2)s(-1) and FA >0.15. Regional fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) were calculated and temporal-spatial trajectories of development were examined in relation to PMA and brain region location. Posterior regions within the corona radiata (CR), corpus callosum (CC), and internal capsule (IC) demonstrated significantly higher mean FA values compared to anterior regions. Posterior regions of the CR and IC demonstrated significantly lower RD values compared to anterior regions. Centrally located projection fibers demonstrated higher mean FA and lower RD values than peripheral regions including the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC), cerebral peduncle, retrolenticular part of the IC, posterior thalamic radiation, and sagittal stratum. Centrally located association fibers of the external capsule had higher FA and lower RD than the more peripherally-located superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF). A significant relationship between PMA-at-scan and FA, MD, and RD was demonstrated by a majority of regions, the strongest correlations were observed in the anterior limb of the internal capsule, a region undergoing early stages of myelination at near-term age, in which FA increased (r=.433, p=.003) and MD (r=-.545, p=.000) and RD (r=-.540, p=.000) decreased with PMA-at-scan. No correlation with PMA-at-scan was observed in the CC or SLF, regions that myelinate later in infancy. Regional patterns of higher FA and lower RD were observed at this near-term age, suggestive of more advanced microstructural development in posterior compared to anterior regions within the CR, CC, and IC and in central compared to peripheral WM structures. Evidence of region-specific rates of microstructural development was observed. Temporal-spatial patterns of WM microstructure development at near-term age have important implications for interpretation of near-term DTI and for identification of aberrations in typical developmental trajectories that may signal future impairment.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    BACKGROUND: Transapical (TA) aortic valve replacement was an integral part of the Placement of Transcatheter Aortic Valves (PARTNER) trial. Enrollment during the randomized trial included 104 transapical (premarket approval TA [PMA-TA]) and 92 surgical aortic valve replacements (SAVR) within the TA cohort. On completion of the trial, enrollment continued in a nonrandomized continued access (NRCA) program. We compared the outcomes of NRCA-TA procedures with those of PMA-TA and SAVR.
    METHODS: In 22 centers, 975 patients underwent TA aortic valve replacement as part of the NRCA registry. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were unchanged from the previously reported PARTNER trial. All patients were followed up for at least 1 year.
    RESULTS: Thirty-day or in-hospital mortality was 8.8% for the NRCA-TA cohort, compared with 10.6% and 12.0% for the PMA-TA and SAVR patients, respectively (p = 0.54). One-year mortality in the NRCA-TA cohort was 22.1%, not significantly lower than the mortality in PMA-TA and SAVR patients at 29.0% and 25.3%, respectively (p = 0.27). Thirty-day or in-hospital stroke was 2.2% among NRCA-TA patients in contrast to the 6.7% stroke rate observed in the PMA-TA group and 5.4% in SAVR patients (p = 0.008). Lower rates of neurologic adverse events in the NRCA-TA group persisted at 1 year compared with the PMA-TA and SAVR patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Among the 975 patients in the NRCA-TA cohort, rates of major outcomes including death and stroke compared favorably with outcomes of PMA-TA and SAVR patients enrolled in the PARTNER trial. This trend toward improved outcomes may be attributed to improved patient selection, individual centers surmounting the procedural learning curve, and refinements in surgical technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of 2.5 vs 4 g/kg/d of amino acid (AA) in parenteral nutrition of extremely low birth weight infants on metabolic tolerance, short-term growth, and neurodevelopment.
    METHODS: One hundred thirty-one infants with birth weight between 500 and 1249 g were randomized to 2.5 (standard AA [SAA] group) or 4 (high AA [HAA] group) g/kg/d AA intake, with equal nonprotein energy. The primary outcome was body size at 36 weeks.
    RESULTS: One hundred thirty-one patients were randomized and 114 analyzed (58 SAA group and 56 HAA group). Study groups had similar demographics and clinical characteristics. Elevated blood urea (BU >70 mg/dL = BU nitrogen >32.6 mg/dL) occurred in 24% vs 59% (P = .000) and hyperglycemia (>175 mg/dL) in 34% vs 11% (P = .003) of the SAA and HAA patients, respectively. Body weight, length, and head circumference at 36 weeks and 2 years were similar between groups. Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition score was 94 ± 13 in the SAA group and 97 ± 15 in the HAA group (P = .35).
    CONCLUSIONS: The HAA group had higher BU levels and better glucose control. An extra 8 g/kg of AA over the first 10 days of life did not improve growth and neurodevelopment.





