Economic Factors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The world in recent years has seen a pandemic of global scale. To counter the widespread loss of life and severe repercussions, researchers developed vaccinations at a fast pace to immunize the population. While the vaccines were developed and tested through extensive human trials, historically vaccines have been known to evoke mixed sentiments among the generic demographics. In the proposed study, we aim to reveal the impact of political and socio-economic factors on SARS-Cov-2 vaccination trends observed in two hundred and seventeen countries spread across the six continents.
    The study had hypothesized that the citizens who have lower trust in their government would be less inclined towards vaccination programs. To test this hypothesis, vaccination trends of nations under authoritarian rule were compared against democratic nations. Further, the study was synthesized with Cov-2 vaccination data which was sourced from Our World Data repository, which was sampled among 217 countries spread across the 6 continents. The study was analyzed with exploratory data analysis and proposed with relevance and impacting factor that was considered for vaccine dissemination in comparison with the literacy rate of the nations. Another impacting factor the study focused on for the vaccination dissemination trends was the health expenses of different nations. The study has been synthesized on political and socio-economic factors where the features were ardently study in retrospect of varied socio- economic features which may include country wise literacy rate, overall GDP rate, further we substantiated the work to address the political factors which are discussed as the country status of democratic or having other status.
    The comparison of trends showed that dissemination of SARS-Cov-2 vaccines had been comparable between the two-opposing types of governance. The major impact factor behind the wide acceptance of the SARS-Cov-2 vaccine was the expenditure done by a country on healthcare. These nations used a large number of vaccines to administer to their population and the trends showed positive growth. The overall percentage of vaccine utilized by countries in quantitative terms are Pfizer/BioNTech (17.55%), Sputnik V (7.08%), Sinovac (6.98%), Sinopharm/Beijing (10.04%), Oxford/AstraZeneca (19.56%), CanSino (2.85%), Moderna (12.05%), Covaxin (3.28%), JohnsonandJohnson (10.89%), Sputnik Light (3.07%), Novavax (3.49%). While the nations with the lowest healthcare expenses failed to keep up with the demand and depended on vaccines donated by other countries to protect their population.
    The analysis revealed strong indicators that the nations which spend more on healthcare were the ones that had the best SARS-Cov-2 vaccination rollout. To further support decision-making in the future, countries should address the trust and sentiment of their citizens towards vaccination. For this, expenses need to be made to develop and promote vaccines and project them as positive health tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the relevance of economic factors (e.g., a household\'s economic capacity and the prevailing economic context) to understand the relationship between the partnership status and the health of Spanish adult women and men (age 30-59). To do so, it draws on cross-sectional data from the Spanish sample of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for the years 2005, 2010, and 2015 (i.e., before, during, and after the 2008-2012 economic recession). The results reveal dissimilar patterns of association between partnership status and both the health of, and the economic difficulties faced by Spanish women and men in each of the three years studied. Most notably, the partnership status of Spanish women has a greater impact on their likelihood of experiencing economic difficulties and poor health than does that of their male counterparts. Additionally, women are also more likely to experience economic difficulties during and after the economic recession. The disadvantageous situation of Spanish women in the public sphere is shown to have a negative impact on their ability to cope with the economic difficulties associated with the end of a union and a contextual recession.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    China has set a goal to achieve peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. To achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, China needs to address the challenge of the large and still growing CO2 emission base. This paper investigated the energy consumption and CO2 emission in Beijing from 2020-2035 based on the energy elasticity coefficient and contribution value of the sub-energy increment (CVSI) method. Beijing is one of the first cities in China to propose the \"carbon peak\" target as of 2020. From 2020 Beijing will strive to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality. The results show that in 2035 the CO2 emission in Beijing may drop to 50% of 2020. This decline would be affected by economic growth, energy efficiency and the proportion of renewable energy use. Beijing\'s energy supply mainly comes from outside the region. Therefore, for Beijing, in addition to increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources outside the region, its own energy acceptance also needs to be strengthened, including strengthening energy storage construction, actively researching and promoting carbon capture and utilization of gas-fired units, which are effective ways to achieve carbon neutrality target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding differences in hospital case fatality rates (HCFRs) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may help evaluate its severity and the capacity of the healthcare system to reduce mortality.
    We examined the variability in HCFRs of COVID-19 in relation to spatial inequalities in socio-economic factors, hospital health sector and patient medical condition across the city of São Paulo, Brazil. We obtained the standardized hospital case fatality ratio adjusted indirectly by age and sex, which is the ratio between the HCFR of a specific spatial unit and the HCFR for the entire study area. We modelled it using a generalized linear mixed model with spatial random effects in a Bayesian context.
    We found that HCFRs were higher for men and for individuals ≥60 y of age. Our models identified per capita income as a significant factor that is negatively associated with the HCFRs of COVID-19, even after adjusting for age, sex and presence of risk factors.
