
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most of the research evaluating the import of paternal migration for children\'s outcomes has taken \"left-behind children\" as a single group. Such an approach does not take into account how family processes may intersect with migration processes. Taking a life course perspective, this paper distinguishes fathers\' short-term and long-term migrations, as well as return migration, as they affect children\'s productive activities. Using the Mexican Family Life Survey (2002-2009), we followed school-aged children from two-parent households in 2002 and observed their activities as they transitioned into adulthood from 2005 through 2009. We found that fathers\' short-term migration is negatively associated with children\'s labor force participation, especially for 12- to 18-year-old boys, suggesting that paternal migration may interrupt adolescent boys\' labor market transition in the short-term. Fathers\' long-term migration and return migration does not significantly alter children\'s activities. However, the negative role of fathers\' long-term absence and benefits brought by the paternal migration trip are important mechanisms for educational persistence and the labor force entrance of 12- to 18-year-old girls, highlighting the conditions under which certain mechanisms may work. This suggests that migration is a family process, with the outcomes lying in the interplay of the stages of migration, children\'s life stages, and how gender is treated within cultural and familial contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although parenting interventions including expectant fathers are scarce, they yield promising results. The Prenatal Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP-PRE) is a recently developed intervention, that is both manualized and personalized, aiming to enhance paternal sensitivity and involvement before the birth of the baby. Illustrating the intervention process, the current study presents two case studies of expectant fathers receiving VIPP-PRE (clinical trial registration NL62696.058.17). The VIPP-PRE program is described along with the individual dyads\' prenatal video fragments and feedback specific for each father-fetus dyad. In addition, changes in paternal sensitivity and involvement levels are presented, as well as fathers\' and intervener\'s evaluation of the intervention. VIPP-PRE promises to be a feasible short-term and potentially effective parenting intervention for expectant fathers. Currently, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is under review that systematically investigates the efficacy of the VIPP-PRE. Here we aim to provide further information on the intervention process, as well as fathers\' and intervener\'s evaluations of this process, and the benefits of using ultrasound imaging in a parenting intervention.
    Aunque las intervenciones de crianza incluyendo a los papás en espera son escasas, las mismas producen resultados prometedores. La Intervención Prenatal de Información en Video para promover la Crianza Positiva (VIPP-PRE) es una intervención recientemente desarrollada, la cual es manejada a mano y personalizada, con el objetivo de mejorar la sensibilidad y la participación paterna antes del nacimiento del bebé. Demostrando el proceso de intervención, el presente estudio presenta dos casos de estudio de papás en espera que reciben VIPP-PRE (registro de ensayo clínico NL62696.058.17). El programa VIPP-PRE se describe junto con los fragmentos e información del video prenatal de las díadas individuales específicas para cada díada papá-feto. Adicionalmente, se presentan los cambios en los niveles de sensibilidad y participación paterna, así como también la evaluación de la intervención por parte de los papás y de quien condujo la intervención. VIPP-PRE promete ser una intervención de crianza factible a corto plazo y potencialmente efectiva para papás en espera. Actualmente, se encuentra bajo revisión un ensayo controlado al azar (RCT) que sistemáticamente investiga la efectividad de VIPP-PRE. Aquí nos proponemos ofrecer mayor información sobre el proceso de intervención, así como también las evaluaciones que del proceso hicieron los papás y quien condujo la intervención, y los beneficios de usar las imágenes de ultrasonido en una intervención de crianza.
    Bien que les interventions de parentage in incluent des futurs pères soient rares, elles donnent des résultats prometteurs. L\'Intervention de Retour-Vidéo Prénatale pour promouvoir le Parentage Positif (abrégé en anglais VIPP-PRE) est une intervention récemment développée. Elle est à la fois manualisée et personnalisée, se donnant pour but de renforcer la sensibilité et l\'engagement avant la naissance du bébé. Illustrant le processus d\'intervention cette étude présente deux études de cas de futurs pères recevant la CVIP-PRE (enregistrement des essais cliniques NL62696.058.17). Le programme VIPP-PRE est décrit ainsi que les fragments vidéo prénatale des dyades individuelles et le retour spécifique pour chaque dyade père-fœtus. De plus les changements dans la sensibilité paternelle et dans les niveaux d\'engagement sont présentés, ainsi que l’évaluation des pères et des intervenants de l\'intervention. La VIPP-PRE promet d’être une intervention de parentage viable à court terme et potentiellement efficace pour les futurs pères. Pour l\'instant un essai contrôlé randomisé est à l’étude, étudiant systématiquement l\'efficacité de la VIPP-PRE. Ici nous nous donnons pour but d\'offrir des informations plus amples sur le processus d\'intervention, ainsi que sur les évaluations du processus faites par les pères et les intervenants, et sur les bénéfices qu\'il y a à utiliser les images ultrasons dans une intervention de parentage.
