Medicinal plants

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medicinal plants produce various bioactive molecules with potential anti-cancer properties with favorable safety profiles. We aimed to investigate the comprehensive composition of Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract and its cytotoxic effects via apoptosis in HeLa cells. The metabolomics approach using LC-MS/MS was conducted to gather the metabolite profile of the extract. Proteomics was performed to understand the comprehensive mechanistic pathways of action. The apoptosis was visualized by cellular staining and the apoptotic proteins were evaluated. V. amygdalina leaf extract exhibited dose-dependent cytotoxic effects on both HeLa and Vero cells after 24 h of exposure in the MTT assay with the IC50 values of 0.767 ± 0.0334 and 4.043 ± 0.469 µg mL-1, respectively, which demonstrated a higher concentration required for Vero cell cytotoxicity. The metabolomic profile of 112 known metabolites specified that the majority of them were alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and steroids. Among these metabolites, deacetylvindoline and licochalcone B were suggested to implicate cytotoxicity. The cytotoxic pathways involved the response to stress and cell death which was similar to doxorubicin. The upstream regulatory proteins, phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) and X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1), were significantly altered, supporting the regulation of apoptosis and cell death. The levels of apoptotic proteins, c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), p53, and caspase-9 were significantly increased. The novel insights gained from the metabolomic profiling and proteomic pathway analysis of V. amygdalina leaf extract have identified crucial components related to apoptosis induction, highlighting its potential to develop future chemotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of medicinal plants in traditional healing practices is essential to Tanzanian and African health care. This paper examined the African traditional healing tendencies, particularly the Sukuma tribe of Tanzania, from 1922 to the 1960s. Several types of research challenged traditional healing tendencies\' role in the health sector. They claimed that traditional healing has no scientific evidence or methodology and is inefficient. This paper comprises three objectives: the evolution of traditional healing practices among the Sukuma; the traditional healers\' conceptualization and adaptation of social, economic, and ecological changes; and the challenges faced by the traditional healers. The study was conducted in Mwamapalala and Mwalushu Wards where Mwamunhu and Mwamigagani represented as sampled villages in Bariadi District. It used both qualitative and quantitative approaches that involved an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. Archival materials were also used. The findings reveal that the traditional healers understood the nature of traditional healing in the pre-colonial period. Before colonial domination, all people in the region depended on the traditional medicines obtained from flora and fauna. Their ancestors were diviners, and few were herbalists. The paper concludes that the current healing practice in Tanzania results from the political transition from the colonial period to the independence era. Most people conceptualize that the government had neither effectively accepted the field of traditional medicine nor given the healers any support to sustain their activities. More often, traditional healers have been ignored by the government, and it has been claimed that traditional healing practices instigated violence and, therefore, threaten society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this work is to document and record the use of medicinal plants to treat various ailments in the study area. A total of 84 informants, consisting of 54 men and 30 women, between 35 and 80 years of age were chosen. Additionally, 20 key informants were deliberately selected for their expertise. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, group discussions, and guided field walks using semi-structured interview questions. Ethnobotanical data were analyzed using quantitative analytical tools such as preference ranking, direct matrix ranking, fidelity level and informant consensus factor. Forty-six medicinal plants belonging to 41 genera and 33 families were collected and identified. Brassicaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Polygonaceae had the highest abundance of medicinal plants used to treat various diseases in the study area. Most of the medicinal plants were herbs (43 %), followed by shrubs (35 %). The study revealed that leaves (45.7 %) were the most frequently used plant parts in the preparation of remedies. The most common mode of administration was oral ingestion (61 %), followed by dermal application (30 %). Zingiber officinale Roscoe and Allium sativum L.had the highest preference rank, whereas Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile was identified as the most popular medicinal plant due to its multipurpose use. while the value of fidelity level (FL) for medicinal plants in the study ranged from 34 % to 94 %. The study also identified several threats to medicinal plants in the study area, including charcoal production, overgrazing, and agricultural expansion. To prevent the eradication of these medicinal plants, the involvement of local communities in the management and conservation of plant resources is crucial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ethiopia is recognized as one of the centers of origin for the diversity of many plant species, including medicinal plants. Throughout the country, a large proportion of the population relies on these therapeutic plant species for primary healthcare. While such traditional medicinal knowledge has been documented in some regions, there is a lack of information from the Quara district of northwestern Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed to document the indigenous and local knowledge of the use of medicinal plants among three ethnic groups residing in the area.
