Muscle development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new mitochondria-targeted probe MitoCLox was designed as a starting compound for a series of probes sensitive to cardiolipin (CL) peroxidation. Fluorescence microscopy reported selective accumulation of MitoCLox in mitochondria of diverse living cell cultures and its oxidation under stress conditions, particularly those known to cause a selective cardiolipin oxidation. Ratiometric fluorescence measurements using flow cytometry showed a remarkable dependence of the MitoCLox dynamic range on the oxidation of the sample. Specifically, MitoCLox oxidation was induced by low doses of hydrogen peroxide or organic hydroperoxide. The mitochondria-targeted antioxidant 10-(6\'-plastoquinonyl)decyltriphenyl-phosphonium (SkQ1), which was shown earlier to selectively protect cardiolipin from oxidation, prevented hydrogen peroxide-induced MitoCLox oxidation in the cells. Concurrent tracing of MitoCLox oxidation and membrane potential changes in response to hydrogen peroxide addition showed that the oxidation of MitoCLox started without a delay and was complete during the first hour, whereas the membrane potential started to decay after 40 minutes of incubation. Hence, MitoCLox could be used for splitting the cell response to oxidative stress into separate steps. Application of MitoCLox revealed heterogeneity of the mitochondrial population; in living endothelial cells, a fraction of small, rounded mitochondria with an increased level of lipid peroxidation were detected near the nucleus. In addition, the MitoCLox staining revealed a specific fraction of cells with an increased level of oxidized lipids also in the culture of human myoblasts. The fraction of such cells increased in high-density cultures. These specific conditions correspond to the initiation of spontaneous myogenesis in vitro, which indicates that oxidation may precede the onset of myogenic differentiation. These data point to a possible participation of oxidized CL in cell signalling and differentiation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscle fibres are classified as fast, intermediate and slow. In vitro myoblast cell culture model from fast muscle is a very useful tool to study muscle growth and development; however, similar models for slow muscle do not exist. Owing to the compartmentalization of fish muscle fibres, we have developed a slow myoblast cell culture for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Slow and fast muscle-derived myoblasts have similar morphology, but with differential expression of slow muscle markers such as slow myhc, sox6 and pgc-1α We also characterized the mir-133 and mir-499 microRNA families in trout slow and fast myoblasts as a case study during myogenesis and in response to electrostimulation. Three mir-133 (a-1a, a-1b and a-2) and four mir-499 (aa, ab, ba and bb) paralogues were identified for rainbow trout and named base on their phylogenetic relationship to zebrafish and Atlantic salmon orthologues. Omy-mir-499ab and omy-mir-499bb had 0.6 and 0.5-fold higher expression in slow myoblasts compared with fast myoblasts, whereas mir-133 duplicates had similar levels in both phenotypes and little variation during development. Slow myoblasts also showed increased expression for omy-mir-499b paralogues in response to chronic electrostimulation (7-fold increase for omy-mir-499ba and 2.5-fold increase for omy-mir-499bb). The higher expression of mir-499 paralogues in slow myoblasts suggests a role in phenotype determination, while the lack of significant differences of mir-133 copies during culture development might indicate a different role in fish compared with mammals. We have also found signs of sub-functionalization of mir-499 paralogues after electrostimulation, with omy-mir-499b copies more responsive to electrical signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several different models of myogenesis describing early stages of amphibian paraxial myotomal myogenesis are known. Myoblasts of Xenopus laevis and Hymenochirus boettgeri change their position from perpendicular to parallel, in relation to axial organs, and differentiate into mononucleate myotubes. In Bombina variegate the myotomal myoblasts change their shape from round to elongate and then differentiate into mononuclear, morphologically mature myotubes. In Pelobates fuscus and Triturus vulgaris, myoblasts fuse into multinuclear myotubes. Mono- and multinucleate myotubes achieve morphological maturity during the differentiation process. During myogenesis of B. variegata, the nuclei of mononucleate, differentiating myotubes contain a tetraploid quantity of DNA (4C DNA). The stable quantity of DNA is confirmed by lack of 3H-thimidine incorporation into myotube nuclei. This outcome is a proof that myoblasts withdraw from the cell cycle in the G2 phase. The further development of myotomal myotubes involves myoblasts of mesenchymal origin. These myoblasts fuse with myotubes in X. laevis and B. variegate in the