Lameness, Animal

跛行 ,动物
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sacroiliac dysfunction (SID) is a condition seen in horses associated with poor performance that affects hind limb gait and impulsion. The condition comprises pain and dysfunction but there lacks clarity around the aetiopathogenesis and whether SID encompasses abnormal joint pathology, abnormal joint movement, abnormal regional biomechanical function, joint laxity and pain, or various combinations of these that may vary over time. Clinical assessment remains challenging for equine clinicians due to the deep location of the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) and surrounding structures which limits access for palpation, diagnostic imaging and joint-specific injection. There is no recognised single reference standard diagnostic test for SID. Clinical diagnosis has been based on ruling out other causes of hind limb lameness, along with combinations of ultrasonography, scintigraphy and periarticular anaesthesia of the SIJ. Recent studies have highlighted the lack of specificity of injections targeting the SIJ, with significant dispersal of injectate into surrounding structures including around the lumbosacral joint (LSJ). Advanced imaging modalities such as computed tomography offers promise for assessment of the structure and pathology of the SIJ and surrounding bony structures. However, there is a need to improve the understanding of the significance of anatomic variation of the sacroiliac region structures, with recent studies reporting detailed anatomic variation in groups of horses with and without SID. There are also limitations around functional assessment of the joint which is still largely reliant on a thorough clinical examination. This review aims to present an update on clinical approaches to the diagnosis of horses with SID, and to consider the challenges and limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lameness and leg injuries are both painful and prevalent across the dairy industry, and are a major welfare concern. There has been a considerable amount of research focused on investigating the risk factors associated with lameness and injuries and how they might be prevented and treated. The objectives of this narrative review were to summarize herd-level prevalence estimates, risk factors, strategies for prevention, control, and treatment of these conditions, and the barriers to best practice adoption for lameness and injuries on dairy farms. There is a relatively high within-herd prevalence of lameness on dairy farms globally, with a recent systematic review estimating the mean prevalence at 22.8%. Similarly, there is a relatively high prevalence of hock injuries, with within-herd estimates ranging from 12% to 81% of cows affected. Knee and neck injuries have been reported to be less common, with 6% to 43% and 1% to 33%, respectively. Numerous risk factors have been associated with the incidence of lameness, notably housing (e.g., access to pasture, bedding depth, bedding type, flooring type, stall design), management (e.g., stall cleanliness, frequency of trimming, holding times, stocking density), and cow-level (e.g., body condition, parity, injured hocks) factors. Risk factors associated with hock injuries can be similarly classified into housing (e.g., bedding type and depth, outdoor access, parlor type, stall design), management (e.g., bedding depth, cleanliness), and cow (e.g., parity, days in milk, lameness) factors. Key preventative approaches for lameness include routine preventative and corrective hoof trimming, improving hoof cushioning and traction through access to pasture or adding rubber flooring, deep-bedded stalls, sand bedding, ensuring appropriate stocking densities, reduced holding times, and the frequent use of routine footbaths. Very little research has been conducted on hock, knee, and neck injury prevention and recovery. Numerous researchers have concluded that both extrinsic (e.g., time, money, space) and intrinsic (e.g., farmer attitude, perception, priorities, and mindset) barriers exist to addressing lameness and injuries on dairy farms. There are many diverse stakeholders in lameness and injury management including the farmer, farm staff, veterinarian, hoof trimmer, nutritionist, and other advisors. Addressing dairy cattle lameness and injuries must, therefore, consider the people involved, as it is these people who are influencing and implementing on-farm decisions related to lameness prevention, treatment, and control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This retrospective study aimed to characterize and evaluate the emergency approach, diagnosis, management, treatment, and follow-up of nonspecific canine lameness cases.
    METHODS: Retrospective case series from September 25, 2013 to September 25, 2014.
    METHODS: The study was conducted at an urban university teaching hospital.
    METHODS: A consecutive sample of dogs presenting to the emergency service with nonspecific lameness in the designated timeframe was used to identify 134 cases. Owners were contacted to participate in the follow-up survey; dogs that died prior to data collection were excluded from the survey. Medical records were reviewed for lameness localization, etiology of lameness, diagnostics obtained, medications prescribed, and owner recommendations.
