
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Plants that contain brewing microorganisms are used in traditional fermentation starters, which are an essential part of local diet, nutrition, life, and health. Regionally, the plant species used and the microorganisms included in traditional fermentation starters are diverse, endowing local fermented drinks with different flavors and health benefits. However, related traditional knowledge has been scarcely documented or revealed.
    METHODS: An ethnobotanical survey was conducted in five towns of Nayong County in northwestern Guizhou, China. Snowball sampling, semi-structured interviews, free lists, and participatory observation were used to collect information on Jiuqu Plants (JPs) and jiuqu-making techniques. The PacBio platform was used to study the microbial community structure and diversity in the Chuanqing people\'s jiuqu.
    RESULTS: In total, 225 informants were interviewed, including 116 who provided plants and technological processes for making Chinese baijiu jiuqu (CBJ) and 139 who provided information about making fermented glutinous rice jiuqu (FGRJ). This study found that older people have more abundant knowledge about CBJ plants. Poaceae was found to be the dominant family used in making CBJ and FGRJ (7 species each). Compared to individual plant parts, the whole plant is most commonly used in two kinds of jiuqu (19.5% in CBJ and 22.6% in FGRJ). The Chuanqing people\'s jiuqu is used to treat dietary stagnation and indigestion. The highest relative frequency of citation of the CBJ plant was Ficus tikoua Bureau, and the counterpart of the FGRJ plant was Buddleja macrostachya Benth. The dominant bacterial species in jiuqu were Gluconobacter japonicus (YQ1, YQ4) and Pediococcus pentosaceus (YQ2, YQ3), and the dominant fungal species was Rhizopus oryzae.
    CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, this study documents the unique traditional jiuqu knowledge and reveals the microbial mystery behind the FGRJ of the Chuanqing people. Therefore, this study encourages the use of online social media platforms in order to spread Jiuqu culture, the use of the new media wave in order to create multimedia databases, and also suggests that local communities should develop preservation intervention programs, in addition to nurturing the inheritors in order to prevent the disappearance of traditional Jiuqu knowledge. This research contributes to the conservation and demystification of the traditional jiuqu knowledge of the Chuanqing people and lays the foundation for further research on its microbiology, nutrition, and metabolomics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ethiopia is recognized as one of the centers of origin for the diversity of many plant species, including medicinal plants. Throughout the country, a large proportion of the population relies on these therapeutic plant species for primary healthcare. While such traditional medicinal knowledge has been documented in some regions, there is a lack of information from the Quara district of northwestern Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed to document the indigenous and local knowledge of the use of medicinal plants among three ethnic groups residing in the area.
    METHODS: An ethnobotanical study was conducted from August 2022 to October 2023 in ten kebeles of the Quara district. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, field walks, and focus group discussions with 286 informants using snowball, purposive, and random sampling techniques. Quantitative analyses included Rahman\'s similarity index (RSI), informant consensus factor (ICF), and direct matrix ranking (DMR). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze basic ethnobotanical data.
    RESULTS: A total of 128 medicinal plant species from 112 genera and 50 families were documented and used to treat 14 disease categories. There was a 28% overlap in medicinal plant knowledge among the three ethnic groups studied. Fabaceae was the most represented family with 22 species. Trees accounted for the majority of the documented plants (37.5%), and leaves were the most commonly used plant parts (23.1%). Oral administration (56.7%) of plant extracts was the primary mode of remedy preparation and use. The highest ICF value (0.93) was recorded for circulatory and blood-related disorders. The study identified nine plants and 39 therapeutic uses not previously reported in Ethiopia. The RSI showed high overlap with neighboring areas and low similarity with distant areas. Top-ranked multipurpose plants were Ziziphus spina-christi and Terminalia leiocarpa, with agricultural expansion and fuelwood collection identified as major threats.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrate the rich diversity of medicinal plants and associated traditional knowledge in the Quara district. The high ethnobotanical indices warrant further phytochemical and pharmacological investigations. Integrated conservation efforts are recommended to address the challenges facing these valuable plant resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Wild edible plants (WEPs) are usually considered to constitute all plant resources that are neither cultivated nor domesticated but are used as nutritional supplements by local people. WEPs play a vital role in ensuring food and livelihood security for countless families and communities around the world. The objective of the study was to assess and document wild edible plants used by communities in the Arsi Robe district as food.
    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews, market surveys, and guided field walks were employed as data collection tools. The data were analyzed using preference ranking, direct matrix ranking, and Jaccard\'s similarity index.
