Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Insulin autoimmune syndrome (IAS) is characterized by spontaneous hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia and the presence of insulin autoantibodies in high titers without exogenous insulin use. The C-peptide level during a hypoglycemia episode is useful for differentiating spontaneous hypoglycemia. Generally, low C-peptides are suspicious for exogenous insulin administration. We report a 47-year-old male nurse who presented with an initial episode of hypoglycemia. Despite the pattern of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia and low C-peptide, he was diagnosed with IAS based on the presence of insulin autoantibodies. This case underscores the importance of suspecting IAS in non-diabetic adults with hypoglycemia, even in the setting of low C-peptide levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare, monogenic disease characterized by excessive insulin secretion. We aimed to evaluate all probands with suspected CHI in Norway registered over the past two decades.
    METHODS: The study included 98 probands. Clinical data were cumulated from medical records. All probands were screened for variants in the genes ABCC8 and KCNJ11. Other CHI-related genes were Sanger-sequenced as indicated by the patients\' phenotype (N=75) or analyzed by next-generation sequencing employing a panel of 30 CHI-related genes (N=23).
    RESULTS: Twenty-one probands (21%) received a diagnosis other than CHI, the most common being idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia (9%) or syndromic hyperinsulinism (4%). In the final cohort of 77 CHI probands, genetic findings were revealed in 46 (60%). ABCC8 variants were most common (N=40) and five novel variants were identified. One proband harbored both the pathogenic GCK variant p.(Ala456Val) and the ABCC8 variant p.(Gly505Cys). Although most ABCC8 variants caused immediate disease onset with severe hypoglycemia and were diazoxide-unresponsive, eight probands had a heterozygous, apparently dominant variant with milder phenotype. Two probands had pathogenic variants in GLUD1, whereas variants in HADH, HNF4A, KCNJ11, and HK1 were identified in one proband each, the latter being non-coding. Neurologic sequelae were reported in 53% of the CHI probands. Of non-surgically treated probands, 43% had spontaneous resolution. The minimum birth prevalence of CHI in Norway is 1:19,400 live births.
    CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with disease-causing ABCC8 variants dominated our cohort. Patients with known genetic etiology had earlier and more severe disease-onset than genetically unsolved patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Insulinomas are rare functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors that typically manifest with classic hypoglycemic symptoms, such as diaphoresis, palpitations, and tremors. Although infrequent, neuroglycopenic symptoms associated with insulinomas have been reported, often leading to delayed diagnoses. Here, we present the case of a 31-year-old male with pancreatic insulinoma who experienced recurrent episodes of seizures and confusion preceded by diaphoresis, tremors, and palpitations. During these episodes, he was found to be hypoglycemic. Comprehensive evaluations, including brain and abdominal imaging, as well as biochemical and serological testing, were conducted. The findings confirmed a diagnosis of pancreatic insulinoma. The patient underwent surgical resection of the tumor, and a biopsy confirmed the insulinoma diagnosis. He remained asymptomatic during subsequent follow-ups.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare disorder of glucose metabolism and is the most common cause of severe and persistent hypoglycemia (hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, HH) in the neonatal period and childhood. Most cases are caused by mutations in the ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes that encode the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP). We present the correlation between genetic heterogeneity and the variable phenotype in patients with early-onset HH caused by ABCC8 gene mutations. In the first patient, who presented persistent severe hypoglycemia since the first day of life, molecular genetic testing revealed the presence of a homozygous mutation in the ABCC8 gene [deletion in the ABCC8 gene c.(2390+1_2391-1)_(3329+1_3330-1)del] that correlated with a diffuse form of hyperinsulinism (the parents being healthy heterozygous carriers). In the second patient, the onset was on the third day of life with severe hypoglycemia, and genetic testing identified a heterozygous mutation in the ABCC8 gene c.1792C>T (p.Arg598*) inherited on the paternal line, which led to the diagnosis of the focal form of hyperinsulinism. To locate the focal lesions, (18)F-DOPA (3,4-dihydroxy-6-[18F]fluoro-L-phenylalanine) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) was recommended (an investigation that cannot be carried out in the country), but the parents refused to carry out the investigation abroad. In this case, early surgical treatment could have been curative. In addition, the second child also presented secondary adrenal insufficiency requiring replacement therapy. At the same time, she developed early recurrent seizures that required antiepileptic treatment. We emphasize the importance of molecular genetic testing for diagnosis, management and genetic counseling in patients with HH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The BiP co-chaperone DNAJC3 protects cells during ER stress. In mice, the deficiency of DNAJC3 leads to beta-cell apoptosis and the gradual onset of hyperglycemia. In humans, biallelic DNAJC3 variants cause a multisystem disease, including early-onset diabetes mellitus. Recently, hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HH) has been recognized as part of this syndrome. This report presents a case study of an individual with HH caused by DNAJC3 variants and provides an overview of the metabolic phenotype of individuals with HH and DNAJC3 variants. The study demonstrates that HH may be a primary symptom of DNAJC3 deficiency and can persist until adolescence. Additionally, glycemia and insulin release were analyzed in young DNACJ3 knockout (K.O.) mice, which are equivalent to human infants. In the youngest experimentally accessible age group of 4-week-old mice, the in vivo glycemic phenotype was already dominated by a reduced total insulin secretion capacity. However, on a cellular level, the degree of insulin release of DNAJC3 K.O. islets was higher during periods of increased synthetic activity (high-glucose stimulation). We propose that calcium leakage from the ER into the cytosol, due to disrupted DNAJC3-controlled gating of the Sec61 channel, is the most likely mechanism for HH. This is the first genetic mechanism explaining HH solely by the disruption of intracellular calcium homeostasis. Clinicians should screen for HH in DNAJC3 deficiency and consider DNAJC3 variants in the differential diagnosis of congenital hyperinsulinism.