Obstetric Labor Complications

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Policy documents govern how the prevention and care of obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) are implemented. Thus, in the absence of Swedish national guidelines on OASIS, differing views may be visible in the regional and local policy documents. Therefore, we aimed to analyse regional and local policies, guidelines, and care programs on the prevention of OASIS and care for OASIS-affected women in a Swedish context by applying a critical frame analysis inspired by Verloo.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study of existing policy documents from Swedish healthcare regions was performed. The documents were analysed using Verloo\'s critical frame analysis.
    RESULTS: We found that OASIS was framed as a preventable problem addressed by skilled protective manoeuvres of the healthcare staff. Education, communication, and teamwork were three frames of crucial solutions to minimise the prevalence of OASIS. However, complicating power dimensions between professional groups and between professionals and birthing women were identified. Furthermore, several discursive struggles were found, predominantly regarding the scientific evidence for the suggested prevention and care.
    CONCLUSIONS: The policy documents emphasised that OASIS is preventable, and improved education, communication, and teamwork could diminish the OASIS prevalence. Nevertheless, power dimensions and discursive struggles may challenge the preventive efforts. Furthermore, each Swedish region has the sovereignty to develop its policies, which was reflected in our findings and may imply inequities in care provision. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop comprehensive national high-quality guidelines of high quality for OASIS prevention and care so that all women giving birth have access to equal care and treatment in Sweden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Childbirth is a common factor which increases the risk of obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS). Damage to the anal sphincters increases the risk of anal incontinence, which has a debilitating impact on the quality of life. Post-repair laxatives are prescribed in this group of women. However, there is no consensus regarding the type or frequency with which they are used, and available guidelines lack consistency and evidence to support the recommendations.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to review and compare the international, national and local Australian management guidelines for recommendations regarding laxative use in women after OASIS.
    METHODS: An online literature search of medical and nursing databases such as PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus and Cochrane was performed between January 2000 and October 2020. Full-text articles with MeSH headings and Text Words [TW] identified guidelines in the prevention, management and care of OASIS. The search terms included \'obstetric anal sphincter injury\', \'OASIS\', \'perineal tear\', \'postpartum continence\', \'bowel injury\', \'aperient\', \'laxative use\' and \'bulking agents\'.
    RESULTS: Thirteen guidelines were included. Laxatives were recommended in most guidelines; however, there was a lack of consistency regarding the type of laxative used, frequency, dose and duration of use. Guidelines were based on historical evidence, with paucity of recently acquired data identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is no consensus regarding an optimal laxative regime for women who sustain an anal sphincter injury after childbirth. Further research is required to develop evidence-based robust clinical guidelines regarding laxative use in women who sustain OASIS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective was to assess the influence of the French guidelines in favor of a restrictive use of episiotomy on both episiotomy and obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI) rates during instrumental delivery. It was aulticenter study involving 193 maternities between 2000 and 2016. We included women with a singleton pregnancy, with cephalic presentation at 34 weeks of gestation or more who underwent an instrumental delivery. The study period was divided into three phases: 2000-2005 (reference) 2006-2011, and 2012-2016. We calculated the adjusted relative risk (aRR) of episiotomy and OASI and investigated for changes in episiotomy and OASI rates over time by using Prais-Winsten regression. We considered 96,035 deliveries. The episiotomy\'s risk was lower in 2006-2011 (69.4%) and 2012-2016 (59.1%) compared to 2000-2005 (81.2%), respectively: aRR 0.93 [0.92-0.95] and 0.89 [0.87-0.90]. The OASI\'s risk was higher in 2006-2011 (2.5%) and 2012-2016 (3.1%) compared to 2000-2005, respectively: aRR 1.30 [1.10-1.53]) and 1.57 [1.33-1.85]. However, Prais-Winsten regression showed no difference in the OASI rate during the study period. We observed a massive decrease in episiotomy use and a moderate increase in crude OASI\'s rate but multivariate analysis failed to report an association between these outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Obstetric guidelines are useful to improve the quality of care. Availability of international guidelines has rapidly increased, however the contextualization to enhance feasibility of implementation in health facilities in low and middle-income settings has only been described in literature in a few instances. This study describes the approach and lessons learned from the \'bottom-up\' development process of context-tailored national obstetric guidelines in middle-income country Suriname.
    METHODS: Local obstetric health care providers initiated the guideline development process in Suriname in August 2016 for two common obstetric conditions: hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) and post partum haemorrhage (PPH).
