Multiscale modeling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a deep-learning-based algorithm, generative adversarial networks can generate images similar to an input. Using this algorithm, an artificial three-dimensional (3D) microstructure can be reproduced from two-dimensional images. Although the generated 3D microstructure has a similar appearance, its reproducibility should be examined for practical applications. This study used an automated serial sectioning technique to compare the 3D microstructures of two dual-phase steels generated from three orthogonal surface images with their corresponding observed 3D microstructures. The mechanical behaviors were examined using the finite element analysis method for the representative volume element, in which finite element models of microstructures were directly constructed from the 3D voxel data using a voxel coarsening approach. The macroscopic material responses of the generated microstructures captured the anisotropy caused by the microscopic morphology. However, these responses did not quantitatively align with those of the observed microstructures owing to inaccuracies in reproducing the volume fraction of the ferrite/martensite phase. Additionally, the generation algorithm struggled to replicate the microscopic morphology, particularly in cases with a low volume fraction of the martensite phase where the martensite connectivity was not discernible from the input images. The results demonstrate the limitations of the generation algorithm and the necessity for 3D observations.
    This study provided the comparison between experimentally observed and computationally generated 3D microstructures of dual-phase steels in the macro- and microscopic material behaviors with finite element analysis method for periodic microstructure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CFRP hybrid bonded-bolted (HBB) joints combine the advantages of traditional joining methods, namely adhesive bonding, and bolting, to achieve optimal connection performance, making them the most favored connection method. The structural parameters of CFRP HBB joints, including overlap length, bolt-hole spacing, and fit clearance relationships, have a complex impact on connection performance. To enhance the connectivity performance of joint structures, this paper develops a multiscale finite element analysis model to investigate the impact of structural parameters on the strength of CFRP HBB joint structures. Coupled with experimental validation, the study reveals how changes in structural parameters affect the unidirectional tensile failure force of the joints. Building on this, an analytical approach and inverse design methodology for the mechanical properties of CFRP HBB joints based on deep supervised learning algorithms are developed. Neural networks accurately and efficiently predict the performance of joints with unprecedented combinations of parameters, thus expediting the inverse design process. This research combines experimentation and multiscale finite element analysis to explore the unknown relationships between the mechanical properties of CFRP HBB joints and their structural parameters. Furthermore, leveraging DNN neural networks, a rapid calculation method for the mechanical properties of hybrid joints is proposed. The findings lay the groundwork for the broader application and more intricate design of composite materials and their connection structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the Ross procedure, a patient\'s pulmonary valve is transplanted in the aortic position. Despite advantages of this surgery, reoperation is still needed in many cases due to excessive dilatation of the pulmonary autograft. To further understand the failure mechanisms, we propose a multiscale model predicting adaptive processes in the autograft at the cell and tissue scale. The cell-scale model consists of a network model, that includes important signaling pathways and relations between relevant transcription factors and their target genes. The resulting gene activity leads to changes in the mechanical properties of the tissue, modeled as a constrained mixture of collagen, elastin and smooth muscle. The multiscale model is calibrated with findings from experiments in which seven sheep underwent the Ross procedure. The model is then validated against a different set of sheep experiments, for which a qualitative agreement between model and experiment is found. Model outcomes at the cell scale, including the activity of genes and transcription factors, also match experimentally obtained transcriptomics data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laser-powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (LPBF-AM) of metals is rapidly becoming one of the most important materials processing pathways for next-generation metallic parts and components in a number of important applications. However, the large parametric space that characterizes laser-based LPBF-AM makes it challenging to understand what are the variables controlling the microstructural and mechanical property outcomes. Sensitivity studies based on direct LPBF-AM processing are costly and lengthy to conduct, and are subjected to the specifications and variability of each printer. Here we develop a fast-throughput numerical approach that simulates the LPBF-AM process using a cellular automaton model of dynamic solidification and grain growth. This is accompanied by a polycrystal plasticity model that captures grain boundary strengthening due to complex grain geometry and furnishes the stress-strain curves of the resulting microstructures. Our approach connects the processing stage with the mechanical testing stage, thus capturing the effect of processing variables such as the laser power, laser spot