    METHODS: Based on review of the medical records, the lameness localization, presumptive source of lameness (joint, soft tissue, neurological, or bone), diagnostics obtained, medications prescribed, and owner recommendations were recorded. Survey data included duration of lameness, perceived response to treatment, and activity level.
    RESULTS: Definitive diagnoses were not assigned in 88.8% of lameness cases. A presumptive diagnosis of soft tissue injury was assigned in 45.3% of cases. Single limb lameness was more prevalent than multiple limb lameness. Owners whose dogs were treated with medication were significantly more likely to report that the lameness resolved (P = 0.049). Dogs with injury localized to ≥1 of the joints were significantly less likely to have resolution of lameness (P = 0.037). Treatment recommendations were predominantly pain control and activity restriction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nonspecific lameness represents approximately 4% of canine urban emergency cases. Highlighting the points of clinical care considerations in understanding the etiology of lameness in dogs represents an opportunity for improved patient care and growth in emergency referral and follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ticks are leading vectors of economically important pathogens that affect small ruminants due to favourable climatic conditions across different regions of the African continent. They are responsible for both direct and indirect economic losses in the livestock industry. This review focuses on the species diversity of hard ticks, their biology, tick-borne diseases of sheep and goats including non-infectious disease, and risk factors to tick infestation in Africa. Furthermore, our review provides recent updates on distribution of ticks and tick-borne pathogens of small ruminants in Africa. It was observed that several species and subspecies of hard ticks belonging to the genera Hyalomma (Hy), Rhipicephalus (Rh), Ixodes (I) and Amblyomma (Am) were found infesting small ruminants across the different regions of the continent. Of these genera, Rhipicephalus ticks accounts for the majority of the registered species, with exactly 27 different species infesting small ruminant stocks comprising of different developmental instars and adults of the tick. Rhipicephalus decolaratus, Rh. e. evertsi and Rh. appendiculatus were the three most common Rhipicephalus species reported. Both protozoal (Babesia and Theileria) and bacterial (Anaplasma, Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Coxiella and Mycoplasma) pathogens have being reported to be amplified in several hard tick species and/or small ruminant hosts. Furthermore, tick paralysis and lameness were non-infectious conditions attributed to tick infestations. Amblyomma hebraeum and Rh. glabroscutatum may cause lameness in goats, while Hy. rufipes is responsible for the same condition in Merino sheep. Host paralysis due to a neurotoxin released by female Rh. e. evertsi and I. rubicundus has been documented within the continent. We therefore advocate for the need of integrated control measures against tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) including their arthropod vectors, to be performed simultaneously to ease the burden of vector-borne diseases in small ruminant production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective gait analysis provides valuable information about the locomotion characteristics of sound and lame horses. Due to their high accuracy and sensitivity, inertial measurement units (IMUs) have gained popularity over objective measurement techniques such as force plates and optical motion capture (OMC) systems. IMUs are wearable sensors that measure acceleration forces and angular velocities, providing the possibility of a non-invasive and continuous monitoring of horse gait during walk, trot, or canter during field conditions. The present narrative review aimed to describe the inertial sensor technologies and summarize their role in equine gait analysis. The literature was searched using general terms related to inertial sensors and their applicability, gait analysis methods, and lameness evaluation. The efficacy and performance of IMU-based methods for the assessment of normal gait, detection of lameness, analysis of horse-rider interaction, as well as the influence of sedative drugs, are discussed and compared with force plate and OMC techniques. The collected evidence indicated that IMU-based sensor systems can monitor and quantify horse locomotion with high accuracy and precision, having comparable or superior performance to objective