
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The management of rural waste, particularly agri-food waste, poses a major challenge to the ecosystem health. This study investigated the efficacy of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens L., BSFL) bioconversion for agri-food waste under independent treatment or co-treatment strategies using chicken manure and food waste as a model system. The results showed a synergistic effect of co-treating agri-food waste from different sources. The co-treatment strategy enhanced bioconversion efficiency, resulting in a 1.31-fold waste reduction rate and a 1.93-fold bioconversion rate. Additionally, larval growth performance and biomass quality of BSFL were improved, while lauric acid and oleic acid were enriched in the larval fat from the co-treatment strategy. 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed that the co-treatment strategy reshaped both the residue and larval gut microbiota, with distinct enrichment of taxonomical biomarkers. Furthermore, under this strategy, metabolic functions of the residue microbiota were significantly activated, especially carbohydrate, amino acid, and lipid metabolism were enhanced by 16.3%, 23.5%, and 20.2%, respectively. The early colonization of lactic acid bacteria (Weisella and Aerococcus) in the residue, coupled with a symbiotic relationship between Enterococcus in the larval gut and the host, likely promoted organic matter degradation and larval growth performance. Scaling up the findings to a national level in China suggests that the co-treatment strategy can increase waste reduction quantity by 86,329 tonnes annually and produce more larval protein and fat with a market value of approximately US$237 million. Therefore, co-treatment of agri-food waste streams using BSFL presents a sustainable solution for rural waste management that potentially contributes to the achievement of SDG2 (Zero Hunger), SDG3 (Good Health and Well-Being), and SDG12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The innervation of the antennal heart of the cockroach Periplaneta americana was studied with immunocytochemical techniques on both the light and electron microscopic levels. The antennal heart is innervated by two efferent systems, both using one biogenic amine in combination with neuropeptides. In one, we found co-localization of serotonin with proctolin and allatostatin. These fibers most likely originate from paired neurons located in the suboesophageal ganglion. In the second system, we found octopamine co-localized with the short neuropeptide F. The source of this second system is dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons, also located in the suboesophageal ganglion. The possible effects of these neuromediators on different targets are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Black flies are among the most medically and veterinary important insects, as adult females of certain species are the sole vector of Onchocerca volvulus. Here, a new black fly species belonging to the subgenus Asiosimulium Takaoka & Choochote, 2005, is described and formally named as Simulium (Asiosimulium) kittipati sp. nov.
    METHODS: Pupae and larvae of black flies were collected from available substrates in the stream from central Thailand. Pupae were individually separated in plastic tubes and maintained until adult flies emerged. The emerged adult flies associated with their pupal exuviae and cocoon as well as mature larvae preserved in 85% ethanol were used to describe the new species based on an integrated approach of morphological examination and molecular analysis of the COI gene.
