
  • 文章类型: Review
    Cerebral persistent primitive arteries are uncommon and associated with cerebrovascular diseases, like cerebral aneurysms. They can cause vertebrobasilar ischemia and neuropathy of the cranial nerves. The authors present a patient with trigeminal artery associated with giant partially thrombosed cavernous internal cerebral artery aneurysm.
    Церебральные персистирующие нормальные примитивные артерии имеют крайне низкую распространенность в популяции и часто сочетаются с различными сосудистыми заболеваниями головного мозга, могут быть ассоциированы с церебральными аневризмами, становиться причиной нарушения мозгового кровообращения в вертебробазилярном бассейне, а также причиной неспецифических невритов черепно-мозговых нервов. В работе представлено наблюдение сочетания тройничной артерии и гигантской частично тромбированной аневризмы кавернозного отдела внутренней сонной артерии.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pterygomandibular raphe (PMR) is a tendinous structure connecting the bucinator and the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles. With its implications in the spread of oral cancer, the proper treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, and dental procedures, it is important to obtain a thorough understanding of the PMR. We reviewed the existing literature to compile the published information regarding its anatomy, embryology, imaging, variations, functions, pathologies, and clinical relevance of the pterygomandibular raphe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonbifurcating carotid is quite a rare anatomical variant of carotid anatomy. The embryology of carotid development is more intricate and convoluted than is presently known. This case report finds an unusual case of a nonbifurcating carotid artery whose embryological basis cannot be explained by popular prevalent theories. It also stresses about an abundance of case reports from East Asia on this topic, to the best of the authors\' knowledge. The formation of atherosclerotic plaque requires more than abnormal fluid hemodynamic, which has been briefly pointed out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: What is the present performance of artificial intelligence (AI) decision support during embryo selection compared to the standard embryo selection by embryologists?
    CONCLUSIONS: AI consistently outperformed the clinical teams in all the studies focused on embryo morphology and clinical outcome prediction during embryo selection assessment.
    BACKGROUND: The ART success rate is ∼30%, with a worrying trend of increasing female age correlating with considerably worse results. As such, there have been ongoing efforts to address this low success rate through the development of new technologies. With the advent of AI, there is potential for machine learning to be applied in such a manner that areas limited by human subjectivity, such as embryo selection, can be enhanced through increased objectivity. Given the potential of AI to improve IVF success rates, it remains crucial to review the performance between AI and embryologists during embryo selection.
    UNASSIGNED: The search was done across PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid Medline, and IEEE Xplore from 1 June 2005 up to and including 7 January 2022. Included articles were also restricted to those written in English. Search terms utilized across all databases for the study were: (\'Artificial intelligence\' OR \'Machine Learning\' OR \'Deep learning\' OR \'Neural network\') AND (\'IVF\' OR \'in vitro fertili*\' OR \'assisted reproductive techn*\' OR \'embryo\'), where the character \'*\' refers the search engine to include any auto completion of the search term.
    METHODS: A literature search was conducted for literature relating to AI applications to IVF. Primary outcomes of interest were accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the embryo morphology grade assessments and the likelihood of clinical outcomes, such as clinical pregnancy after IVF treatments. Risk of bias was assessed using the Modified Down and Black Checklist.
    RESULTS: Twenty articles were included in this review. There was no specific embryo assessment day across the studies-Day 1 until Day 5/6 of embryo development was investigated. The types of input for training AI algorithms were images and time-lapse (10/20), clinical information (6/20), and both images and clinical information (4/20). Each AI model demonstrated promise when compared to an embryologist\'s visual assessment. On average, the models predicted the likelihood of successful clinical pregnancy with greater accuracy than clinical embryologists, signifying greater reliability when compared to human prediction. The AI models performed at a median accuracy of 75.5% (range 59-94%) on predicting embryo morphology grade. The correct prediction (Ground Truth) was defined through the use of embryo images according to post embryologists\' assessment following local respective guidelines. Using blind test datasets, the embryologists\' accuracy prediction was 65.4% (range 47-75%) with the same ground truth provided by the original local respective assessment. Similarly, AI models had a median accuracy of 77.8% (range 68-90%) in predicting clinical pregnancy through the use of patient clinical treatment information compared to 64% (range 58-76%) when performed by embryologists. When both images/time-lapse and clinical information inputs were combined, the median accuracy by the AI models was higher at 81.5% (range 67-98%), while clinical embryologists had a median accuracy of 51% (range 43-59%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this review are based on studies that have not been prospectively evaluated in a clinical setting. Additionally, a fair comparison of all the studies were deemed unfeasible owing to the heterogeneity of the studies, development of the AI models, database employed and the study design and quality.
