
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The current evidence regarding interventions to improve oral health in older hospital patients is unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: This scoping review assesses the scope and nature of research activities and identifies gaps in the existing literature.
    METHODS: The inclusion criteria for this study included adults over the age of 65 years who were treated as inpatient outside of intensive care units and covered all interventions aimed at promoting oral health or hygiene.
    RESULTS: The systematic search yielded 12 final studies, focusing on oral healthcare interventions in various settings, primarily in high-income countries. The studies employed diverse designs including randomized controlled trials and prospective studies, with interventions mainly provided by multidisciplinary teams. The interventions aimed to improve oral health or prevent pneumonia. Overall, the studies highlighted a potential effectiveness of multidisciplinary approaches in improving oral health and preventing pneumonia in geriatric populations.
    CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review shows a limited and heterogeneous evidence base for oral health interventions for older patients in hospitals. The need for patient involvement is evident; however, there is often a lack of high-quality studies to draw robust conclusions.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die derzeit verfügbare Evidenz in Bezug auf Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Mundgesundheit älterer Patienten im Krankenhaus ist unklar. ZIEL: Der vorliegende Scoping-Review bewertet den Umfang und die Art der Forschungsaktivitäten und identifiziert Forschungslücken in der vorhandenen Literatur.
    METHODS: Die Einschlusskriterien für diese Studie umfassten Erwachsene über 65 Jahre, die außerhalb von Intensivstationen stationär behandelt wurden, und umfassten alle Interventionen zur Förderung der Mundgesundheit oder Hygiene.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Suche ergab 12 eingeschlossene Studien, die verschiedene Designs, darunter randomisierte kontrollierte Studien und prospektive Studien, verwendeten, wobei die Interventionen hauptsächlich von multidisziplinären Teams durchgeführt wurden. Die Interventionen zielten darauf ab, die Mundgesundheit zu verbessern oder Lungenentzündungen zu verhindern. Insgesamt zeigten die Studien eine potenzielle Wirksamkeit multidisziplinärer Ansätze bei der Verbesserung der Mundgesundheit und der Vorbeugung von Lungenentzündungen in geriatrischen Populationen.
    UNASSIGNED: Dieser Scoping-Review zeigt eine begrenzte und heterogene Evidenzbasis zu oralen Gesundheitsinterventionen für ältere Patienten in Krankenhäusern. Die Notwendigkeit einer Patientenbeteiligung ist evident. Es fehlen vielfach jedoch qualitativ hochwertige Studien, um robuste Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows to interact with recreated digital environments and situations with enhanced realism. VR has shown good acceptability and promise in different mental health conditions. No systematic review has evaluated the use of VR in Bipolar Disorder (BD). This PRISMA-compliant systematic review searched PubMed and Web of Science databases (PROSPERO: CRD42023467737) to identify studies conducted in individuals with BD in which VR was used. Results were systematically synthesized around four categories (cognitive and functional evaluation, clinical assessment, response to VR and safety/acceptability). Eleven studies were included (267 individuals, mean age = 36.6 years, 60.7% females). Six studies using VR to carry out a cognitive evaluation detected impairments in neuropsychological performance and delayed reaction times. VR was used to assess emotional regulation. No differences in well-being between VR-based and physical calm rooms were found. A VR-based stress management program reduced subjective stress, depression, and anxiety levels. VR-based cognitive remediation improved cognition, depressive symptoms, and emotional awareness. 48.7% of the individuals with BD considered VR-based cognitive remediation \'excellent\', whereas 28.2% considered it \'great\'. 87.2% of individuals did not report any side effects. 81.8% of studies received a global quality rating of moderate. Emerging data point towards a promising use of VR in BD as an acceptable assessment/intervention tool. However, multiple unstudied domains as comorbidity, relapse and prodromal symptoms should be investigated. Research on children and adolescents is also recommended. Further research and replication of findings are required to disentangle which VR-interventions for which populations and outcomes are effective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2016, large-scale 20 miles per hour speed limits were introduced in the United Kingdom cities of Edinburgh and Belfast. This paper investigates the role that scientific evidence played in the policy decisions to implement lower speed limits in the two cities.