    RESULTS: The present study revealed various types of wild edible plants consumed by local communities in the Arsi Robe district of the East Arsi Zone. This could be justified by the documentation of 36 different wild edible plants in the study area. These WEPs belong to 31 genera and 25 families. Most of the growth forms of the edible wild plants in the district were shrubs (16, 44.44%) and trees (14, 38.88%). Amaranthus caudatus and Bridelia micrantha are the most preferred WEPs in the study area. The finding of the study also revealed that Lepidotrichilia volkensii and Premna schimperi are among the novel WEPs that had not before been documented as food items in other areas. Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, Ficus sycomorus, Cordia africana, and Ficus sur are species with multiple uses. Agricultural expansion, charcoal production, the construction of different materials, making agricultural tools, deforestation, and other factors were the top prioritized threats affecting the abundance and diversity of wild edible plants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Along with the sustainable utilization and conservation of the existing WEPs of the study district, priority should be given to the urgent collection, domestication, and cultivation of multiuse wild edible plant species such as Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, Ficus sycomorus, Cordia africana, and Ficus sur in the study area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Historically, the Andean people have experienced uncertainty in terms of the availability of food resources because of climatic and ecological variations that are typical of mountainous environments. Risk management strategies, including the diversified and complementary use and management of species and ecosystems at different elevations, have faced such uncertainty. The current effects of climate change on food security motivate studies on subsistence adaptative strategies. TEK offers extraordinary experience and local biocultural memory to meet present and future needs. From an ethnoecological perspective, we aim to identify the variety of local foods in Andean communities, their cultural and nutritional value for local people, their use frequencies, and their forms to obtain them from different environments, productive systems, and interchanges. We expected to identify traditional Andean diversified subsistence patterns despite the pressure of modern food and interchange systems.
    METHODS: This study was conducted in two communities in the highlands of the Department of Huánuco, Peru. We conducted 24 semistructured interviews with households sampled through the snowball method. We asked about their daily life food, plant and animal components of diet, frequencies and seasons in which they are consumed, and ways to obtain them. We complemented the information through ethnobotanical collection of wild, weedy, and ruderal edible plants and records on domestic and wild animals included in the diet.
    RESULTS: We recorded 37 crop species, 13 domestic animals, 151 wild, weedy, and ruderal food plant species, the 3 most commonly consumed wild animals, and 52 processed products obtained from local stores and markets. The main crops are potato and maize, while the main domestic animals included in the diet are cattle, pigs, and sheep. Rice, pasta, and bread are the main raw and processed foods included in the diet. Crops represent nearly half of the food consumed and purchased (in kg/year), and tubers and cereals provide most of the kilocalories, carbohydrates and proteins. Wild, weedy, and ruderal plants are consumed in relatively low amounts and at relatively low frequencies per species, but overall, they constitute a significant proportion of the kg of annually consumed food (14.4% in Cani and 9.6% in Monte Azul). Knowledge and use of these resources play a key role in local cuisine and nutrition.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current food patterns studied are based on diverse diets, including multiple feedstuffs, sources, and practices to obtain them, which reflects the traditional Andean subsistence pattern. The increasing adoption of processed food has influenced the declining consumption of local food, mainly among young people. Communication and policies to promote local food, emphasizing the role of wild plants and their adequate consumption, and provide information on their nutritional value are recommended to support efforts toward food sovereignty and conservation of Andean biocultural diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnant women in rural Uganda largely rely on medicinal plants for inducing labor, treating postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), and inducing abortion. 90% of the women in both rural and urban Uganda use plants to manage pregnancy symptoms like constipation, heartburn, morning sickness, body aches, nausea, and vomiting. After delivery women continue using plants to manage postpartum complications and for infant care especially herbal baths. This study documented how ethnomedical folklore has been used to aid childbirth, manage postpartum hemorrhage, and induce abortion.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional ethnobotanical survey was conducted from May - December 2023 in Najjemebe sub-county, Buikwe district. 206 respondents from 12 villages were selected using snowball sampling. Key informants included Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) and herbalists. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions. Voucher specimens of the plants were identified and authenticated at Makerere University Herbarium. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Informant Consensus factor (ICF), Use Reports (URs), paired comparisons, and GraphPad Prism® version 9.0.0 software.
    RESULTS: All respondents (N = 206, 100%), used plants to induce labour, treat PPH, and induce abortion. One hundred four plant species were documented: most cited or preferred were: Hoslundia opposita (N = 109, 53%), Phytolacca dodecandra (N = 72, 35%), and Commelina erecta (N = 47, 23%). The plants belonged to 49 families, Lamiaceae (16.3%) and Fabaceae (14.3%) having the majority of the species. Herbs were 42 (40%) and trees 23 (22%). Oral administration 95(72%) was the commonest, then topical 19 (14.4%) and vaginal 14(10.6%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Health surveys revealed that about 27% of deliveries in Uganda take place outside a health facility. Due to the oxytocic effects of plant species reported in this study, they play a triple role of being uterotonics, abortifacients, and treating postpartum haemmorhage. The dilemma lies in the unknown dosages and toxicity levels that could endanger both the mother\'s and the unborn child\'s lives. Due to Uganda\'s high rates of population growth, overall fertility, maternal mortality, and morbidity, policies, and programmes on gendered health provision need to be reevaluated. Integrating herbal medicine into health care systems appears to be a feasible solution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Assessment of wild edible vegetables (WEVs) from the ethnobotanical approach is a significant key to understanding indigenous knowledge systems. The available literature has revealed a tremendous decline in knowledge of WEVs over the last few decades. The main purpose of this study was to document and analyse the traditional knowledge of WEVs among the two major ethnic groups of Mizoram regarding their use and the diversity associated with the importance of traditional medicines. Secondly, a market survey will be conducted to determine the status of available WEVs.