measurement techniques. IMUs are reliable tools for the evaluation of horse-rider interactions. The observed efficacy and performance of IMU systems in equine gait analysis warrant further research in this population, with special focus on the potential implementation of novel techniques described and validated in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern day broilers have a great genetic potential to gain heavy bodyweights with a huge metabolic demand prior to their fully mature ages. Moreover, this made the broilers prone to opportunistic pathogens which may enter the locomotory organs under stress causing bacterial chondronecrosis and osteomyelitis (BCO). Such pathogenic colonization is further accelerated by microfractures and clefts that are formed in the bones due to rapid growth rate of the broilers along with ischemia of blood vessels. Furthermore, there are several pathways which alter bone homeostasis like acute phase response, and intrinsic and extrinsic cell death pathways. In contrast, all the affected birds may not exhibit clinical lameness even with the presence of lameness associated factors causing infection. Although Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Enterococcus are considered as common bacterial pathogens involved in BCO, but there exist several other non-culturable bacteria. Any deviation from maintaining a homeostatic environment in the gut might lead to bacterial translocation through blood followed by proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in respective organs including bones. It is important to alleviate dysbiosis of the blood which is analogous to dysbiosis in the gut. This can be achieved by supplementing pro, pre, and synbiotics which helps in providing a eubiotic environment abating the bacterial translocation that was studied to the incidence of BCO. This review focused on potential and novel biomarkers, pathophysiological mechanism, the economic significance of BCO, immune mechanisms, and miscellaneous factors causing BCO. In addition, the role of gut microbiomes along with their diversity and cell culture models from compact bones of chicken in better understanding of BCO were explored.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that radiographic evaluation of the canine shoulder joint alone is not sensitive enough to detect migrated osteochondral fragments within the biceps tendon sheath, as a sequela to osteochondrosis dissecans of the caudal humeral head. A 6-months-old, male, 35 kg Hovawart was referred due to chronic intermittent lameness on the left forelimb. Survey radiographs revealed a semilunar radiolucency surrounded by a moderately sclerotic rim at the caudal aspect of the left humeral head, referred to as osteochondrosis dissecans. However, only computed tomography combined with ultrasonography could clearly confirm a dislodged osteochondral fragment within the left biceps tendon sheath and a consequent tenosynovitis. Arthroscopic treatment on the clinically affected left forelimb followed by an additional approach over the left biceps tendon sheath to remove the migrated fragment resulted in a complete remission of the lameness until the last follow-up one year after surgery. In our opinion, computed tomography should be applied in the medical work up of canine shoulder osteochondrosis (OC) as standard. Combined with ultrasonography, it can further aid in complete evaluation of the shoulder joint and reliable exclusion of displaced osteochondral fragments, which might also be missed during arthroscopy when located too far distally.
    Ziel dieses Fallberichts ist es, zu zeigen, dass die Röntgenuntersuchung des Schultergelenks allein nicht sensitiv genug ist, um dislozierte Fragmente in die Bizepssehnenscheide als Folge einer Osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) Läsion am kaudalen Humeruskopf bei Hunden zu diagnostizieren. Ein 6 Monate alter, 35 kg schwerer, männlicher Hovawart wurde aufgrund einer chronisch intermittierenden Lahmheit an der linken Vordergliedmaße überwiesen. Auf den Röntgenaufnahmen zeigte sich eine semilunare Radioluzenz mit sklerotischem Randsaum am linken kaudalen Humeruskopf, typisch für eine osteochondrale Läsion. Jedoch konnte nur durch die Kombination von Computertomografie und Sonografie ein disloziertes osteochondrales Fragment in der linken Bizepssehnenscheide und die daraus resultierende Tenosynovitis eindeutig bestätigt werden. Eine chirurgische Versorgung mittels Arthroskopie, gefolgt von einem Zugang über der linken Bizepssehnenscheide zur Entfernung des migrierten Fragments, führte zu einer vollständigen Remission der Lahmheit bis zur letzten Nachuntersuchung ein Jahr postoperativ. Unserer Meinung nach sollte die Computertomografie als Standard in der Abklärung einer OCD des Schultergelenks bei Hunden eingesetzt werden. In Kombination mit einer Sonografie kann sie zur vollständigen Beurteilung des Schultergelenks und zum zuverlässigen Ausschluss dislozierter osteochondraler Fragmente beitragen, welche auch in der Arthroskopie übersehen werden können.