Ovarian vein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During standard cadaveric dissection we encountered multiple vascular variations in the retroperitoneum: duplicated and dilated left ovarian vein with the coexistence of a persistent right mesonephric artery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Traumatic pelvic fractures are complex injuries often associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Among the complications of pelvic trauma, rupture of the ovarian vein represents a rare yet potentially life-threatening event. Prompt recognition and appropriate management are essential to mitigate the risk of hemorrhage and associated complications.
    METHODS: We present a case of a 70-year-old woman who sustained a traumatic pelvic fracture following a skiing accident, resulting in rupture of the left ovarian vein. The patient came with the ambulance in the emergency room with lower abdominal tenderness, pelvic pain, but no signs of hemorrhagic shock. Imaging studies confirmed the diagnosis of a pelvic fracture with venous leakage of the left ovarian vein.
    UNASSIGNED: This review synthesizes recent insights into the diagnosis, management, and complications associated with pelvic fractures, with an emphasis on optimizing patient outcomes through a multidisciplinary approach. The analysis incorporates findings from key studies, including those by Wong and Bucknill, Ma Y et al., and Tullington and Blecker, which advocate for the use of advanced diagnostic tools like CT scans and systematic evaluation processes. These studies underline the necessity of precise classification systems such as the Tile classification to guide treatment and predict outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Management of traumatic pelvic fractures with associated vascular injuries requires a multidisciplinary approach involving trauma surgeons, interventional radiologists, and critical care specialists. Early recognition, accurate diagnosis, and timely intervention are paramount in optimizing outcomes and reducing the risk of mortality. This case underscores the importance of prompt intervention and highlights the challenges associated with traumatic pelvic fractures and rupture of the ovarian vein. Further research is warranted to enhance our understanding of optimal management strategies and improve outcomes for patients with these complex injuries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma (RPLMS) is rare and usually presents as a large abdominal mass with poor clinical symptoms. Radiological findings of an RPLMS arising in the pelvis of a woman resemble those of adnexal tumors. Herein, we present a case of RPLMS mimicking an adnexal tumor which was differentiated from having an ovarian origin as the right ovarian vein was passing through the tumor but there was no direct vascular connection with the tumor. Therefore, it is important to identify the ovarian vein to distinguish between these tumors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of colour Doppler sonography for ovarian veins. The clinical incidence of ovarian venous lesions is relatively low and often overlooked. The ovarian veins are located deep in the pelvis, and they are relatively elongated, which could make medical imaging more difficult. Therefore, there is limited literature on the diagnosis of ovarian venous disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of colour Doppler sonography towards ovarian vein.
    A total of 37 consecutive patients with clinically suspected ovarian venous disorders were included. All the patients underwent colour Doppler sonography. CTV was performed in 31 patients, while retrograde phlebography was performed in 6 patients. CT/phlebography was the established diagnostic criterion for ovarian vein disorders. The SPSS 22.0 program was used for statistical analysis. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for colour Doppler sonography were calculated. k-test was used to evaluate consistency between colour Doppler sonography and CT/phlebography.
    In the 37 patients,18 cases were positive for ovarian vein disorders and 19 cases were negative, as assessed with colour Doppler sonography. The associated lesions included ovarian vein thrombosis (7 cases), ovarian varicocele (3 cases), and ovarian venous leiomyoma (8 cases). The calculated values of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive value were 94.4%, 94.7%, 94.4%, and 94.7%, respectively. The overall accuracy rate was 94.9%. The k level of the degree of agreement between CT/phlebography and colour Doppler sonography was 0.892.
    Colour doppler sonography can provide sufficient imaging information. In clinical ultrasonography, attention should be paid to recognizing and detecting ovarian venous lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The management of pelvic venous disorders (PeVD) remains controversial. Open surgical and endovascular methods are currently used for treatment, but there are few data in the literature on the morphology and histology of the ectatic ovarian vein (OV). This study aimed to explore the histomorphological changes in a dilated OV in patients with PeVD and compare it with a normal OV obtained post-mortem and a normal great saphenous vein (GSV).
    METHODS: Histology of the OV was studied in 16 patients who underwent surgery for PeVD, 10 control cadavers from whom fragments of the OV without visible gross changes were taken at autopsy, and nine control patients in whom the GSV was resected to be used for coronary artery bypass.
