Neural plasticity

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: This case report investigates the application of intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation (iTBS) in aphasia rehabilitation following a right hemisphere stroke.
    UNASSIGNED: A 52-year-old Chinese male with Broca\'s aphasia post-stroke was treated with iTBS. His progress was evaluated using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and behavioral assessments. Significant language function improvement was noted, with fNIRS showing increased activation in right hemisphere language-related cortical areas and altered functional connectivity patterns.
    UNASSIGNED: The findings indicate that iTBS is effective in facilitating language recovery in right hemisphere stroke-induced aphasia, highlighting the importance of personalized neurorehabilitation strategies. Despite focusing on a single case, the study contributes to understanding neural plasticity mechanisms in right hemisphere stroke-induced aphasia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Brown-Séquard Syndrome (BSS) is a rare neurological condition caused by a unilateral spinal cord injury (SCI). Upon initial ipsilesional hemiplegia, patients with BSS typically show substantial functional recovery over time. Preclinical studies on experimental BSS demonstrated that spontaneous neuroplasticity in descending motor systems is a key mechanism promoting functional recovery. The reticulospinal (RS) system is one of the main descending motor systems showing a remarkably high ability for neuroplastic adaptations after incomplete SCI. In humans, little is known about the contribution of RS plasticity to functional restoration after SCI. Here, we investigated RS motor drive to different muscles in a subject with Brown-Séquard-plus Syndrome (BSPS) five months post-injury using the StartReact paradigm. RS drive was compared between ipsi- and contralesional muscles, and associated with measures of functional recovery. Additionally, corticospinal (CS) drive was investigated using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in a subset of muscles. The biceps brachii showed a substantial enhancement of RS drive on the ipsi- vs. contralesional side, whereas no signs of CS plasticity were found ipsilesionally. This finding implies that motor recovery of ipsilesional elbow flexion is primarily driven by the RS system. Results were inversed for the ipsilesional tibialis anterior, where RS drive was not augmented, but motor-evoked potentials recovered over six months post-injury, suggesting that CS plasticity contributed to improvements in ankle dorsiflexion. Our findings indicate that the role of RS and CS plasticity in motor recovery differs between muscles, with CS plasticity being essential for the restoration of distal extremity motor function, and RS plasticity being important for the functional recovery of proximal flexor muscles after SCI in humans.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) surgery involves the coaptation of amputated nerves to nearby motor nerve branches with the purpose of reclosing the neuromuscular loop in order to reduce phantom limb pain. The purpose of this case study was to create a phantom limb therapy protocol for an amputee after undergoing TMR surgery, where the four main nerves of his right arm were reinnervated into the chest muscles. The goal of this phantom limb therapy was to further strengthen these newly formed neuromuscular closed loops. The case participant (male, 21- years of age, height = 5\'8″ and weight = 134 lbs) presented 1- year after a trans-humeral amputation of the right arm along with TMR surgery and participated in phantom limb therapy for 3 months. Data collections for the subject occurred every 2 weeks for 3 months. During the data collections, the subject performed various movements of the phantom and intact limb specific to each reinnervated nerve and a gross manual dexterity task (Box and Block Test) while measuring brain activity and recording qualitative feedback from the subject. The results demonstrated that phantom limb therapy produced significant changes of cortical activity, reduced fatigue, fluctuation in phantom pain, improved limb synchronization, increased sensory sensation, and decreased correlation strength between intra-hemispheric and inter-hemispheric channels. These results suggest an overall improved cortical efficiency of the sensorimotor network. These results add to the growing knowledge of cortical reorganization after TMR surgery, which is becoming more common to aid in the recovery after amputation. More importantly, the results of this study suggest that the phantom limb therapy may have accelerated the decoupling process, which provides direct clinical benefits to the patient such as reduced fatigue and improved limb synchronization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although the antidepressant potential of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), the pleiotropic effects in geriatric depression (GD) are poorly investigated. We tested rTMS on depression, cognitive performance, growth/neurotrophic factors, cerebral blood flow (CBF) to transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD), and motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) to TMS in GD.
    METHODS: In this case series study, six drug-resistant subjects (median age 68.0 years) underwent MEPs at baseline and after 3 weeks of 10 Hz rTMS on the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The percentage change of serum nerve growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, brain-derived growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-1, and angiogenin was obtained. Assessments were performed at baseline, and at the end of rTMS; psychocognitive tests were also repeated after 1, 3, and 6 months.
