
ICD - 10
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The demographic shift leads to a tremendous increase in age-related diseases, which are often chronic. Therefore, a focus of chronic disease management should be set on the maintenance or even improvement of the patients\' quality of life (QoL). One indicator to objectively measure QoL is the EQ-5D questionnaire, which was validated in a disease- and world region-specific manner. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on the QoL across the most frequent chronic diseases that utilized the EQ-5D and performed a disease-specific meta-analysis for treatment-dependent QoL improvement.
    The most common chronic disease in Germany were identified by their ICD-10 codes, followed by a systematic literature review of these ICD-10 codes and the EQ-5D index values. Finally, out of 10,016 independently -screened studies by two persons, 538 studies were included in the systematic review and 216 studies in the meta-analysis, respectively.
    We found significant medium to large effect sizes of treatment effects, i.e., effect size >0.5, in musculoskeletal conditions with the exception of fractures, for chronic depression and for stroke. The effect size did not differ significantly from zero for breast and lung cancer and were significantly negative for fractures.
    Our analysis showed a large variation between baseline and post-treatment scores on the EQ-5D health index, depending on the health condition. We found large gains in health-related quality of life mainly for interventions for musculoskeletal disease.
    https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42020150936, PROSPERO identifier CRD42020150936.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Australia uses the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) for mortality coding and its Australian Modification, ICD-10-AM, for morbidity coding. The ICD underpins surveillance (population health, mortality), health planning and research (clinical, epidemiological and others). ICD-10-AM also supports activity-based funding, thereby propelling realignment of the foci of clinical coding and, potentially, coded data\'s research utility. Objective: To conduct a scoping review of the literature exploring the use of ICD-10 and ICD-10-AM Australian-coded data in research. Research questions addressed herein: (1) What were the applications of ICD-10(-AM) Australian-coded data in published peer-reviewed research, 2012-2022? (2) What were the purposes of ICD-10(-AM) coded data within this context, as classified per a taxonomy of data use framework? Method: Following systematic Medline, Scopus and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature database searches, a scoping literature review was conducted using PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews guidelines. References of a random 5% sample of within-scope articles were searched manually. Results were summarised using descriptive analyses. Results: Multi-stage screening of 2103 imported articles produced 636, including 25 from the references, for extraction and analysis; 54% were published 2019-2022; 50% within the largest five categories were published post-2019; 22% fell within the \"Mental health and behavioural\" category; 60.3% relied upon an ICD-10 modification. Articles were grouped by: research foci; relevant ICD chapter; themes per the taxonomy; purposes of the coded data. Observational study designs predominated: descriptive (50.6%) and cohort (34.6%). Conclusion: Researchers\' use of coded data is extensive, robust and growing. Increasing demand is foreshadowed for ICD-10(-AM) coded data, and HIM-Coders\' and Clinical Coders\' expert advice to medical researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a generation where advancements in research and understanding have led to remarkable achievements in medicine, it is still unfathomable that, after more than a century, the cause of schizophrenia is still a mystery. While antipsychotics, without a doubt, have brought on an exemplary revolution in the way psychiatric disorders are now treated, there are still imperative deficits that need to be addressed to ultimately enable individuals with schizophrenia to function normally in society. However, without a definite cause of schizophrenia, even though speculation has been made on its inflammatory and neurodegenerative nature, it has provided an unnecessary hindrance to finding further potential treatment modalities for these patients. Nevertheless, some trials are investigating potential adjunctive treatment regimens to antipsychotics, which can help achieve complete remission. Exploring these drugs will have significant implications for managing schizophrenia in future clinical practices. This systematic review was conducted between January 2012 to July 2022 according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ondansetron and simvastatin as adjunctive treatment to antipsychotics in adult patients with schizophrenia. This review included nine randomized controlled trials. Overall, both simvastatin and ondansetron, when used as adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia, appear to be safe. Ondansetron showed promising results, with all studies on this drug showing positive overall results on schizophrenia symptoms. On the other hand, simvastatin demonstrated mixed results, which can be attributed to the limited participants in the studies and the shorter duration of the trials. However, more extensive trials with uniform assessment tools are needed to demonstrate concrete evidence of the effectiveness of these drugs, whether alone or in combination with each other or perhaps another drug such as aspirin in schizophrenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to systematically review