Obstetric ultrasound

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Benign uterine tumors, known as leiomyomas or uterine fibroids, can result in severe pain, bleeding, and infertility. They impact a woman\'s overall well-being, ability to conceive, and the course of her pregnancy. Fibroids are associated with increasing maternal age. When a patient with fibroids is considering pregnancy, ultrasonography and a detailed pelvic examination should be performed to determine the size and location of any fibroids. This case study details a 30-year-old female patient who had fibroids during her pregnancy and responded well to treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Fetal intrapericardial teratoma is a rare tumor that can be diagnosed by antenatal ultrasonography early in pregnancy.
    METHODS: A fetal intrapericardial teratoma was detected on routine ultrasonography in the second trimester of pregnancy. At 31 weeks gestation, a marked increase in tumor size, fetal ascites, and pericardial effusion were observed, indicating that preterm delivery would be inevitable. Corticosteroid prophylaxis (24 mg of betamethasone in two doses of 12 mg 24 h apart) initiated for prophylaxis of respiratory distress syndrome led to a reduction in fetal ascites and pericardial effusion. Betamethasone therapy (4 mg/per day) was continued with the aim to postpone the expected date of delivery. Gestation was extended for more than 2 weeks. At 33 weeks and 5 days gestation, the neonate was delivered by elective cesarean section with ex utero intrapartum treatment and immediately submitted to fetal cardiac surgery. The infant was discharged from the hospital in good health about 4 months later.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present report draws attention to improvement in fetal status and extension of gestation achieved with maternal low-dose corticosteroid therapy on antenatal ultrasound finding of fetal ascites and pericardial effusion due to intrapericardial teratoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal intestinal volvulus is a rare condition that can lead to hemorrhage, bowel necrosis, and urgent surgical treatment after birth. Thus, prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoiding fetal or neonatal demise. Prenatal ultrasound is a keystone tool in the diagnostic course. However, sonographic findings tend to be non-specific, with limited understanding of the pathophysiology behind their atypical presentation. With a literature review and a case series, we aim to optimize the antenatal diagnosis and management of this rare but life-threatening condition. Six cases from our institution were retrospectively analyzed over 12 years. A literature review was conducted until December 2022. A total of 300 articles matched the keyword \"Fetal volvulus\", and 52 studies were eligible for the review. Our 6 cases are added to the 107 cases reported in the literature of fetal intestinal volvulus with antenatal ultrasound assessment and without associated gastroschisis or omphalocele. Several prenatal symptoms and ultrasound markers, even if not specific, were more frequently reported. Different experiences of management were described regarding follow-up, the timing of delivery, the mode of delivery, and surgery outcomes. This paper highlights the importance of suspecting and assessing fetal volvulus at routine ultrasound scans, describing the most frequent antenatal presentations and management in order to improve fetal and neonatal outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    To report a peculiar case of ultrasound diagnosis of spontaneous angular twin pregnancy. In literature, the terms \"angular,\" \"interstitial,\" and \"cornual\" pregnancies are often used inappropriately. Confusion in terminology may have contributed to difficulties in developing diagnostic ultrasound criteria to differentiate these ectopic pregnancies.
    Case report.
    Obstetrics and Gynecology, Community Hospital \"S. Maria delle Croci.\"
    A 28-year-old patient with a previous cesarean delivery was admitted to our hospital for management of a presumed angular ectopic pregnancy. Transvaginal ultrasound confirmed an ectopic dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy eccentrically located in the right superior angle of the uterine cavity: the first gestational sac appeared to have right angular implantation, whereas the second gestational sac seemed to deepen inside the myometrium, with a thin myometrial margin of only 3 mm.
    After discussing the risks, the patient requested to proceed with termination. A single intramuscular injection of 75 mg of methotrexate was administered, followed by ultrasound-guided hysterosuction after 19 days due to severe vaginal bleeding.
    An early and accurate ultrasound diagnosis of a high-risk condition allowed for conservative medical treatment.
    The serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin levels progressively decreased. After 1 month, a clinical and ultrasound examination showed a regular endometrial line with a regular reappearance of menstrual bleeding.
    Although there are remarkable advances in ultrasound techniques, angular pregnancy remains a condition of difficult diagnosis and management; it is potentially dangerous and may lead to severe complications. An early and accurate diagnosis of this condition is necessary to avoid complications and individualize the subsequent management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Sacrococcygeal teratoma is one of the most frequently prenatally diagnosed neoplasias. Obstetric ultrasound has a role in the diagnosis and management of these tumors during pregnancy. In this report, we describe a multidisciplinary approach in a case of a patient with sacrococcygeal teratomas and preterm delivery, as well as postnatal outcomes.
