Needle biopsy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcomas (FDCS)was first found in 1986; the specificity of the disease is its rarity, with an incidence of only 0.4%, numerous doctors for its lack of understanding, the accuracy of imaging diagnosis is not great, which is easy to delay the treatment. This article summarizes several characteristic imaging manifestations of FDCS to provide imaging physicians with an understanding of the imaging properties of this rare disease. When faced with complex cases, the radiologist can consider this disease and include it in the differential diagnosis. FDCS occurs mainly in lymph nodes, mainly in the head and neck. The main symptoms are fatigue, local pain, or painless mass. The treatment method is not uniform, but scholars agree that we should strive for the opportunity of surgery as much as possible.
    This paper reported a case of FDCS with pelvic recurrence 3 years after surgery. The patient was suspected to have lymphoma by postoperative pathology in the local hospital, and it is recommended that the patient be reexamined regularly. A soft tissue mass was recently found again in the left pelvic cavity. After an enhanced CT examination, the radiologist was skeptical of the previous diagnosis of lymphoma. Subsequently, a needle biopsy was performed at Peking University Shougang Hospital. The pathological results rejected the prior diagnosis of lymphoma after consultation with additional hospitals, and the patient was diagnosed with FDCS.
    The imaging manifestations of FDCS lack absolute specificity, but it also has imaging characteristics, such as large areas of necrosis in the huge mass, rough mass calcification in the mass, enhanced scan showed \"fast in and slow out\" mode, and there were blood vessels in the tumor. FDCS mainly occurs in lymph nodes and is easily misdiagnosed as GIST, inflammatory myoblastoma, lymphoma, etc. Radiologists should continue to collect cases of this disease and include suspected cases in the differential diagnosis in clinical work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present a patient who presented with an orbital mass lesion which was a metastatic lesion from a porocarcinoma of the scalp with progressive deterioration of the patient.A 78-year-old male presented with functional decline and a rapidly growing scalp lesion of 3 months duration. In addition to the scalp lesion, Computed Tomography showed an incidental finding of a left lateral orbital wall tumour. Fine-needle aspiration of the two lesions revealed malignant cells with similar morphologies. Punch biopsy of the scalp lesion showed histological features suggestive of a porocarcinoma. Patient underwent palliative radiotherapy and immunotherapy and subsequently succumbed to the disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy (PTNB) plays a key role in the diagnosis of pulmonary abnormalities. Although the procedure is considered safe and effective, there exists a potential for complications, such as pneumothorax, hemorrhage, hemoptysis, air embolism, and tumor seeding. However, pneumatoceles after CT-guided PTNB have been rarely reported. Herein, we report two cases of pneumatoceles that developed immediately after PTNB for primary lung cancer. A pneumatocele filled with hematoma should be considered in cases with a newly developed nodule along the needle tract during short-term follow-up CT after PTNB.
    컴퓨터단층촬영 유도 경피적 바늘 생검은 폐 이상 진단에 중요한 역할을 하며, 안전하고 효과적이지만 기흉, 출혈, 객혈, 공기 색전증 및 종양 파종과 같은 합병증의 위험이 있다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 시술 후 발생한 기종에 대한 증례 보고는 드물다. 저자들은 원발성 폐암의 경피적 바늘 생검 직후 발생한 기종 2예를 보고하고자 한다. 시술 후 단기 추적검사 컴퓨터단층촬영에서 바늘 경로를 따라 새로 생긴 결절의 경우 혈종으로 찬 기종을 의심해야 한다.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is an opportunistic facultative anaerobic pathogen that is widely distributed in nature. Brain infection (meningitis and meningoencephalitis) and bacteremia are common clinical manifestations of listeriosis in elderly and immunocompromised individuals. Brain abscesses caused by L. monocytogenes are extremely rare. In this study, we describe a case of an older male who with a brain abscess caused by Listeria infection.
    METHODS: We report a case of a 59-year-old male who was once diagnosed with acute cerebral infarction. The diagnose was changed after needle biopsy of the abscess and culture of L. monocytogenes. The patient was first empirically used the broad-spectrum antibiotic meropenem for 12 days (2 g Q8 h) until culture results were available, and then switched to oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 160/800mg/12h for further 2 weeks. The symptoms of slurred speech, numbness and impaired muscle strength of the right leg improved. Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination were performed 2 weeks after operation showed smaller abscess and reduced perifocal edema. The patient was continued oral trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole for 8 weeks. The remaining right arm dysfunction recovered. After six months, the patient had returned to normal daily activities and only exhibited weakness of the right fingers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Brain abscess caused by L. monocytogenes should be considered in patients who have risk factors for listeriosis. Pathogen infection, including with Listeria monocytogenes, should be taken into account when patients with impaired immune function exhibit hemiplegia and aphasia. Listeria infection should also be considered in immunocompetent patients. Performing needle biopsy or lesion resection and starting antibiotic therapy according to drug susceptibility testing in the early stage is key to treating this kind of disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is an uncommon hematological malignancy that primarily occurs in young adults and less frequently in elderly individuals. HL has characteristics cells derived from B lymphocytes (known Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells). Primary hepatic Hodgkin disease is very rare presentation accounting for less than 0.4% of the cases. Due to its rare occurrence, the pathogenesis of PHL is still unclear, Clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, and imaging features are usually nonspecific, making it difficult to diagnose.
