
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The current evidence regarding interventions to improve oral health in older hospital patients is unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: This scoping review assesses the scope and nature of research activities and identifies gaps in the existing literature.
    METHODS: The inclusion criteria for this study included adults over the age of 65 years who were treated as inpatient outside of intensive care units and covered all interventions aimed at promoting oral health or hygiene.
    RESULTS: The systematic search yielded 12 final studies, focusing on oral healthcare interventions in various settings, primarily in high-income countries. The studies employed diverse designs including randomized controlled trials and prospective studies, with interventions mainly provided by multidisciplinary teams. The interventions aimed to improve oral health or prevent pneumonia. Overall, the studies highlighted a potential effectiveness of multidisciplinary approaches in improving oral health and preventing pneumonia in geriatric populations.
    CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review shows a limited and heterogeneous evidence base for oral health interventions for older patients in hospitals. The need for patient involvement is evident; however, there is often a lack of high-quality studies to draw robust conclusions.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die derzeit verfügbare Evidenz in Bezug auf Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Mundgesundheit älterer Patienten im Krankenhaus ist unklar. ZIEL: Der vorliegende Scoping-Review bewertet den Umfang und die Art der Forschungsaktivitäten und identifiziert Forschungslücken in der vorhandenen Literatur.
    METHODS: Die Einschlusskriterien für diese Studie umfassten Erwachsene über 65 Jahre, die außerhalb von Intensivstationen stationär behandelt wurden, und umfassten alle Interventionen zur Förderung der Mundgesundheit oder Hygiene.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Suche ergab 12 eingeschlossene Studien, die verschiedene Designs, darunter randomisierte kontrollierte Studien und prospektive Studien, verwendeten, wobei die Interventionen hauptsächlich von multidisziplinären Teams durchgeführt wurden. Die Interventionen zielten darauf ab, die Mundgesundheit zu verbessern oder Lungenentzündungen zu verhindern. Insgesamt zeigten die Studien eine potenzielle Wirksamkeit multidisziplinärer Ansätze bei der Verbesserung der Mundgesundheit und der Vorbeugung von Lungenentzündungen in geriatrischen Populationen.
    UNASSIGNED: Dieser Scoping-Review zeigt eine begrenzte und heterogene Evidenzbasis zu oralen Gesundheitsinterventionen für ältere Patienten in Krankenhäusern. Die Notwendigkeit einer Patientenbeteiligung ist evident. Es fehlen vielfach jedoch qualitativ hochwertige Studien, um robuste Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows to interact with recreated digital environments and situations with enhanced realism. VR has shown good acceptability and promise in different mental health conditions. No systematic review has evaluated the use of VR in Bipolar Disorder (BD). This PRISMA-compliant systematic review searched PubMed and Web of Science databases (PROSPERO: CRD42023467737) to identify studies conducted in individuals with BD in which VR was used. Results were systematically synthesized around four categories (cognitive and functional evaluation, clinical assessment, response to VR and safety/acceptability). Eleven studies were included (267 individuals, mean age = 36.6 years, 60.7% females). Six studies using VR to carry out a cognitive evaluation detected impairments in neuropsychological performance and delayed reaction times. VR was used to assess emotional regulation. No differences in well-being between VR-based and physical calm rooms were found. A VR-based stress management program reduced subjective stress, depression, and anxiety levels. VR-based cognitive remediation improved cognition, depressive symptoms, and emotional awareness. 48.7% of the individuals with BD considered VR-based cognitive remediation \'excellent\', whereas 28.2% considered it \'great\'. 87.2% of individuals did not report any side effects. 81.8% of studies received a global quality rating of moderate. Emerging data point towards a promising use of VR in BD as an acceptable assessment/intervention tool. However, multiple unstudied domains as comorbidity, relapse and prodromal symptoms should be investigated. Research on children and adolescents is also recommended. Further research and replication of findings are required to disentangle which VR-interventions for which populations and outcomes are effective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the methodology, evidence, recommendations, quality, and implementation of traditional Chinese patent medicine (CPM) guidelines.
    METHODS: We retrieved clinical application guidelines of CPM published from 2019 to 2022. Independent screening and data extraction were performed by two evaluators. The basic information about the guidelines, including evidence and recommendations, were extracted and statistically analyzed. Quality and implementation were evaluated using the Implementation Evaluation Tool and Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) II.