    RESULTS: The new species is characterized in the female by the medium-long sensory vesicle with a medium-sized opening apically, scutum with three faint longitudinal vittae, and the ellipsoidal spermatheca; in the male by the number of upper-eye (large) facets in 20 vertical columns and 21 horizontal rows, hind basitarsus slender, nearly parallel-sided, and median sclerite much wider and upturned apically; in the pupa by the head and thoracic integument densely covered with tiny tubercles, and the pupal gill of arborescent type with 28-30 filaments; and in the larva by the postgenal cleft deep, nearly reaching the posterior margin of the hypostoma, and dark pigmented sheath of the subesophageal ganglion. The DNA barcode successfully differentiated the new species from its congeners with an interspecific genetic divergence of 1.74-18.72%, confirming the morphological identification that the species is a new member of the subgenus Asiosimulium. Phylogenetic analyses also indicated that the new species is genetically closely related to Simulium phurueaense Tangkawanit, Wongpakam & Pramual, 2018, further supporting its morphological classification.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the ninth species assigned to the subgenus Asiosimulium within the genus Simulium Latreille, 1802. Taxonomic notes and identification keys are given to distinguish this new species from the eight known species members in its same subgenus. Additionally, a distribution map of all species members in this subgenus occurring in Thailand and other countries is provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dragonflies are poikilothermic animals with limited thermoregulation; therefore, their entire bodies, including the brain, experience a range of temperatures during their daily activities.1,2 These flying insects exhibit hunting prowess, pursuing prey or conspecifics whether in direct sunlight or under the cover of cloud.3,4 Likely to underlie these aerobatic feats are the small target motion detector (STMD) neurons.5 These visual neurons are sensitive to target contrast and tuned to the target\'s size and velocity, with some neurons exhibiting complex predictive and selective properties, well suited for prey interception and feeding amid swarms.3,4,6,7,8,9 Increased temperature can modulate the biochemical processes underlying neuronal processing, increasing sensitivity and quickening the responsiveness of insect photoreceptors and downstream optic flow neurons,10,11,12 while in other neuronal pathways, compensatory processes have been shown to account for temperature changes.13,14 We determined the ethological range of temperatures experienced by the dragonfly, Hemicordulia tau, in its natural environment. Across this behaviorally relevant range, we showed increased temperatures having a large 8.7-fold increase in the contrast sensitivity of STMD neurons. However, suppression of responses to larger targets was unaltered. STMD tuning for target velocities was changed remarkably, not only increasing the optimum but extending the fastest velocities encoded by an order of magnitude. These results caution against interpreting functionality underlying spike rates at constrained, experimental temperatures. Moreover, they raise intriguing new questions about how information is represented within the brain of these flying insects, given the relationship between visual stimulus parameters and neuronal activity varies so dramatically depending on current environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the effects of supplementing the diet of a slow-growing autochthonous chicken breed with dehydrated or live Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) on meat quality and sensory attributes. The research, conducted at the University of Turin, Italy, involved 144 male birds distributed in three experimental groups. The control group (C) was fed a basal diet in which soybean meal was completely substituted with alternative ingredients. The 2 experimental groups were administered a diet identical to the control group but supplemented with either whole dehydrated black soldier fly larvae (DL) or whole live black soldier fly larvae (LL) at a level equal to 5% expected daily feed intake of dry matter. We evaluated the following parameters: nutrient intake, slaughtering performance, physical and nutritional meat quality, fatty acid composition, proteomics, and sensory characteristics. The results demonstrated BSFL supplementation to have no detrimental effects on overall meat quality or sensory attributes. Specifically, there were no significant differences in physical meat quality parameters, nutritional composition, lipid oxidation, or protein digestibility between control and BSFL-fed groups. Fatty acid analysis revealed higher concentrations of lauric and myristic acids in BSFL-fed chicken breast (p < 0.005), suggesting potential nutritional benefits from the supplement. The proteomic analysis also showed no significant differences in the expression of abundant proteins in the breast meat between groups, indicating minimal physiological impact of BSFL supplementation. Overall, this study provides reassurance to consumers and industries about the suitability of BSFL as a sustainable feed supplement for poultry that also offers potential benefits in terms of optimizing the fatty acid profile of chicken meat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various factors may affect the antioxidative system in insects, including xenobiotics. Glycoalkaloids (GAs) are plant secondary metabolites produced mainly by the Solanaceae family (nightshades), such as the food crop tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. These compounds exhibit a wide range of biological activities and have attracted increasing interest