Fetal magnetic resonance imaging

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Congenital chloride diarrhea (CCD) is a rare but significant genetic disorder characterized by severe electrolyte imbalances resulting from impaired intestinal chloride absorption. Affected children experience persistent diarrhea, dehydration, and malnutrition, complicating medical and developmental care. The enhancement of prenatal detection is crucial for improved patient management, early interventions, and informed genetic counseling. However, despite advancements in medicine, the complex nature and rarity of CCD make prenatal detection challenging. In this study, we report a fetal case where prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) effectively identified the distinctive characteristics of CCD, providing insights into the complexities of diagnosis and suggesting avenues for enhanced early detection strategies.
    La clorhidrorrea congénita es un trastorno genético infrecuente pero importante caracterizado por una alteración grave del balance hidroelectrolítico como resultado de un defecto en la absorción intestinal de cloruros. Los niños afectados presentan diarrea persistente, deshidratación y malnutrición; el control médico y del desarrollo son complejos. Mejorar la detección prenatal es esencial para facilitar la atención del paciente, las intervenciones tempranas y el asesoramiento genético informado. Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances de la medicina, la naturaleza compleja y la escasa frecuencia de esta entidad, constituyen un desafío para la detección prenatal. En este estudio, se reporta el caso de una embarazada donde los estudios por imágenes de resonancia magnética fetales identificaron en forma efectiva las características típicas de la clorhidrorrea congénita. Se proveen conocimientos sobre las complejidades del diagnóstico y se sugieren caminos para las estrategias de detección temprana de esta enfermedad.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: The detection of absent septi pellucidi (ASP) during obstetric ultrasound is a rare event. However, the clinical implications of this finding are significant. ASP can be associated with severe central nervous system anomalies such as holoprosencephaly, agenesis/dysgenesis of the corpus callosum, schizencephaly, severe ventriculomegaly, and open neural tube defects. In such cases, the prognosis is poor. When no such anomalies are identified, isolated ASP usually carries a good prognosis. However, some fetuses thought to have isolated ASP actually have septo-optic dysplasia (SOD), which is associated with optic nerve hypoplasia, hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, and developmental delay.
    METHODS: A case in which fetal 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was considered crucial to definitively diagnose isolated ASP is presented. A review of the literature was conducted and analyzed to determine the role of MRI in the evaluation of fetuses with ASP, with special consideration on the differential diagnosis between isolated ASP and SOD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Differentiating isolated ASP from SOD is imperative for adequate prenatal counseling. Unfortunately, making a prenatal diagnosis of SOD requires visualization and evaluation of the fetal optic nerves, chiasm, and pituitary gland, which is very demanding and not always possible using ultrasound. Fetal MRI has the potential of obtaining high-quality images of the fetal brain, and therefore this technique can be used for establishing the differential diagnosis in utero.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the long-term outcome of children with prenatally diagnosed isolated complete agenesis of the corpus callosum (cACC).
    METHODS: In this single-center case series, we reviewed retrospectively the charts of fetuses referred to our fetal therapy unit from January 2004 to July 2020 for a suspected anomaly of the corpus callosum (CC). Cases with prenatally diagnosed isolated cACC were included. Fetal karyotype and comparative genomic hybridization microarray of amniotic fluid, in addition to fetal magnetic resonance imaging, were offered to all pregnant women with a diagnosis of fetal CC malformation. The surviving children were enrolled in the neurodevelopmental follow-up program at our institution, which included postnatal magnetic resonance imaging, serial neurological examinations and neurodevelopmental evaluations with standardized tests according to age. Families living in remote areas or far from our institution were offered a structured ad-hoc phone interview.