    UNASSIGNED: 69 years old Saudi Female, known case of Hypertension presented to our hospital with history of fever, jaundice, and poor appetite for about 2 weeks with significant weight loss.
    UNASSIGNED: Laboratory findings showed cholestatic pattern with total bilirubin 107.2 mg/dl, alkaline phosphatase 2076 IU/l, AST 153 IU/l and ALT 73 IU/l. Imaging with US revealed normal liver size with diffuse increase echogenicity, MRCP showed multiple stones within the gallbladder without evidence of obstruction or CBD dilatation and pan-computed tomography (CT) revealed mildly enlarged and fatty liver. CT-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and biopsy from the liver were consistent with primary hepatic Hodgkins lymphoma.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient received 5 cycles of ABVD.
    UNASSIGNED: After the completion of the 5 cycles patient showed good response to the treatment with normalization of her liver function and regression in the size of liver on CT.
    UNASSIGNED: PHL is a rare disease. The clinical presentation is variable and radiological features are not specific. Histology is mandatory for definitive diagnosis. The optimal therapy and outcomes for PHL is still unclear. ABVD is the most frequently used chemotherapy regimen. Multidisplinary approach including surgery and radiotherapy is another option.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma (LGESS) is a rare uterine tumor, accounting for <1% of all uterine cancer cases. LGESS has several variations and the frequency of tumors exhibiting smooth muscle differentiation is 10-30% of LGESS cases, making such cases even rarer. The present report described the case of a patient with LGESS with smooth muscle differentiation, who was diagnosed as having uterine leiomyoma by preoperative needle biopsy and then underwent laparoscopic surgery. The patient was a 41-year-old woman. MRI findings revealed a diffusely hyperintense uterine tumor on T2-weighted images, thus needle biopsy was performed. This tumor was initially diagnosed as leiomyoma, due to the pathological findings of the biopsied specimen, which possessed tumor cells with spindle-shaped nuclei arranged in a cord and positive immunostaining for smooth muscle actin. The patient was subsequently followed up, and MRI findings after 29 months showed tumor growth. Needle biopsy was performed again and the findings were the same as those of the first biopsy; therefore, this tumor was diagnosed as a leiomyoma and laparoscopic hysterectomy was performed. However, the pathological findings of the excised uterus showed small round tumor cells and CD10 immunostaining positivity, thus the tumor was finally diagnosed as LGESS. The patient requested to be followed up and has shown no signs of recurrence 20 months after surgery. The results of retrospective examination in this case suggested that the presence of regions where only CD10 was positive in immunostaining analysis for SMA and CD10 was useful for needle biopsy diagnosis of LGESS with smooth muscle differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Iatrogenic spinal accessory neve (SAN) injury is a rare complication. It most commonly occurs after open lymph node biopsies. Needle biopsy is thought to present lower risk to the SAN. However, we describe a case of a 66-year-old man who underwent core needle biopsy for lymphadenopathy and subsequently experienced ipsilateral shoulder weakness and pain. Physical examination revealed shoulder depression, lateral scapular winging, and decreased range of motion. Subsequent studies and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated complete paralysis and denervation of SAN muscles. The nonfunctional SAN was repaired by sural nerve grafting 3 months after the injury. The patient demonstrated improved shoulder strength, range of motion, and decreased pain at 6-month follow-up. SAN injuries can be challenging to diagnose and require prompt surgical intervention. This case represents an unusual case of complete SAN disruption and palsy after core needle biopsy treated with sural nerve grafting. We review the literature on iatrogenic SAN injuries, diagnostic strategies, options for SAN surgical repair, and outcomes. SAN injuries can be challenging to diagnose but are amenable to prompt surgical options based on the mechanism and type of SAN injury.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer patients have a high skin metastasis rate. However, reports on treatment of cutaneous metastases of breast cancer are scarce.
    METHODS: We report the treatment process for one breast cancer case with bone, lung, and skin metastases. The patient was a 43-year-old woman with advanced breast cancer and skin metastasis. She underwent pathological diagnosis by needle biopsy to guide the treatment. When the disease progressed, a new pathological diagnosis was determined by needle biopsy to guide the treatment. The patient received chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and photodynamic dynamic therapy, followed by sonodynamic therapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Repeated puncture should be performed for advanced breast cancer with skin metastasis, in order to obtain the pathology and directly determine diagnosis when the disease progresses. The treatment should focus on controlling the systemic metastasis, rather than the local disease.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cryptococcal granulomatous prostatitis is extremely rare, and there have been few reports of its diagnosis by prostate needle biopsy. The patient, an 81-year-old man, was receiving immunosuppressive treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. He had an oropharyngeal ulcer, and it was diagnosed alongside a methotrexate-related diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. A systemic imaging examination revealed a prostatic tumor-like mass clinically suspected to be prostatic cancer, and a needle biopsy was performed. The biopsy specimen showed various types of inflammatory cell infiltration, and suppurative granuloma and caseous granuloma were observed. Both granulomas showed multiple round and oval organisms that were revealed with Grocott methenamine silver staining. Acid-fast bacilli were not detected by Ziehl-Neelsen staining. We histologically diagnosed granulomatous prostatitis caused by Cryptococcus infection. Caseous granulomas often develop in the prostate after bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy for bladder cancer, although the possibility of cryptococcal granulomatous prostatitis should also be considered.





