Electrophoretic mobility shift assay

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While profiling of cell surface receptors grants valuable insight on cell phenotype, surface receptors alone cannot fully describe activated downstream signaling pathways, detect internalized receptor activity, or indicate constitutively active signaling in subcellular compartments. To measure surface-bound and intracellular targets in the same cell, we introduce a tandem single-cell assay that combines immunofluorescence of surface-bound epithelial cellular adhesion molecule (EpCAM) with subsequent protein polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of unfixed MCF7 breast cancer cells. After surface staining and cell lysis, surface EpCAM is analyzed by single-cell PAGE, concurrent with immunoprobing of intracellular targets. Consequently, the single-cell electrophoresis step reports localization of both surface and intracellular targets. Unbound intracellular EpCAM is readily resolved from surface EpCAM immunocomplex owing to a ∼30% mobility shift. Flow cytometry and immunofluorescence are in concordance with single-cell PAGE. Lastly, we challenged the stability of the EpCAM immunocomplexes by varying ionic and non-ionic component concentrations in the lysis buffer, the lysis time, and electrophoresis duration. As expected, the harsher conditions proved most disruptive to the immunocomplexes. The compatibility of live-cell immunostaining with single-cell PAGE eliminates the need to perform single-cell imaging by condensing read-out of both surface-bound proteins (as low mobility immune complexes) and intracellular targets to a single immunoblot, thus linking cell type and state.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) belongs to a small group of the transcription factors that bind DNA only as a monomer. Three different approaches-Sitecon, SiteGA, and oPWM-constructed using the same training sample of experimentally confirmed SF-1 binding sites have been used to recognize these sites. The appropriate prediction thresholds for recognition models have been selected. Namely, the thresholds concordant by false positive or negative rates for various methods were used to optimize the discrimination of steroidogenic gene promoters from the datasets of non-specific promoters. After experimental verification, the models were used to analyze the ChIP-seq data for SF-1. It has been shown that the sets of sites recognized by different models overlap only partially and that an integration of these models allows for identification of SF-1 sites in up to 80% of the ChIP-seq loci. The structures of the sites detected using the three recognition models in the ChIP-seq peaks falling within the [-5000, +5000] region relative to the transcription start sites (TSS) extracted from the FANTOM5 project have been analyzed. The MATLIGN classified the frequency matrices for the sites predicted by oPWM, Sitecon, and SiteGA into two groups. The first group is described by oPWM/Sitecon and the second, by SiteGA. Gene ontology (GO) analysis has been used to clarify the differences between the sets of genes carrying different variants of SF-1 binding sites. Although this analysis in general revealed a considerable overlap in GO terms for the genes carrying the binding sites predicted by oPWM, Sitecon, or SiteGA, only the last method elicited notable trend to terms related to negative regulation and apoptosis. The results suggest that the SF-1 binding sites are different in both their structure and the functional annotation of the set of target genes correspond to the predictions by oPWM+Sitecon and SiteGA. Further application of Homer software for de novo identification of enriched motifs in ChIP-Seq data for SF-1ChIP-seq dataset gave the data similar to oPWM+Sitecon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disease caused by multiple genetic and environmental factors. AD is characterized by the local infiltration of T helper type 2 (Th2) cells. Recent clinical studies have shown important roles of the Th2 chemokines, CCL22 and CCL17 in the pathogenesis of AD. To investigate whether polymorphisms of the CCL22 gene affect the susceptibility to AD, we conducted association studies and functional studies of the related variants. We first resequenced the CCL22 gene and found a total of 39 SNPs. We selected seven tag SNPs in the CCL22 gene, and conducted association studies using two independent Japanese populations (1(st) population, 916 cases and 1,032 controls; 2(nd) population 1,034 cases and 1,004 controls). After the association results were combined by inverse variance method, we observed a significant association at rs4359426 (meta-analysis, combined P = 9.6×10⁻⁶; OR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.65-0.85). Functional analysis revealed that the risk allele of rs4359426 contributed to higher expression levels of CCL22 mRNA. We further examined the allelic differences in the binding of nuclear proteins by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The signal intensity of the DNA-protein complex derived from the G allele of rs223821, which was in absolute LD with rs4359426, was higher than that from the A allele. Although further functional analyses are needed, it is likely that related variants play a role in susceptibility to AD in a gain-of-function manner. Our findings provide a new insight into the etiology and pathogenesis of AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A systematic phylogenetic footprinting approach was performed to identify conserved transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) in mammalian promoter regions using human, mouse and rat sequence alignments. We found that the score distributions of most binding site models did not follow the Gaussian distribution required by many statistical methods. Therefore, we performed an empirical test to establish the optimal threshold for each model. We gauged our computational predictions by comparing with previously known TFBSs in the PCK1 gene promoter of the cytosolic isoform of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and achieved a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of approximately 32%. Almost all known sites overlapped with predicted sites, and several new putative TFBSs were also identified. We validated a predicted SP1 binding site in the control of PCK1 transcription using gel shift and reporter assays. Finally, we applied our computational approach to the prediction of putative TFBSs within the promoter regions of all available RefSeq genes. Our full set of TFBS predictions is freely available at http://bfgl.anri.barc.usda.gov/tfbsConsSites.