
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sexual and gender minority (SGM) people are at heightened risk for alcohol use, hazardous drinking, and alcohol use disorder compared to heterosexual and cisgender individuals. This paper: (a) presents an oppression framework that integrates intersectionality, stress, stigma, and addiction-based theories to examine the complex and nuanced ways oppression-based stress (e.g., minority stress) leads to sexual orientation and gender identity inequities in alcohol use; (b) conducts a narrative review that summarizes recent and novel advancements in the literature on the impact of oppression-based stressors on alcohol use outcomes across structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal domains among SGM people; and (c) provides future research and intervention directions for the alcohol field.
    METHODS: A select review of the literature was conducted on July 10, 2023, using multiple electronic databases (i.e., PsycInfo, PubMed, Web of Science) and focusing on studies that had examined the associations between oppression-based stressors and alcohol use outcomes across structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. Search terms focused on alcohol consumption; SGM people, particularly SGM people of color; and oppression-based stress. Cross-sectional studies that focused on heterosexism-based and anti-bisexual oppression-based stressors at the interpersonal or intrapersonal levels and alcohol use outcomes were excluded as they have been included in prior reviews of the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The initial and combined search across the databases resulted in 3,205 articles. Of those, the narrative review included 50 peer-reviewed articles that focused on the following four areas of the literature on the associations between oppression-based stressors and alcohol use outcomes: (1) experimental, longitudinal, and experience sampling studies of heterosexism- and anti-bisexual oppression-based stressors (22 articles); (2) any studies of cissexism-based stressors (12 articles); (3) any studies of intersectional oppression among SGM people of color (seven articles, one article overlapped with the first category and another overlapped with the fourth category); and (4) any studies of structural oppression (11 articles).
    CONCLUSIONS: Results of this narrative review indicate that mounting evidence implicates oppression-based stress in inequities in alcohol use, hazardous drinking, and alcohol use disorder in SGM populations. This reflects SGM people\'s embodiment of oppression and injustice at the structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. Given some inconsistent and mixed patterns of findings, future research needs greater specificity in drinking inclusion criteria, robust and well-validated measures, more attention to culturally and developmentally relevant moderating and mediating mechanisms across the lifespan, application of sophisticated methodologies, and integration of intersectional and addiction frameworks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite evidence suggesting that insecure attachment is a significant risk factor for Problematic Social Media Use (PSMU), there remains a lack of comprehensive studies exploring this relationship, and a unified understanding of its role has yet to be established.
    METHODS: We employed network analysis to construct an integrated model for examining the complex interrelations between negative emotions, trait and state attachment, motives, and PSMU across three platforms (i.e., WeChat, Sina Weibo, and TikTok), as well as for identifying potential mediating variables between attachment and PSMU. Data were collected from 685 young adults via online self-reported questionnaires.
    RESULTS: We found that negative emotions are positively correlated with insecure trait and state attachment but have a negligible direct relationship with PSMU. The conformity motive and state attachment security emerged as important central nodes when measured by strength, closeness, and betweenness. Moreover, attachment states and motives were found to be clustered. Such strong interrelationships were also evident between insecure attachment and PSMU, while trait attachment anxiety and avoidance were observed to be related to PSMU across various platforms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings promote a deeper understanding of the relationship between insecure attachment and PSMU from a cross-platform perspective and offer novel insights into the mechanisms underlying their co-occurrence, which may guide the development of effective interventions for healthier social media engagement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postponed parenthood is considered one of the most extensive changes in the process of family formation. Among the many reasons for deferred parenthood, those related to greater feelings of incompetence as a potential parent, self-focus, perceiving parenthood as a burden, fearing the changes that the birth of a child may bring to a person\'s life, financial insecurity, and worrying about the child\'s future seem particularly important. Since little is known about the motives for delayed parenthood in relation to anxiety and psychological maturity, the main goal of our study was to verify how these variables may be related to each other and whether maturity for parenthood mediates the direct association between anxiety and the motives for delayed parenthood. The sample consisted of 223 Polish adults (the age range of the participants was 18-44 years). The respondents completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Maturity to Parenthood Scale (MPS), and the Multidimensional Scale of Motives for Postponing Parenthood (MSMPP-18). The results showed positive correlations between anxiety and four (uncertainty, burden, change, and finance) of the six motives for postponing parenthood and postponed parenthood overall. Maturity for parenting and all its dimensions correlated negatively with anxiety and all factors of postponed parenthood, except worry about the child\'s future. In all six of the seven models (except \"worry\"), at least one of the factors of maturity to parenthood mediated the relationship between trait anxiety and motives for postponing parenthood/total score. Based on the results it can be assumed that a tendency to direct attention to a threat related to the context of child-bearing and child-rearing may lead to lower maturity to parenthood, which in turn may result in various motives for postponing parenthood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food and alcohol disturbance (FAD) reflects the functional relationship between disordered eating and alcohol use. There are two motivations underlying FAD - to enhance the effects of alcohol and/or to compensate for alcohol-related calories. Yet, most FAD studies have failed to adequately measure the motives underlying these behaviors, leading to inconsistent and imprecise findings. The aim of the current systematic review was to thematically consolidate FAD research findings by motive, identify limitations of the existing literature, and highlight next steps for FAD researchers. Eighty-one publications, presenting data from 38,536 participants, were included in the current review. Prevalence rates for the caloric compensation and alcohol enhancement motives range from 5.6% - 88.7% and 4.7% - 81.7%, respectively. Alcohol use and disordered eating were the primary correlates of FAD for both motives, and alcohol-related consequences were positively associated with both FAD motives cross-sectionally. Major limitations of the literature include inconsistent operationalization and imprecise measurement of FAD. Primary recommendations include adopting the terminology of and operationalization of FAD presented here, ensuring attention to FAD motive in developing and testing research questions, and moving beyond cross-sectional studies. Findings from this review can be used to contribute to more rigorous and unified FAD research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Although not yet recognized as an official disorder, Social Media Disorder (SMD) has recently received considerable interest in the research. However, relatively little is known about underlying motives for social media use and to what extent motives show differential associations with SMD symptom severity and SMD diagnosis. The overall aim of the present study was therefore to examine motives for social media use in relation to (1) which motives are most common, (2) associations between motives and both SMD symptom severity and SMD diagnosis, and (3) the effects of sex and age.