size, scan speed, and hatch width on the yield strength and tangent moduli of the processed materials. When applied to pure Cu and stainless 316L steel, we find that laser power and scan speed have the strongest influence on grain size in each material, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A prototype of cross-membrane signal transduction is that extracellular binding of cell surface receptors to their ligands induces intracellular signalling cascades. However, much less is known about the process in the opposite direction, called inside-out signalling. Recent studies show that it plays a more important role in regulating the functions of many cell surface receptors than we used to think. In particular, in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, recent experiments indicate that intracellular binding of the scaffold protein p120-catenin (p120ctn) can promote extracellular clustering of cadherin and alter its adhesive function. The underlying mechanism, however, is not well understood. To explore possible mechanisms, we designed a new multiscale simulation procedure. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, we found that the conformational dynamics of the cadherin extracellular region can be altered by the intracellular binding of p120ctn. More intriguingly, by integrating all-atom simulation results into coarse-grained random sampling, we showed that the altered conformational dynamics of cadherin caused by the binding of p120ctn can increase the probability of lateral interactions between cadherins on the cell surface. These results suggest that p120ctn could allosterically regulate the cis-dimerization of cadherin through two mechanisms. First, p120ctn controls the extracellular conformational dynamics of cadherin. Second, p120ctn oligomerization can further promote cadherin clustering. Therefore, our study provides a mechanistic foundation for the inside-out signalling in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, while the computational framework can be generally applied to other cross-membrane signal transduction systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A major constraint of the behavioral epidemiological models is the assumption that human behavior is static; however, it is highly dynamic, especially in uncertain circumstances during a pandemic. To incorporate the dynamicity of human nature in the existing epidemiological models, we propose a population-wide multi-time-scale theoretical framework that assimilates neuronal plasticity as the basis of altering human emotions and behavior. For that, variable connection weights between different brain regions and their firing frequencies are coupled with a compartmental susceptible-infected-recovered model to incorporate the intrinsic dynamicity in the contact transmission rate ( β ). As an illustration, a model of fear conditioning in conjunction with awareness campaigns is developed and simulated. Results indicate that in the presence of fear conditioning, there exists an optimum duration of daily broadcast time during which awareness campaigns are most effective in mitigating the pandemic. Further, global sensitivity analysis using the Morris method highlighted that the learning rate and firing frequency of the unconditioned circuit are crucial regulators in modulating the emergent pandemic waves. The present study makes a case for incorporating neuronal dynamics as a basis of behavioral immune response and has further implications in designing awareness campaigns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A characteristic feature of arthritic diseases is cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation, often orchestrated by the overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and other proteases. The interplay between fibril level degradation and the tissue-level aggregate response to biomechanical loading was explored in this work by a computational multiscale cartilaginous model. We considered the relative abundance of collagenases (MMP-1) and gelatinases (MMP-9) in surrogate models, where the diffusion (spatial distribution) of these enzymes and the subsequent, co-localized fibrillar damage were spatially randomized with Latin Hypercube Sampling. The computational model was constructed by incorporating the results from prior molecular dynamics simulations (tensile test) of microfibril degradation into a hyper-elastoplastic fibril-reinforced cartilage model. Including MMPs-mediated collagen fibril-level degradation in computational models may help understand the ECM pathomechanics at the tissue level. The mechanics of cartilage tissue and fibril show variations in mechanical integrity depending on the different combinations of MMPs-1 and 9 with a concentration ratio of 1:1, 3:1, and 1:3 in simulated indentation tests. The fibril yield (local failure) was initiated at 20.2 ± 3.0 (%) and at 23.0 ± 2.8 (%) of bulk strain for col 1:gel 3 and col 3: gel 1, respectively. The reduction in failure stress (global response) was 39.8% for col 1:gel 3, 37.5% for col 1:gel 1, and 36.7% for col 3:gel 1 compared with the failure stress of the degradation free tissue. These findings indicate that cartilage\'s global and local mechanisms of failure largely depend on the relative abundance of the two key enzymes-collagenase (MMP-1) and gelatinase (MMP-9) and the spatial characteristics of diffusion across the layers of the cartilage ECM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developing accurate and reliable methods to estimate vaccine protection is a key goal in immunology and public health. While several statistical methods have been proposed, their potential inaccuracy in capturing fast intraseasonal waning of vaccine-induced protection needs to be rigorously investigated.
