Oral mucosa

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of individuals diagnosed with Fanconi anemia (FA).
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with FA patients from two Brazilian referral centers. Participants underwent a complete dental, periodontal, and oral mucosa examination, as well as assessment of resting salivary flow. The short version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire was administered. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were performed, followed by multivariate analysis to examine the impact of independent variables on OHRQoL.
    RESULTS: The study included 20 (57.1%) males and 15 (42.9%) females, with a mean age of 18.9 years. Oral leukoplakia (OL) was found in 18 individuals. The overall OHIP-14 score was 9.9 ± 10.5. Individuals aged ≥ 16 years had higher OHIP-14 scores, indicating worse OHRQoL for physical pain (p = 0.007), psychological discomfort (p = 0.001), physical disability (p = 0.03), psychological disability (p = 0.001), handicap (p = 0.004), and overall score (p = 0.007). Females reported more negative OHRQoL than males for physical pain (p = 0.02), psychological discomfort (p = 0.03), psychological disability (p = 0.009), and overall score (p = 0.02). Individuals with OL had an overall OHIP-14 score 1.83 times higher than those without OL (95% CI: 1.02-3.28; p = 0.04). Lower salivary flow correlated with higher overall OHIP-14 scores (95% CI: 0.14-0.84; p = 0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study represents the first attempt to evaluate OHRQoL in individuals with FA. The presence of OL and reduced salivary flow were identified as predictors of a negative impact on OHRQoL. It is imperative to integrate patients\' quality of life in the clinical treatment protocols for the FA population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Fordyce granules, sometimes referred to as Fordyce dots, are aberrant sebaceous glands that present as diminutive, non-painful, elevated lesions exhibiting a yellowish or whitish hue, measuring 1 to 3 mm in diameter, and manifesting inside the oral cavity. Likewise, these particles may also be seen in the vaginal region and inside the oral cavity.
    UNASSIGNED: The primary objective of the current study is to evaluate the potential association between Fordyce granules and the skin type of individuals who seek dental care at the Dental Clinics of Qassim University.
    UNASSIGNED: The current cross-sectional research was undertaken at the Dental Clinics of Qassim University, with a sample of 87 patients diagnosed with Fordyce\'s granules. The research consisted of a heterogeneous sample of participants, including individuals of all genders, ranging in age from 18 to 85 years. The study included a comprehensive evaluation of several anatomical regions to identify the existence of Fordyce\'s granules. This examination was conducted by a single examiner who had undergone calibration. Additionally, the participants\' skin types were established using the Baumann Skin Typing System questionnaire. The data that was gathered was afterward analyzed utilizing statistical methods via the use of SPSS software. A pre-set significance level was established at P < 0.05.
    UNASSIGNED: The distribution of skin types among the study participants with Fordyce\'s granules were found to be oily skin (51.3%), dry skin (47.9%), sensitive skin (49.3%), and resistant skin (56.3%). The results of the research showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the two variables, i.e. skin type and the presence of Fordyce\'s granules. This conclusion is supported by the increased P values of 0.941 for those with oily skin and 0.785 for individuals with dry skin.
    UNASSIGNED: No relation between skin type and Fordyce\'s granules in the current study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to compare the histological outcomes of three distinct de-epithelialization methods used in (connective tissue grafts) CTG harvested from the palate.
    METHODS: An experimental study using nine cadaver head specimens was carried out to compare 3 different de-epithelialization techniques for CTG. Eighteen samples were randomly allocated to three study groups: bone scraper, diamond bur and extraoral removal with a scalpel. The main outcome variable was the graft surface percentage without epithelium remains. Additionally, the time employed, and the graft thickness were also measured.
    RESULTS: Sixteen CTGs were analyzed. The extraoral scalpel group presented a total surface area with no epithelium of 58.84% (22.68) and a mean de-epithelialization time of 3.7 min; the intraoral diamond bur group had 88.24% (41.3) of the surface with no epithelium and took 1.455 min, and the intraoral bone scraper showed 97.98% (5.99) of surface without epithelium and a mean time of 0.815 min (P < 0.05). Histological analysis showed significant differences between the bone scraper and the extraoral group (P = 0.009).
    CONCLUSIONS: The de-epithelialization technique with a bone scraper seems to be the most effective and fastest de-epithelialization technique for CTG. These findings need to be confirmed in future clinical studies with larger samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of bone scrapers, could be a simple, effective and fast technique to de-epithelialize connective tissue grafts harvested from the palatal area for both novice and experienced surgeons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease that may affect the oral mucosa. The variable spectrum of oral lesions observed in SLE can pose challenges in diagnosis, particularly when the lesions occur in isolation. The aim of this study was to describe the oral lesions occurring in patients with SLE from Latin America.