    METHODS: Using a qualitative case study design, we undertook content analysis of a range of documents to explore and describe the evolution of the two schemes and the ways in which evidence informed decision-making. In total, we identified 16 documents for Edinburgh, published between 2006 and 2016, and 19 documents for Belfast, published between 2002 and 2016.
    RESULTS: In both cities, evidence on speed, collisions and casualties was important for initiating discussions on large-scale 20 mph policies. However, the narrative shifted over time to the idea that 20 mph would contribute to a wider range of aspirations, none of which were firmly grounded in evidence, but may have helped to neutralize opposing discourses.
    CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between evidence and decision-making in Edinburgh and Belfast was neither simple nor linear. Widening of the narrative appears to have helped to frame the idea in such a way that it had broad acceptability, without which there would have been no implementation, and probably a lot more push back from vested interests and communities than there was.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By reversing the questions and focusing on the perpetrator\'s behavior, the notion of coercive control revolutionizes the apprehension and understanding of violence within the family for all its members. This heuristic approach, which represents a genuine paradigm shift, has legal, semiological and diagnostic effects. It creates a new professional ecosystem that enables us to respond differently to two fundamental missions: caring and justice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Politicization and misinformation or disinformation of unproven COVID-19 therapies have resulted in communication challenges in presenting science to the public, especially in times of heightened public trepidation and uncertainty.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine how scientific evidence and uncertainty were portrayed in US news on 3 unproven COVID-19 therapeutics, prior to the development of proven therapeutics and vaccines.
    METHODS: We conducted a media analysis of unproven COVID-19 therapeutics in early 2020. A total of 479 discussions of unproven COVID-19 therapeutics (hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and convalescent plasma) in traditional and online US news reports from January 1, 2020, to July 30, 2020, were systematically analyzed for theme, scientific evidence, evidence details and limitations, safety, efficacy, and sources of authority.
    RESULTS: The majority of discussions included scientific evidence (n=322, 67%) although only 24% (n=116) of them mentioned publications. \"Government\" was the most frequently named source of authority for safety and efficacy claims on remdesivir (n=43, 35%) while \"expert\" claims were mostly mentioned for convalescent plasma (n=22, 38%). Most claims on hydroxychloroquine (n=236, 79%) were offered by a \"prominent person,\" of which 97% (n=230) were from former US President Trump. Despite the inclusion of scientific evidence, many claims of the safety and efficacy were made by nonexperts. Few news reports expressed scientific uncertainty in discussions of unproven COVID-19 therapeutics as limitations of evidence were infrequently included in the body of news reports (n=125, 26%) and rarely found in headlines (n=2, 2%) or lead paragraphs (n=9, 9%; P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight that while scientific evidence is discussed relatively frequently in news reports, scientific uncertainty is infrequently reported and rarely found in prominent headlines and lead paragraphs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Internet of Things forensics is a specialised field within digital forensics that focuses on the identification of security incidents, as well as the collection and analysis of evidence with the aim of preventing future attacks on IoT networks. IoT forensics differs from other digital forensic fields due to the unique characteristics of IoT devices, such as limited processing power and connectivity. Although numerous studies are available on IoT forensics, the field is rapidly evolving, and comprehensive surveys are needed to keep up with new developments, emerging threats, and evolving best practices. In this respect, this paper aims to review the state of the art in IoT forensics and discuss the challenges in current investigation techniques. A qualitative analysis of related reviews in the field of IoT forensics has been conducted, identifying key issues and assessing primary obstacles. Despite the variety of topics and approaches, common issues emerge. The majority of these issues are related to the collection and pre-processing of evidence because of the counter-analysis techniques and challenges associated with gathering data from devices and the cloud. Our analysis extends beyond technological problems; it further identifies the procedural problems with preparedness, reporting, and presentation as well as ethical issues. In particular, it provides insights into emerging threats and challenges in IoT forensics, increases awareness and understanding of the importance of IoT forensics in preventing cybercrimes, and ensures the security and privacy of IoT devices and networks. Our findings make a substantial contribution to the field of IoT forensics, as they not only involve a critical analysis of the challenges presented in existing works but also identify numerous problems. These insights will greatly assist researchers in identifying appropriate directions for their future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the methodology, evidence, recommendations, quality, and implementation of traditional Chinese patent medicine (CPM) guidelines.
