Endurance Training

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain is a major public health problem worldwide, with a high rate of treatment failure. Among promising non-pharmacological therapies, physical exercise is an attractive, cheap, accessible and innocuous method; beyond other health benefits. However, its highly variable therapeutic effect and incompletely understood underlying mechanisms (plausibly involving the GABAergic neurotransmission) require further research. This case-control study aimed to investigate the impact of long-lasting intensive endurance sport practice (≥7 h/week for the last 6 months at the time of the experiment) on the response to experimental cold-induced pain (as a suitable chronic pain model), assuming that highly trained individual would better resist to pain, develop advantageous pain-copying strategies and enhance their GABAergic signaling. For this purpose, clinical pain-related data, response to a cold-pressor test and high-density EEG high (Hβ) and low beta (Lβ) oscillations were documented. Among 27 athletes and 27 age-adjusted non-trained controls (right-handed males), a category of highly pain-resistant participants (mostly athletes, 48.1%) was identified, displaying lower fear of pain, compared to non-resistant non-athletes. Furthermore, they tolerated longer cold-water immersion and perceived lower maximal sensory pain. However, while having similar Hβ and Lβ powers at baseline, they exhibited a reduction between cold and pain perceptions and between pain threshold and tolerance (respectively -60% and - 6.6%; -179.5% and - 5.9%; normalized differences), in contrast to the increase noticed in non-resistant non-athletes (+21% and + 14%; +23.3% and + 13.6% respectively). Our results suggest a beneficial effect of long-lasting physical exercise on resistance to pain and pain-related behaviors, and a modification in brain GABAergic signaling. In light of the current knowledge, we propose that the GABAergic neurotransmission could display multifaceted changes to be differently interpreted, depending on the training profile and on the homeostatic setting (e.g., in pain-free versus chronic pain conditions). Despite limitations related to the sample size and to absence of direct observations under acute physical exercise, this precursory study brings into light the unique profile of resistant individuals (probably favored by training) allowing highly informative observation on physical exercise-induced analgesia and paving the way for future clinical translation. Further characterizing pain-resistant individuals would open avenues for a targeted and physiologically informed pain management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ultramarathon running has gained popularity over several decades. Although there has been considerable research on training for other running events, from the 100-m to the marathon at 26.2 miles (42.2 km), there is little evidence on best practices for ultramarathons, where distances potentially exceed 100 miles (160.9 km).
    METHODS: In this case study, we examine the training regimen of an elite ultramarathon runner who broke 8 world records in 2021 and 2022, including the 24-hour run in which he ran 319.6 km in September 2022. Training data from December 28, 2020, to September 17, 2022, were collected from the Strava application database (recorded on Coros watch) and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Tableau.
    RESULTS: Our subject completed 5 training blocks, with volume per training block averaging 172.1 to 263 km/wk. Peak running volume per training block occurred on average 3.2 weeks out from races and reached a maximum of 378 km/wk. Recovery was emphasized the week following a race, with less running (19 km/wk) and more cross-training. Interval-type workouts (1- to 10-km repeats) were completed throughout training blocks. The average pace during the 24-hour world-record run was 4 minutes and 30 seconds per kilometer (4:30/km), closely matching the overall average training pace.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that training for ultramarathon races should include high-volume running at varied paces and intensity with cross-training to avoid injuries. We hope that this evidence helps athletes understand how to prepare for these ultraendurance events.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Physical exercise is receiving increasing interest as an augmentative non-pharmacological intervention in Parkinson\'s disease (PD). This pilot study primarily aimed to quantify individual response patterns of motor symptoms to alternating exercise modalities, along with non-motor functioning and blood biomarkers of neuroplasticity and neurodegeneration.
    METHODS: People with PD performed high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and continuous aerobic exercise (CAE) using a crossover single-case experimental design. A repeated assessment of outcome measures was conducted. The trajectories of outcome measures were visualized in time series plots and interpreted relative to the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) and smallest detectable change (SDC) or as a change in the positive or negative direction using trend lines.