    Die pränatale Video-Feedback-Intervention zur Förderung positiver Elternschaft für werdende Väter (VIPP-PRE): Zwei Fallstudien Es nur wenige Elterninterventionen, die für werdende Väter konzipiert sind, doch die Ergebnisse solcher Interventionen sind vielversprechend. Die pränatale Video-Feedback-Intervention zur Förderung positiver Elternschaft (Prenatal Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting; VIPP-PRE) ist eine kürzlich entwickelte Intervention, die sowohl manualisiert als auch personalisiert ist und darauf abzielt, die väterliche Sensibilität und Beteiligung vor der Geburt des Kindes zu verbessern. Zur Veranschaulichung des Interventionsprozesses werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei Fallstudien von werdenden Vätern vorgestellt, die VIPP-PRE durchlaufen haben (clinical trial registration NL62696.058.17). Das VIPP-PRE-Programm wird zusammen mit den pränatalen Videofragmenten der einzelnen Dyaden und dem für jede Vater-Fötus-Dyade spezifischen Feedback beschrieben. Darüber hinaus werden Veränderungen in der väterlichen Sensibilität und dem Grad der Beteiligung sowie eine Interventionsevaluation durch die Väter und die Durchführenden dargestellt. VIPP-PRE verspricht eine machbare, kurzfristige und potenziell wirksame Elternintervention für werdende Väter zu sein. Derzeit befindet sich eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie (RCT) im Review, die systematisch die Wirksamkeit von VIPP-PRE untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit möchten wir weitere Informationen über den Interventionsprozess, die Bewertung dieses Prozesses durch die Väter und die Durchführenden sowie über die Vorteile der Verwendung von Ultraschallbildern in einer Elternintervention geben.
    未来の父親に肯定的な子育てを促進するための出生前ビデオフィードバック介入 (VIPP-PRE) の2事例 未来の父親向けの育児介入は、非常に少ないが、有望な結果が得られている。肯定的な子育てを促進するための出生前ビデオフィードバック介入 (VIPP-PRE) は、子どもが生まれる前に父親の感受性と関与を高めることを目的とした、マニュアル化も個別化もされ、最近開発された介入法である。本研究では、VIPP-PRE (臨床試験登録NL62696.058.17) を受けた未来の父親の2つの事例を紹介し、介入の過程を説明する。VIPP-PREプログラムについて、各二人組の出生前のいくつかの短いビデオと各父親-胎児の組への個別フィードバックとともに説明する。さらに、父親の感受性と関与レベルの変化、および父親と介入者の介入に対する評価も提示した。VIPP-PREは、未来の父親にとって短期的に実現可能なかつ効果的な育児介入となる可能性があることが期待される。現在、VIPP-PREの有効性を系統的に検討する無作為化比較試験 (RCT) が検討されている。ここでは、介入のプロセス、それに対する父親と介入者の評価、子育て介入に超音波画像を使用することの利点について、さらなる情報を提供することを目的とする。.
    尽管包括准爸爸在内的育儿干预措施很少, 但它们产生了可喜的成果。促进积极育儿的“产前视频反馈干预” (VIPP-PRE) 是最近开发的的一项干预措施, 它既程式化又个性化, 旨在提高婴儿出生前父亲的敏感性和参与度。为了说明干预过程, 本研究介绍了两个接受VIPP-PRE (临床试验注册NL62696.058.17) 的准爸爸的案例研究。描述了VIPP-PRE程序与各个二人组的产前视频片段, 以及针对每个父亲-胎儿二人组的反馈。此外, 还介绍了父亲敏感性和参与度的变化, 以及父亲和干预者对干预措施的评价。VIPP-PRE有望成为一种短期可行的、潜在有效的准爸爸育儿干预措施。目前, 一项系统研究VIPP-PRE有效性的随机对照试验 (RCT) 正在审查中。在这项研究中, 我们旨在提供有关干预过程的更多信息, 父亲和干预者对这一过程的评价, 以及在育儿干预中使用超声成像的好处。.