    METHODS: This collaborative record-based study involving 11 oral and maxillofacial pathology and medicine services across Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Mexico describes the clinicopathological profile of SLE-related oral lesions.
    RESULTS: Seventy patients with SLE and oral lesions were included in the study. The majority were females (75.7%; female/male ratio: 3.1:1) and white (62.1%), with a mean age of 38.4 years (range: 11-77 years). The most common site of oral lesions was the hard/soft palate (32.0%). Clinically, oral lesions predominantly presented as ulcers (26.6%), erosions (26.6%), and white lesions (23.4%). Isolated oral lesions occurred in 65.2% of individuals, while cutaneous manifestations occurred in 80.3%. The main clinical diagnostic hypothesis in 71.4% of cases was an immune-mediated disease. Oral biopsies followed by histopathological analysis were performed in 50 cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Oral lesions of SLE exhibit a variety of clinical and histopathological features. A key point in diagnosis is that unusual oral changes without an obvious local cause may indicate a possible systemic condition presenting with oral lesions. A multidisciplinary approach, which includes regular oral examination, is warranted to identify oral lesions and provide treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oral Mucosal Lesions (OMLs) are conditions of the oral mucosa that cause alterations in their presentation and pain in the affected patient, highlighting their importance for study. The aim of this research is to determine the prevalence of oral lesions in the Ecuadorian Austro. Descriptive statistics were used to associate variables, yielding statistically significant findings based on oral lesions, sex, and geographical environment. This study was conducted under the appropriate bioethical permissions. The results obtained correspond to the prevalence of lesions by province. Morona Santiago displays a rate of 17% for abscesses, surpassing the provinces of Azuay (13.50%) and Cañar (10.67%). However, gingivitis for pathology, Azuay stands out with 13.17%, while Cañar and Morona Santiago present 10.50% and 8.33%, respectively. There is also a predominant occurrence of abscesses in rural areas (41.17%) compared to urban ones (26.33%). Regarding sex, girls show a higher percentage of abscesses (41.17%) compared to boys who have a clear tendency to present GUM lesions (22.33%). The data indicates that in the studied provinces, geographical environment and sex are key variables to understand the distribution of oral lesions. These findings encourage us to continue pursuing this type of research, which contributes to improving the quality of life for children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Was to explore the accumulation and distribution of the photosensitizer Photoditazine in the oral mucosa when applied to pathological lesions in patients with severe forms of lichen planus.
    METHODS: A clinical and laboratory examination was carried out in 50 patients with severe forms of lichen planus (bullous and erosive-ulcerative) aged 18 to 70 years, including 6 men and 44 women. For autofluorescent imaging a LED device with a wavelength in the violet region of the spectrum (400±10 nm) was used. Quantitative registration of the kinetics of accumulation and distribution of the photosensitizer was carried out using the method of local fluorescence spectroscopy by measuring the fluorescence spectra.
    RESULTS: The measurements were made before applying the photosensitizer, 10, 20 and 30 minutes after application. The study showed that in most patients with erosive-ulcerative and bullous forms of lichen planus, the accumulation of the photosensitizer in the lesions on the oral mucosa increased as the exposure time increased from 20 to 30 minutes. The fastest accumulation of the photosensitizer occurred in the areas of mucosal lesions with the most pronounced vascularization, namely, in the area of the tongue and the bottom of the oral cavity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using the method of local fluorescence spectroscopy, the kinetics of accumulation and destruction of photosensitizer in pathological areas of the oral mucosa was determined, and therefore the optimal time of laser exposure to the lesion was determined.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение накопления и распределения фотосенсибилизатора фотодитазин в слизистой оболочке рта при аппликационном нанесении на патологические очаги поражения у пациентов с тяжелыми формами красного плоского лишая.
    UNASSIGNED: Проведено клинико-лабораторное обследование 50 пациентов (6 мужчин и 44 женщины в возрасте от 18 до 70 лет) с тяжелыми формами (буллезной и эрозивно-язвенной) красного плоского лишая. Для аутофлюоресцентной визуализации использовали светодиодный аппарат с длиной волны излучения в фиолетовой области спектра (400±10 нм). Количественную регистрацию кинетики накопления и распределения фотосенсибилизатора проводили с помощью методики локальной флюоресцентной спектроскопии путем измерения спектров флюоресценции. Измерения проводили до нанесения фотосенсибилизатора, через 10, 20 и 30 мин после нанесения.