    RESULTS: The OV wall in patients with PeVD consisted of three layers: intima, media, and adventitia. The OV looked very similar to the GSV wall because of a clearly developed layer of smooth muscle fibres. The thickness of the normal OV was significantly different to the OV wall in PeVD (475.3 μm, IQR 370.7, 607.6 vs. 776.3 μm, IQR 668.9, 879.6, p < .001) and did not differ significantly from the thickness of a normal GSV wall (784.3 μm, IQR 722.2, 898.2). The intima-media complex of the OV was significantly thinner than the GSV in PeVD (118.9 μm, IQR 75.6, 159.6 vs. 415 μm, IQR 399.5, 520.0, р < .001); however, the adventitia of the OV was significantly thicker than in normal OV and GSV (599.6 μm, IQR 444.3, 749.7 vs. 373.5 μm, IQR 323.8, 482.0 vs. 308.4 μm, IQR 275.9, 338.2, p < .001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Dilatation of the OV in patients with PeVD was accompanied by a significant increase in the overall thickness of the vein wall, which brings it closer in structure to the GSV. This implies that the OV may be used safely for transposition into the inferior vena cava or iliac vein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Late gestational supine positioning reduces maternal cardiac output due to inferior vena caval (IVC) compression, despite increased collateral venous return. However, little is known about the impact of maternal position on oxygen (O2 ) delivery and consumption of the gravid uterus, fetus, placenta and lower limbs. We studied the effects of maternal positioning on these parameters in 20 healthy pregnant subjects at 36 ± 2 weeks using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); a follow-up MRI was performed 6-months postpartum (n = 16/20). MRI techniques included phase-contrast and T1/T2 relaxometry for blood flow and oximetry imaging, respectively. O2 transport was measured in the following vessels (bilateral where appropriate): maternal abdominal descending aorta (DAoabdo ), IVC, ovarian, paraspinal veins (PSV), uterine artery (UtA) and external iliacs, and umbilical. Maternal cardiac output was measured by summing DAothoracic and superior vena cava flows. Supine mothers (n = 6) had lower cardiac output and O2 delivery in the DAoabdo , UtA and external iliac arteries, and higher PSV flow than those in either the left (n = 8) or right (n = 6) lateral positions during MRI. However, O2 consumption in the gravid uterus, fetus, placenta and lower limbs was unaffected by maternal positioning. The ratio of IVC/PSV flow decreased in supine mothers while ovarian venous flow and O2 saturation were unaltered, suggesting a major route of pelvic venous return unaffected by maternal position. Placental-fetal O2 transport and consumption were similar between left and right lateral maternal positions. In comparison to non-pregnant findings, DAoabdo and UtA O2 delivery and pelvic O2 consumption increased, while lower-limb consumption remained constant , despite reduced external iliac artery O2 delivery in late gestation. KEY POINTS: Though sleeping supine during the third trimester is associated with an increased risk of antepartum stillbirth, the underlying biological mechanisms are not fully understood. Maternal cardiac output and uteroplacental flow are reduced in supine mothers due to inferior vena caval compression from the weight of the gravid uterus. This MRI study provides a comprehensive circulatory assessment, demonstrating reduced maternal cardiac output and O2 delivery (uteroplacental, lower body) in supine compared to lateral positioning; however, O2 consumption (gravid uterus, fetus, placenta, lower limbs) was preserved. Unlike other mammalian species, the ovarian veins conduct substantial venous return from the human pregnant uterus that is unaffected by maternal positioning. Lumbar paraspinal venous flow increased in supine mothers. These observations may have important considerations during major pelvic surgery in pregnancy (i.e. placenta percreta). Future studies should address the importance of maternal positioning as a potential tool to deliver improved perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with compromised uteroplacental O2 delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This report addresses three variants identified within a female cadaver. Specifically, these were an anomalous origin of the right suprarenal artery, an abnormal bilateral ovarian vein branch, and a arterial tortuosity of the left ovarian artery. Indeed, the cadaver evinced abnormal origins in the case of the middle suprarenal artery (MSA), right inferior phrenic artery (IPA), and the renal capsule artery (emanating from the right renal artery). The MSA and IPA shared a common trunk with the inferior suprarenal artery. It was additionally observed that the right ovarian vein anastomoses the branches from the right kidney posterior inferior along with those to the renal fat capsule. Abnormal origin was evident in the case of the left ovarian artery, and arterial tortuosity was apparent in the lower region of the vessels. This report addresses both the clinical import of these variations and their likely causes. In the subdiaphragmatic region, surgical success and prognosis may be impacted by such anomalies; accordingly surgeons must be aware of anatomical variants of the ovarian and suprarenal arteries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Ovarian vein thrombosis (OVT) is an uncommon condition, occurring in ~1 in every 600-2,000 pregnancies. It is associated with various conditions, including thrombophilia, malignancy, sepsis, intra-abdominal and pelvic inflammatory conditions, pregnancy, and the postpartum period, and specific surgical interventions, particularly gynecological surgeries. Thus, this study aims to identify the associated factors for OVT and elaborate on the standard treatment strategies for its management.