    تدخل التغذية الراجعة بالفيديو قبل الولادة لتعزيز التربية الإيجابية للآباء المنتظرين (PRE-VIPP) دراستان حالة على الرغم من ندرة تدخلات التربية بما في ذلك الآباء المنتظرون ، إلا أنها تسفر عن نتائج واعدة. يعد تدخل التغذية الراجعة بالفيديو قبل الولادة لتعزيز التربية الإيجابيةPRE) -(VIPP تدخلاً تم تطويره مؤخرًا ، يدويًا وشخصيًا على حد سواء ، بهدف تعزيز حساسية الأب ومشاركته قبل ولادة الطفل. لتوضيح عملية التدخل ، تقدم الدراسة الحالية دراستي حالة للآباء المتوقعين الذين يتلقون (PRE-VIPP) (تسجيل التجربة السريرية NL62696.058.17). يتم وصف برنامجPRE -VIPP مع مقاطع فيديو ما قبل الولادة الخاصة بالثنائيات والتعليقات الخاصة بكل ثنائي من الأب والجنين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يتم عرض التغييرات في حساسية الأب ومستويات المشاركة ، وكذلك تقييم الآباء والقائمين على البرنامج للتدخل. يعد برنامجPRE -VIPP بأن يكون تدخلاً عمليًا قصير الأجل وفعالاً للآباء المنتظرين. حاليًا ، تجري مراجعة تجربة معشاة ذات شواهد(RCT) تحقق بشكل منهجي في فعالية هذا البرنامج. نهدف في هذه الورقة إلى تقديم مزيد من المعلومات حول عملية التدخل ، بالإضافة إلى تقييمات الآباء والمتدخلين لهذه العملية ، وفوائد استخدام التصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية في التدخلات الخاصة بالتربية الأبوية.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Caring for an excessively crying infant (ECI) can be stressful for mothers and fathers and is associated with mental and bonding problems. Hair cortisol offers a unique measure for the biological reaction of the body to stress over time.
    METHODS: In this case-control study, scalp hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) were measured using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS) in 35 mothers and 23 fathers and their ECIs. The control group consisted of 64 mothers and 63 fathers of non-ECIs of similar age. Parental stress, depression, anxiety and bonding were assessed using validated questionnaires.
    RESULTS: Mean HCC were significantly lower in mothers and fathers of ECIs (2.3 pg/mg, 95% CI 1.8-2.9 and 1.6 pg/mg, 95% CI 1.3-2.0) than that in control mothers and fathers (3.2 pg/mg, 95% CI 3.0-3.7 and 2.9 pg/mg, 95% CI 2.5-3.5). In the total group of parents and within the parents of ECIs, HCC were not associated with negative feelings. In the control group, HCC showed a positive association with stress and depression (r = 0.207, p = 0.020 and r = 0.221, p = 0.013). In infants, no differences were found in mean HCC between the ECI group and the control group. No associations were found between maternal and infant HCC, paternal and infant HCC and maternal and paternal HCC.
    CONCLUSIONS: Parents of ECIs showed significantly lower HCC than control parents, reflecting a diminished response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. More research is needed to examine whether this decrease in response is pre-existing or caused by excessive infant crying.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonresidential fatherhood contributes to the fact that over 70% of African American (AA) children grow up in homes without their biological fathers. In the absence of gender-specific parental guidance, AA young men who become fathers may lack paternal-parenting preparation.
    This secondary data analysis describes the verbal exchange of fatherhood perspectives among four experienced fathers and one adolescent father who participated in a pilot of group-based fatherhood intervention. Qualitative descriptive case study methodology guided by Social Learning Theory was used to explore the transmission of fathering perspectives between fathers.
    Qualitative thematic analysis affirmed that adverse emotional and psychological distress may be avoided with positive parenting preparedness. Culturally-specific group-based bidirectional learning can transmit fatherhood knowledge and skills to adolescent nonresidential fathers and this new perspective can contribute to adolescent wellbeing.
    There is a need to investigate channels for AA adolescent boys, young men and fathers to engage in cultural-congruent paternal modeling in the event that their biological father or other social father role models are absent from their lives.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Although both mothers and fathers are essential sources of information to address early socioemotional/behavioral (SEB) problems, there continues to be a dearth of studies considering both parental views. A sample of 208 toddlers (Mage = 19.3 months) was recruited through public child health centers. Both parents of 172 toddlers (76 boys, 96 girls) completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 1-5 (T.M. Achenbach & L.A. Rescorla, 2000; Finnish translation by F. Almqvist, ). Correspondence (intraclass correlation coefficients; ICCs) between the maternal and paternal CBCL ratings was good (.64) for the Internalizing and excellent (.76) for the Externalizing and Total Problems scores whereas ICCs varied from .45 for the Withdrawn to .76 for the Sleep Problems and Aggressive Behavior syndrome scores. Regarding discrepancies, mothers consistently reported higher CBCL scale scores than did fathers. Most significant differences between the parental ratings were found on the Aggressive Behavior syndrome, Externalizing, and Total Problems scales. Interparental rating discrepancies increased with elevations in the corresponding CBCL scale scores. Positive correlations were found between maternal, but not paternal, parenting stress and interparental rating discrepancies on the CBCL. The observed differences between maternal and paternal ratings highlight the importance of gathering reports from both parents when assessing early SEB problems. The findings are more profoundly discussed in the article.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) health care professionals typically give most of their attention to the infants and the mothers while many fathers feel uncertain and have an unmet need for support and guidance. This paper describes and discusses participatory action research (PAR) as a method to improve NICUs\' service for fathers. Our goal is to develop a father-friendly NICU where both the needs of fathers and mothers are met using an approach based on PAR that involves fathers, mothers, interdisciplinary healthcare professionals, and managers.