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The best-known etiologies of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia are insulinoma, non-insulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemic syndrome, autoimmune processes, and factitious hypoglycemia. In 2009, a disease not associated with classic genetic syndromes and characterized by the presence of multiple pancreatic lesions was described and named insulinomatosis. We present the clinical and pathologic features of four patients with the diagnosis of insulinomatosis, aggregated new clinical data, reviewed extensively the literature, and illustrated the nature and evolution of this recently recognized disease. One of our patients had isolated (without fasting hypoglycemia) postprandial hypoglycemia, an occurrence not previously reported in the literature. Furthermore, we reported the second case presenting malignant disease. All of them had persistent/recurrent hypoglycemia after the first surgery even with pathology confirming the presence of a positive insulin neuroendocrine tumor. In the literature review, 27 sporadic insulinomatosis cases were compiled. All of them had episodes of fasting hypoglycemia except one of our patients. Only two patients had malignant disease, and one of them was from our series. The suspicion of insulinomatosis can be raised before surgery in patients without genetic syndromes, with multiple tumors in the topographic investigation and in those who had persistent or recurrent hypoglycemia after surgical removal of one or more tumors. The definitive diagnosis is established by histology and immunohistochemistry and requires examination of the \"macroscopically normal pancreas.\" Our case series reinforces the marked predominance in women, the high frequency of recurrent hypoglycemia, and consequently, a definitive poor response to the usual surgical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: ABCC8 variants can cause hyperinsulinemia by activating or deactivating gene expression. This study used targeted exon sequencing to investigate genetic variants of ABCC8 and the associated phenotypic features in Chinese patients with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HH).
    METHODS: We enrolled eight Chinese children with HH and analyzed their clinical characteristics, laboratory results, and genetic variations.
    RESULTS: The age at presentation among the patients ranged from neonates to 0.6 years old, and the age at diagnosis ranged from 1 month to 5 years, with an average of 1.3 ± 0.7 years. Among these patients, three presented with seizures, and five with hypoglycemia. One patient (Patient 7) also had microcephaly. All eight patients exhibited ABCC8 abnormalities, including six missense mutations (c. 2521 C > G, c. 3784G > A, c. 4478G > A, c. 4532T > C, c. 2669T > C, and c. 331G > A), two deletion-insertion mutations (c. 3126_3129delinsTC and c. 3124_3126delins13), and one splicing mutation (c. 1332 + 2T > C). Two of these mutations (c. 3126_3129delinsTC and c. 4532T > C) are novel. Six variations were paternal, two were maternal, and one was de novo. Three patients responded to diazoxide and one patient responded to octreotide treatment. All there patients had diazoxide withdrawal with age. Two patients (patients 3 and 7) were unresponsive to both diazoxide and octreotide and had mental retardation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gene analysis can aid in the classification, treatment, and prognosis of children with HH. In this study, the identification of seven known and two novel variants in the ABCC8 gene further enriched the variation spectrum of the gene.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In congenital hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia - the most common cause of persistent hypoglycemia in infancy - a focal lesion can be identified in 50% of the cases. With appropriate medical care based upon early diagnosis, these patients can be cured by the resection of the lesion rendering unnecessary long time medical care, and avoiding serious brain damage from recurrent hypoglycemic episodes. Genetic testing and 18F-fluoro-dihydroxyphenylalanine PET/CT imaging are essential for determining the best possible treatment. We report 2 cases of focal congenital hyperinsulinism - both male infants: 22 and 2 months of age - treated successfully with enucleation of the pancreas lesion (Semmelweis University, Budapest). Both patients had the pathognomonic mutation of the ABCC8 gene of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel. Radiologic imaging and histology confirmed the diagnosis, and after the operation, pharmacological treatment was terminated in both cases. During the follow-up period (5 and 1.5 years, respectively) they are euglycemic, with no morbidities attributed to the operation. We believe that these two operations for focal hyperinsulinism - diagnosed and localised by the above detailed genetic and specific radiological testing - were the first of their kind in Hungary. Based on the acquired experience, every necessary examination can be achieved in our country to improve patient care, reduce morbidity and medical costs. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(47): 1877-1884.
