
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Giant cell tumor (GCT) is a benign, locally aggressive neoplasm with a high recurrence rate with common occurrence in the long bone and the cases in the maxillofacial region bone are very rare. Due to the paucity of the cases, there is not enough information available regarding the behavior of the tumor. Also, the differentiation of this aggressive lesion with the commonly occurring reactive giant cell lesions is crucial and needs more research. This study is pertaining to the review of literature of the cases of GCT in the oral cavity with their clinicopathological, radiographic, and biochemical analyses. Although there are no available studies regarding the immunohistochemical characteristics of this lesion, this study is the first step in this direction to differentiate this tumor better and identify the possible pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Bladder cancer is a global disease, ranks as the fourth most prevalent cancer. The incidence and prevalence increase with age. Grade and aggressiveness have been found to be related with different genetic expression and mutation.
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate any relation of grade and invasiveness of urothelial cancer with varied expression of immune histochemical marker p63 and her2/neu.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study was a hospital based prospective cross-sectional study. This Study was conducted from July 2021 to April 2023 in the Urology department of a tertiary care hospital. Total 90 patients undergoing trans urethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) were included in this study.
    UNASSIGNED: It was found that, patients who had decreased p63 expression had high grade in tumours (93.1%) compared to patients who were expressing normal p63 (32.8%) and this was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Tumours with decreased p63 also appeared to be more invasive, 62.1% were found to be muscle invasive. Tumours with her2 neu expression found to be more aggressive in nature, 85.7% had high grade features and 53.6% were muscle invasive.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest that immunohistochemical expression of HER2/neu positive and decreased p63 expression were associated with high grade and invasiveness in case of bladder carcinoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A nuclear protein in testis (NUT) midline carcinoma arises from squamous cells and is often located in the head, neck, and lungs. This report focuses on the negative p63 mutation and older age at the diagnosis of a NUT carcinoma, which has significant prognostic implications. A 62-year-old patient presented initially with a three-year history of recurring frontal headaches, intermittent nasal bleeding, and a sensation of a nasal cavity mass. An incisional biopsy revealed a poorly differentiated NUT carcinoma in the left maxillary sinus. A functional endoscopic sinus surgery was performed, but the cancer recurred. As a result, a total maxillectomy was performed, and the patient was declared cancer-free with no evidence of residual disease. This is a rare instance of a p63-negative midline NUT cell carcinoma (NCC) in an elderly patient, which could potentially contribute to a more favourable prognosis and longer survival compared to other reported cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Molecular analysis of a NUT carcinoma and age at diagnosis may serve as a potential means for predicting patient prognosis in cases of midline NCC.Each patient should receive careful monitoring and a personalised treatment strategy based on their molecular studies. Surgical resection, along with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, has the potential to improve overall survival rates.In line with the commonly observed relationship between increased p63 mutation and poorer survival rates, a negative p63 expression in squamous cell carcinomas may indicate a more favorable prognosis. This hypothesis highlights the importance of further research to validate these findings.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The NONO::TFE3 fusion has been described in MiT family translocation renal cell carcinomas as well as extracutaneous perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas). PEComas are known to express myogenic and melanocytic markers but SOX10 and p63 positivity has never been reported. We report two primary cutaneous tumors that morphologically and molecularly fit PEComas, both harboring the NONO::TFE3 fusion, but with an unusual immunophenotype of SOX10 and p63 positivity. One case was on an 80-year-old male\'s finger, and the other one was on a 72-year-old female\'s thigh. Both were well-circumscribed multinodular dermal tumors composed of nests of monotonous epithelioid to spindled cells with pale to vacuolated cytoplasm, some of which were arranged around blood vessels. Both tumors were positive for SOX10, S100, and p63, focally positive for Melan-A, and negative for myogenic markers. There are very little data regarding the molecular findings of primary cutaneous PEComas. While the NONO::TFE3 fusion has been identified in extracutaneous PEComas, it has never been reported in primary cutaneous cases. We believe these cases represent a previously undescribed subtype of cutaneous tumor which shows some immunophenotypic expression of melanocytic markers and we named these cases NONO::TFE3 fusion cutaneous epithelioid and spindle cell tumor. Further, we raise the question of whether this tumor should fall under the rubric of PEComa because of its morphology, partial expression of melanocytic markers, and the presence of the NONO::TFE3 fusion, or whether these tumors represent a separate novel class of tumors since the immunophenotypic expression of SOX10 and p63 is unusual for PEComas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Authors report a rare case report about split hand and foot malformation (SHFM) also sometimes referred to as ectrodactyly.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient with hand and foot malformations presented to casualty. A 60-year-old male was brought with alleged history of road traffic accident with tenderness and deformity in left thigh. On further physical examination, a malformation was present in bilateral feet and right hand. Plain radiographs were taken after emergency primary management which revealed a fracture of shaft of femur of the left side and absence of 2nd and 3rd phalanges in bilateral feet and lobster claw like malformation in the right hand. The patient was further investigated and operated with femur interlocking nail and later discharged under stable condition. Screening for other congenital defects was done.