    METHODS: This study conducted an ethnobotanical survey among 72 informants through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires besides direct field observations. The documented data were quantitatively analysed using various ethnobotanical indices, including Informant\'s consensus factor (ICF), Fidelity level value (Fl), and Direct matrix ranking (DMR). A marketing survey was conducted in the Bara Bazar, Mizoram\'s most prominent local market. A total of 38 vendor informants were interviewed to observe and collect the price of commonly sold WEVs.
    RESULTS: A total of 70 WEVs, distributed in 58 genera under 36 families, were documented and identified. Of these, 33 WEVs were of medicinal importance. Leafy vegetables were documented as the most frequently consumed parts (55.71%). The majority (44.29%) of the plants documented were consumed in fried form. The highest level of agreement among informants for food used categories was observed for plants combined with dry fish (ICF = 1). The Informant\'s consensus factor (ICF) of disease categories ranges from 0.75 to 1, with the highest being reported for convulsion (ICF = 1), sleep inducer (ICF = 1), and antiseptic (ICF = 1). Picria fel-terrae was the most preferred plant for hypertension treatment (100% FL). Direct matrix ranking (DMR) indicated that Dysoxylum excelsum was highly utilized by the inhabitant for multipurpose species (DMR = 64). Jaccard similarity index (JI) between the two ethnic groups was revealed at 1.26. Forty-seven WEVs were found to be commercialized in the Bara Bazar market, Aizawl, with a price range from 0.1 to 2.4 USD. Ensete superbum was reported as near threatened per the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work highlighted the importance and rich diversity of WEVs in Mizoram, which are presently used among different age groups for food and medicine. Informants have good knowledge of WEVs, which was shared to a great extent among the inhabitants; this legacy of traditional culture must be conserved. This study further suggests a priority setting for conserving multipurpose WEVs in human-inhabited sites, investigating the recorded species\' nutritional properties and pharmacological activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Baiku Yao, primarily residing in Guangxi and Guizhou provinces of China, is a distinctive branch of the Yao ethnic group, known for their profound cultural preservation and unique ethnobotanical knowledge. This study investigates the Baiku Yao community\'s utilization of traditional food plants, focusing on the relationship between their dietary practices and the local biodiversity within their mountainous living environment. It aims to illuminate the cultural significance and survival strategies embedded in their ethnobotanical knowledge, highlighting the potential for sustainable living and biodiversity conservation.
    METHODS: Through ethnobotanical surveys, key informant interviews, and quantitative analysis techniques such as the cultural food significance index (CFSI) and relative frequency of citations (RFC), this research systematically documents the diversity and cultural importance of edible plants in the Baiku Yao community. The study assesses how these plants contribute to the community\'s diet, traditional medicine, and overall cultural practices.
    RESULTS: A total of 195 traditional edible plants were documented, belonging to 142 genera and 68 families, with a significant concentration in certain families such as Asteraceae, Rosaceae, and Fabaceae. The Baiku Yao diet prominently features herbaceous plants, with wild (103 species) and cultivated (89 species) varieties as diverse food sources. They utilize various plant parts, particularly fruits and leaves, for multiple purposes, including nutrition, medicine, and fodder. Their processing techniques, from raw to fermented, showcase a rich culinary tradition and emphasize a holistic use of plants for enhancing diet and health in a concise overview. The RFC and CFSI analyses reveal a deep cultural reliance on a variety of plant species, with a notable emphasis on vegetables, fruits, spices, and medicinal herbs. Specific plants like Zingiber officinale, Zea mays, and Oryza sativa were highlighted for their high cultural significance. The study also uncovers the multifunctional use of these plants, not only as food but also for medicinal purposes, fodder, and other cultural applications, reflecting the Baiku Yao\'s profound ecological wisdom and their harmonious coexistence with nature.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings emphasize the rich ethnobotanical knowledge possessed by the Baiku Yao, underscoring the importance of documenting, safeguarding, and transmitting this invaluable traditional knowledge. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of cultural heritage and biodiversity conservation, advocating for concerted efforts to protect such traditional practices against the threats of modernization and cultural erosion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of medicinal plants to treat various veterinary illnesses has been practiced for millennia in many civilizations. Punjab is home to a diverse ethnic community, the majority of whom work in dairy farming, agriculture, and allied professions and have indigenous practices of treating animal illnesses using native flora. This study was designed to (1) document and preserve information about the applications of medicinal plant species in ethnoveterinary remedies among inhabitants of Punjab, Pakistan, and (2) identify popular plants for disease treatment by quantitative analysis of the obtained data and to assess the pharmacological relevance of these species.