    Az igen ritkán perzisztáló újszülöttkori hypoglykaemia hátterében a leggyakrabban congenitalis hyperinsulinismus áll, melynek körülbelül 50%-a focalis megjelenésű. Ezen esetekben korai diagnózissal és megfelelő kezelés mellett a góc sebészi eltávolításával teljes gyógyulás érhető el, elkerülve a hosszú gyógyszeres terápiát, illetve az időszakos, hypoglykaemia okozta maradandó idegrendszeri károsodást. Ma már a genetikai vizsgálat és a 18F-fluor-dihidroxi-fenilalanin PET/CT is a kivizsgálás része. A Semmelweis Egyetem Gyermekgyógyászati Klinikáján az elmúlt években két – 22, illetve 2 hónapos – fiúgyermeknél történt focalis congenitalis hyperinsulinismus miatt sikeres pancreasgóc-eltávolítás. Mindkét betegnél a kivizsgálás során az ATP-szenzitív káliumcsatornát kódoló ABCC8-gén mutációja igazolódott, mely valószínűsítette a focalis eredetet, amit a képalkotó vizsgálat, majd a későbbiekben a szövettan is igazolt. A műtétet követően mindkét beteg gyógyszeres terápiáját le lehetett állítani; az utánkövetési idő (5 év, illetve 1,5 év) alatt mindketten végig normoglykaemiásak voltak, szövődmény nem jelentkezett. A szerzők tudomása szerint a bemutatott két gyermek volt Magyarországon az első két beteg, akiknél genetikai vizsgálattal és specifikus képalkotó vizsgálattal is igazolt és pontosan lokalizált focalis congenitalis hyperinsulinismus miatt történt műtéti beavatkozás, melynek során kizárólag a góc került eltávolításra. Az, hogy mára a kivizsgálás minden eleme hazánkban történik, felgyorsította a betegek ellátását, ezzel javította a szövődménymentes túlélést, illetve csökkentette az egészségügyi költségeket. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(47): 1877–1884.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and treatment options of neonates requiring prolonged hospitalization due to persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (HH).
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective cohort study included infants >34 weeks of gestation at birth who were born in our hospital between 2018 and 2021, diagnosed with HH, and required diazoxide within the first 28 days of life. The baseline clinical characteristics, age at the time of diagnosis and treatment options in diazoxide resistance cases were recorded. Genetic mutation analysis, if performed, was also included.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 32 infants diagnosed with neonatal HH were followed up. Among the cohort, 25 infants were classified as having transient form of HH and seven infants were classified as having congenital hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (CHI). Thirty-one percent of the infants had no risk factors. The median birth weight was significantly higher in the CHI group, whereas no differences were found in other baseline characteristics. Patients diagnosed with CHI required higher glucose infusion rate, higher doses, and longer duration of diazoxide treatment than those in the transient HH group. Eight patients were resistant to diazoxide, and six of them required treatment with octreotide and finally sirolimus. Sirolimus prevented the need of pancreatectomy in five of six patients without causing major side effects. Homozygous mutations in the ABCC8 gene were found in four patients with CHI.
    UNASSIGNED: The risk of persistent neonatal hyperinsulinism should be considered in hypoglycemic neonates particularly located in regions with high rates of consanguinity. Our study demonstrated sirolimus as an effective treatment option in avoiding pancreatectomy in severe cases.