    UNASSIGNED: У большинства пациентов с эрозивно-язвенной и буллезной формами красного плоского лишая накопление фотосенсибилизатора в очагах поражения на слизистой оболочке рта возрастало по мере увеличения времени экспозиции от 20 до 30 мин. Быстрее всего накопление фотосенсибилизатора происходило на участках поражения слизистой оболочки с наиболее выраженной васкуляризацией, а именно в области языка и дна полости рта.
    UNASSIGNED: С помощью метода локальной флюоресцентной спектроскопии определяли кинетику накопления и разрушения фотосенсибилизатора в патологических участках слизистой оболочки рта, в связи с этим определено оптимальное время лазерного воздействия на очаг поражения.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: Desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a clinical term indicating \"peeling gums\" and is associated with different oral manifestations. In this study, we aimed to assess the association between DG and autoimmune blistering mucocutaneous diseases (ABMD) with oral manifestations. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study including 88 patients diagnosed between 1998 and 2019 with ABMD (intraepithelial and subepithelial autoimmune blistering diseases) was performed at the Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of Dentistry, \"Carol Davila\" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. For each patient, the sociodemographic and anamnestic data, as well as clinical features of oral lesions (location), histological evaluation, and direct immunofluorescence data were collected. Results: Most of the patients involved in the study were female (78.4%). In total, 34 patients (38.63%) were diagnosed with subepithelial autoimmune diseases (SAD) and 54 (61.36%) had intraepithelial autoimmune diseases (IAD). Differences in the anatomic distribution of oral involvement were found between SAD and IAD. The presence of DG was significantly more common in patients with SAD compared to those with a diagnosis of IAD. Conclusions: Specific anatomical locations of the oral lesions are significantly associated with different subtypes of ABMD, with gingiva and hard palate mucosa being more involved in SAD and the soft palate and buccal mucosa in IAD. Desquamative gingivitis is a clinical sign that raises diagnostic challenges for several conditions in oral medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Describe the dental care pathway of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and their oral pathologies.
    METHODS: A monocentric cross-sectional study involving adult PLHIVs followed (October 2021/April 2022) in our department. Socio-demographic and medical data, course of dental care, and presence of pathologies of the oral mucosa were recorded.
    RESULTS: 112 PLHIV (71% men, 54 ± 14 years) were included. Of the 112, 96% had already consulted a dentist, and 78% had a referring dentist; 73% had disclosed their seropositivity; for 84%, the visit proceeded normally, 7% refused treatment; for 8%, the dentist was not comfortable, and for 4% the dentist\'s attitude became negative; 21% of the PLHIV had already encountered difficulties in finding a dentist including 37% because of their viral status. Among the oral pathologies listed, 23 lesions were identified: 15 (65%) were unrelated to HIV, 4 (17%) were classified stages B/C (1 Kaposi\'s sarcoma, 1 oral villous leukoplakia, 2 chronic candidiasis), and 4 (17%) were lesions with evolution specifically due to HIV (2 inhomogeneous leukoplakias, 1 cancer, 1 verrucous papilloma).
    CONCLUSIONS: Although 78% of the PLHIV included had a referring dentist, discrimination by dentists toward PLHIV still persists (16% of the PLHIV concerned).
    CONCLUSIONS: 27% of participants did not feel ready to disclose their infection. The resulting lack of follow-up is also a loss of opportunity because while most of the small number of oral lesions diagnosed in this population are related to age or comorbidities, some are serious and need to be identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We report early postoperative complications (PCs) (≤90 days) of one-stage oral mucosa graft (OMG) urethroplasty in treatment of acquired anterior urethral strictures.
    METHODS: In this study, we evaluated 530 males who underwent one-stage substitution urethroplasty (SU) between September 1996 and October 2020. Medical records were reviewed to identify and classify early PCs based on the Clavien-Dindo classification (CDC). We subdivided the PCs into three groups with different kinds of complications which allowed us a more detailed analysis concerning general surgical complications (GSCs), donor site morbidity (DSM) and complications specific for free graft urethroplasty (CSUs). The influence of patient demographics, stricture characteristics and operative procedure on the occurrence of PCs was analysed.
    RESULTS: Early (90-day) PCs occurred in 90 (16.98%) patients, whereas only 19 patients (3.58%) experienced serious events (CDC grades III and IV). Early complications include 4.5% GSCs, 1.7% DSM and 10.8% CSUs. Only stricture length turned out to be an independent statistically significant risk factor for the occurrence of early PCs. There was a trend towards a higher rate of complications in patients with ASA III compared to ASA I.
    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of severe early complications in patients undergoing one-stage SU with OMG is low.