    METHODS: An ethnobotanical study was conducted from August 2022 to October 2023 in ten kebeles of the Quara district. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, field walks, and focus group discussions with 286 informants using snowball, purposive, and random sampling techniques. Quantitative analyses included Rahman\'s similarity index (RSI), informant consensus factor (ICF), and direct matrix ranking (DMR). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze basic ethnobotanical data.
    RESULTS: A total of 128 medicinal plant species from 112 genera and 50 families were documented and used to treat 14 disease categories. There was a 28% overlap in medicinal plant knowledge among the three ethnic groups studied. Fabaceae was the most represented family with 22 species. Trees accounted for the majority of the documented plants (37.5%), and leaves were the most commonly used plant parts (23.1%). Oral administration (56.7%) of plant extracts was the primary mode of remedy preparation and use. The highest ICF value (0.93) was recorded for circulatory and blood-related disorders. The study identified nine plants and 39 therapeutic uses not previously reported in Ethiopia. The RSI showed high overlap with neighboring areas and low similarity with distant areas. Top-ranked multipurpose plants were Ziziphus spina-christi and Terminalia leiocarpa, with agricultural expansion and fuelwood collection identified as major threats.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrate the rich diversity of medicinal plants and associated traditional knowledge in the Quara district. The high ethnobotanical indices warrant further phytochemical and pharmacological investigations. Integrated conservation efforts are recommended to address the challenges facing these valuable plant resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Plants have formed the basis of traditional medicine (TM) systems, which have been used for thousands of years. According to reports, one-quarter of the commonly used medicines contain compounds isolated from plants. This study aims to identify and document the plants for ethno-pharmacological use by the indigenous communities of West Shoa Zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2020 to November 2021 in West Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The ethnobotanical data was collected from Ejere District, Ada Berga District, Dandi District, Ambo District, Ambo Town, Toke Kutaye District, and Bako Tibe District. A descriptive statistical method (percentage and/or frequency) was employed to summarize ethnobotanical data. Moreover, the informant consensus factor was computed. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software (Microsoft Corporation, 2016) and SPSS (version 25) were used to organize and analyze the data. Result: In the study area, a total of 51 families of medicinal plants with 108 Species were identified. Fabaceae 8 species, Asteraceae, Solanaceae and Lamiaceae each with 6 species and Cucurubitacieae 5 species were the frequently reported medicinal plants. The leaf (57.2%) was the most widely used medicinal plant parts, and oral administration (56.5%) was the most cited route of administration. In the present study, most of the medicinal plants were used fresh, which was (75%) and the most common disease the healers treated was gastrointestinal disease, followed by skin disease and febrile illness. The major threat to medicinal plants in the study area was agricultural expansion, which was reported by 30.6% of the respondents. The study area was rich in medicinal plants, Fabaceae which commonly used family. Conclusion: Most of the medication prepared by the traditional healers was taken orally and derived from the leaf part of the medicinal plant. Since this research is a preliminary study which will be used as a base for further study. The efficacy and safety of the medicinal plant claim should be studied in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and debilitating disease that not only leads to disability and associated condition but also impacts one\'s ability to maintain a professional life. People\'s acceptance and utilization of medicinal plants (MPs) play an important role in managing their treatment process. As a result, this study aims to investigate the use of medicinal herbs among patients with MS.
    METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 MS patients who visited a private clinic and the MS Association in Kerman, Iran in 2021. A questionnaire comprising questions about sociodemographic information, disease variables, and aspects of MPs usage was utilized for data collection. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 20 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The Chi-square test was employed to identify any association between demographic characteristics and MPs usage. To determine the prevalence of plant use in a specific area and the consensus among informants, the use value (UV) and Informant consensus factor (Fic) were calculated.
