Germ cell tumour

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Germ cell tumours (GCT) are the most common malignancy affecting young adult men. The introduction of cisplatin-based chemotherapy in recent decades has significantly changed the prognosis of these malignant tumours into highly curable cancer, even in the setting of advanced disease. However, in the last decade, the success of these chemotherapy regimens in curing GCTs has been slowed by a growing recognition of their important late toxicities, such as cardiovascular disease.
    UNASSIGNED: We present the case of a 23-year-old male, recently diagnosed with a mixed non-seminomatous testicular germinal tumour, on stage IIIA (pT3 cN2 cM1a), with retroperitoneal adenopathies and pulmonary metastases. After performing a right inguinal orchiectomy, he started chemotherapy treatment with cisplatin + etoposide. Shortly after starting treatment, the patient presented an ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome. The cardiac catheterization revealed a non-occlusive thrombus in the middle segment of the right coronary artery. Intracoronary imaging techniques were used to study the arterial wall, which revealed the presence of atherosclerotic plaque that could have ruptured, with the consequent response of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. Barely 7 months after this event, the patient was again admitted to hospital for pulmonary thromboembolism with pulmonary infarction.
    UNASSIGNED: To date, there are two hypotheses linking the association between cisplatin-based chemotherapy and cardiovascular disease. The direct hypothesis argues for the presence of direct chemotherapy-induced vascular damage. The indirect hypothesis, on the other hand, is based on the induction and development of cardiovascular risk factors by chemotherapy. This cardiovascular toxicity of chemotherapy is aggravated by a cancer-induced proinflammatory and prothrombotic state.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Somatic malignant transformation of germ cell tumours is a well-described but poorly understood phenomenon. It is characterized by differentiation of pluripotent teratoma cells into somatic tumour cells. Following malignant transformation, the most common histologies are sarcomas and primitive neuroectodermal tumours; however, other subtypes have been recognized including melanoma, leukaemia, and renal cell carcinoma. We report a case of a 38-year-old male who had recently completed treatment for a mediastinal germ cell tumour with teratomatous components. He presented several months after completion of chemotherapy with metastatic lesions in his spine and liver accompanied with severe pancytopenia. He was subsequently diagnosed with acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia (AMKL), and a biopsy of a liver lesion was consistent with metastatic melanoma. This case illustrates the simultaneous development of 2 rare malignant entities: mediastinal germ cell tumour-associated AMKL and somatic malignant transformation to melanoma. It also highlights the importance of close surveillance to detect these metastatic sequelae and the emerging role of tumour sequencing to establish targetable pathways.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Extragonadal germ cell tumors originating from the prostate are exceptionally rare. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no reported cases of mixed germ cell tumors in individuals with 46 XX disorder of sex development. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis using whole genome sequencing to investigate the clinicopathological and molecular genetic characteristics of a submitted case, with the objective of elucidating its underlying pathogenesis.
    METHODS: A 40-year-old male patient was diagnosed with a combination of 46, XX disorder of sex development and a primary prostate mixed germ cell tumor with yolk sac tumor and teratoma components. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that the tumor cells had a high somatic mutational load. Analysis of genomic structural variations and copy number variants confirmed the patient\'s karyotype as 46, XX (SRY +). Additionally, the patient exhibited short stature, small bilateral testes, slightly enlarged breasts, elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein concentrations, elevated follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels, and low testosterone levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: A case of 46, XX disorder of sex development, along with a primary prostatic mixed germ cell tumor, was diagnosed. This diagnosis has contributed to advancing our understanding of the genetic and phenotypic profile of the disease and may provide some insights for its treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular choriocarcinoma (CC) is the rarest subtype of germ cell tumours (GCTs) of the testis, with a high malignant potential and early haematogenous metastasis. Radical surgical resection should be performed primarily for histological diagnosis, while chemotherapy remains the mainstay of therapy for advanced disease. In the present study, the case of a 65-year-old male patient diagnosed with metastatic testicular CC, who did not fully respond to chemotherapy is reported. This patient underwent surgical removal of the testicular tumour, chemotherapy with etoposide and cisplatin, and radiotherapy of the intracranial lesions. Although the serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels of the patient and most of the metastases continued decreasing during chemotherapy, complete response was not achieved after six cycles of chemotherapy. The patient refused high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation due to severe side effects, and eventually developed respiratory failure on maintenance therapy with oral etoposide. A literature review was then performed, aiming to summarize the characteristics and therapeutic principles of testicular CC. In addition, the emerging therapeutic agents that could be used in maintenance therapy for GCTs, particularly for testicular CC, were also discussed. The limited clinical trials of targeted treatments showed potential benefit for long survival of patients with selected GCTs with fewer side effects. In particular, immunotherapy showed unique potential for testicular CC in preclinical studies, offering new approaches of maintenance therapy for advanced disease. Further studies should shed light on the identification of prognostic factors that predict the response to immune-based therapy in GCTs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Germ cell tumour (GCT) is the most common testicular tumour that commonly presents as a painless mass. Bone marrow metastasis in cases of testicular GCT is rare; only few case reports are available till date in the literature. Here an adult male presented with an intra-abdominal mass in right iliac fossa with inguinal lymphadenopathy with a deranged kidney function test. Bone marrow (BM) aspirate smear revealed metastatic tumour cells, but BM-biopsy was unremarkable. High serum Beta - HCG (38286 mIU/L) pointed towards germ cell lesion. Lymph node biopsy along with immunomarkers confirmed metastatic foci from germ cell tumor and managed as per standard protocol. Rarely BM aspirate is seen positive for malignancy, while biopsy turns out to be negative. Secondly, BM metastasis of GCT should be considered while dealing with cases like this.