the available data on major depressive disorder (MDD) and provide insight into how it may affect stroke risk and mortality. We conducted this systematic review drawing upon research published between July 2002 and July 2022 from the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. After eliminating duplicates, screening the title and abstract, determining eligibility, and quality assessment, eight articles were left for utilization in this systematic review (one meta-analysis and seven non-randomized studies). There was a potentially significant association between MDD and stroke risk and mortality. The apparent connection between MDD and stroke has medical and public health relevance, given the high incidence, prevalence, and financial burden of MDD and stroke in the general populace. Therefore, it is imperative that further studies are conducted to confirm and validate this association between MDD and stroke while also elucidating the mechanism involved, investigating potential variables influencing this association, and contrasting MDD with conventional stroke risk factors to determine its predictive usefulness in comparison to traditional risk factors. This will have a significant effect on clinical practice since the information provided by such research will help guide essential targets for stroke prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To characterize and validate the landscape of algorithms that use International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes to identify low-acuity emergency department (ED) visits.
    Publicly available ED data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS).
    We systematically searched for studies that specify algorithms consisting of ICD codes that identify preventable or low-acuity ED visits. We classified ED visits in NHAMCS according to these algorithms and compared agreements using the Jaccard index. We then evaluated the performance of each algorithm using positive predictive value (PPV) and sensitivity, with the reference group specified using low-acuity composite (LAC) criteria consisting of both triage and clinical components. In sensitivity analyses, we repeated our primary analysis using only triage or only clinical criteria for reference.
    We used the 2011-2017 NHAMCS data, totaling 163,576 observations before survey weighting and after dropping observations missing a primary diagnosis. We translated ICD-9 codes (years 2011-2015) to ICD-10 using a standard crosswalk.
    We identified 15 papers with an original list of ICD codes used to identify preventable or low-acuity ED presentations. These papers were published between 1992 and 2020, cited an average of 310 (SD 360) times, and included 968 (SD 1175) codes. Pairwise Jaccard similarity indices (0 = no overlap, 1 = perfect congruence) ranged from 0.01 to 0.82, with mean 0.20 (SD 0.13). When validated against the LAC reference group, the algorithms had an average PPV of 0.308 (95% CI [0.253, 0.364]) and sensitivity of 0.183 (95% CI [0.111, 0.256]). Overall, 2.1% of visits identified as low acuity by the algorithms died prehospital or in the ED, or needed surgery, critical care, or cardiac catheterization.
    Existing algorithms that identify low-acuity ED visits lack congruence and are imperfect predictors of visit acuity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to identify and characterize adult population-based multimorbidity measures using health administrative data and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for disease identification.
    METHODS: We performed a narrative systematic review of studies using or describing development or validation of multimorbidity measures. We compared the number of diseases included in the measures, the process of data extraction (case definition) and the validation process. We assessed the methodological robustness using eight criteria, five based on general criteria for indicators (AIRE instrument) and three multimorbidity-specific criteria.
    RESULTS: Twenty-two multimorbidity measures were identified. The number of diseases they included ranged from 5 to 84 (median = 20), with 19 measures including both physical and mental conditions. Diseases were identified using ICD codes extracted from inpatient and outpatient data (18/22) and sometimes including drug claims (10/22). The validation process relied mainly on the capacity of the measures to predict health outcome (5/22), or on the validation of each individual disease against a gold standard (8/22). Six multimorbidity measures met at least six of the eight robustness criteria assessed.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is significant heterogeneity among the measures used to assess multimorbidity in administrative databases, and about a third are of low to moderate quality. A more consensual approach to the number of diseases or groups of diseases included in multimorbidity measures may improve comparison between regions, and potentially provide better control for multimorbidity-related confounding in studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The cause of death (COD) statement is a vital statistic that refers to the disease(s) and process(es) that lead to death. Obtaining accurate COD is valuable for mortality prevention priorities. The statements are formulated using International Classification of Diseases and related health problems, version 10 (ICD-10) system. However, physicians may be unfamiliar with these standards or fail to use them and instead refer to mechanisms or manner of death when stating COD. We present results of an of assessment of quality of COD statements in decedent cases reviewed during a one-month mortuary-based surveillance at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and the City mortuaries in Nairobi, Kenya in 2015.
