Intralabyrinthine schwannoma

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Preservation of function is an important goal during surgical management of cochleovestibular schwannomas. We here demonstrate the relief of vertigo and the preservation of function of all five vestibular receptors after removal of an intracochlear schwannoma with extension to the fundus of the internal auditory canal. A 61-year-old male with a five-year history of left-sided deafness, tinnitus, vertigo attacks, and an MRI consistent with an intracochlear schwannoma with limited extension through the modiolus to the fundus of the internal auditory canal (IAC) underwent transcanal, transcochlear total tumor removal and-due to a cerebrospinal fluid leak from the fundus of the IAC-revision surgery with lateral petrosectomy and blind sac closure of the external auditory canal. Despite complete removal of the cochlear partition of the inner ear (total cochlectomy), the patient\'s vestibular receptors remained functional, and the vertigo symptoms disappeared. These results show that vestibular labyrinthine function may not only be preserved after partial or subtotal cochlectomy but also after complete cochlear removal. This further confirms the vestibular labyrinth\'s robustness and encourages surgical management of transmodiolar schwannomas with limited extension to the fundus of the IAC.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intralabyrinthine schwannomas (ILSs) are rare tumors involving the otic capsule. Notably, they are often misdiagnosed because their symptoms mimic those of other, more common inner ear pathologies. Diagnosis requires high-resolution contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which reveals filling defects (using a T2-weighted MRI sequence) or focal enhancement (using a T1-weighted MRI sequence with gadolinium enhancement) in the inner ear. A 52-year-old male patient with intractable vertigo or single-sided deafness should raise suspicion of this clinical entity as a differential diagnosis. Translabyrinthine excision of the tumor along with auditory rehabilitation using a cochlear implant can provide good outcomes with minimal morbidity in carefully selected cases. Here, we present an interesting case of a transmodiolar ILS mimicking Meniere\'s disease, wherein surgery using the translabyrinthine approach and an extended cochleostomy yielded favorable outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intralabyrinthine schwannomas (ILS) are rare benign tumours arising from the peripheral branches of the cochlear or vestibular nerves in the membranous labyrinth, intracochlear schwannomas being the most frequent ones. When hearing is no longer feasible on the affected side, surgical removal along with simultaneous cochlear implantation can be proposed to the patient. We hereby present a systematic review of the literature on the topic, as well as two original cases from our centre (Ospedale Università degli Studi di Padova). Cochlear implantation in intracochlear schwannomas is feasible, with overall satisfactory hearing outcomes in accordance with the evidence found in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Intralabyrinthine schwannomas (ILSs) are an uncommon finding. Diagnosis is challenging and no gold standard treatment exists yet. In this article, we present a two-cases series and review the latest available literature to assess the best diagnostic and therapeutic scheme.
    METHODS: We reviewed the latest available literature assessing most frequent and relevant sets of symptoms, clinical features of the disease, diagnostic tests and imaging, possible treatments and after-surgery hearing rehabilitation techniques. We then compared literature data to our own series ones.
    RESULTS: ILSs clinical presentation and development may overlap with other, more common otological conditions. Full audiometric battery test, electrophysiological study of VEMPS and MRI with contrast enhancement all appear to be critical to correctly diagnose these tumors. Several treatments exist: radiological follow-up, radiation therapy, full or partial surgical excision. Hearing rehabilitation is mostly accomplished through simultaneous cochlear implantation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case-series data matches the available literature. ILSs are a rare type of vestibular schwannomas. Diagnosis in challenging and delayed in time as all the diagnostic tests, yet sensitive, are not specific for ILSs. The most suitable treatment seems to be surgical excision of these tumors followed by simultaneous cochlear implantation to restore hearing.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A primary intracochlear schwannoma (ICS) is a unique type of vestibular schwannoma (VS); the tumor originates from the terminal branches of the cochlear nerve and is confined to the cochlea. An ICS is the most common subtype of schwannoma in the inner ear. As an ICS is clinically rare, diagnosis and treatment remain challenging. We report a rare case of cochlear implantation (CI) in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 2 and an ICS. The patient exhibited bilateral, profound, sensorineural hearing loss. The tumor on one side was a common VS treated via tumor and acoustic nerve resection and that on the other side an ICS. To ensure auditory rehabilitation via CI, we performed CI while removing part of the ICS via an enlarged round window. Auditory rehabilitation was satisfactory. Thus, ICS patients, especially those who urgently require auditory rehabilitation, can undergo simultaneous CI and (total or partial) tumor removal. However, the long-term results require close observation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intravestibular schwannomas are a rare cause of unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Management of these tumors involves translabyrinthine resection, for which complete visualization around the angles of the vestibule may be limited under an operating microscope. We present the first reported case of an endoscope-assisted resection of an intravestibular schwannoma, along with the operative video recording. Using additional information gained from endoscopic examination of the tumor and its resection site, we also propose a mechanism by which this patient\'s intravestibular schwannoma caused hearing loss. Use of the endoscope in resection of intravestibular schwannomas may have advantages over the traditional operating microscope in improving visualization of the narrow and angled vestibule, confirming the integrity of surrounding structures, and ensuring complete tumor removal. Laryngoscope, 129:986-988, 2019.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical history and audiovestibular function test results of patients suffering from intralabyrinthine schwannoma or delayed endolymphatic hydrops (DEH).