    RESULTS: The process consisted of six steps: (1) determination of how and why women died, (2) interviews and observations of local clinical practice, (3) review of international guidelines, (4) development of a primary set of guidelines, (5) initiation of a national discussion on the guidelines content and (6) establishment of the final guidelines based on consensus. Maternal enquiry of HDP- and PPH-related maternal deaths revealed substandard care in 90 and 95% of cases, respectively. An assessment of the management through interviews and labour observations identified gaps in quality of the provided care and large discrepancies in the management of HDP and PPH between the hospitals. International recommendations were considered unfeasible and were inconsistent when compared to each other. Local health care providers and stakeholders convened to create national context-tailored guidelines based on adapted international recommendations. The guidelines were developed within four months and locally implemented.
    CONCLUSIONS: Development of national context-tailored guidelines is achievable in a middle-income country when using a \'bottom-up\' approach that involves all obstetric health care providers and stakeholders in the earliest phase. We hope the descriptive process of guideline development is helpful for other countries in need of nationwide guidelines.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In a recent population-based study we reported excess risk of neonatal mortality associated with vaginal breech delivery. In this case-control study we examine whether deviations from Norwegian guidelines are more common in breech deliveries resulting in intrapartum or neonatal deaths than in breech deliveries where the offspring survives, and if these deaths are potentially avoidable.
    METHODS: Case-control study completed as a perinatal audit including term breech deliveries of singleton without congenital anomalies in Norway from 1999 to 2015. Deliveries where the child died intrapartum or in the neonatal period were case deliveries. For each case, two control deliveries who survived were identified. All the included deliveries were reviewed by four obstetricians independently assessing if the deaths in the case group might have been avoided and if the management of the deviations from Norwegian guidelines were more common in case than in control deliveries.
    RESULTS: Thirty-one case and 62 control deliveries were identified by the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. After exclusion of non-eligible deliveries, 22 case and 31 control deliveries were studied. Three case and two control deliveries were unplanned home deliveries, while all in-hospital deliveries were in line with national guidelines. Antenatal care and/or management of in-hospital deliveries was assessed as suboptimal in seven (37%) case and two (7%) control deliveries (p = 0.020). Three case deliveries were completed as planned caesarean delivery and 12 (75%) of the remaining 16 deaths were considered potentially avoidable had planned caesarean delivery been done. In seven of these 16 deliveries, death was associated with cord prolapse or difficult delivery of the head.
    CONCLUSIONS: All in-hospital breech deliveries were in line with Norwegian guidelines. Seven of twelve potentially avoidable deaths were associated with birth complications related to breech presentation. However, suboptimal care was more common in case than control deliveries. Further improvement of intrapartum care may be obtained through continuous rigorous training and feedback from repeated perinatal audits.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the degree of adherence to the new the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists/Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine guidelines in labor arrest management.
    A retrospective study of term, live, singleton deliveries with intrapartum primary cesarean delivery solely for failed induction of labor or labor arrest. Adherence was defined according to the Safe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery 2014 criteria. We evaluated adherence and compared maternal and perinatal outcomes, delivery time frame, and billing provider. Multivariable Poisson regression models with robust error variance were used to calculate adjusted relative risk (aRR) and 95% confidence interval (CI).
    Two-hundred six deliveries met the inclusion criteria; 73% were deemed not adherent to the guidelines. The majority of cases were under the care of nonacademic private practice OB/GYN physicians. The adherence rate was higher in the active phase of labor (45%) than in second stage (17%) and latent phase (14%). There were no differences in perinatal outcomes between the two groups. The adherence to guidelines was higher among academic OB/GYN physicians (aRR, 2.24, 95% CI, 1.49-3.36) and during the weekday-night shift (aRR, 1.81, 95% CI, 1.10-2.98).
    Despite recent guidelines aimed to reduce the primary cesarean delivery rate, most cesarean deliveries performed for labor arrest disorders were not adherent to the guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To recommend the episiotomy procedure, repair of perineal or vaginal tears and episiotomy.
    Published Literature was retrieved using PubMed and Cochrane Library computer databases up to May 2018 and recommendations issued from international societies.