    RESULTS: Chronic cerebrovascular disease was evident in five patients. No adverse/undesirable effect was reported. An improvement in mood was observed after rTMS but not at follow-up. Electrophysiological data to TMS remained unchanged, except for an increase in the right median MEP amplitude. TCD and neurotrophic/growth factors did not change.
    CONCLUSIONS: We were unable to detect a relevant impact of high-frequency rTMS on mood, cognition, cortical microcircuits, neurotrophic/growth factors, and CBF. Cerebrovascular disease and exposure to multiple pharmacological treatments might have contributed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A vascularized composite tissue allotransplantation (VCA) was performed at the Children\'s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), on an 8-year-old patient in 2015, six years after bilateral hand and foot amputation. Hand VCA resulted in reafferentation of the medial, ulnar, and radial nerves serving hand somatosensation and motor function. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to assess somatosensory cortical plasticity following the post-transplantation recovery of the peripheral sensory nerves of the hands. Our 2-year postoperative MEG showed that somatosensory lip representations, initially observed at \"hand areas\", reverted to canonical, orthotopic lip locations with recovery of post-transplant hand function. Here, we continue the assessment of motor and somatosensory responses up to 6-years post-transplant. Magnetoencephalographic somatosensory responses were recorded eight times over a six-year period following hand transplantation, using a 275-channel MEG system. Somatosensory tactile stimuli were presented to the right lower lip (all 8 visits) as well as right and left index fingers (visits 3-8) and fifth digits (visits 4-8). In addition, left and right-hand motor responses were also recorded for left index finger and right thumb (visit 8 only).During the acute recovery phase (visits 3 and 4), somatosensory responses of the digits were observed to be significantly larger and more phasic (i.e., smoother) than controls. Subsequent measures showed that digit responses maintain this atypical response profile (evoked-response magnitudes typically exceed 1 picoTesla). Orthotopic somatosensory localization of the lip, D2, and D5 was preserved. Motor beta-band desynchrony was age-typical in localization and response magnitude; however, the motor gamma-band response was significantly larger than that observed in a reference population.These novel findings show that the restoration of somatosensory input of the hands resulted in persistent and atypically large cortical responses to digit stimulation, which remain atypically large at 6 years post-transplant; there is no known perceptual correlate, and no reports of phantom pain. Normal somatosensory organization of the lip, D2, and D5 representation remain stable following post-recovery reorganization of the lip\'s somatosensory response.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Neural plasticity compensates for the loss of motor function after stroke. However, whether neural plasticity occurs in the somatosensory pathways after stroke is unknown. We investigated the left-right somatosensory interaction in two hemorrhagic patients using a paired somatosensory evoked potentials (p-SEPs) recorded at CP3 and CP4, which was defined as an amplitude difference between the SEPs of paired median nerve stimulations to both sides and that of single stimulation to the affected side. Patient 1 (61-year-old, left thalamic hemorrhage) has a moderate motor impairment, severe sensory deficit, and complained of pain in the affected right upper limb. Patient 2 (72-year-old, right thalamic hemorrhage) had slight motor and sensory impairments with no complaints of pain. Single SEPs (s-SEPs) were obtained by stimulation of the right and left median nerves, respectively. For paired stimulations, 1 ms after the first stimulation to the non-affected side, followed by a second stimulation to the affected side. In patient 1, a s-SEP with stimulation to the non-affected side and a p-SEP were observed in CP4. However, a s-SEP was not observed in either hemisphere with stimulation to the affected side. On the other hand, in patient 2, a s-SEP in CP3 with stimulation to the non-affected side and in CP4 with stimulation to the affected side were observed; however, a p-SEP was not observed. In addition, to investigate the mechanism by which ipsilateral median nerve stimulation enhances contralateral p-SEP in patient 1, we compared the SEP averaged over the first 250 epochs with the SEP averaged over the second 250 epochs (total number of epochs recorded: 500). The results showed that in the patient 1, when the bilateral median nerve was stimulated continuously, the habituation did not occur and the response was larger than that of the s-SEP with unilateral median nerve stimulation. In the current case report, the damage to the thalamus may cause neuroplasticity in terms of the left-right interaction (e.g., left and right S1). The somatosensory input from the affected side may interfere with the habituation of the contralateral somatosensory system and conversely increase the response.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intracranial arachnoid cysts are usually benign congenital findings of neuroimaging modalities, sometimes however, leading to focal neurological and psychiatric comorbidities. Whether primarily clinically silent cysts may become causally involved in cognitive decline in old age is neither well examined nor understood.