    RESULTS: In total, 29 guidelines were analyzed, including 262 recommendations and 2308 references. All the CPM guidelines followed the principle of \"evidence as a core, consensus as a supplement, and experience as a reference\" and the methods provided by WHO Handbook. An average of 89 references were cited in each guideline and 8 in each recommendation. Randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews constituted 89 % and 0.9 %, respectively, of all references. Low or very low-quality evidence characterized 74.5 % and weak recommendations characterized 83.6 %. Of all recommendations, 13.7 % were based on expert consensus, and 9.5 % of strong recommendations were based on low or very low-quality evidence. The AGREE II scores for each domain were: scope and purpose (79.63 %) and editorial independence (79.27 %), followed by clarity of presentation (72.59 %), stakeholder involvement (69.99 %), rigor of development (53.97 %) and applicability (5.11 %). The implementation quality of most guidelines was either high (44.8 %) or moderate (55.2 %).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results for CPM guidelines were impressive in terms of methodology, quality, and implementation. However, confidence in CPM recommendations was downgraded by low quality of evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Testing for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an important consideration regarding treatment for malaria. G6PD deficiency may lead to haemolytic anaemia during malaria treatment and, therefore, determining G6PD deficiency in malaria treatment strategies is extremely important.
    METHODS: This report presents the results of a scoping review and evidence and gap map for consideration by the Guideline Development Group for G6PD near patient tests to support radical cure of Plasmodium vivax. This scoping review has investigated common diagnostic tests for G6PD deficiency and important contextual and additional factors for decision-making. These factors include six of the considerations recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) handbook for guideline development as important to determining the direction and strength of a recommendation, and included \'acceptability\', \'feasibility,\' \'equity,\' \'valuation of outcomes,\' \'gender\' and \'human rights\'. The aim of this scoping review is to inform the direction of future systematic reviews and evidence syntheses, which can then better inform the development of WHO recommendations regarding the use of G6PD deficiency testing as part of malaria treatment strategies.
    RESULTS: A comprehensive search was performed, including published, peer-reviewed literature for any article, of any study design and methodology that investigated G6PD diagnostic tests and the factors of \'acceptability\', \'feasibility,\' \'equity,\' \'valuation of outcomes,\' \'gender\' and \'human rights\'. There were 1152 studies identified from the search, of which 14 were determined to be eligible for inclusion into this review. The studies contained data from over 21 unique countries that had considered G6PD diagnostic testing as part of a malaria treatment strategy. The relationship between contextual and additional factors, diagnostic tests for G6PD deficiency and study methodology is presented in an overall evidence and gap, which showed that majority of the evidence was for the contextual factors for diagnostic tests, and the \'Standard G6PD (SD Biosensor)\' test.
    CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review has produced a dynamic evidence and gap map that is reactive to emerging evidence within the field of G6PD diagnostic testing. The evidence and gap map has provided a comprehensive depiction of all the available literature that address the contextual and additional factors important for decision-making, regarding specific G6PD diagnostic tests. The majority of data available investigating the contextual factors of interest relates to quantitative G6PD diagnostic tests. While a formal qualitative synthesis of this data as part of a systematic review is possible, the data may be too heterogenous for this to be appropriate. These results can now be used to inform future direction of WHO Guideline Development Groups for G6PD near patient tests to support radical cure of P. vivax malaria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) experience many health and social inequalities. Increasing physical activity is a proven intervention to address such inequalities, yet the physical activity rates of this population are substantially lower than the general population. Aim: Research has been growing to understand why this is and how to intervene to increase the physical activity levels of people with ID. Method: Using a behavioural epidemiological framework, the research in this area from barriers and facilitators of physical activity to translational research testing interventions within natural settings is reviewed. Findings from a total of 14 reviews and eight empirical studies and protocols were included. Results: Whilst there are multiple investigations into what promotes or enhances physical activity for people with ID, findings from intervention studies show few successful outcomes. Gaps within the existing research are identified and recommendations about how intervention efficacy might be improved are provided to inform future research and practice. Conclusion: Findings from previous research on barriers and facilitators can be further capitalised on and intervention studies should be underpinned by better links to theory and more systemic approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This rapid review delves into the realm of social prescribing as a novel approach to suicide prevention by addressing the social determinants of health. Through an exploration of various databases including MEDLINE, PsychInfo, WILEY, and Sage, a total of 3,063 articles were initially identified as potentially relevant to the research. Following a meticulous screening process, 13 articles were included in the final review, shedding light on the potential effectiveness and impact of social prescribing interventions on suicide prevention. Key findings indicate the need for additional monitoring and support for individuals at risk of suicide, emphasising warm referrals and sustained connections after referral to enhance the efficacy of social prescribing models. The review also highlights the importance of social capital and trust among vulnerable populations, underscoring the significance of community-based referrals in suicide prevention initiatives. Overall, this review identifies