Gastric emptying

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Traditional fasting causes considerable discomfort without added assurance of security, whereas oral carbohydrate beverage offers an alternative to improve medical experience. This study aims to explore the impact of different types and dosages of oral fluids loading before painless bidirectional endoscopy on the gastric emptying and wellbeing.
    METHODS: 180 patients arranged for bidirectional endoscopy with intravenous anesthesia were randomized: patients in the control group (Group C) obeyed standard fasting; the 200 mL carbohydrate group (Group P1), 400 mL carbohydrate group (Group P2), 200 mL water group (Group W1) and 400 mL water group (Group W2) respectively consumed 200 mL or 400 mL corresponding clear liquids 2 h before the procedure. Gastric emptying metrics under ultrasound, subjective comfort indexes, periprocedural blood glucose and vital signs were contrasted among the groups.
    RESULTS: No significant differences were detected in the gastric emptying including CSA (cross-sectional area), GV (gastric volume), cGV (corrected gastric volume) and the three-point grading system among groups, and none had a cGV > 1.5 mL/kg before anesthesia. Participants in Group P2 experienced less preprocedural thirst and mouth dryness, so as the postprocedural thirst, mouth dryness and hunger. Periprocedural blood glucose and MAP had the similar trend in all groups. The occurrence of hypotension, bradycardia, hypoxia, and the required norepinephrine was comparable among the groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Oral beverage loading with 200 mL or 400 mL can be safely applicated 2 h before painless bidirectional endoscopy without increasing the gastric volume. 400 mL carbohydrate solution effectively relieves the discomfort and could serve as a consideration.
    BACKGROUND: Registered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry on December 5, 2023 (ChiCTR2300078319).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Gastric emptying scintigraphy is used to assess patients with symptoms of dyspepsia or gastroparesis. An alteration of fundus accommodation may explain these symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the accommodation in gastric emptying scintigraphy studies performed in our institution.
    METHODS: 50 patients (43 children) referred for gastric emptying assessment were evaluated. After fasting for 8 hours, and following international guidelines, egg labeling was performed with 37 m Bq of [99mTc]Tc-DTPA and administration of standardized food. Areas of interest were defined in the stomach at different times, and the corresponding retention percentages were calculated. Considering the image at time zero, gastric accommodation was qualitatively and quantitatively assessed, calculating the ratio between proximal stomach counts and total counts.
    RESULTS: Of the 50 patients studied, 32 had normal emptying, 10 had slowed emptying and 8 had accelerated emptying. Within the group of patients with normal emptying, 8 had altered accommodation (25%) and another 8 in the group with abnormal emptying (44%). Applying the ROC curve analysis to quantitative values, the most appropriate cut-off value was 0.785 with p < 0.001, sensitivity 82.4% and specificity 100%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gastric emptying scintigraphy in addition to determining motility, made it possible to assess both qualitatively and quantitatively the distribution of the radiotracer in the stomach and thus, indirectly, the accommodation in the fundus. It provided added diagnostic information in a simple manner, without protocol changes and allowing more specific treatments to be assessed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Preoperative carbohydrate intake is essential to enhance postoperative recovery. However, its safety for individuals with obesity remains unclear. This study investigated the safety of preoperative carbohydrate consumption compared to water intake in obese populations through gastric volume assessment.
    METHODS: A prospective randomized crossover study enrolled 30 healthy volunteers aged 18-65 years with a body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2, following a minimum 6-h fast. The participants received either 400 ml of a carbohydrate drink (group C) or water (group W). Gastric ultrasonography, blood glucose level, hunger, and thirst assessments were conducted at baseline (T) and various time points (T2 to T6). The protocol was repeated with reverse interventions at least 1 week later.