    METHODS: Five patients diagnosed with intralabyrinthine schwannoma by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and five patients diagnosed with DEH by locally enhanced inner ear MRI (LEIM) were retrospectively studied.
    RESULTS: All patients with intralabyrinthine schwannoma or DEH initially presented with hearing loss. Vertigo occurred in two patients with intralabyrinthine schwannoma and in all patients with DEH. While audiometry achieved poorer results for patients with intralabyrinthine schwannomas, vestibular function tests revealed normal results in about half of the patients in both groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with intralabyrinthine schwannomas may present with clinical symptoms similar to patients suffering from other inner ear disorders such as delayed endolymphatic hydrops and they may obtain similar findings in audiovestibular function tests. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging with locally applied contrast agent may provide evidence of both underlying pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical history and the findings in audiovestibular function tests in patients suffering from intralabyrinthine schwannoma or delayed endolymphatic hydrops (DEH).
    METHODS: Five patients diagnosed with intralabyrinthine schwannoma by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and five patients diagnosed with DEH by locally enhanced inner ear MRI (LEIM) were retrospectively studied.
    RESULTS: All patients with intralabyrinthine schwannoma or DEH initially presented with hearing loss. Vertigo occurred in two patients with intralabyrinthine schwannoma and in all patients with DEH. While audiometry achieved poorer results for patients with intralabyrinthine schwannomas, vestibular function tests revealed normal results in about half of the patients in both groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with intralabyrinthine schwannomas may present with clinical symptoms similar to patients suffering from other inner ear disorders like delayed endolymphatic hydrops and may obtain similar findings in audiovestibular function tests. High-resolution MR imaging with locally applied contrast agent may provide evidence of both underlying pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the natural history of primary inner ear schwannomas (PIES) and evaluate management outcomes and relationship between PIES location, clinical presentation, and time to diagnosis.
    METHODS: Retrospective chart review and systematic review of the literature.
    METHODS: Vestibular schwannoma confined to or arising from the inner ear were included. PIES classification was based on anatomic subsite(s) involved. Detailed clinical history and outcomes were recorded.
    RESULTS: In a systematic review (1933-2011), including 14 patients from the authors\' institution (1999-2009), a total of 72 studies comprising 234 patients were evaluated. Mean follow-up was 32.8 ± 39.1 months (range, 0-183 months). The cochlea was the most commonly involved subsite (51%). Hearing loss was the most frequent presenting symptom (99%). Vertigo and abnormal balance were more common among tumors involving the vestibular system (P < .01). Average delay between symptom onset and diagnosis was 7.0 ± 8.0 years (median, 5 years; range, 0-40 years). Recent onset hearing loss was more likely to elicit an earlier diagnosis (P = .01). The majority of patients were observed without treatment (53%). Tumor progression was seen in 52% of patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: PIES are rare tumors and most commonly involve the cochlea. Tumor location is often associated with clinical presentation and correlates with delay between symptom onset and diagnosis. A watch-and-scan approach is the management strategy of choice in the absence of intractable vertigo or extensive tumor growth. The majority of patients report stable or improved symptoms over time, regardless of treatment.