    CONCLUSIONS: AI provides considerable promise to the IVF field and embryo selection. However, there needs to be a shift in developers\' perception of the clinical outcome from successful implantation towards ongoing pregnancy or live birth. Additionally, existing models focus on locally generated databases and many lack external validation.
    BACKGROUND: This study was funded by Monash Data Future Institute. All authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
    BACKGROUND: CRD42021256333.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning algorithms into medical care has been the focus of development over the last decade, particularly in the field of assisted reproductive technologies and in vitro fertilization (IVF). With embryo morphology the cornerstone of clinical decision making for IVF, the field of IVF is highly reliant on visual assessments that can be prone to error and subjectivity and be dependent on the level of training and expertise of the observing embryologist. Implementing AI algorithms into the IVF laboratory allows for reliable, objective, and timely assessments of both clinical parameters and microscopy images. This review discusses the ever-expanding applications of AI algorithms within the IVF embryology laboratory, aiming to discuss the many advances in multiple aspects of the IVF process. We will discuss how AI will improve various processes and procedures such as assessing oocyte quality, sperm selection, fertilization assessment, embryo assessment, ploidy prediction, embryo transfer selection, cell tracking, embryo witnessing, micromanipulation, and quality management. Overall, AI provides great potential and promise to improve not only clinical outcomes but also laboratory efficiency, a key focus because IVF clinical volume continues to increase nationwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The continuous changes in the medical education to prepare medical doctors for the future requires updates in medical curriculum. However, the perspectives of the medical students are not frequently considered during the revision of the medical curriculum. In parallel with the process of defining and adjusting the medical curriculum, a large survey was performed to inquire the perspectives of the medical students at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), Portugal, about the role of Histology and of Embryology.
    METHODS: Medical students at FMUP (Portugal) completed a structured and anonymous online questionnaire about the subjects Histology and Embryology. The questionnaire was prepared using questions of previous surveys performed in Europe, including another Portuguese medical school, and additional questions that were specifically prepared to this study. The questions referred to teaching methods, clinical relevance, use of virtual (digital) microscopes and association of Histology and Embryology with other subjects of the medical curriculum.
    RESULTS: Four hundred and sixty-two students participated in the study. The students in clinical years were more likely to recognise the clinical relevance of Histology (p = 0.016) and Embryology (p < 0.001). Students agree that teaching of these subjects would benefit from a clinical orientation (89% for Histology; 90% for Embryology). Students highlighted that Histology is crucial to understand Biopathology and agree (75%) that an integration of Histology with Biopathology could be considered in the medical curriculum. Most students (55%) agree that slide microscopes are more useful than virtual microscopes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study contributes to the debate about the evolution of medical curriculum. Gathering the medical students\' perceptions using large surveys such as that performed in the present study may be useful to adapt the methods of teaching which may increase the motivation of the students. In the case of Histology and Embryology at the FMUP (Portugal) providing more clinically oriented teaching may be useful to motivate the students. Students of clinical years have strong clinical perspectives of Histology and Embryology and their enrolment in teaching of Histology and Embryology can also contribute to increase motivation of younger students. Consulting and involving medical students in the development of the medical curriculum can be positive and students should be more responsible and engaged in building their own education.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Ovarian absence is an uncommon condition that most frequently presents unilaterally. Several etiologies for the condition have been proposed, including torsion, vascular accident, and embryological defect. A systematic review was conducted to describe the clinical presentation of ovarian absence, as well as its associations with other congenital anomalies, through a systematic search of Cochrane Library, ClinicalTrials.gov, Google Scholar, Ovid Embase, Ovid Medline, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Exclusion criteria included cases with suspicion for Differences of Sex Development, lack of surgically-confirmed ovarian absence, and karyotypes other than 46XX. Our search yielded 12,120 citations, of which 79 studies were included. 10 additional studies were found by citation chasing resulting in a total 113 cases including two unpublished cases presented in this review. Abdominal/pelvic pain (30%) and infertility/subfertility (19%) were the most frequent presentations. Ovarian abnormalities were not noted in 28% of cases with pre-operative ovarian imaging results. Approximately 17% of cases had concomitant uterine abnormalities, while 22% had renal abnormalities. Renal abnormalities were more likely in patients with uterine abnormalities (p < 0.005). Torsion or vascular etiology was the most frequently suspected etiology of ovarian absence (52%), followed by indeterminate (27%) and embryologic etiology (21%). Most cases of ovarian absence are likely attributable to torsion or vascular accidents, despite many references to the condition as \"agenesis\" in the literature. Imaging may fail to correctly diagnose ovarian absence, and diagnostic laparoscopy may be preferable in many cases as genitourinary anatomy and fertility considerations can be assessed during the procedure. Fertility is likely minimally or not affected in women with unilateral ovarian absence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pandemic of COVID-19 disease has caused severe impact globally. Governments consider vaccination as an effective measure to control pandemic. However, many people have been hesitant to receive COVID-19 vaccine, particularly periconceptional and lactating women. Although research has indicated that pregnant women with COVID-19 are at a higher risk of adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes, as well as severe illness. There appears to be a lack of systematic and comprehensive evidence of the prevalence and determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among periconceptional and lactating women. As a result, it has been essential to investigate periconceptional and lactating women\'s vaccination views and behaviours. This study will review articles on vaccine hesitancy among periconceptional and lactating women to assess the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy during the pandemic.