    UNASSIGNED: Data were collected through a digital survey (n = 1820) and included both high school students (n = 924) and university students (n = 896). Six different motives were assessed, and SMD was measured in relation to both Heavy Involvement and Negative Consequences of social media use.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that the most common social media use motives were Entertainment, Social Maintenance, and Information and Skills. However, it was the three least common motives - Social Compensation, Self-status, and Escape - that were most strongly associated with SMD symptom severity and SMD diagnosis. These three motives explained as much as 42% of the variance in negative consequences of social media use. Only a few small effects of sex or age were found.
    UNASSIGNED: Some social media use motives are much more strongly associated with SMD than others are. This could indicate that prevention and intervention programs should target these motives specifically, rather than focusing on social media use in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is a dire paucity of research into the burden, correlates and motives of substance use among trans young people in Australia.
    METHODS: Using data from a national survey of Australian trans young people (N = 859, Mage = 19.4), we estimated prevalence of past 6-month substance use (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, other drugs) and lifetime substance use disorder diagnoses. Covariate-adjusted multivariate logistic regression models tested associations between substance use types with 18 interpersonal factors. Open-ended responses regarding substance use motives (n = 489) were qualitatively analysed using thematic analysis with an interpretative phenomenological approach.
    RESULTS: Prevalence of lifetime substance use disorder diagnosis was 13.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 11.1, 16.1). Alcohol use was most reported (72.4%; 95% CI 68.9, 75.6) followed by tobacco (31.1%; 95% CI 27.7, 34.6) and cannabis (30.6%; 95% CI 27.2, 34.2). Trans women reported highest rates of alcohol and cannabis use; use of other drugs was highest among trans men. Highest risk of substance use was observed among trans youth who experienced discrimination, intimate partner abuse, peer rejection and lack of family support (adjusted odds ratios ranging 1.5 to 3.0). Four multi-levelled themes of substance use motives were identified: circumstantial use, somatic use, feeling better about oneself and one\'s life, and harm reduction.
    CONCLUSIONS: While substance use among trans young is largely circumstantial, hedonistic and altruistic, facilitating self-exploration, friendship and community connectedness, substance use among trans young people is highly prevalent and may be used to cope with sleep difficulties, depression/anxiety and cisnormativity, including delays and waitlists for accessing gender-affirming care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the idea of a flat earth may seem absurd in the twenty-first century, there is today a large and growing number of people who believe it. Who are these people and what animates their belief? In answering these questions, this article aims to articulate a cultural psychological approach to conspiracy theories. This is advanced through an in-depth narrative analysis of three individuals\' life stories concerning before, during, and after the transition to the new belief. Thus, rather than starting from the typical look at what socio-demographic factors predict conspiracy beliefs, we start from a nuanced look at flat earth believers\' own life worlds. We show how different individual motives (epistemological, social and existential) and knowledge systems (scientific, religious, societal) come together in individuals\' adoption and reconstruction of conspiracy theories so that they resonate with believers\' personal lives. Most importantly, flat earth theory offers people a comprehensive vision that places human beings at the center of the universe and provides arguments for how life is meaningful. However, we show that this is reached through different pathways in accordance with people\'s unique life histories and challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our objective is to review motives and barriers for non-reproductive, living substance of human origin (SoHO) donation, and to extend existing typologies beyond blood. The expansion of SoHO collection is currently unmatched by increased living donors. Thus, there is a critical need to understand how to effectively recruit and retain donors to ensure a sustainable supply of SoHO. We undertook a rapid review and narrative synthesis of published, peer-reviewed literature reporting on motives and/or barriers for living SoHO donation (whole-blood, blood products [2009-2023], bone marrow/stem cells, cord blood, organ, human breast milk, intestinal microbiota [2000-2023]). Results were interpreted through directed qualitative content analysis using an extended typology of motives/barriers largely drawn from blood donation research, and subsequently refined based on results to be inclusive of other SoHO. 234 articles with 237 studies met review criteria. Most were quantitative (74.3%), conducted in Western countries (63.8%), focused on blood donation (64.2%), reported motives and barriers (51.9%) and did not examine differences by donor characteristics or history (74%). We present a revised typology inclusive of motives/barriers for donation of substances beyond blood. This shows while broader motives and barriers are shared across substances donated, there are critical differences at the subcategory level that may account for heterogeneity in results of prior interventions. The nuances in how broad categories