    METHODS: To collect data from informants (N = 279), questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used. The ethnoveterinary data were analyzed using principal component analysis, relative frequency citation, fidelity level, relative popularity level, and rank order priority.
    RESULTS: A total of 114 plant species utilized in the ethnoveterinary medicinal system were found, which were divided into 56 families and used to treat 16 different illnesses. The Poaceae family, with 16 species, was the most common in the region. The most commonly employed growth form in herbal preparation was herb (49%). The most used part in ethnoveterinary remedies was leaves (35%), while powder was the most commonly used way for preparing ethnoveterinary remedies (51 applications). According to principal component analysis, the most typically used species in the research region were grasses. Five grasses (Arundo donax, Desmostachya bipinnata, Eleusine indica, Hordeum vulgare, and Pennisetum glaucum) showed a 100% FL value when used to treat diuretics, helminthiasis, digestive problems, fever, cough, worm infestation, indigestion, galactagogue, oral infections, and genital prolapse. The maximum value of disease cured level (DCL%) was recorded at 87.6% for endo- and ecto-parasitic ailments in the study area.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that medicinal plants play an important part in satisfying farmers\' animal healthcare demands, making it a feasible practice. The study also provides a wealth of knowledge regarding ethnoveterinary methods for further planning and application, providing an option for farmers who cannot afford allopathic therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Understanding the use of medicinal plants as herbal medicines is considered essential for the survival and continuity of humanity. Since ancient times, the origin and development of natural and traditional medicine have been intrinsically linked to humanity struggle for survival. Nowadays, ethnobotanical studies are employed as a tool for the preservation and conservation not only of taxonomic biodiversity but also of cultural biodiversity.
    UNASSIGNED: A descriptive research with a quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional design was carried out. The study was conducted in six Quechua-speaking communities in the district of Incahuasi (3,000 meters above sea level), selected for convenience considering factors such as altitude, accessibility, and proximity to the city. A questionnaire was administered to 32 residents from the communities, who shared their knowledge about medicinal plants, providing relevant information about them. The gender of the participants was considered because men and women use traditional medicine and the knowledge of them is transmitted from parents to children.
    UNASSIGNED: During the study, a total of 46 medicinal species were recorded, belonging to 42 genera and 22 botanical families. The most representative medicinal families used by the informants of the communities were Asteraceae (30.4%) and Lamiaceae (15.2%). It is also worth mentioning the genera Salvia and Baccharis, with three and two species respectively, which are commonly used to treat various ailments and diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: Ethnobotanical information was collected on the medicinal plants used by the community members of the selected communities in Incahuasi, and the corresponding data were recorded. A total of 46 plants were collected, with the majority belonging to the Asteraceae and Lamiaceae families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    No comprehensive research has been conducted on the traditional use of wild-grown edible plants in human nutrition for the Slovene ethnic area so far. In the literature on edible wild plants, authors often draw information about their use from foreign or international sources, such as books and databases, from which it is often unclear what people in different countries really include into their diet. Therefore, our purpose was to determine which edible wild-growing plant species have been used in Slovenia on a traditional basis. In our research, we gathered data using different methods. The data obtained from the literature review, i.e., the ethnobotanical literature and traditional cookbooks, were combined with those derived from the online sources and a field survey. This enabled us to create a database of 219 plant taxa encompassing more than 500 species from 62 families that are traditionally used in Slovenia. The most frequently represented families were Asteraceae, with 28 taxa, Rosaceae, with 22 taxa, Lamiaceae, with 18 taxa, Brassicaceae, with 17 taxa, Apiaceae, with 16 taxa, and Amaranthaceae, with 10 taxa. Plants are most often boiled, blanched, stewed or roasted, sometimes also baked in an oven or raw with additives, such as sour cream, sugar, salt or vinegar, but seldom fried. Selected traditional cookbooks and ethnological books provided good insight into the past use of wild plants, while an online and field survey enabled a comparison of their past and current state of use. The survey has shown that some very old wild plant recipes are still used within certain local communities, while younger people, influenced by new books about wild cuisine, are constantly introducing new plant species and recipes into their diet thereby establishing new traditions.