the potential of social prescribing as a valuable tool in mitigating suicide risk factors and promoting mental health and wellbeing in diverse populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Palliative care chaplains conduct spiritual assessments for those within their care. This narrative review examined the literature concerning existing spiritual assessment models developed or designated for palliative care chaplain use. The literature review was performed using four databases, including a hand search of references due to the variability of keywords used within the spiritual care literature. Five spiritual assessment models were identified. The analysis of the models focused on three areas: (1) Foundational basis, (2) Spiritual needs, and (3) Structural frameworks. Published spiritual assessment models for palliative care chaplain use are variable in how each one was formed, how each tool describes and structures spiritual care needs, and how the models are implemented within their respective contexts. The PC-7 advances the field, especially through its mixed methods approach. Future validation and reliability research is needed as well as investigations concerning which models are taught by chaplain educators and used by palliative care chaplains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    YouTube® is one of the leading platforms for health information. However, the lack of regulation of content and quality raises concerns about accuracy and reliability. CoMICs (Concise Medical Information Cines) are evidence-based short videos created by medical students and junior doctors and reviewed by experts to ensure clinical accuracy. We performed a systematic review to understand the impact of videos on knowledge and awareness about diabetes and PCOS. We then evaluated the quality of YouTube® videos about diabetes and PCOS using various validated quality assessment tools and compared these with CoMICs videos on the same topics. Quality assessment tools like DISCERN, JAMA benchmark criteria, and global quality scale (GQS) score were employed. Some of the authors of this study also co-authored the creation of some of the CoMICs evaluated. Our study revealed that while videos effectively improve understanding of diabetes and PCOS, there are notable differences in quality and reliability of the videos on YouTube®. For diabetes, CoMICs videos had higher DISCERN scores (CoMICs vs YouTube®: 2.4 vs 1.6), superior reliability (P < 0.01), and treatment quality (P < 0.01) and met JAMA criteria for authorship (100% vs 30.6%) and currency (100% vs 53.1%). For PCOS, CoMICs had higher DISCERN scores (2.9 vs 1.9), reliability (P < 0.01), and treatment quality (P < 0.01); met JAMA criteria for authorship (100% vs 34.0%) and currency (100% vs 54.0%); and had higher GQS scores (4.0 vs 3.0). In conclusion, CoMICs outperformed other similar sources on YouTube® in providing reliable evidence-based medical information which may be used for patient education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food allergy represents a global health problem impacting patients\' and caregivers\' quality of life and contributing to increased healthcare costs. Efforts to identify preventive measures starting from pregnancy have recently intensified. This review aims to provide an overview of the role of maternal factors in food allergy prevention. Several studies indicate that avoiding food allergens during pregnancy does not reduce the risk of developing food allergies. International guidelines unanimously discourage avoidance diets due to potential adverse effects on essential nutrient intake and overall health for both women and children. Research on probiotics and prebiotics during pregnancy as preventive measures is promising, though evidence remains limited. Consequently, guidelines lack specific recommendations for their use in preventing food allergies. Similarly, given the absence of conclusive evidence, it is not possible to formulate definitive conclusions on the supplementation of vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), and other antioxidant substances. A combination of maternal interventions, breastfeeding, and early introduction of foods to infants can reduce the risk of food allergies in the child. Further studies are needed to clarify the interaction between genetics, immunological pathways, and environmental factors.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: Stroke burden is largely due to long-term impairments requiring prolonged care with loss of productivity. We aimed to identify and assess studies of different registered pharmacological therapies as treatments to improve post-stroke impairments and/or disabilities.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed a systematic-search-and-review of treatments that have been investigated as recovery-enhancing or recovery-promoting therapies in adult patients with stroke. The treatment must have received registration or market authorization in any country regardless of primary indication. Outcomes included in the review were neurological impairments and functional/disability assessments. \"The best available studies\" based on study design, study size, and/or date of publication were selected and graded for level of evidence (LOE) by consensus.
    UNASSIGNED: Our systematic search yielded 7,801 citations, and we reviewed 665 full-text papers. Fifty-eight publications were selected as \"the best studies\" across 25 pharmacological classes: 31 on ischemic stroke, 21 on ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, 4 on intracerebral hemorrhage, and 2 on subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Twenty-six were systematic reviews/meta-analyses, 29 were randomized clinical trials (RCTs), and three were cohort studies. Only nimodipine for SAH had LOE A of benefit (systematic review and network meta-analysis). Many studies, some of which showed treatment effects, were assessed as LOE C-LD, mainly due to small sample sizes or poor quality. Seven interventions had LOE B-R (systematic review/meta-analysis or RCT) of treatment effects.
    UNASSIGNED: Only one commercially available treatment has LOE A for routine use in stroke. Further studies of putative neuroprotective drugs as adjunctive treatment to revascularization procedures and more confirmatory trials on recovery-promoting therapies will enhance the certainty of their benefit. The decision on their use must be guided by the clinical profile, neurological impairments, and target outcomes based on the available evidence.
    UNASSIGNED: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=376973, PROSPERO, CRD42022376973.