    METHODS: This PAR process was carried out from August 2011 to July 2013 and included participant observations, semi-structured interviews, multi sequential interviews, workshops, focus groups, group discussion, and a seminar. The theoretical framework of validity described by Herr and Anderson\'s three criteria; process-, democratic-, and catalytic validity were used to discuss this PAR.
    RESULTS: Twelve fathers, 11 mothers, 48 health professionals and managers participated in the PAR process. The collaboration ensured the engagement for viable and constructive local changes to be used in designing the concept of the father friendly NICU.
    CONCLUSIONS: This paper contributed new knowledge of how PAR can be used to ensure that participants engaged in the field are involved in the entire process; consequently, this will ensure that the changes are feasible and sustainable.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Puerperal psychosis (PP) is a psychiatric disorder that occurs in 1 out of 1000 pregnancies. Well known since antiquity, its symptoms have often been described in mothers, but few studies have successfully investigated a related disorder in fathers. The characteristic of this pathology is more related to its appearance than to its semiological description which is why its nosographic place is always discussed. The objective here is to focus on the definition of PP and to suggest an entity for both genders.
    METHODS: Our case report focused on the clinical description of an eighteen-year-old man suffering from an acute psychosis episode that occurred around the birth of his first child. Delusion followed a sudden decline in mood that lasted for a short period of time during the course of the third trimester of his wife\'s pregnancy. The delirium was rich with auditory and cenesthesic hallucinations, pregnancy and birth denial, feeling movements and hearing voices in his stomach. The symptoms disappeared after one month of treatment via an antipsychotic drug, risperidone.
    CONCLUSIONS: We can confirm that the symptomatic description of the disorder in this patient fits the classical descriptions of PP. Two elements make the PP different from other acute psychoses: the context of pregnancy and delirium focused on the child which can lead to a child murder. The absence of a framework precisely defining the PP does not improve its prevention and can lead to legal attitudes rather than medical care. Men suffering from acute psychosis in a context of pregnancy are submitted to the same risks as women. It is necessary to emphasize descriptions of PP in men to redefine the disease and consider that this entity involves both men and women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Effects of maternal and paternal depression on child development are typically evaluated using parental reports of child problems. Yet, parental reports may be biased.
    METHODS: In a population-based cohort, parents reported lifetime depression (N = 3,178) and depressive symptoms (N = 3,131). Child emotional and behavioral problems were assessed at age 6 years by child self-report using the Berkeley Puppet Interview, by mother report using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and at age 3 years by father and mother reported CBCLs.
    RESULTS: Both maternal and paternal depression was associated with more child problems. Associations were of similar strength if child problems were obtained by self-reports. However, if parents reported about their own depression or depressive symptoms and about their child\'s problems, estimates were generally stronger for associations with the reporting parent\'s depression as the determinant. For instance, if mothers reported child emotional problems, associations were stronger for maternal (B = 0.27; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.19, 0.35) than for paternal lifetime depression (B = 0.12; 95% CI = 0.02, 0.21; P-value for difference = 0.02).
    CONCLUSIONS: Depression of mothers and fathers affects young children\'s well-being. However, if parents reported about their own depression and about child problems, associations were inflated. To accurately estimate effects of parental depression, multiple-source data including young children\'s perspectives must be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Enuresis nocturna (EN) is a chronic medical disorder that may cause a parent to question their parenting ability and contribute to an inability to perform the parental role. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of EN on the relationship between parents, and the effect of mood changes in the couples on the children.
    METHODS: Forty children with EN (group 1) were enrolled in the study, and 44 consecutive healthy children (group 2) were randomly selected from the same school. The clinical diagnosis for the patient group was based on a careful history. Spielberg\'s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) were applied to all parents, and the answers were recorded.
    RESULTS: STAI scores differed between the mothers in the two groups in terms of trait anxiety, while significant differences between the fathers in terms of both state and trait anxiety were observed. The BDI scores were similar between the two groups. The scores of dyadic consensus were lower in the mothers, while the affectional expression scores were lower in the EN study group fathers compared with controls. The total DAS scores were significantly lower in the parents of the children with EN.
    CONCLUSIONS: The parents of children with EN seem to experience increased levels of anxiety. Their desire to continue the marital relationship, the overall quality of their marital relationship and their comfort as a family may also be negatively affected by having a child with EN.