    Spatial analyses of the implementation of these methods and of disparities in COVID-19 outcomes may help in the development of policies for at-risk populations in geographically defined areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper determined the predefining factors of loan repayment behavior based on psychological and behavioral economics theories. The purpose of this research is to identify whether an individual\'s credit risk can be predicted based on psychometric tests measuring areas of psychological factors such as effective economic decision-making, self-control, conscientiousness, selflessness and a giving attitude, neuroticism, and attitude toward money. In addition, we compared the psychological indicators to the financial indicators, and different age and gender groups, to assess whether the former can predict loan default prospects. This research covered the psychometric test results, financial information, and loan default information of 1118 borrowers from loan-issuing applications on mobile phones. We validated the questionnaire using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and achieved an overall Cronbach\'s alpha reliability coefficient greater than 0.90 (α = 0.937). We applied the empirical data to construct prediction models using logistic regression. Logistic regression was employed to estimate the parameters of a logistic model. The outcome indicates that positive results from the psychometric testing of effective financial decision-making, self-control, conscientiousness, selflessness and a giving attitude, and attitude toward money enable individuals\' debt access possibilities. On the other hand, one of the variables-neuroticism-was determined to be insignificant. Finally, the model only used psychological variables proven to have significant default predictability, and psychological variables and psychometric credit scoring offer the best prediction capacities.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using data collected from 1998 to 2011 in a general population cohort study in eastern Zimbabwe, we describe education trends and the relationship between parental education and children\'s schooling during the Zimbabwean economic collapse of the 2000s. During this period, the previously-rising trend in education stalled, with girls suffering disproportionately; however, female enrolment increased as the economy began to recover. Throughout the period, children with more educated parents continued to have better outcomes such that, at the population level, an underlying increase in the proportion of children with more educated parents may have helped to maintain the upwards education trend.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The worldwide incidence of kidney failure is on the rise and treatment is costly. Kidney failure patients require either a kidney transplant or dialysis to maintain life. This review focuses on the economics of alternative dialysis modalities such as haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). Important economic factors influencing dialysis modality selection include financing, reimbursement and resource availability. Modality selection is also influenced by employment status, with an association between being employed and PD as the modality choice.In the United States, there were 101,688 incident HD patients and 6,506 incident PD patients in 2007. Due to the fact that the worldwide incidence of kidney failure continues to rise placing USA in the second position right after Taiwan, the accumulated experience from USA could be used as a characteristic prototype for the analysis of the economics related with modality choices and their influence in the quality of life and life expectancy of end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.In the present work we discuss the effect of the expenditure increase in the morbidity and the mortality of patients with end stage renal disease. Data coming from the USA case concerning the economic factors which play a vital role in the sequence of events that leads to the choice between different modalities such as HD and PD, will be used as a distinctive example in our study. The relationship between the modality used and employment status is investigated. The cost effectiveness of alternative modalities is reviewed. Examples of statistical models and simulation approaches, studying the increase of the life expectancy in terms of the quality adjusted life years (QALYs) and the incremental cost paid are also presented. Corresponding results originated from different regions of the world are also briefly shown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article examines the developmental consequences of international labor migration in a Bangladeshi village. The data are from the Hoglakandi, a village 30 km southeast of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire with both open-ended and closed category questions was used among 50 Singapore returnees, supplemented with additional in-depth interviews. International labor migration has often been seen by many sending countries as a short cut development because of its role in unemployment relief, balance of payments relief, and capital formation of national level. The study argues that the causes and effects of emigration can better be understood only when the process is placed within its local context, since what may prove to be advantageous at the national level may prove to be detrimental to a household or community or vice-versa. It demonstrates how the contribution of labor migration is merely the transformation of labor into a structural component of the international political economy. The Hoglakandi experience reveals that labor migration does not fuel the local economy from an external pipeline of remittances and skill acquisition, rather it drains local resources that retard the development.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    This paper presents a case between South African Airways (SAA) and an applicant for employment who did not volunteer information about his HIV status. The matter between Jacques Charl Hoffmann, an HIV-infected man applying for a position as flight attendant, and SAA was heard before Judge Hussain in the Witwatersrand Local Division. Mr. Hoffmann contended that SAA had unfairly discriminated against him solely on the basis of his HIV-positive status. He argued that such unfair discrimination violated his constitutional rights to dignity, equality, fair labor practices, and privacy. Considered as a whole, Judge Hussain found that the policy of SAA was justified and substantiated. It is noted that the policy is not selectively applied against those persons who are HIV-positive, instead it is directed at detecting all kinds of disabilities that make employment as a flight attendant unsuitable. To the judge, the \"unsuitability\" of an applicant is to be considered against the policy\'s consideration of \"medical, safety, and operational grounds\". In conclusion, the court found it justifiable for the airline to conduct medical examinations of aspiring flight attendants, and its refusal to employ Mr. Hoffmann was not an act of unfair discrimination.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    On March 6, 2000, the Peruvian government accepted international responsibility for the rape of a poor indigenous woman by a doctor in the country\'s public health care system. This rare concession--and the settlement--represent a striking victory for the victim and for abused and oppressed women in Latin America who rarely receive acknowledgement of their rights. The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP), along with the Latin America and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women\'s Rights and the Center for Justice and International Law, reached a settlement after bringing this first-of-its-kind women\'s human rights case before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The government agreed to provide the victim, Marina Machaca, with psychological care for as long as she needs, as well as land and materials to build a house and property in a public marketplace to sell her wares. In addition, the doctor who raped her was dismissed. Peruvian officials also agree to study the creation of centers for sexual abuse victims, and to review and implement proposals to revamp the health service and judiciary systems in regard to women throughout their country. Luisa Cabal is the CRLP staff attorney who represented Machaca in this international arena.