    A midline episiotomy increases the risk of OASIS compared with a mediolateral procedure (LE2). OASIS rates are similar for mediolateral and lateral episiotomies (LE1). A scar angle of at least 45° (measured in relation to the midline after suturing) is associated with a lower risk of OASIS (LE3). To obtain this final angle, the episiotomy must be performed at a 60° angle (LE1). Current data are insufficient to recommend the length, the timing, and the modalities procedure during instrumental delivery for mediolateral episiotomy. Suturing the superficial plane of a perineal tear provides no benefits when the edges touch and do not bleed (LE2). The techniques for suturing perineal lacerations by continuous sutures are associated with a reduction in immediate pain, reduced use of analgesics, and less frequent removal of stitches, compared with interrupted stitches (LE1). Synthetic suture materials with either standard or rapid absorption provide similar results for perineal pain and women\'s satisfaction: rapid absorption polyglactin has the advantage of a reduced need for later stitch removal, but it increases the risk of scar dehiscence (LE1). There are not enough published studies to recommend the use of biological glues in the repair of first-degree perineal tears or skin in second-degree tears. Delaying repair of OASIS for several hours does not aggravate the subsequent prognosis for anal continence (LE1). Internal sphincter injury lead to significant further anal incontinence (LE3). There is no study comparing methods for internal sphincter repair. To repair the external sphincter, overlap and end-to-end suture techniques yield similar results for anal continence (LE2). Use of polydioxanone 3/0 or polyglactin 2/0 to repair the EAS produces similar results for perineal pain and anal incontinence scores (LE2) CONCLUSIONS: A mediolateral incision is recommended for an episiotomy (Grade B). The angle of incision recommended for a mediolateral episiotomy is 60° (GradeC). It is recommended that continuous running sutures be preferred for the repair of episiotomies and second-degree tears (Grade A). It is recommended that obstetrics professionals optimise surgical conditions to the extent possible for repair of OASIS (professional consensus); a detailed report of the extent of the injuries, the techniques of repair, and the material used is recommended (GradeC). The external anal sphincter can be repaired with either overlap or end-to-end suture techniques (Grade B).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of these clinical practice guidelines was to analyse all of the interventions during pregnancy and childbirth that might prevent obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) and postnatal pelvic floor symptoms.
    These guidelines were developed in accordance with the methods prescribed by the French Health Authority (HAS).
    A prenatal clinical examination of the perineum is recommended for women with a history of Crohn\'s disease, OASIS, genital mutilation, or perianal lesions (professional consensus). Just after delivery, a perineal examination is recommended to check for OASIS (Grade B); if there is doubt about the diagnosis, a second opinion should be requested (GradeC). In case of OASIS, the injuries (including their severity) and the technique for their repair should be described in detail (GradeC). Perineal massage during pregnancy must be encouraged among women who want it (Grade B). No intervention conducted before the start of the active phase of the second stage of labour has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of perineal injury. The crowning of the baby\'s head should be manually controlled and the posterior perineum manually supported to reduce the risk of OASIS (GradeC). The performance of an episiotomy during normal deliveries is not recommended to reduce the risk of OASIS (Grade A). In instrumental deliveries, episiotomy may be indicated to avoid OASIS (GradeC). When an episiotomy is performed, a mediolateral incision is recommended (Grade B). The indication for episiotomy should be explained to the woman, and she should consent before its performance. Advising women to have a caesarean delivery for primary prevention of postnatal urinary or anal incontinence is not recommended (Grade B). During pregnancy and again in the labour room, obstetrics professionals should focus on the woman\'s expectations and inform her about the modes of delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood component transfusion is increasingly promoted in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), but is resource-intensive so whole blood is often used. We examined SSA recommendations about whole blood and packed red cell transfusions for pregnancy-related bleeding or anaemia, and paediatric anaemia, and evaluated the evidence underpinning these recommendations.
    Relevant SSA guidelines were identified using five electronic databases, websites for SSA Ministries of Health, blood transfusion services and WHO. To facilitate comparisons, indications for transfusing packed red cells or whole blood within these guidelines and reasons given for these recommendations were recorded on a pre-designed matrix. The AGREE II tool was used to appraise guidelines that gave a reason for recommending either packed red cells or whole blood. We systematically searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, Global Health, Cochrane library and NHSBT Transfusion Evidence Library, using PRISMA guidelines, for clinical studies comparing whole blood with packed red cells or combined blood components in obstetric bleeding or anaemia, or paediatric anaemia. Characteristics and findings of included studies were extracted in a standardised format and narratively summarised.
    32 English language guidelines from 15 SSA countries mentioned packed red cell or whole blood use for our conditions of interest. Only seven guidelines justified their recommendation for using packed red cells or whole blood. No recommendations or justifications had supporting citations to research evidence. 33 full-text papers, from 11 234 citations, were reviewed but only one study met our inclusion criteria. This was a single-centre study in post-partum haemorrhage.
    Evidence comparing whole blood and packed red cell transfusion for common paediatric and maternal indications is virtually absent in SSA. Therefore, it is unclear whether policies promoting red cells over whole blood transfusion are clinically appropriate. Building a relevant evidence base will help develop effective policies promoting the most appropriate use of blood in African settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of these Guidelines is to review the published techniques of ultrasound in labor and their practical applications, to summarize the level of evidence regarding the use of ultrasound in labor and to provide guidance to practitioners on when ultrasound in labor is clinically indicated and how the sonographic findings may affect labor management. We do not imply or suggest that ultrasound in labor is a necessary standard of care.