    To compare statistical methods for estimating vaccine effectiveness (VE), we generated simulated data using a multiscale, agent-based model of an epidemic with an acute viral infection and differing extents of VE waning. We apply a previously proposed framework for VE measures based on the observational data richness to assess changes of vaccine-induced protection over time.
    While VE measures based on hard-to-collect information (eg, the exact timing of exposures) were accurate, usually VE studies rely on time-to-infection data and the Cox proportional hazards model. We found that its extension using scaled Schoenfeld residuals, previously proposed for capturing VE waning, was unreliable in capturing both the degree of waning and its functional form and identified the mathematical factors contributing to this unreliability. We showed that partitioning time and including a time-vaccine interaction term in the Cox model significantly improved estimation of VE waning, even in the case of dramatic, rapid waning. We also proposed how to optimize the partitioning scheme.
    While appropriate for rejecting the null hypothesis of no waning, scaled Schoenfeld residuals are unreliable for estimating the degree of waning. We propose a Cox-model-based method with a time-vaccine interaction term and further optimization of partitioning time. These findings may guide future analysis of VE waning data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recyclability and improved suitability for high-volume production make fiber-reinforced thermoplastic polymers (FRP) attractive alternatives for the current thermoset-based ones. However, while they are more ductile than their thermoset counterparts, their behavior is also more susceptible to environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, and strain rate. The latter can trigger self-heating and thermal softening effects. The role of matrix self-heating in FRP subjected to transverse loading is investigated using micromechanical modeling. Particularly, the effect of self-heating, strain rate and conductivity of the fiber-matrix interface is illustrated. It is shown that local heating of the matrix is dominant for the homogenized behavior of the material. Although the global homogenized temperature increase is limited, local thermal softening can induce premature failure. It is shown that the effect of thermal softening can be more prominent with increasing volume fraction, increasing strain rate, and lower interface conductivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comprehensive understanding of biological tissue mechanics is crucial for designing engineered tissues that aim to recapitulate native tissue behavior. Tensile mechanics of many fiber-reinforced tissues have been shown to depend on specimen geometry, which makes it challenging to compare data between studies. In this study, a validated multiscale, structure-based finite element model was used to evaluate the effect of specimen geometry on multiscale annulus fibrosus tensile mechanics through a fiber engagement analysis. The relationships between specimen geometry and modulus, Poisson\'s ratio, tissue stress-strain distributions, and fiber reorientation behaviors were investigated at both tissue and sub-tissue levels. It was observed that annulus fibrosus tissue level tensile properties and stress transmission mechanisms were dependent on specimen geometry. The model also demonstrated that the contribution of fiber-matrix interactions to tissue mechanical response was specimen size- and orientation-dependent. The results of this study reinforce the benefits of structure-based finite element modeling in studies investigating multiscale tissue mechanics. This approach also provides guidelines for developing optimal combined computational-experimental study designs for investigating fiber-reinforced biological tissue mechanics. Additionally, findings from this study help explain the geometry dependence of annulus fibrosus tensile mechanics previously reported in the literature, providing a more fundamental and comprehensive understanding of tissue mechanical behavior. In conclusion, the methods presented here can be used in conjunction with experimental tissue level data to simultaneously investigate tissue and sub-tissue scale mechanics, which is important as the field of soft tissue biomechanics advances toward studies that focus on diminishing length scales.