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification of direct targets of transcription factors is a key problem in the study of gene regulatory networks. However, the use of high throughput experimental methods, such as ChIP-chip and ChIP-sequencing, is limited by their high cost and strong dependence on cellular type and context. We developed a computational method for the genome-wide identification of functional transcription factor binding sites based on positional weight matrices, comparative genomics, and gene expression profiling. The method was applied to Stat3, a transcription factor playing crucial roles in inflammation, immunity and oncogenesis, and able to induce distinct subsets of target genes in different cell types or conditions. A newly generated positional weight matrix enabled us to assign affinity scores of high specificity, as measured by EMSA competition assays. Phylogenetic conservation with 7 vertebrate species was used to select the binding sites most likely to be functional. Validation was carried out on predicted sites within genes identified as differentially expressed in the presence or absence of Stat3 by microarray analysis. Twelve of the fourteen sites tested were bound by Stat3 in vivo, as assessed by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, allowing us to identify 9 Stat3 transcriptional targets. Given its high validation rate, and the availability of large transcription factor-dependent gene expression datasets obtained under diverse experimental conditions, our approach appears to be a valid alternative to high-throughput experimental assays for the discovery of novel direct targets of transcription factors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is widely known to be involved in physiological and pathophysiological processes of the brain where this proinflammatory cytokine is implicated with regulation of inflammatory and survival components. We report that TNF-alpha up-regulates exon-IV-bdnf mRNA and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein in primary astrocytes. The BDNF protein was detectable both in cellular lysate and in the extracellular medium. Activation of NF-kappaB by TNF-alpha and inhibition of TNF-alpha-induced BDNF expression by Deltap65 (a dominant-negative mutant) and NEMO-binding domain peptide (an inhibitor of NF-kappaB) suggests that TNF-alpha induces BDNF expression through the activation of NF-kappaB. Similarly, TNF-alpha induced the activation of C/EBPbeta and the expression of BDNF was sensitive to overexpression of DeltaC/EBPbeta (a dominant-negative mutant) and ETO (an inhibitor of C/EBPbeta). Among three MAP kinases, TNF-alpha-induced BDNF up-regulation was sensitive only to inhibitors of ERK MAP kinase. However, the ERK MAP kinase pathway was coupled to activation of C/EBPbeta but not NF-kappaB. Taken together, this study identifies a novel property of TNF-alpha in inducing the expression of BDNF via NF-kappaB and C/EBPbeta in astrocytes that may be responsible for neurotrophic activity of the cytokine.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) is a bifunctional protein that plays a central role in carcinogen metabolism and is also able to mediate the sodium-dependent uptake of bile acids into hepatocytes. Studies have identified a subject (S-1) with extremely elevated serum bile salt levels in the absence of observable hepatocellular injury, suggesting a defect in bile acid uptake. In this individual, mEH protein and mEH mRNA levels were reduced by approximately 95% and 85%, respectively, whereas the expression and amino acid sequence of another bile acid transport protein (NTCP) was unaffected. Sequence analysis of the mEH gene (EPHX1) revealed a point mutation at an upstream HNF-3 site (allele I) and in intron 1 (allele II), which resulted in a significant decrease in EPHX1 promoter activity in transient transfection assays. Gel shift assays using a radiolabeled oligonucleotide from each region resulted in specific transcription factor binding patterns, which were altered in the presence of the mutation. These studies demonstrate that the expression of mEH is greatly reduced in a patient with hypercholanemia, suggesting that mEH participates in sodium-dependent bile acid uptake in human liver where its absence may contribute to the etiology of this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear receptors are ligand-dependent transcription factors responsible for controlling differentiation, growth and development of higher eukaryotes. Three amino acids within the recognition alpha-helix of the DNA-binding domain of the nuclear receptors constitute the so-called \"P-box\" which determines response element specificity. In the ultraspiracle (Usp) protein, which together with EcR forms the heterodimeric ecdysone receptor, the P-box residues are E19, G20 and G23. Substitution of E19, the most characteristic amino acid for estrogen receptor-like P-boxes, with alanine showed that the mutation did not appreciably alter the affinity of the wild-type Usp DNA-binding domain (UspDBD(WT)) for a probe containing natural ecdysone response element (hsp27(wt)). Since in many cases E19 contacts a G/C base pair in position -4, which is absent in hsp27(wt), we analysed the interaction of UspDBD(WT), E19A and other P-box region mutants with the hsp27(wt) derivative which contains a G/C instead of an T/A base pair in position -4. UspDBD(WT) exhibited higher affinity for this element than for hsp27(wt). Moreover, a different interaction pattern of P-box region mutants was also observed. Thus we conclude that the E19 residue of UspDBD is not involved in any hsp27(wt) sequence-discerning contacts. However, substitution of the hsp27(wt) T/A base pair in position -4 with G/C generates target sequence with distinct functional characteristics and possibly with a new specificity. These results could serve as a basis for understanding the role of the presence of a T/A or G/C base-pair in the position -4 in the two types of ecdysone response elements found in nature.