    A 66-year old caucasian man presenting with a giant left-hemispheric frontotemporal cyst without progression of size, presented with slowly progressive cognitive decline. Neuropsychological assessment revealed an amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) without further neurological or psychiatric symptoms. The patient showed mild medio-temporal lobe atrophy on structural MRI. Diffusion tensor and functional magnetic resonance imaging depicted a rather sustained function of the strongly suppressed left hemisphere. Amyloid-PET imaging was positive for increased amyloid burden and he was homozygous for the APOEε3-gene. A diagnosis of MCI due to Alzheimer\'s disease was given and a co-morbidity with a silent arachnoid cyst was assumed. To investigate, if a potentially reduced CSF flow due to the giant arachnoid cyst contributed to the early manifestation of AD, we reviewed 15 case series of subjects with frontotemporal arachnoid cysts and cognitive decline. However, no increased manifestation of neurodegenerative disorders was reported.
    With this case report, we illustrate the necessity of a systematic work-up for neurodegenerative disorders in patients with arachnoid cysts and emerging cognitive decline. We finally propose a modus operandi for the stratification and management of patients with arachnoid cysts potentially susceptive for cognitive dysfunction.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We provide direct electrophysiological evidence that mirror therapy (MT) can change brain activity and aid in the recovery of motor function after stroke. In this longitudinal single-case study, the subject was a 58-yr-old man with right-hand hemiplegia due to ischemic stroke. Over a 9-mo period we treated him with MT twice a week and measured electroencephalograms (EEG) before, during, and after each therapy session. Using advanced signal processing methods, we identified five distinct movement-related oscillatory EEG components: one slow component designated as mu rhythm and four faster components designated as sensorimotor rhythms. Results show that MT produced long-term changes of two oscillatory EEG components including the mu rhythm, which is a well-documented correlate of voluntary movement in the frequency range of 7.5-12 Hz. Specifically, MT was significantly associated with an increase in the power of mu rhythm recorded over both hemispheres and a decrease in the power of one sensorimotor component recorded over the affected hemisphere. To obtain robust, repeatable individual measures of EEG components suitable for longitudinal study, we used irregular-resampling autospectral analysis to separate fractal and oscillatory components in the EEG power spectrum and three-way parallel factor analysis to isolate oscillatory EEG components and track their activations over time. The rhythms were identified over individual days of MT training and were clearly related to the periods of event-related desynchronization and synchronization (rest, observe, and move) during MT. Our results are consistent with a model in which MT promotes recovery of motor function by altering neural activity associated with voluntary movement. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We provide novel evidence that mirror therapy (MT), which helps in the recovery of motor function after a stroke, is also associated with long-lasting changes in brain electrical activity. Using precise measurements of oscillatory EEG components over a 9-mo period in a victim of ischemic stroke, we showed that MT produced long-term increases in the mu rhythm recorded over both hemispheres and a decrease in a sensorimotor EEG component recorded over the affected hemisphere.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An acute spinal cord injury is the result of a traumatic injury to the spinal cord caused by a contusion, compression, or severing of the spinal cord. There are approximately 17,000 new cases each year, of which, males account for 80%. Approximately 65% of these injuries cause incomplete or partial damage to the spinal cord. Comprehensive treatment is essential to restore maximum function. Surgical procedures, stem cell therapy, pharmaceutical agents, and physical therapy are employed to minimize and repair damage done to the nervous system. The majority of motor and sensory recovery occurs during the first 12 to 15 weeks after the injury. Acupuncture has shown promising results in mediating neural plasticity and could be a useful treatment modality in hospital and rehabilitation settings. This case presents the treatment of an acute spinal cord injury, level T5, incomplete, with scalp acupuncture both within and beyond the optimal recovery window. The treatments given within the optimal window seemed to facilitate better restoration of nervous system communication when performing specific action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a disabling condition affecting both quality of life and performance in athletes. Several approaches have been proposed in the field of physiotherapy, manual therapy, physical exercise and counseling. None apparently is outdoing the other with the exception of trunk stability exercises in specific conditions. The present paper describes a clinical success in managing a CLBP runner affected by MRI documented disk herniation via dietary change. Dietary changes allowed our patient that had failed with previous standard therapeutic approaches, to regain an optimal pain-free condition. We advance the hypothesis that a visceral-autonomic concomitant or primary disturbance possibly generating mild gastrointestinal discomfort in CLBP patients should be ruled out as a possible cause of pain and disability at the somato-motor level.