    UNASSIGNED: This is certified that the informed consent has been obtained from the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular germ cell tumours are the most common malignancies in young men. Germ cell tumours can be classified as seminomas or non-seminomas, each with different clinical features and treatment approaches. Germ cell tumours are occasionally associated with somatic-type malignancy, particularly in metastatic lymph nodes after adjuvant chemotherapy. Adenocarcinomas and rhabdomyosarcoma are the most common malignancies in this setting. In this report, we present a unique case of a 37-year-old patient who presented with a testicular teratoma containing a nephroblastoma component. The tumour exhibited characteristic morphology that resembled foetal kidney and expressed nuclear WT-1 and PAX-8 on immunohistochemistry. Following surgery, the patient opted for active surveillance and remains disease-free. To date, only 7 cases of nephroblastoma in primary testicular teratoma have been reported. This case highlights the importance of considering this rare entity in the differential diagnosis of testicular teratomas and the need for careful pathological examination.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mediastinal germ cell tumours are a rare group of extragonadal germ cell tumours with less than 5% prevalence of all germ cell tumours. Primary mediastinal germ cell tumours themselves account for 16-36% of the extragonadal germ cell tumours. Along the spectrum of osteosarcoma, parosteal osteosarcoma is a well-differentiated surface osteosarcoma with a prevalence of 4% of all osteosarcoma. As such synchronous primary parosteal osteosarcoma and primary mediastinal germ cell tumour are exceedingly rare. This leads to complexity in determining the most appropriate chemotherapy for two different types of tumours and its potential side effects of reduced immunity leading to potential secondary infection. Here we report a case of a 16-year-old boy who presented with synchronous primary osteosarcoma and primary mediastinal germ cell tumour, complicated with atypical mycobacterial infection post-operatively. Additionally, we discuss our choice of chemotherapy and the management of the atypical mycobacterial infection.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Cystic trophoblastic tumor (CTT) is a rare non-aggressive germinative neoplasm from the group of non-choriocarcinomatous trophoblastic tumors, which is presented by cystic spaces lined with mononuclear degenerative-looking trophoblastic cells. CTT has been most often described as a residual disease in dissected retroperitoneal lymph nodes of patients with metastatic germ cell testicular tumours after chemotherapy. There were published only sporadic cases of primary testicular mixed germ cell tumour with CTT component. Hereby, the authors present a case of a 22-year-old man with a mixed germ cell tumour composed of postpubertal teratoma, embryonal carcinoma and CTT. Immunohistochemically, the CTT tumour cells were positive for cytokeratins (AE1/AE3, CK8/18), GATA3, p63 and focally also for beta-hCG and alpha-inhibin. CTT may be presented as a rare component of primary testicular mixed germ cell tumour and it represents very likely an evolutionary intermediate stage of transition from choriocarcinoma into teratoma during the process of regression.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intracranial germ cell tumors (GCTs) account for 3%-5% of all intracranial tumors. They commonly manifest during first two decades of life. We are reporting a case of a young female, who presented with progressive visual loss, polyuria and polydipsia, harboring an intracranial GCT. She presented initially to a neurosurgery clinic and then to an endocrine clinic, with a history of chronic worsening headache and recent onset visual blurring along with polyuria with polydipsia. On further inquiry, she was found to have primary amenorrhea, easy fatigability, and failure of development of secondary sexual characteristics. On examination the patient had bitemporal hemianopia with breast development at tanner stage II and pubic and axillary hair at tanner stage I. Her initial hormonal workup was suggestive of panhypopituitarism with diabetes insipidus. MRI pituitary showed a sellar mass with suprasellar extension, so an initial impression of a pituitary macroadenoma was made and the patient underwent trans-sphenoidal surgery. The histopathology was suggestive of lymphoid hyperplasia. Follow up MRI showed significant residual tumor and her vision and pituitary function did not recover. Neurosurgery was planned as second surgery, but we requested a second opinion of histopathology report and it was suggestive of a germinoma. She was then started on chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, after which her tumor size reduced significantly, though she still required pituitary hormone replacement therapy.  Pituitary stalk lesions are rare and their diagnosis is challenging as different etiologies present clinically and radiologically in a similar manner with tissue diagnosis being the gold standard. Germinoma is a radiosensitive tumor. In our patient it took a long time to reach the correct diagnosis and late diagnosis resulted in permanent visual field defect and panhypopituitarism. This case report emphasizes that we should guide and educate our patients to seek medical advice early in the course of disease. We should also keep differential diagnosis in mind before referring the patient for surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Malignant transformation of mediastinal mature teratoma is extremely rare and worsens the prognosis of the disease. Transformation can appear synchronously to or several years after the initial diagnosis. Clinical and radiological signs can orientate the clinician but the definitive diagnosis is obtained thanks to histology. An 11 year-old boy presented with a mediastinal mature teratoma and bone and pulmonary metastases. He received six cycles of chemotherapy combining etoposide, ifosfamide, cisplatin, followed by resection of a 16×14×9cm mediastinal mass. Karyotype analysis revealed the presence of an additional sex chromosome X (47 XXY) pathognomonic of Klinefelter\'s syndrome. Ten years later, sciatalgia revealed malignant transformation of a pre-existing sacral bone metastasis into gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma. The patient received four cycles of chemotherapy combining oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and cetuximab. This treatment was followed by a complete resection of the sacral metastasis and completed with adjuvant irradiation of 54Gy in 30 daily fractions. Twelve months after the diagnosis of relapse, the patient remained alive without disease. To our knowledge, this is the first case of adenocarcinoma developed in bone metastases of a mediastinal mature teratoma in a boy with a Klinefelter\'s syndrome. We propose a review of the literature and an analysis of 20 others published cases of mediastinal teratoma with malignant transformation into adenocarcinoma.