    UNASSIGNED: Patients with SHFM should undergo screening for other congenital anomalies. Electrocardiogram, 2D ECHO, chest radiograph, and ultrasonography abdomen should be done. Genetic analysis ideally should be done to identify mutations involved. Surgical intervention is only required when patient demands improved function of limb.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT) is the rarest type of gestational trophoblastic tumor (GTT). It has been reported that more than 50% of ETTs arise in the uterine cervix or the lower uterine segment. Here, we report a case of ETT within the lower uterine segment and cervical canal and discuss its manifestations, possible causes, and related influencing factors.
    METHODS: A 35-year-old woman (gravida 7, miscarriage 3, induction 2 with 1 being twins, para 2 of cesarean section, live 2), who had amenorrhea for 9 mo after breastfeeding for 22 mo after the last cesarean section, was diagnosed with ETT. The lesion was present in the lower uterine segment and endocervical canal with severe involvement of the anterior wall of the lower uterine segment and the front wall of the lower uterine segment where the cesarean incisions were made. Laboratory tests showed slight elevation of serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin. Intraoperative exploration showed the presence of a normal-sized uterus body with an enlarged tumor in the lower uterine segment. The surface of the lower uterine segment was light blue, the entire lesion was approximately about 8 cm × 8 cm × 9 cm, with compression and displacement of the surrounding tissue. Histological examination diagnosed ETT. Immunohistochemical analysis showed positive expression of p63, with a Ki-67 proliferation index of 40%.
    CONCLUSIONS: A search of the PubMed database using the search terms \"cesarean section\" and \"epithelioid trophoblastic tumor\" retrieved nine articles, including 13 cases of ETT and ETT-related lesions, all 13 cases had a history of cesarean section, and the lesions were all located at the cesarean section incision on the anterior wall of the lower uterine segment. The present case is the 14th reported case of ETT after cesarean section. Therefore, we deduced that cesarean section trauma had an important effect on the occurrence of ETT at this site.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) of the submandibular gland is extremely rare. Owing to the low morbidity and nonspecific clinical manifestations, diagnosis is commonly delayed, which increases metastasis and mortality. To date, there have been five reported cases of SC of the submandibular gland. Here, we present a new case and review the relevant literature.
    UNASSIGNED: A 36-year-old woman presented with an enlarged left submandibular gland. Clinical features included a non-tender solitary nodular mass with normal overlying skin. There were no special findings on computed tomography or ultrasound examination except for a swollen mass in the left submandibular gland. The patient underwent surgical resection. Pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of SC with nerve infiltration. Immunohistochemical examination of this case showed positive staining for P63, P40, CK7, CK8/18, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. The specimen was negative for androgen receptor, CEA, S-100, CK5/6, SOX-10, SOX-11, SMA, and GCDFP-15. The KI-67 labeling index was determined to be 15%. PAS and anti-epithelial membrane antigen were positive in partial area. The patient is still undergoing follow-up, and no metastasis or recurrence has been observed for 2 months.