    METHODS: We retrieved clinical application guidelines of CPM published from 2019 to 2022. Independent screening and data extraction were performed by two evaluators. The basic information about the guidelines, including evidence and recommendations, were extracted and statistically analyzed. Quality and implementation were evaluated using the Implementation Evaluation Tool and Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) II.
    RESULTS: In total, 29 guidelines were analyzed, including 262 recommendations and 2308 references. All the CPM guidelines followed the principle of \"evidence as a core, consensus as a supplement, and experience as a reference\" and the methods provided by WHO Handbook. An average of 89 references were cited in each guideline and 8 in each recommendation. Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews constituted 89 % and 0.9 %, respectively, of all references. Low or very low-quality evidence characterized 74.5 % and weak recommendations characterized 83.6 %. Of all recommendations, 13.7 % were based on expert consensus, and 9.5 % of strong recommendations were based on low or very low-quality evidence. The AGREE II scores for each domain were: scope and purpose (79.63 %) and editorial independence (79.27 %), followed by clarity of presentation (72.59 %), stakeholder involvement (69.99 %), rigor of development (53.97 %) and applicability (5.11 %). The implementation quality of most guidelines was either high (44.8 %) or moderate (55.2 %).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results for CPM guidelines were impressive in terms of methodology, quality, and implementation. However, confidence in CPM recommendations was downgraded by low quality of evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Poverty-related diseases (PRD) remain amongst the leading causes of death in children under-5 years in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) based on the best available evidence are key to strengthening health systems and helping to enhance equitable health access for children under five. However, the CPG development process is complex and resource-intensive, with substantial scope for improving the process in SSA, which is the goal of the Global Evidence, Local Adaptation (GELA) project. The impact of research on PRD will be maximized through enhancing researchers and decision makers\' capacity to use global research to develop locally relevant CPGs in the field of newborn and child health. The project will be implemented in three SSA countries, Malawi, South Africa and Nigeria, over a 3-year period. This research protocol is for the monitoring and evaluation work package of the project. The aim of this work package is to monitor the various GELA project activities and evaluate the influence these may have on evidence-informed decision-making and guideline adaptation capacities and processes. The specific project activities we will monitor include (1) our ongoing engagement with local stakeholders, (2) their capacity needs and development, (3) their understanding and use of evidence from reviews of qualitative research and, (4) their overall views and experiences of the project.
    METHODS: We will use a longitudinal, mixed-methods study design, informed by an overarching project Theory of Change. A series of interconnected qualitative and quantitative data collections methods will be used, including knowledge translation tracking sheets and case studies, capacity assessment online surveys, user testing and in-depth interviews, and non-participant observations of project activities. Participants will comprise of project staff, members of the CPG panels and steering committees in Malawi, South Africa and Nigeria, as well as other local stakeholders in these three African countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ongoing monitoring and evaluation will help ensure the relationship between researchers and stakeholders is supported from the project start. This can facilitate achievement of common goals and enable researchers in South Africa, Malawi and Nigeria to make adjustments to project activities to maximize stakeholder engagement and research utilization. Ethical approval has been provided by South African Medical Research Council Human Research Ethics Committee (EC015-7/2022); The College of Medicine Research and Ethics Committee, Malawi (P.07/22/3687); National Health Research Ethics Committee of Nigeria (01/01/2007).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tinnitus, the perception of sound without an external source, affects 15% of the population, with 2.4% experiencing significant distress. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge about tinnitus management with a particular focus on the translation into clinical practice. In the first section, we analyze shortcomings, knowledge gaps, and challenges in the field of tinnitus research. Then, we highlight the relevance of the diagnostic process to account for tinnitus heterogeneity and to identify all relevant aspects of the tinnitus in an individual patient, such as etiological aspects, pathophysiological mechanisms, factors that contribute most to suffering, and comorbidities. In the next section, we review available treatment options, including counselling, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), hearing aids and cochlear implants for patients with a relevant hearing loss, sound generators, novel auditory stimulation approaches, tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT), pharmacological treatment, neurofeedback, brain stimulation, bimodal stimulation, Internet- and app-based digital approaches, and alternative treatment approaches. The evidence for the effectiveness of the various treatment interventions varies considerably. We also discuss differences in current respective guideline recommendations and close with a discussion of how current pathophysiological knowledge, latest scientific evidence, and patient perspectives can be translated in patient-centered care.