    UNASSIGNED: Retrospective data collection was used. Our study consists of 18 patients diagnosed with OVT between 2005 and 2016; the data was collected from the Health Information Management system at King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia using a standard format.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study found that OVT involves the right ovarian vein more often than the left and mainly occurs in women during their postpartum period. These patients other associated factor included hypertension, diabetes, and a higher body mass index (BMI) of above 25 kg/m2. The most frequently presenting complaints were abdominal pain and fever. The most common treatment was the administration of enoxaparin (a low molecular weight heparin) for an average duration of one to three months, which resulted in a low recurrence rate of OVT.
    UNASSIGNED: Physicians should be vigilant for suspicion of OVT in female patients presenting with lower abdominal pain and fever in their postpartum period. Additionally, it is suggested to use low molecular weight heparin as initial therapy for OVT for one to three months, resulting in a high remission rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The treatment success of catheter-based ovarian vein embolization due to peripheral varicose veins and ovarian vein reflux (OVR) should be investigated in this clinical investagtion. Patients and methods: For this study, 95 female patients were identified over a 5-year period (beginning of 2006 to end of 2011) after catheter-based coil (+/- chemical) embolization of the ovarian vein due to peripheral primary or recurrent varicose veins and proven reflux in the ovarian vein. Treatment success was retrospectively assessed in 2014 by means of a structured telephone interview (n=60), clinical examination (n=56), duplex ultrasound (n=56) and magnetic resonance imaging (n=51) in patients who were willing to participate in the study. Results: After an average of 51.9 months, 95.2% of the 60 included patients were diagnosed with recurrent varicose veins by duplex sonography and 88.1% by clinical examination. In 15.2%, a new intervention was required due to clinical symptoms. The median recurrence-free time was 47.0±5.5 months. A significant improvement by therapy was reported for all subjective symptoms in both pelvis and legs. No significant correlation between radiological findings and complaints or between radiological findings and clinical recurrence was found. Conclusions: The medical history of female patients with peripheral varicose veins should obligatorily include the question of symptoms in the pelvis. An appropriate diagnostic should follow in order to prevent a possible overlook of a pelvic leak point. Only then an individually adapted therapy for symptom relief is possible. Catheter-based ovarian vein embolization is one optional safe procedure that leads to significant improvement of subjective symptoms but does not necessarily prevent recurrent varicose veins.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Nutcracker syndrome is a condition in which the left renal vein is pinched between the abdominal aorta and the superior mesenteric artery, resulting in an increase in renal vein pressure and certain symptoms. We report a very rare case of retroperitoneal hematoma caused by the rupture of varicose veins of the left ovary.
    METHODS: A 77-year-old Japanese woman, para 7, experienced sudden left lower abdominal pain. She had no history of trauma or treatment complications. Computed tomography revealed a left retroperitoneal hematoma, but her abdominal pain subsided quickly; thus, urgent treatment was not required. We then scheduled her for an assessment regarding the cause of her bleeding. However, 6 days after the pain onset, abdominal pain symptoms recurred, confirming hematoma regrowth. Magnetic resonance imaging and three-dimensional computed tomography revealed an abnormal vascular network from the left side of the uterus to the left adnexa. Subsequent angiography revealed that the retroperitoneal bleeding originated from rupture of the distended left ovarian vein, which caused blood reflux from the left renal vein to the left ovarian vein. Although angiography confirmed a passage between the left renal vein and inferior vena cava, computed tomography showed obvious stenosis in the left renal vein. In accordance with these findings, we diagnosed the cause of the distention and rupture of the left ovarian vein as nutcracker syndrome. She underwent embolization of the left ovarian vein as hemostasis treatment, and had a good course thereafter.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a spontaneous rupture of the left ovarian vein caused by nutcracker syndrome. Nutcracker syndrome is not yet well known to clinicians and should be considered as part of the differential diagnosis when an abnormal vascular network in the pelvis is found.