    RESULTS: The study revealed a high prevalence of MPs usage among MS patients. Chamomile (66.6%) and golegavzaban (62.0%) were the most commonly used plants with the highest UV indices (0.88 and 0.82 respectively), while St. John\'s wort and licorice were rarely used (0.67% and 4% respectively). Participants cited pursuing a healthier lifestyle as the primary reason for using MPs (24%). St. John\'s wort, lavender, and chamomile were the most satisfying plants (100%, 100%, and 53.0% respectively). Chamomile had the highest Fic too. Most patients were motivated to get MPs from their relatives.
    CONCLUSIONS: Given the widespread use of MPs among MS patients, neurologists should enhance their knowledge in this area to guide patients away from seeking advice from non-professionals. Providing standardized formulations can help prevent potential interactions between MPs and mainstream drugs, thereby improving patients safety and outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnant women in rural Uganda largely rely on medicinal plants for inducing labor, treating postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), and inducing abortion. 90% of the women in both rural and urban Uganda use plants to manage pregnancy symptoms like constipation, heartburn, morning sickness, body aches, nausea, and vomiting. After delivery women continue using plants to manage postpartum complications and for infant care especially herbal baths. This study documented how ethnomedical folklore has been used to aid childbirth, manage postpartum hemorrhage, and induce abortion.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional ethnobotanical survey was conducted from May - December 2023 in Najjemebe sub-county, Buikwe district. 206 respondents from 12 villages were selected using snowball sampling. Key informants included Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) and herbalists. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions. Voucher specimens of the plants were identified and authenticated at Makerere University Herbarium. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Informant Consensus factor (ICF), Use Reports (URs), paired comparisons, and GraphPad Prism® version 9.0.0 software.
    RESULTS: All respondents (N = 206, 100%), used plants to induce labour, treat PPH, and induce abortion. One hundred four plant species were documented: most cited or preferred were: Hoslundia opposita (N = 109, 53%), Phytolacca dodecandra (N = 72, 35%), and Commelina erecta (N = 47, 23%). The plants belonged to 49 families, Lamiaceae (16.3%) and Fabaceae (14.3%) having the majority of the species. Herbs were 42 (40%) and trees 23 (22%). Oral administration 95(72%) was the commonest, then topical 19 (14.4%) and vaginal 14(10.6%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Health surveys revealed that about 27% of deliveries in Uganda take place outside a health facility. Due to the oxytocic effects of plant species reported in this study, they play a triple role of being uterotonics, abortifacients, and treating postpartum haemmorhage. The dilemma lies in the unknown dosages and toxicity levels that could endanger both the mother\'s and the unborn child\'s lives. Due to Uganda\'s high rates of population growth, overall fertility, maternal mortality, and morbidity, policies, and programmes on gendered health provision need to be reevaluated. Integrating herbal medicine into health care systems appears to be a feasible solution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of medicinal plants to treat various veterinary illnesses has been practiced for millennia in many civilizations. Punjab is home to a diverse ethnic community, the majority of whom work in dairy farming, agriculture, and allied professions and have indigenous practices of treating animal illnesses using native flora. This study was designed to (1) document and preserve information about the applications of medicinal plant species in ethnoveterinary remedies among inhabitants of Punjab, Pakistan, and (2) identify popular plants for disease treatment by quantitative analysis of the obtained data and to assess the pharmacological relevance of these species.
    METHODS: To collect data from informants (N = 279), questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used. The ethnoveterinary data were analyzed using principal component analysis, relative frequency citation, fidelity level, relative popularity level, and rank order priority.