    UNASSIGNED: This case highlighted the fact that despite its rarity, SC should be considered as a differential diagnosis for masses located in the head and face. Early and accurate diagnosis, followed by wide surgical excision, has a favorable prognosis. Therefore, clinicians should be familiar with the clinical and pathological features of this disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft (EEC) syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and orofacial clefting. Reduced penetrance is manifested in these core features and additional under-recognized features, especially in prenatal cases. Here, we present a fetus with EEC syndrome at 22 weeks gestation, in which the cleft lip and palate and the right polycystic kidney are shown by prenatal ultrasound. A de novo missense mutation of R304W in the TP63 gene is confirmed by whole-exome sequencing associated with EEC syndrome. We further investigate the reported TP63-related prenatal cases and provide a more complete picture of the prenatal phenotypic spectrum about EEC. It illustrates the potential severity of genitourinary anomalies in TP63-related disorders and highlights the need to counsel for the possibility of EEC syndrome, given the occurrence of genitourinary anomalies with orofacial cleft or limb deformities.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Oral metastasis, although rare, tends to involve jawbones, particularly the posterior region of the mandible, and involvement of oral soft tissues, even when less likely, is most often seen on the gingiva and tongue. Clinically, the soft-tissue masses tend to mimic pyogenic granuloma, peripheral giant cell granuloma or an epulis and thus are difficult to diagnose and identify. The jaw bone is preferred by prostate carcinoma as a metastatic target. Prostate malignancy, which is more common in Western countries than in India, may be adenocarcinomas or carcinomas. Oftentimes, metastatic lesions develop in the alveolar region and are a cause for tooth mobility, yet, they tend to be detected only after extraction of the affected tooth. In such cases, the symptomatic presentation therefore, is vague and indicative of tooth mobility secondary to periodontal pathology unless, a detailed history and follow-up is done. We report a case of a male patient who presented to our department with a proliferative, painful, swelling postextraction of the left first molar region, and the lesion was seen at the extraction site as well as in the mandibular anterior tooth region. The swelling was associated with palpable lymph nodes. Orthopantomogram showed an irregular, radiolucent lesion extending from the lower left central incisor to the left first molar region in the mandibular alveolus. Incisional biopsy tissue came with provisional diagnosis of osteomyelitis or squamous cell carcinoma as the patient was a habitual bidi smoker for more than 20 years. Histologically, it was an undifferentiated tumor with tumor cells seen in deep connective tissue with a lack of lineage differentiation. An undifferentiated malignant tumor represents either a metastasis of unknown origin or a primary neoplasia without obvious cell line of differentiation. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of undifferentiated tumors helps to categorize them into small round blue cell tumors or large cell tumors. The oral pathologist was perplexed as there was no mention of any other malignancy in the patient\'s history, which, however, was noted by the surgeons few days later. Hence, initially, a hematopoietic malignancy was suspected which was ruled out by IHC, and later, staining with cytokeratin 7 (CK7), CK-high molecular weight and P63 confirmed prostate metastases as all three were negative.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Urothelial rests, also known as Walthard rests, are benign nests of epithelial cells that most often are found in the female gynecologic tract. Only four of these urothelial rests have been described in the appendix. Case report: A 10-year-old female underwent an appendectomy for appendicitis. Histologically, there was acute appendicitis, and an incidental urothelial rest was identified, confirmed by immunostains positive for p63, CK7, and negative for synaptophysin. CD34 highlighted a rim of endothelial cells. Conclusion: Urothelial rests, which often appear in the female gynecologic tract, can occur in other sites such as the appendix. These benign lesions require differentiation from neuroendocrine lesions. The rim of endothelial cells in our report supports a vascular migrational origin.