in the context of potential insecticide properties. Therefore, the aim of the presented study was to analyze the effects of GAs (solanine, chaconine, tomatine, and extracts of tomato leaves) on lipid peroxidation; the expression levels of genes encoding manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), catalase (CAT), and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70); and the enzymatic activity of SOD and CAT in Tenebrio molitor larvae. This species is amodel organism for toxicological and ecophysiological studies and is also a pest of grain storage. The reported changes depend on the GA concentration, incubation time, and type of insect tissue. We observed that the tested GAs affected MnSOD expression levels, increased SOD activity in the fat body, and reduced enzyme activity in the gut. The results showed that CAT expression was upregulated in the fat body and that the enzymatic activity of CAT in the gut was greater in the treated group than in the control group. Moreover, GAs affected HSP70 expression and malondialdehyde levels in both tested tissues. This research contributes to our knowledge about the effects of GAs on the antioxidative system of T. molitor beetles. As efficient antioxidative system functioning is necessary for survival, the tested components may be targets of potential bioinsecticides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptors (LGRs) are crucial for animal growth and development. They were categorized into four types (A, B, C1, and C2) based on their sequence and domain structures. Despite the widespread distribution of LGRs across bilaterians, a thorough investigation of their distribution and evolutionary history remains elusive. Recent studies insect LGRs, especially the emergence of type C2 LGRs in various hemimetabolous insects, had prompted our study to address these problems. Initially, we traced the origins of LGRs by exploiting data from 99 species spanning 11 metazoan phyla, and discovered that type A and B LGRs originated from sponges, while type C LGRs originated from cnidarians. Subsequently, through comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic analyses across 565 species across 25 orders of insects, we found that both type A and C1 LGRs divided into two gene clusters. These clusters can be traced back to basal Insecta and an early ancestor of the Arthropoda, respectively. Furthermore, the absence of type B LGRs in wingless insects suggests a role in wing development, while the absence of type C2 LGRs in holometabolous insects hints at novel functions unrelated to insect metamorphosis. According to the origin of LGRs and the investigation of LGRs in insects, we speculated that type A and B LGRs appeared first among four types of LGRs, type A evolved into type C LGRs later, and type A and C1 LGRs independently duplicated during the evolutionary process. This study provides a more comprehensive view of the evolution of LGR genes than previously available, and sheds light on the evolutionary history and significance of LGRs in insect biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to control gene expression is pivotal in genetic engineering and synthetic biology. However, in most nonmodel and pest insect species, empirical evidence for predictable modulation of gene expression levels is lacking. This knowledge gap is critical for genetic control systems, particularly in mosquitoes, where transgenic methods offer novel routes for pest control. Commonly, the choice of RNA polymerase II promoter (Pol II) is the primary method for controlling gene expression, but the options are limited. To address this, we developed a systematic approach to characterize modifications in translation initiation sequences (TIS) and 3\' untranslated regions (UTR) of transgenes, enabling the creation of a toolbox for gene expression modulation in mosquitoes and potentially other insects. The approach demonstrated highly predictable gene expression changes across various cell lines and 5\' regulatory sequences, representing a significant advancement in mosquito synthetic biology gene expression tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Winter diapause in insects is commonly terminated through cold exposure, which, like vernalization in plants, prevents development before spring arrives. Currently, quantitative understanding of the temperature dependence of diapause termination is limited, likely because diapause phenotypes are generally cryptic to human eyes. We introduce a methodology to tackle this challenge. By consecutively moving butterfly pupae of the species Pieris napi from several different cold conditions to 20 °C, we show that diapause termination proceeds as a temperature-dependent rate process, with maximal rates at relatively cold temperatures and low rates at warm and extremely cold temperatures. Further, we show that the resulting thermal reaction norm can predict P. napi diapause termination timing under variable temperatures. Last, we show that once diapause is terminated in P. napi, subsequent development follows a typical thermal performance curve, with a maximal development rate at around 31 °C and a minimum at around 2 °C. The sequence of these thermally distinct processes (diapause termination and postdiapause development) facilitates synchronous spring eclosion in nature; cold microclimates where diapause progresses quickly do not promote fast postdiapause development, allowing individuals in warmer winter microclimates to catch up, and vice versa. The unveiling of diapause termination as one temperature-dependent rate process among others promotes a parsimonious, quantitative, and predictive model, wherein winter diapause functions both as an adaptation against premature development during fall and winter and for synchrony in spring.