    RESULTS: Group C had significantly higher gastric volume at T3, T4, and T5 compared to group W, with a prolonged time to empty the gastric antrum (94.4 ± 28.5 vs. 61.0 ± 33.5 min, 95% CI 33.41 [17.06,24.69]). However, glucose levels, degrees of hunger, and thirst showed no significant differences between the groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Administering 400 ml of preoperative carbohydrates to healthy obese individuals 2 h preoperatively is safe and comparable to water intake. These findings support the integration of carbohydrate loading into perioperative care for obese individuals, consistent with the enhanced recovery after surgery protocols. Further research is warranted to refine preoperative fasting protocols and improve surgical outcomes in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A patient-tailored therapy of the heterogeneous, neuropsychiatric disorder of Parkinson\'s disease (PD) aims to improve dopamine sensitive motor symptoms and associated non-motor features. A repeated, individual adaptation of dopamine substituting compounds is required throughout the disease course due to the progress of neurodegeneration. Therapeutic drug monitoring of dopamine substituting drugs may be an essential tool to optimize drug applications. We suggest plasma determination of levodopa as an initial step. The complex pharmacology of levodopa is influenced by its short elimination half-life and the gastric emptying velocity. Both considerably contribute to the observed variability of plasma concentrations of levodopa and its metabolite 3-O-methyldopa. These amino acids compete with other aromatic amino acids as well as branched chain amino acids on the limited transport capacity in the gastrointestinal tract and the blood brain barrier. However, not much is known about plasma concentrations of levodopa and other drugs/drug combinations in PD. Some examples may illustrate this lack of knowledge: Levodopa measurements may allow further insights in the phenomenon of inappropriate levodopa response. They may result from missing compliance, interactions e.g. with treatments for other mainly age-related disorders, like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, rheumatism or by patients themselves independently taken herbal medicines. Indeed, uncontrolled combination of compounds for accompanying disorders as given above with PD drugs might increase the risk of side effects. Determination of other drugs used to treat PD in plasma such as dopamine receptor agonists, amantadine and inhibitors of catechol-O-methyltransferase or monoamine oxidase B may refine and improve the value of calculations of levodopa equivalents. How COMT-Is change levodopa plasma concentrations? How other dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic drugs influence levodopa levels? Also, delivery of drugs as well as single and repeated dosing and continuous levodopa administrations with a possible accumulation of levodopa, pharmacokinetic behaviour of generic and branded compounds appear to have a marked influence on efficacy of drug treatment and side effect profile. Their increase over time may reflect progression of PD to a certain degree. Therapeutic drug monitoring in PD is considered to improve the therapeutic efficacy in the course of this devastating neurologic disorder and therefore is able to contribute to the patients\' precision medicine. State-of-the-art clinical studies are urgently needed to demonstrate the usefulness of TDM for optimizing the treatment of PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastroparesis is a pathology associating upper digestive symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, with impaired gastric emptying in the absence of mechanical gastric or duodenal obstruction. It has a major impact on patients\' quality of life, can lead to undernutrition, and -increases overall mortality. Several schools of thought converge on the hypothesis of a clinico--pathological spectrum of gastric neuro-muscular dysfunction encompassing gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia, in particular the subtype known as \"postprandial distress syndrome\". Its management includes non--pharmacological interventions, such as hygienic--dietary measures, pharmacological interventions using prokinetic, antiemetic or neuromodulatory treatments, and endoscopic interventions.
    La gastroparésie est une pathologie associant des symptômes ­digestifs hauts, tels que des nausées et des vomissements, à un défaut de la vidange gastrique en l’absence d’une obstruction ­mécanique gastrique ou duodénale. Elle a un fort retentissement sur la qualité de vie des patients, peut amener à la dénutrition et augmente globalement la mortalité. Plusieurs courants de pensée convergent vers l’hypothèse d’un spectre clinicopathologique de dysfonction neuromusculaire gastrique englobant la gastroparésie et la dyspepsie fonctionnelle, notamment du sous-­type appelé « syndrome de détresse postprandiale ». Sa prise en charge ­comprend des interventions non pharmacologiques, telles que des mesures hygiénodiététiques, des interventions pharmacologiques à l’aide de traitements procinétiques, anti­émétiques ou encore neuromodulateurs, et des interventions ­endoscopiques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The stomach, a central organ in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract, regulates the processing of ingested food through gastric motility and emptying. Understanding the stomach function is crucial for treating gastric disorders. Experimental studies in this field often face difficulties due to limitations and invasiveness of available techniques and ethical concerns. To counter this, researchers resort to computational and numerical methods. However, existing computational studies often isolate one aspect of the stomach function while neglecting the rest and employ computationally expensive methods. This paper proposes a novel cost-efficient multi-compartmental model, offering a comprehensive insight into gastric function at an organ level, thus presenting a promising alternative. The proposed approach divides the spatial geometry of the stomach into four compartments: Proximal/Middle/Terminal antrum and Pyloric sphincter. Each compartment is characterized by a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with respect to time to characterize the stomach function. Electrophysiology is represented by simplified equations reflecting the \"slow wave behavior\" of Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) and