    METHODS: A 26-year-old Caucasian woman at 20.3 weeks of gestation with a normal gestational course and no relevant medical or surgical history was referred to our institution with a sacrococcygeal mass diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratoma type I according to the Altman classification. Follow-up with ultrasound showed an increase in the size of the mass up to 190 × 150 mm, high Doppler flow, and severe polyhydramnios. At 35.1 weeks of gestation, the patient had premature rupture of membranes, and an emergency cesarean section was performed due to recurrent late decelerations detected by fetal heart rate monitoring. Afterward, surgery was performed successfully at 36 hours of life. Posterior controls revealed normal and healthy child growth.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report demonstrates the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to offer the best neonatal outcomes by performing early surgery, as well as the need for follow-up by ultrasound in order to minimize complications by assessing mass growth, Doppler flow, and amniotic fluid.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Maternal and neonatal mortality is still very high at a global level, even though its reduction is a goal established among the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations. In order to improve prenatal care to address this challenge, this article proposes a strategy to detect and refer high risk pregnancies in rural setting through a portable ultrasound system combined with blood and urine strip tests.
    METHODS: The Healthy Pregnancy project was conceived as a single, explanatory and positivist case study, with a sample of ten thousand pregnant women attended by itinerant nurses of the Departments of Alta Verapaz and San Marcos. These nurses were trained and equipped with 31 portable ultrasound, and blood and urine tests to detect common obstetric pathology. Moreover, two obstetricians were responsible for remotely supervising the quality of prenatal care. Target communities were selected by the Health Directorates of the public health system from those that had the highest maternal mortality in previous years.
    RESULTS: The project attended to 10,108 women in 2 years and 3 months. 55 twin gestations (0.54%) were diagnosed. Non-cephalic presentation was found in 14.87% of the pregnant women attended from week 32 onwards. 20 patients were referred for non-evolutive gestation. An 11.08% prevalence of anemia was detected. Urine infections were diagnosed in 16.43% of the cases. Proteinuria was detected in 2.6% of patients, but only 17 of them presented high blood pressure and were therefore referred with a suspected pre-eclampsia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained indicate that an intervention of these characteristics makes it possible to improve the quality of care of rural pregnant women in low and middle-income countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results show that with suitable equipment, training, and supervision, the nursing staff in charge of care in rural areas can identify and refer most of the obstetric risks in time, which may contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality.
    BACKGROUND: This research was not registered because it is a case study in which the assignment of the medical intervention was not at the discretion of the investigators.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: In the literature, the terms \"angular\", \"interstitial\" and \"cornual\" have often been inappropriately interchanged. The consequence is under-recognition of their differences as well as inaccurate imaging guidelines which do not reliably distinguish them as distinct entities. Angular pregnancies should be considered viable and may be managed to term.
    METHODS: A woman at 7w5d was transferred for surgical management of a presumed interstitial ectopic pregnancy. Sonography and MRI confirmed an eccentric fundal pregnancy with a thin myometrial mantle of 2-5 mm; the diagnosis of interstitial pregnancy was favored. Upon laparoscopy, the round ligament was displaced lateral to the pregnancy bulge and the diagnosis of angular pregnancy was thus apparent. The pregnancy was continued to term and delivered via repeat cesarean section without incident.
    CONCLUSIONS: Angular and interstitial pregnancies are different entities which cannot always be reliably distinguished via imaging alone. Diagnostic laparoscopy may be a final step in determining pregnancy location. Angular pregnancies should be considered potentially viable and may be managed to term.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pseudoamniotic band syndrome is a rare complication that occurs after invasive procedures for complicated monochorionic twins. We report 2 cases of intrauterine recipient fetal death after laser therapy for twin-twin transfusion syndrome due to umbilical cord constriction by the amniotic band.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A retroesophageal left brachiocephalic vein is an extremely rare anomaly and has only been reported in 6 postnatal cases. Two prenatally diagnosed cases are reported. On the 3-vessel view, the vein appears as an aberrant vessel transversely coursing behind the aorta and trachea, which subsequently drains into the superior vena cava, giving rise to a U-shaped configuration. On color Doppler sonography, the U sign is bicolored. This anomaly should prompt the sonographer to carefully assess for other congenital heart defects, suggest consideration for genetic testing, and alert the cardiologist because it could affect central line procedures and cardiac interventions after delivery.