    RESULTS: A total of 128 pregnancies with fetal CC malformation were identified (mean gestational age at diagnosis, 24.5 (range, 21-34) weeks), of which 53 cases were diagnosed prenatally with apparently isolated cACC. Of these, 12 cases underwent termination of pregnancy, one resulted in intrauterine demise at 24 weeks of gestation and 13 cases were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 27 children, one was excluded due to an associated chromosomal anomaly (8p21.3q11.21 mosaic duplication) diagnosed after birth, which could have been detected prenatally if the parents had consented to amniocentesis. In the 26 children included in the analysis, neurodevelopmental follow-up was available for a median of 3 (range, 1-16) years. Three (11.5%) infants had severe neurodevelopmental impairment, two of which were diagnosed postnatally with a genetic syndrome (Mowat-Wilson syndrome and Vici syndrome) that would not have been diagnosed prenatally. Seven (26.9%) children had mild neurodevelopmental impairment and 16 (61.5%) had normal neurodevelopmental outcome. The Full-Scale Intelligence Quotients of the three children with severe neurodevelopmental impairment were 50, 64 and 63, respectively, while that of the remaining children was in the normal range (median, 101; range, 89-119).
    CONCLUSIONS: In 88% of the children with cACC included in this study, neurodevelopment was not severely impaired. However, long-term follow-up is recommended in all cases of congenital isolated cACC to recognize subtle neurodevelopmental disorders as early as possible. © 2022 International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Proboscis lateralis is a very rare congenital craniofacial malformation characterized by a finger-like tubular appendage arising usually from the medial canthal region. It is mostly unilateral and associated with other craniofacial malformations. Occasionally, proboscis lateralis is seen with holoprosencephaly. A rare case of bilateral proboscis lateralis which was diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging has been presented. In this case of bilateral proboscis lateralis, both lesions arose from a very lateral location and were associated with various central nervous system anomalies other than holoprosencephaly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We illustrate three cases of isolated congenital lymphangioma (CL). Fetal ultrasound (US) demonstrated uniloculated cystic masses that changed to multiloculated, subcutaneous, hypoechoic, avascular cystic masses with thin septations without solid components. Case 1: CL of the right forearm; Case 2: CL of the right hypochondrium; and Case 3: CL of the left upper posterior back. Postnatal US detected multiloculated, subcutaneous, hypoechoic, avascular cystic masses with thin septations without solid components or invasive developments. We prenatally and postnatally diagnosed them as isolated CL cases due to focal, soft, bulging masses with unclear margins. Due to our correct diagnosis and precise evaluation of sizes and locations, no perinatal complications occurred. In this case series, uniloculated features changed to multiloculated features and the largest macrocyst size decreased, whereas the sizes of the smaller microcysts increased. These morphological changes observed via fetal US represent intermittent CL growing processes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Fetal lung masses are rare findings in prenatal ultrasound scanning in general population, of which congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation is the most commonly diagnosed type. This paper reports a single case of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation detected at our hospital and the subsequent clinical follow-up using ultrasound scanning and fetal magnetic resonance imaging.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diastematomyelia is a rare form of spinal dysraphism. Here the spinal cord was split into two with a bony or cartilaginous spur, resulting in formation of two hemicords. The prenatal diagnosis of diastematomyelia is possible with ultrasonography. The unique finding is the appearance of echogenic focus within the spinal canal. This condition may not have any clinical sign during prenatal and early years of life but as the child grows, serious neurologic manifestations may occur, commonly termed the \"tethered cord syndrome\". Here, we report a case of diastematomyelia in which a careful antenatal imaging was performed and postnatal pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chondrodysplasia punctata brachytelephalangic type is a common subset of a heterogeneous group of chondrodysplasia punctata. Most affected children generally do not have significant physical disabilities; however, a small number of patients are at risk of cervical canal stenosis with cervical cord compression leading to serious morbidity and early mortality. Very little is known about the in utero manifestation of severe complications. We report an affected child in whom the Binder phenotype was found on antenatal ultrasound and cervical spinal cord compression on fetal magnetic resonance imaging. Prenatal diagnosis of chondrodysplasia punctata brachytelephalangic type and its complications are beneficial for timely, prompt medical intervention.