    RESULTS: Data of three participants were analyzed and engaging in physical exercise seemed beneficial for reducing motor symptoms. Participant 1 demonstrated improvement in motor function, independent of exercise modality; while for participant 2, such a clinically relevant (positive) change in motor function was only observed in response to CAE. Participant 3 showed improved motor function after HIIT, but no comparison could be made with CAE because of drop-out. Heterogeneous responses on secondary outcome measures were found, not only between exercise modalities but also among participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Though this study underpins the positive impact of physical exercise in the management of PD, large variability in individual response patterns to the interventions among participants makes it difficult to identify clear exercise-induced adaptations in functioning and blood biomarkers. Further research is needed to overcome methodological challenges in measuring individual response patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Muscle glycogen storage before a race is necessary for endurance athletes to achieve the best performance. Generally, the recommended carbohydrate intake for preparation over 90 min of the race is 10-12 g·kg--1·day--1. However, it remains unclear whether an elite athlete with an already high-carbohydrate diet can further increase muscle glycogen through a very-high-carbohydrate intake. Therefore, we compared the effects of three types of glycogen loading in a 28-year-old male athlete who belongs to the top 50 racewalkers in the world, consuming a daily energy intake of 4507 kcal and a carbohydrate intake of 12.7 g·kg--1·day--1.
    METHODS: The racewalker consumed very-high-carbohydrate diets three times for 2 days each, 13.7 g·kg--1·day--1 for trial 1, 13.9 g·kg--1·day--1 for trial 2, and 15.9 g·kg--1·day-1 for trial 3. Muscle glycogen concentrations in the anterior (vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius) and posterior thighs (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris) were measured using carbon-13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
    RESULTS: Muscle glycogen concentrations in both the anterior and posterior thighs increased in all trials, particularly in trial 3. Body mass also increased by 1.5 kg in trials 1 and 2 and by 1.8 kg in trial 3 before and after the trials. The participant felt satiated throughout the day and experienced stomach discomfort during trial 3.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that a 2-day very-high-carbohydrate diet and tapering of training could further increase the muscle glycogen concentration in athletes. However, we speculated that 15.9 g·kg--1·day--1 carbohy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is classified as a perceptual disorder. The sufferers report episodes of distorted visual perceptions, altered body schema, and distorted experiences of time. The syndrome can be caused by migraine headaches. Migraine headaches can be caused by cervical spine instability and aberrant intersegmental motion.
    Training the deep neck flexor endurance lead to a reduction in migraine headaches and in turn a reduction or secession of the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome episodes.
    There is a resolution of the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome episodes after cervical spine stabilization is achieved.
    Training of the deep neck flexors shows promise as a primary treatment of migraine headaches and should be further investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: To determine the main factors associated with unexpected underperformance and prospectively describe the holistic process of returning to sustainable world-class level in a male cross-country skier. Methods: Longitudinal training data was retrospectively analyzed across nine seasons (2012-2013 to 2020-2021), and categorized into training forms (endurance, strength, and speed), intensities [low- (LIT), moderate- (MIT), and high-intensity training (HIT)], and modes (specific and non-specific). Performance data was obtained from the International Ski and Snowboard Federation. Following two seasons of unexpected underperformance (2019-2020 and 2020-2021), the participant was prospectively followed in the process of returning to sustainable world-class level (2021-2022). Day-to-day training data and physiological tests were analyzed, and interviews with the participant and the head coach conducted. Results: Longitudinal training data from 2012-2013 to 2018-2019 demonstrated a non-linear 30% increase in total training volume (from 772 to 1,002 h), mainly caused by increased volume of ski-specific endurance training without changes in intensity distribution. Coincidingly, the participant gradually reached a world-class performance level. After two seasons of unexpected underperformance with relatively similar training volumes and intensity distributions as in the preceding seasons, the possible contributing factors were identified: lack of training periodization, limited monitoring and intensity control, particularly in connection with a \"extreme\" regime of training with low carbohydrate availability and days including two MIT sessions, as well as lack of systematic technique training and follow-up by coaches on a daily basis. Consequently, the return to world-class level included the introduction of a clear micro-cycle periodization, more systematic physiological monitoring and testing, more accurate intensity control, increased carbohydrate intake during and between sessions, as well as increased emphasize on technique training and an assistant coach present during day-to-day training. Conclusion: These longitudinal data describe the main factors leading to unexpected underperformance, in addition to providing unique insights into the corresponding process of returning to sustainable world-class level in a male cross-country skier. The holistic approach described in this case study may serve as a theoretical framework for future studies and practical work with underperforming endurance athletes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The present case report aimed to investigate the effects of exercise training in temperate ambient conditions while wearing a heat suit on hemoglobin mass (Hbmass).