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lameness in dairy cows has major negative impacts on animal welfare and production economy. While previous studies have evaluated the prevalence of lameness in single countries, the present literature review is the first overview of the prevalence of lameness in dairy cows globally. This literature review identified 53 studies reporting prevalence of lameness among representative samples of dairy cows and fulfilling a number of specified inclusion criteria (e.g., at least 10 herds and 200 cows, and locomotion scoring by trained observers). A total of 414,950 cows from 3945 herds were included in these 53 studies, which spanned a 30-year period (1989-2020) and included herds from six continents, with the majority from Europe and North America. Across the studies, the mean prevalence of lameness (typically defined as score 3-5 on a 1-5 scale) was 22.8% with a median of 22.0% and a range between studies from 5.1% to 45%, and a within herd range from 0% to 88%. The mean prevalence of severely lame cows (typically defined as score 4-5 on a 1-5 scale) was 7.0% with a median of 6.5% and a range between studies from 1.8% to 21.2%, and a within herd range from 0% to 65%. Over time, it appears that the prevalence of lameness has changed very little. Several different locomotion scoring systems and definitions of (severe) lameness were used across the 53 studies, and this may have affected the reported lameness prevalence. Sampling of herds and cows, inclusion criteria and representativeness also differed between studies. This review offers recommendations for the future capture of information on lameness in dairy cows and identifies potential knowledge gaps.






  • Reoviral-induced tenosynovitis/viral arthritis is an economically significant disease of poultry. Affected birds present with lameness, unilateral or bilateral swollen hock joints or shanks, and/or reluctance to move. In severe cases, rupture of the gastrocnemius or digital flexor tendons may occur, and significant culling may be necessary. Historically, vaccination with a combination of modified live and inactivated vaccines has successfully controlled disease. Proper vaccination reduced vertical transmission and provided maternal-derived antibodies to progeny to protect against disease, at an age when they were most susceptible. Starting in 2011-2012, an increased incidence of tenosynovitis/viral arthritis was observed in chickens and turkeys. In chickens, progeny from reovirus-vaccinated breeders were affected, suggesting commercial vaccines did not provide adequate protection against disease. In turkeys, clinical disease was primarily in males, although females can also be affected. The most significant signs were observed around 14-16 wks of age and include reluctance to move, lameness, and limping on one or both legs. The incidence of tenosynovitis/viral arthritis presently remains high. Reoviruses isolated from clinical cases are genetically and antigenically characterized as variants, meaning they are different from vaccine strains. Characterization of the field isolates reveals multiple new genotypes and serotypes that are significantly different from commercial vaccines and each other. In 2012, a single prevalent virus was isolated from a majority of the cases submitted to the Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center at the University of Georgia. Genetic characterization of the σC protein revealed the early isolates belonged to genetic cluster (GC) 5. Soon after the initial identification of the GC5 variant reovirus, many broiler companies incorporated these isolates from their farms into their autogenous vaccines and continue to do so today. The incidence of GC5 field isolates has decreased significantly, likely because of the widespread use of the isolates in autogenous vaccines. Unfortunately, variant reoviruses belonging to multiple GCs have emerged, despite inclusion of these isolates in autogenous vaccines. In this review, an overview of nomenclature, sample collection, and diagnostic testing will be covered, and a summary of variant reoviruses isolated from clinical cases of tenosynovitis/viral arthritis over the past 10 yrs will be provided.