Smooth Muscle Cells (SMC) in the stomach wall. An electro-mechanical coupling model translates SMC \"slow waves\" into smooth muscle contractions. Muscle contractions induce peristalsis, affecting gastric fluid flow velocity and subsequent emptying when the pyloric sphincter is open. Contraction of the pyloric sphincter initiates a retrograde flow jet at the terminal antrum, modeled by a circular liquid jet flow equation. The results from the proposed model for a healthy human stomach were compared with experimental and computational studies on electrophysiology, muscle tissue mechanics, and fluid behavior during gastric emptying. These findings revealed that each \"ICC\" slow wave corresponded to a muscle contraction due to electro-mechanical coupling behavior. The rate of gastric emptying and mixing efficiency decreased with increasing viscosity of gastric liquid but remained relatively unchanged with gastric liquid density variations. Utilizing different ODE solvers in MATLAB, the model was solved, with ode15s demonstrating the fastest computation time, simulating 180 s of real-time stomach response in just 2.7 s. This multi-compartmental model signifies a promising advancement in understanding gastric function, providing a cost-effective and comprehensive approach to study complex interactions within the stomach and test innovative therapies like neuromodulation for treating gastric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastroparesis (GP) can be a severe and debilitating disease. Its pathophysiology is complex and not completely understood. Two principal mechanisms are responsible for the development of symptoms - gastric hypomotility and pylorospasm. Pylorus targeted therapies aim to decrease presumably elevated pyloric tone - pylorospasm. There is a growing body of evidence about their role in the treatment algorithm of GP. G-POEM (endoscopic pyloromyotomy) is an extensively studied pylorus targeted therapy. Its efficacy ranges between 56 and 80% and the number of recurrences among those with treatment effect seems low. G-POEM is a safe procedure with very low frequency of severe adverse events. At present, G-POEM should not be considered as an experimental approach and may be offered to all patients with refractory and severe GP. Nevertheless, G-POEM is not a first line treatment. Conservative measures such as diet modification and pharmacotherapy should always be tried before G-POEM is considered. Further research must focus on better patient selection as at present there are no standardized criteria. Functional imaging such as impedance planimetry (EndoFlip) may hold promise in this regard.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review paper explores post-prandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes. Post-prandial glycemia is defined as the period of blood glucose excursion from immediately after the ingestion of food or drink to 4 to 6 hours after the end of the meal. Post-prandial hyperglycemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease with glucose \"excursions\" being more strongly associated with markers of oxidative stress than the fasting or pre-prandial glucose level. High blood glucose is a major promoter of enhanced free radical production and is associated with the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes. Oxidative stress impairs insulin action creating a vicious cycle where repeated post-prandial glucose spikes are key drivers in the pathogenesis of the vascular complications of type 2 diabetes, both microvascular and macrovascular. Some authors suggest post-prandial hyperglycemia is the major cause of death in type 2 diabetes. Proper management of post-prandial hyperglycemia could yield up to a 35% cut in overall cardiovascular events, and a 64% cut in myocardial infarction. The benefits of managing post-prandial hyperglycemia are similar in magnitude to those seen in type 2 diabetes patients receiving secondary prevention with statins - prevention which today is regarded as fundamental by all practitioners. Given all the evidence surrounding the impact of post-prandial glycemia on overall outcome, it is imperative that any considered strategy for the management of type 2 diabetes should include optimum dietary, pharma, and lifestyle interventions that address glucose excursion. Achieving a low post-prandial glucose response is key to prevention and progression of type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases. Further, such therapeutic interventions should be sustainable and must benefit patients in the short and long term with the minimum of intrusion and side effects. This paper reviews the current literature around dietary manipulation of post-prandial hyperglycemia, including novel approaches. A great deal of further work is required to optimize and standardize the dietary management of post-prandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes, including consideration of novel approaches that show great promise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postoperative delayed gastric emptying is a prevalent complication following surgical procedures, imposing heavy physical and financial burdens on patients. However, current treatment options remain suboptimal. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have highlighted that the gut microbiota and its metabolites are closely associated with postoperative complications. Various factors can disrupt the gut microbiome after surgery. This review discusses the potential mechanisms by which the gut microbiota and their metabolites may contribute to the pathogenesis of postoperative delayed gastric emptying. However, the current knowledge base is limited in terms of fully understanding the exact mechanisms involved. It is therefore evident that further research is required to fully elucidate the role of the gut microbiome in postoperative delayed gastric emptying, with the aim of uncovering new possibilities for preventive measures and therapeutic treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The use of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (RAs) by patients undergoing surgery and procedures requiring anesthesia has become a topic of significant concern for perioperative providers because of the potential increased risk of aspiration resulting from the medication\'s effect of delaying gastric emptying. There is currently a lack of high-quality data regarding the safety of GLP-1 RAs in patients undergoing surgery, which has led to variations in practice.