    METHODS: As part of their training regimens, 5 national-team members of endurance sports (3 males) performed ∼5 weekly heat suit exercise training sessions each lasting 50 minutes for a duration of ∼8 weeks. Two other male athletes acted as controls. After the initial 8-week period, 3 of the athletes continued for 2 to 4 months with ∼3 weekly heat sessions in an attempt to maintain acquired adaptations at a lower cost. Hbmass was assessed in duplicate before and after intervention and maintenance period based on automated carbon monoxide rebreathing.
    RESULTS: Heat suit exercise training increased rectal temperature to a median value of 38.7°C (range 38.6°C-39.0°C), and during the initial ∼8 weeks of heat suit training, there was a median increase of 5% (range 1.4%-12.9%) in Hbmass, while the changes in the 2 control athletes were a decrease of 1.7% and an increase of 3.2%, respectively. Furthermore, during the maintenance period, the 3 athletes who continued with a reduced number of heat suit sessions experienced a change of 0.7%, 2.8%, and -1.1%, indicating that it is possible to maintain initial increases in Hbmass despite reducing the weekly number of heat suit sessions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present case report illustrates that heat suit exercise training acutely raises rectal temperature and that following 8 weeks of such training Hbmass may increase in elite endurance athletes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A non-linear heart rate variability (HRV) index based on fractal correlation properties called alpha1 of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA-alpha1), has been shown to change with endurance exercise intensity. Its unique advantage is that it provides information about current absolute exercise intensity without prior lactate or gas exchange testing. Therefore, real-time assessment of this metric during field conditions using a wearable monitoring device could directly provide a valuable exercise intensity distribution without prior laboratory testing for different applied field settings in endurance sports. Until of late no mobile based product could display DFA-alpha1 in real-time using off the shelf consumer products. Recently an app designed for iOS and Android devices, HRV Logger, was updated to assess DFA-alpha1 in real-time. This brief research report illustrates the potential merits of real-time monitoring of this metric for the purposes of aerobic threshold (AT) estimation and exercise intensity demarcation between low (zone 1) and moderate (zone 2) in a former Olympic triathlete. In a single-case feasibility study, three practically relevant scenarios were successfully evaluated in cycling, (1) estimation of a HRV threshold (HRVT) as an adequate proxy for AT using Kubios HRV software via a typical cycling stage test, (2) estimation of the HRVT during real-time monitoring using a cycling 6 min stage test, (3) a simulated 1 h training ride with enforcement of low intensity boundaries and real-time HRVT confirmation. This single-case field evaluation illustrates the potential of an easy-to-use and low cost real-time estimation of the aerobic threshold and exercise intensity distribution using fractal correlation properties of HRV. Furthermore, this approach may enhance the translation of science into endurance sports practice for future real-world settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adequate fluid replacement during exercise is an important consideration for athletes, however sweat rate (SR) can vary day-to-day. The purpose of this study was to investigate day-to-day variations in SR while performing self-selected exercise sessions to evaluate error in SR estimations in similar temperature conditions. Thirteen endurance-trained athletes completed training sessions in a case-series design 1x/week for a minimum 30 min of running/biking over 24 weeks. Body mass was recorded pre/post-training and corrected for fluid consumption. Data were split into three Wet-Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) conditions: LOW (<10 °C), MOD (10-19.9 °C), HIGH (>20 °C). No significant differences existed in exercise duration, distance, pace, or WBGT for any group (p > 0.07). Significant differences in SR variability occurred for all groups, with average differences of: LOW = 0.15 L/h; MOD = 0.14 L/h; HIGH = 0.16 L/h (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in mean SR between LOW-MOD (p > 0.9), but significant differences between LOW-HIGH and MOD-HIGH (p < 0.03). The assessment of SR can provide useful data for determining hydration strategies. The significant differences in SR within each temperature range indicates a single assessment may not accurately represent an individual\'s typical SR even in similar environmental conditions.






