Impacto psicosocial

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We aim to determine the prevalence of mental disorders in siblings of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to determine how psychosocial adversity factors relate to this psychopathology, in a low-middle income country (Colombia).
    METHODS: We evaluated subjects with ADHD diagnosed according to the DSM-5 criteria, one of their parents and one of their siblings (ages 8-19). We used the ADHD rating scale and a set of instruments to assess the presence of mental disorders as well as psychosocial adversity.
    RESULTS: We evaluated 74 trios formed by the index case with ADHD, one sibling and one of the parents. We found that 24.3% of the participating siblings also met the criteria for ADHD and another 24.3% for other psychiatric disorders. The risk of these siblings having ADHD increased further when one of the parents reported a history of ADHD. We also found that 28.3% of the families faced high levels of psychosocial adversity as per their scores in the Rutter Adversity Index.
    CONCLUSIONS: Siblings of subjects with ADHD showed a significant risk for ADHD and other mental disorders. That risk increased if a parent reported a history of ADHD and also when two or more psychosocial adversity factors were present. This study supports the importance of early detection in efforts to decrease the risk for other siblings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition with long-term associated risks.
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical status, occupation, and daily life difficulties of two cohorts of children diagnosed with ADHD (2004 and 2009) after five and 10 years.
    METHODS: Descriptive, longitudinal study using the WOMI database corresponding to Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. Children with ADHD detected by their primary care pediatrician were included. A voluntary follow-up telephone interview was requested. Outcome variables were current clinical and occupational status, ADHD symptoms according to SNAP-IV, and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).
    RESULTS: The interviewed sample consisted of 95 subjects, out of whom 71 answered the SNAP-IV and SDQ questionnaires; 60.70% of the sample did not receive treatment at the time of follow-up, 4.7% had no occupation, 25.40% still had ADHD global symptoms above the clinical cutoff point, and 66.2% had difficulties with moderate interference.
    CONCLUSIONS: ADHD symptoms decline as people grow up. Mental health comorbidities and academic dropout were not confirmed in the sample.
    BACKGROUND: El trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) constituye una condición crónica con riesgos asociados a largo plazo.
    OBJECTIVE: Analizar el estado clínico, la ocupación y las dificultades de la vida diaria de dos cohortes de niños con diagnóstico de TDAH (2004 y 2009) después cinco y 10 años.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal de la base de datos WOMI correspondiente a Oviedo, Asturias, España. Se incluyeron niños detectados con TDAH por su pediatra de atención primaria. Se solicitó una entrevista telefónica voluntaria de seguimiento. Las variables de resultado fueron estado clínico y ocupacional al momento de la entrevista, síntomas de TDAH según SNAP-IV y Cuestionario de Fortalezas y Dificultades (SDQ).
    RESULTS: La muestra entrevistada estuvo formada por 95 sujetos, de los cuales 71 respondieron a los cuestionarios SNAP-IV y SDQ; 60.7 % de la muestra no recibía tratamiento en el momento del seguimiento, 4.7 % no tenía ninguna ocupación, 25.4 % mantenía síntomas globales de TDAH en nivel superior al punto de corte clínico y 66.2 % presentaba dificultades con interferencia moderada.
    CONCLUSIONS: Los síntomas del TDAH disminuyen conforme las personas crecen. Las comorbilidades de salud mental y el abandono académico no se confirmaron en la muestra.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Strabismus generates a negative psychosocial impact on adult patients, affecting aspects such as self-perception and quality of life. There is no scale in Colombian Spanish that measures these impacts.
    OBJECTIVE: To carry out the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the AS-20 instrument into Colombian Spanish.
    METHODS: Pilot test of a cross-sectional Study for the translation, reverse translation, and cross-cultural the AS-20 instrument from its original language, English, to Colombian Spanish, in adult patients with strabismus in Bogotá, Colombia.
    RESULTS: 16 patients were assessed. The age range was between 18 and 68 years with a mean age of 41 years. The scale was answered in an average time of 10.62min. Difficulty was reported in three individuals for understanding two items (questions 8 and 14), which were resolved.
    CONCLUSIONS: The translation and pilot test of AS-20 scale into Colombian Spanish was carried out, identifying and solving translational difficulties. Is the first step in the cross-cultural adaptation process. Based on the results, the validation and cross-cultural adaptation can be completed in a future study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to examine the social stigma experienced by healthcare workers caring for people diagnosed with COVID-19.
    This research employed a qualitative-phenomenological approach. It was conducted at the COVID centers of the Hail region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Both purposive and snowball sampling were used, resulting in 15 participants. However, saturation was identified in the 11th participant. Interviews were conducted online through a Zoom platform, with at least 50min per participant. Thematic analysis was used in analysing the data.
    The nurses recorded four themes and three subthemes based on one-on-one interviews. These themes included (1) Labeling nurses as \"COVID Nurses,\" with a subtheme of frustration, (2) \"Fear of the unknown,\" with a subtheme of \"uncertainties,\" (3) Nurses\' need for support, and (4) the Love for the profession, with a subtheme of \"nurses\' worth.\"
    Nurses who cared for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 experienced stigma. They were labeled \"COVID Nurses.\" They experienced fear of the unknown and uncertainties and felt they needed support. Despite these experiences, the nurses felt fulfilled as they have a high regard for their profession. The experiences of these nurses call for intervention to help them before, during, and after any health-related crisis. In this context, nurses will be prepared mentally and emotionally to face the challenges in their career.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We aim to determine the prevalence of mental disorders in siblings of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to determine how psychosocial adversity factors relate to this psychopathology, in a low-middle income country (Colombia).
    METHODS: We evaluated subjects with ADHD diagnosed according to the DSM-5 criteria, one of their parents and one of their siblings (ages 8-19). We used the ADHD rating scale and a set of instruments to assess the presence of mental disorders as well as psychosocial adversity.
    RESULTS: We evaluated 74 trios formed by the index case with ADHD, one sibling and one of the parents. We found that 24.3% of the participating siblings also met the criteria for ADHD and another 24.3% for other psychiatric disorders. The risk of these siblings having ADHD increased further when one of the parents reported a history of ADHD. We also found that 28.3% of the families faced high levels of psychosocial adversity as per their scores in the Rutter Adversity Index.
    CONCLUSIONS: Siblings of subjects with ADHD showed a significant risk for ADHD and other mental disorders. That risk increased if a parent reported a history of ADHD and also when two or more psychosocial adversity factors were present. This study supports the importance of early detection in efforts to decrease the risk for other siblings.