    METHODS: We performed an internet search of society-endorsed statements and guidelines related to perioperative management of GLP-1 RAs, focusing on the top 20 countries with the largest anesthesiology societies determined by membership data from the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists. We excluded articles and websites that were not in English.
    RESULTS: Our search revealed endorsed statements from fourteen major anesthesiology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology societies. There was considerable variation between societies in the recommendations and guidance for withholding these medications before surgery, the duration of withholding, assessment of the need for avoiding deep sedation or general anesthesia, use of rapid sequence intubation, need for prolonged fasting periods and clear fluid before a nil per os period, recognition of signs and symptoms for aspiration risk, the management of glucose in the perioperative period, and the use of point-of-care ultrasound for risk assessment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Society-endorsed statements and guidelines provide varying recommendations on the perioperative management of GLP-1 RAs. The insights gained from this comparative analysis may help guide clinical practice, develop institutional practice guidelines, and direct future research efforts.
    RéSUMé: OBJECTIF: L’utilisation d’agonistes des récepteurs (AR) du peptide-1 de type glucagon (GLP-1) par les personnes bénéficiant d’une intervention chirurgicale et de procédures nécessitant une anesthésie est devenue un sujet de préoccupation important pour les prestataires de soins périopératoires en raison de l’augmentation du risque potentiel d’aspiration résultant de l’effet du médicament, qui provoque un retard de la vidange gastrique. Il existe actuellement un manque de données de haute qualité concernant l’innocuité des AR GLP-1 chez les patient·es bénéficiant d’une intervention chirurgicale, ce qui a mené à des variations dans la pratique.
    METHODS: Nous avons réalisé une recherche sur Internet des déclarations et lignes directrices approuvées par les sociétés médicales concernant la prise en charge périopératoire des AR GLP-1, en nous concentrant sur les 20 pays comptant les plus grandes sociétés d’anesthésiologie, déterminées par les données sur les membres de la Fédération mondiale des sociétés d’anesthésiologistes. Nous avons exclu les articles et les sites Web qui n’étaient pas en anglais.
    UNASSIGNED: Nos recherches ont révélé des déclarations approuvées par quatorze grandes sociétés d’anesthésiologie, d’endocrinologie et de gastro-entérologie. Il y avait des variations considérables entre les sociétés en matière de recommandations et de directives concernant l’abstention de ces médicaments avant la chirurgie, la durée de l’abstention, l’évaluation de la nécessité d’éviter la sédation profonde ou l’anesthésie générale, l’utilisation de l’intubation en séquence rapide, la nécessité de périodes de jeûne prolongées et de liquides clairs avant une période nil per os, la reconnaissance des signes et symptômes du risque d’aspiration, la prise en charge de la glycémie pendant la période périopératoire et l’utilisation de l’échographie ciblée pour l’évaluation des risques.
    CONCLUSIONS: Les déclarations et les lignes directrices approuvées par les sociétés médicales fournissent des recommandations variées sur la prise en charge périopératoire des AR GLP-1. Les connaissances acquises grâce à cette analyse comparative pourraient aider à orienter la pratique clinique, à élaborer des lignes directrices de pratique institutionnelles et à guider les efforts de recherche futurs.