    METHODS: Quality elements reviewed were completeness, correctness and order of stating the immediate (ICOD), antecedent, underlying (UCOD), and other significant causes (OSCs) as per the ICD 10 standards, in all deaths reported among adolescents and adults aged 15 years or older at the two mortuaries. COD were assessed for correct sequencing from immediate, antecedent, to underlying compared with autopsy pathology and clinical findings where available. Errors in COD statements were classified as missing or containing incomplete information such as: lack of underlying cause of an injury; incorrect words or statements; presence of more than one competing COD; use of the mechanism of death or anatomic and physiologic processes or signs and symptoms, and or laboratory results as CODs. Pearson\'s χ-squared test was used to compare proportions.
    RESULTS: Out of 810, 610 (75.3%) deaths having HIV statuses were abstracted and 356 had at least one COD documented; 114 (32%) females and 242 (68%) males; 239 (67.1%) from KNH and 117 (32.9%) City mortuary. The cases from City mortuary had higher rates of correct statements on 116 (99.1%) ICOD, 90 (89.1%) UCOD, and 40 (81.6%) OSCs, compared to KNH Mortuary; 50 (20.9%), 200 (90.1%) and 62 (76.5%) respectively, p < 0.001. The most common type of errors was incomplete information and citing mechanisms of death as the COD.
    CONCLUSIONS: In addition to revising national forms to conform to ICD-10, there is a need for periodic training of individuals responsible for completing death certificates. This will improve correctness and completeness of COD in order to provide reliable mortality data in Kenya.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Korean Diagnosis-Related Groups (KDRG) was revised in 2003, modifying the complexity adjustment mechanism of the Australian Refined Diagnosis-Related Groups (AR-DRGs). In 2014, the Complication and Comorbidity Level (CCL) of the existing AR-DRG system was found to have very little correlation with cost.
    OBJECTIVE: Based on the Australian experience, the CCL for KDRG version 3.4 was reviewed.
    METHODS: Inpatient claim data for 2011 were used in this study. About 5,731,551 episodes, which had one or no complication and comorbidity (CC) and met the inclusion criteria, were selected. The differences of average hospital charges by the CCL were analysed in each Adjacent Diagnosis-Related Group (ADRG) using analysis of variance followed by Duncan\'s test. The patterns of differences were presented with R 2 in three patterns: The CCL reflected the complexity well (VALID); the average charge of CCL 2, 3, 4 was greater than CCL 0 (PARTIALLY VALID); the CCL did not reflect the complexity (NOT VALID).
    RESULTS: A total of 114 (19.03%), 190 (31.72%) and 295 (49.25%) ADRGs were included in VALID, PARTIALLY VALID and NOT VALID, respectively. The average R 2 for hospital charge of CCL was 4.94%. The average R 2 in VALID, PARTIALLY VALID and NOT VALID was 4.54%, 5.21%, and 4.93%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The CCL, the first step of complexity adjustment using secondary diagnoses, exhibited low performance. If highly accurate coding data and cost data become available, the performance of secondary diagnosis as a variable to reflect the case complexity should be re-evaluated.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lack of reviewing the complexity adjustment mechanism of the KDRG since 2003 has resulted in outdated CC lists and levels that no longer reflect the current Korean healthcare system. Reliable cost data (vs. charge) and accurate coding are essential for accuracy of reimbursement.