    We will systematically search observational studies from 1 November 2019 to 30 October 2021 in the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, WHO COVID-19 Database, CNKI and WanFang Database. The following medical subject headings and free-text terms will be used: \"COVID-19 vaccines\" AND \"female\" AND \"vaccine hesitancy\". Eligibility criteria are as follows: population (women of reproductive age); exposure (currently pregnant, lactational or trying to get pregnant); comparison (general women who are not in preconception, gestation or lactation) and outcome (the rate of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy). Article screening and data extraction will be undertaken independently by two reviewers, and any discrepancy will be resolved through discussion. We will use I2 statistics to assess heterogeneity and perform a meta-analysis when sufficiently homogeneous studies are provided. We will explore the potential sources of heterogeneity using subgroup and meta-regression analysis.
    This study will use published data, so ethical approval is not required. The findings will be disseminated by publication in peer-reviewed journal(s).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the initial description of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) almost two decades ago, the potential pathophysiology and risk factors have been elaborated on in many investigations and guidelines. However, the definitive pathophysiology based on scientific evidence remains lacking. Consequently, the optimal clinical treatment and prevention strategies for MRONJ have not been established. Despite their different mechanisms of action, many drugs, including bisphosphonates, denosumab, angiogenesis inhibitors, and other medications, have been reported to be associated with MRONJ lesions in cancer and osteoporosis patients. Importantly, MRONJ occurs predominantly in the jawbones and other craniofacial regions, but not in the appendicular skeleton. In this up-to-date review, the currently available information and theories regarding MRONJ are presented from both clinical and basic science perspectives. The definition and epidemiology of MRONJ, triggering medication, and histopathology are comprehensively summarized. The immunopathology and the potential pathophysiology based on immune cells such as neutrophils, T and B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells are also discussed. In addition, antiangiogenesis, soft tissue toxicity, necrotic bone, osteocyte death, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms are examined. Moreover, other possible mechanisms of MRONJ development are considered based on the unique embryological characteristics, different cell behaviors between jawbones and appendicular skeleton, unique anatomical structures, and sustained bacterial exposure in the oral cavity as a basis for MRONJ site specificity. Based on the literature review, it was concluded that multiple factors may contribute to the development of MRONJ, although which one is the key player triggering MRONJ in the craniofacial region remains unknown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In humans, the incidence of congenital defects of the intraembryonic celom and its associated structures has increased over recent decades. Surgical treatment of abdominal and diaphragmatic malformations resulting in congenital hernia requires deep knowledge of ventral body closure and the separation of the primary body cavities during embryogenesis. The correct development of both structures requires the coordinated and fine-tuned synergy of different anlagen, including a set of molecules governing those processes. They have mainly been investigated in a range of vertebrate species (e.g., mouse, birds, and fish), but studies of embryogenesis in humans are rather rare because samples are seldom available. Therefore, we have to deal with a large body of conflicting data concerning the formation of the abdominal wall and the etiology of diaphragmatic defects. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge and focuses on the histological and molecular events leading to the establishment of the abdominal and thoracic cavities in several vertebrate species. In chronological order, we start with the onset of gastrulation, continue with the establishment of the three-dimensional body shape, and end with the partition of body cavities. We also discuss well-known human etiologies.