    Estudio recapitulativo- Reovirus aviares de casos clínicos de tenosinovitis: una descripción general de los enfoques de diagnóstico y una revisión de 10 años de aislamientos y caracterización genética. La tenosinovitis/artritis viral inducida por reovirus es una enfermedad económicamente significativa de la avicultura. Las aves afectadas presentan cojera, articulaciones de corvejones o patas inflamadas unilateral o bilateralmente y/o renuencia a moverse. En casos severos, puede ocurrir la ruptura de los tendones del gastrocnemio o del flexor digital, y puede ser necesario una eliminación de aves afectadas significativa. Históricamente, la vacunación con una combinación de vacunas vivas modificadas e inactivadas ha controlado con éxito la enfermedad. La vacunación adecuada redujo la transmisión vertical y proporcionó anticuerpos derivados de las reproductoras a la progenie para protegerlos contra la enfermedad, a una edad en la que eran más susceptibles. A partir de los años 2011-2012, se observó una mayor incidencia de tenosinovitis/artritis viral en pollos y pavos. En los pollos, la progenie de reproductores vacunados con reovirus se vio afectada, lo que sugiere que las vacunas comerciales no brindaron una protección adecuada contra la enfermedad. En pavos, la enfermedad clínica fue principalmente en machos, aunque las hembras también pueden verse afectadas. Los signos más significativos se observaron alrededor de las 14 a 16 semanas de edad e incluyen renuencia a moverse y cojera en una o ambas piernas. La incidencia de tenosinovitis/artritis viral actualmente sigue siendo alta. Los reovirus aislados de casos clínicos se caracterizan genética y antigénicamente como variantes, lo que significa que son diferentes de las cepas vacunales. La caracterización de los aislamientos de campo revela múltiples genotipos y serotipos nuevos que son significativamente diferentes de las vacunas comerciales y entre sí. En 2012, se aisló un solo virus prevalente de la mayoría de los casos presentados al Centro de Investigación y Diagnóstico Avícola de la Universidad de Georgia. La caracterización genética de la proteína sigma C reveló que los primeros aislamientos pertenecían al grupo genético 5 (GC5). Poco después de la identificación inicial de la variante GC5 del reovirus, muchas empresas de pollos de engorde incorporaron estos aislamientos de sus granjas en sus vacunas autógenas y continúan haciéndolo en la actualidad. La incidencia de aislamientos de campo de GC5 ha disminuido significativamente, probablemente debido al uso generalizado de los aislamientos en vacunas autógenas. Desafortunadamente, han surgido variantes de reovirus que pertenecen a múltiples grupos genéticos, a pesar de la inclusión de estos aislados en vacunas autógenas. En esta revisión, se cubrirá una descripción general de la nomenclatura, la recolección de muestras y las pruebas de diagnóstico, y se brindará un resumen de las variantes de reovirus aisladas de casos clínicos de tenosinovitis/artritis viral durante los últimos 10 años.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantitative bovine gait analysis using technology has evolved significantly over the last two decades. However, subjective methods of gait assessment using visual locomotion scoring remain the primary on-farm and experimental approach. The objective of this review is to map research trends in quantitative bovine gait analysis and to explore the technologies that have been utilized to measure biomechanical parameters of gait. A scoping literature review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. A search algorithm based on PICO framework generated three components-bovine, gait, and technology-to address our objectives. Three online databases were searched for original work published from January 2000 to June 2020. A two-step screening process was then conducted, starting with the review of article titles and abstracts based on inclusion criteria. A remaining 125 articles then underwent a full-text assessment, resulting in 82 final articles. Thematic analysis of research aims resulted in four major themes among the studies: gait/claw biomechanics, lameness detection, intervention/comparison, and system development. Of the 4 themes, lameness detection (55% of studies) was the most common reason for technology use. Within the literature identified three main technologies were used: force and pressure platforms (FPP), vision-based systems (VB), and accelerometers. FPP were the first and most popular technologies to evaluate bovine gait and were used in 58.5% of studies. They include force platforms, pressure mapping systems, and weight distribution platforms. The second most applied technology was VB (34.1% of studies), which predominately consists of video analysis and image processing systems. Accelerometers, another technological method to measure gait characteristics, were used in 14.6% of studies. In sum, the strong demand for automatic lameness detection influenced the path of development for quantitative gait analysis technologies. Among emergent technologies, deep learning and wearable sensors (e.g., accelerometers) appear to be the most promising options. However, although progress has been made, more research is needed to develop more accurate, practical, and user-friendly technologies.