    RESULTS: A total of 114 plant species utilized in the ethnoveterinary medicinal system were found, which were divided into 56 families and used to treat 16 different illnesses. The Poaceae family, with 16 species, was the most common in the region. The most commonly employed growth form in herbal preparation was herb (49%). The most used part in ethnoveterinary remedies was leaves (35%), while powder was the most commonly used way for preparing ethnoveterinary remedies (51 applications). According to principal component analysis, the most typically used species in the research region were grasses. Five grasses (Arundo donax, Desmostachya bipinnata, Eleusine indica, Hordeum vulgare, and Pennisetum glaucum) showed a 100% FL value when used to treat diuretics, helminthiasis, digestive problems, fever, cough, worm infestation, indigestion, galactagogue, oral infections, and genital prolapse. The maximum value of disease cured level (DCL%) was recorded at 87.6% for endo- and ecto-parasitic ailments in the study area.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that medicinal plants play an important part in satisfying farmers\' animal healthcare demands, making it a feasible practice. The study also provides a wealth of knowledge regarding ethnoveterinary methods for further planning and application, providing an option for farmers who cannot afford allopathic therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species belonging to the Bauhinia genus, usually known as \"pata-de-vaca\", are popularly used to treat diabetes. Bauhinia ungulata var. obtusifolia (Ducke) Vaz is among them, of which the leaves are used as a tea for medicinal purposes in the Amazon region. A microencapsulation study of lyophilized aqueous extract from Bauhinia ungulata leaves, which contain phenolic compounds, using five different wall materials (maltodextrin DE 4-7, maltodextrin DE 11-14; β-cyclodextrin; pectin and sodium carboxymethylcellulose) is described in this paper. The microstructure, particle size distribution, thermal behavior, yield, and encapsulation efficiency were investigated and compared using different techniques. Using high-performance liquid chromatography, phenolics, and flavonoids were detected and quantified in the microparticles. The microparticles obtained with a yield and phenolics encapsulation efficiency ranging within 60-83% and 35-57%, respectively, showed a particle size distribution between 1.15 and 5.54 µm, spherical morphology, and a wrinkled surface. Among them, those prepared with sodium carboxymethylcellulose or pectin proved to be the most thermally stable. They had the highest flavonoid content (23.07 and 21.73 mg RUTE/g Extract) and total antioxidant activity by both the DPPH (376.55 and 367.86 µM TEq/g Extract) and ABTS (1085.72 and 1062.32 µM TEq/g Extract) assays. The chromatographic analyses allowed for quantification of the following substances retained by the microparticles, chlorogenic acid (1.74-1.98 mg/g Extract), p-coumaric acid (0.06-0.08 mg/g Extract), rutin (11.2-12.9 mg/g Extract), and isoquercitrin (0.49-0.53 mg/g Extract), compounds which considered to responsible for the antidiabetic property attributed to the species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Science has advanced to the point that traditional medicine is now a useful instrument for treating a wide range of human ailments. Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) do not, however, have access to the contemporary healthcare system. As a result, they turn to biological resources, which are the only readily available and accessible means of treating diseases like COVID-19 and flu outbreaks. In response to worldwide illnesses, this study aligns with the perspectives of traditional knowledge of biological resources, particularly therapeutic plants. Therefore, this study was aimed to document the use of the potential of medicinal plants by IPLCs in the Lomié subdivision to manage COVID-19 symptoms. In four villages in the Lomié subdivision Ekom, Payo, Eschiambor, and Kongo, ethnobotanical surveys, including semi-structured interviews on traditional usage of plants against Covid-19 symptoms, were carried out with 80 participants in order to meet all of the study specific objectives. For every species, a vulnerability index was established in order to evaluate the species fragility. To analyze the data, both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. The findings show that the respondents are well aware of the symptoms of the COVID-19 and that gave them the ability to provide timely and efficient responses. The survey identified 43 species from 39 genera grouped in 28 families were used to treat COVID-19 symptoms, with bark being the most commonly used plant part (43.8%). Decoction was the most frequently used method of preparation (50%), and oral administration was the main route of administration (56.3%). Most of the plant species were harvested from secondary forests (44.2%), of which trees formed 48.8%. A total of 30 species were recorded to be vulnerable, with Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sprague) Sprague, Milicia excelsa (Welw.) Benth, Myrianthus arboreus P. Beauv., and Trichoscypha aborea (A. Chev.) A. Chev being the most vulnerable, with vulnerability index of 2.4. The results showed a strong non-causal relationship between vulnerability and the continuous and discontinuous explanatory parameters. The susceptibility of medicinal plants used to treat COVID-19 symptoms and the explanatory parameters had a statistically significant causal association, according to the binomial logistic regression model. In light of novel diseases like COVID-19, this study finds that traditional knowledge of medicinal plants is still widely held, especially among the indigenous and local population. It can also be very beneficial in the development of new medications for a variety of illnesses.