G1 phase. Secondary muscle fibres in amphibian myotomes have only mesenchymal origin. Mesenchymal myoblasts fuse into multinucleated myotubes. Myofibril development in the differentiating myotube and lack of DNA replication confirm the classical paradigm of myogenesis. Mesenchymal myoblasts are taking part in the myogenesis of musculus rectus abdominis and limb muscles. The mesenchymal cells in the myogenesis process show one model of myogenesis, which is a classical model of myogenesis. The mesenchymal cells probably come from dermatome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia) reduces independence and the quality of life for individuals, and leads to falls and fractures with escalating health costs for the rapidly aging human population. Thus there is much interest in developing interventions to reduce sarcopenia. One area that has attracted recent attention is the proposed use of myogenic stem cells to improve regeneration of old muscles. This mini-review challenges the fundamental need for myogenic stem cell therapy for sarcopenia. It presents evidence that demonstrates the excellent capacity of myogenic stem cells from very old rodent and human muscles to form new muscles after experimental myofiber necrosis. The many factors required for successful muscle regeneration are considered with a strong focus on integration of components of old muscle bioarchitecture. The fundamental role of satellite cells in homeostasis of normal aging muscles and the incidence of endogenous regeneration in old muscles is questioned. These issues, combined with problems for clinical myogenic stem cell therapies for severe muscle diseases, raise fundamental concerns about the justification for myogenic stem cell therapy for sarcopenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studying chemical disturbances during neural differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs) has been established as an alternative in vitro testing approach for the identification of developmental neurotoxicants. miRNAs represent a class of small non-coding RNA molecules involved in the regulation of neural development and ESC differentiation and specification. Thus, neural differentiation of mESCs in vitro allows investigating the role of miRNAs in chemical-mediated developmental toxicity. We analyzed changes in miRNome and transcriptome during neural differentiation of mESCs exposed to the developmental neurotoxicant sodium valproate (VPA). A total of 110 miRNAs and 377 mRNAs were identified differently expressed in neurally differentiating mESCs upon VPA treatment. Based on miRNA profiling we observed that VPA shifts the lineage specification from neural to myogenic differentiation (upregulation of muscle-abundant miRNAs, mir-206, mir-133a and mir-10a, and downregulation of neural-specific mir-124a, mir-128 and mir-137). These findings were confirmed on the mRNA level and via immunochemistry. Particularly, the expression of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) as well as muscle-specific genes (Actc1, calponin, myosin light chain, asporin, decorin) were found elevated, while genes involved in neurogenesis (e.g. Otx1, 2, and Zic3, 4, 5) were repressed. These results were specific for valproate treatment and--based on the following two observations--most likely due to the inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity: (i) we did not observe any induction of muscle-specific miRNAs in neurally differentiating mESCs exposed to the unrelated developmental neurotoxicant sodium arsenite; and (ii) the expression of muscle-abundant mir-206 and mir-10a was similarly increased in cells exposed to the structurally different HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA). Based on our results we conclude that miRNA expression profiling is a suitable molecular endpoint for developmental neurotoxicity. The observed lineage shift into myogenesis, where miRNAs may play an important role, could be one of the developmental neurotoxic mechanisms of VPA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parsimov is a parsimony-based method for identifying the minimum number of heterochronic event-shifts on all branches of a given phylogenetic framework to explain the developmental sequences seen in the species investigated, and has been used to investigate the evolution of developmental sequences in various animal groups. However, the biological interpretation of the results is difficult not least because Parsimov uses non-independent data resulting from event-pairing as the basis for its analyses. To test the applicability of Parsimov to a large data set, larval cranial muscle development was studied in 15 anurans, three caudates and the Australian lungfish. We analyzed the developmental sequences with Parsimov to investigate: if there are (1) heterochronies on deep branches of a cladogram indicating changes in the ancestral sequences, (2) heterochronies that can be related to larval life-history, and (3) the sensitivity of the analysis to