of motives and barriers manifest across different SoHO are critical for blood collection agencies to consider as they attempt to expand collection of products beyond whole-blood, plasma, and platelets. WHAT IS KNOWN ABOUT THE TOPIC?: Blood collection agencies (BCAs) continue to expand SoHO product collection beyond whole-blood, plasma, and platelets. The demand for SoHO is currently unmatched by increased living donors. The need to understand how to recruit new and retain existing living donors to ensure a sustainable supply of SoHO remains critical. However, there is no available synthesis of the factors, such as motives/facilitators and barriers/deterrents, to inform our understanding. WHAT IS NEW?: Comprehensively reviewed evidence for motives and barriers of willing/actual donors and nondonors across all types of non-reproductive living SoHO donation. Explored variations in motives and barriers based on substance, donor history and demographic differences (gender, age, ethnicity or culture). Extended typology of motives and barriers inclusive of all non-reproductive living SoHO, beyond solely whole-blood and blood products. Identified that while there are commonalities in the overarching motive and barrier categories across substances (e.g., prosocial motivation, low self-efficacy), within these broader constructs there are differences at the subcategory level (e.g., low-self efficacy was about eligibility, lifestyle barriers, or lack/loss of financial or material resources depending on the substance donated) that are crucial for development of future interventions and for BCAs to consider as they expand SoHO product collection. Highlighted the continued focus on motives and barriers for whole-blood and blood product donation to the exclusion of other, particularly newer, SoHO; lack of qualitative work for newer SoHO; and lack of consideration of differences based on donor characteristics (especially ethnicity/culture) and donor history, which limits our understanding. WHAT ARE THE KEY QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK ON THE TOPIC?: What are the motives and barriers (in both qualitative and quantitative studies) for donation of newer SoHO such as stem cells, cord blood, human milk, and intestinal microbiota? Are there differences in motives and barriers within and across SoHO that are informed by individual and contextual-level factors? How can we develop interventions that respond to the nuances of motives and barriers present across different forms of SoHO that are effective in encouraging new and maintaining continuing donors?






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hispanic/Latinx (hereafter Latinx) persons are an established tobacco disparities population in the United States (US). Past work has suggested that individual differences in anxiety sensitivity, or the fear of arousal-based sensations, is one important cognitive construct for smoking maintenance and relapse among Latinx persons who smoke. However, previous research has not examined if anxiety sensitivity is associated with motivational facets of smoking dependence among this tobacco disparities population. In the current study, anxiety sensitivity was explored in terms of smoking motives for primary, secondary, and overall cigarette dependence. Participants included 336 English-speaking Latinx adults in the US who smoked cigarettes daily (Mage = 35.53, SD = 8.65, 37.3% Female). Results indicated that anxiety sensitivity was statistically significantly and positively related to higher primary and secondary dependence motives and marginally statistically significant to cigarette dependence; findings were evident after adjusting for numerous theoretically relevant variables (e.g., depression). Overall, the current study is the first to document linkages between anxiety sensitivity and numerous motivational bases of tobacco dependence among Latinx persons who smoke from the US.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study sought to examine three distinct research questions: a) are self-control constructs (i.e., negative/positive urgency, self-regulation, and emotion-regulation) indirectly related to negative alcohol/marijuana consequences via substance use motives, b) to what extent are these indirect effects consistent across differing drugs (i.e., alcohol and marijuana), and c) are these models invariant across gender and countries. Participants were 2,230 college students (mean age=20.28, SD=0.40; 71.1% females) across 7 countries (USA, Canada, Spain, England, Argentina, Uruguay, and South Africa) who consumed alcohol and marijuana in the last month. Two (one for alcohol and one for marijuana) fully saturated path models were conducted, such that indirect paths were examined for each self-control construct and substance use motive on negative consequences (e.g., negative urgency → coping motives → negative consequences) within the same model. Within the comprehensive alcohol model, we found that lower self-regulation and higher negative urgency/suppression were related to more alcohol consequences via higher coping and conformity motives. For marijuana, we found that lower self-regulation and higher negative urgency/suppression were related to more marijuana consequences via higher coping motives (not significant for conformity motives). Unique to marijuana, we did find support for higher expansion motives indirectly linking positive urgency to more negative consequences. These results were invariant across gender groups and only minor differences across countries emerged. Prevention and intervention programs of alcohol and marijuana around university campuses may benefit from targeting self-control related skills in addition to motives to drug use to prevent and reduce negative drug-related consequences.