different underlying cladograms. We discovered general patterns of cranial muscle development, such as an anterior-to-posterior gradient, an outside-in pattern and a tendency for cranial muscles to develop from their region of origin toward their insertion. We found most heterochronies on terminal branches and only a few shifts on deep branches in the cladograms indicating changes in the ancestral sequences. No changes could be related to larval life-history. The underlying cladogram clearly influenced the outcome of the analysis. We propose that Parsimov has the potential, combined with other methods, to find evolutionary important changes and to aid the biological interpretation of these changes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a 42-year-old male amateur body builder and user of anabolic androgenic steroids, who developed ARDS, acute kidney injury, and refractory supraventricular tachycardia. He required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, continuous veno-venous hemodialysis, and catheter ablation. We believe that long-term anabolic androgenic steroid abuse predisposed the patient to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, from its immunomodulatory effects in an otherwise healthy patient. Anabolic androgenic steroid use should be part of the history taking process, since it may complicate diagnosis, disease progression, and prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different sources of stem cells are considered as a potential source of precursor cells that could improve skeletal muscle regeneration. Under physiological conditions muscle regeneration is based on the satellite cells, i.e. adult muscle precursor cells that are localized between muscle fiber and surrounding basal lamina. These cells remain quiescent but after skeletal muscle injury activate, proliferate, differentiate, and fuse either to form new muscle fibers or reconstruct the damaged ones. As it was shown in many studies few populations of stem cells other than satellite cells are able to support skeletal muscle regeneration. Among them are mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that are present in many niches within adult organism and also in fetal tissues, such as human umbilical cord blood (HUCB) or umbilical cord connective tissue, i.e. Wharton\'s jelly. Thus, MSCs are intensively tested to prove that they are able to differentiate into various cell types, including skeletal myoblasts, and therefore could be useful in regenerative medicine. In our previous study we showed that MSCs isolated from Wharton\'s jelly expressed pluripotency as well as myogenic markers and were able to undergo myogenic differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. We also analyzed the potential of HUCB cells population which contains not only MSCs but also hematopoietic precursors. Our analyses of whole population of HUCB cells showed that these cells express myogenic regulatory factors, i.e. MyoD, and are able to contribute to skeletal muscle regeneration. In the present study we document that adherent fraction of HUCB cells, i.e. the cells that constitute the subpopulation enriched in MSCs, expresses pluripotency and myogenic markers, and have a positive impact at the regeneration of injured mouse skeletal muscle.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a case of large cell medulloblastoma with myogenic and melanotic differentiation arising in the cerebellar vermis of a 2-year-old boy and following an aggressive clinical course. Histologic and immunohistochemical features of this tumor include primitive neuronal, rhabdomyoblastic, and pigmented epithelial elements, along with large cell features. Immunohistochemical and molecular data (c-myc gene amplification and the presence of isochromosome 17q) support the contention that this histologically diverse tumor represents a pattern of medulloblastoma with striated muscle and pigmented epithelial differentiation, rather than a teratoma or a cerebellar variant of melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (\'progonoma\').






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Myoglobinuria or rhabdomyolysis occurs when myoglobin escapes into the blood and then into the urine after acute muscle necrosis. It can be a serious medical condition leading to renal failure and death. There are many causes including exertion, crush syndromes, ischaemia, metabolic disorders, exogenous toxins and drugs, heat stroke and hereditary disorders such as malignant hyperthermia. We report the case of a 17 year-old boy who developed myoglobinuria, renal failure and death 11 days after ingesting sodium monensin, possibly with the intention of developing muscles. Sodium monensin, the active principle of Rumensin(R), is a dietary additive used as a growth promoter for confined cattle. There are no previous reports of human intoxication. Accidental or experimental sodium monensin intoxication in animals produces similar findings to those seen in this case.





