
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known about fine scale neural dynamics that accompany rapid shifts in spatial attention in freely behaving animals, primarily because reliable indicators of attention are lacking in standard model organisms engaged in natural tasks. The echolocating bat can serve to bridge this gap, as it exhibits robust dynamic behavioral indicators of overt spatial attention as it explores its environment. In particular, the bat actively shifts the aim of its sonar beam to inspect objects in different directions, akin to eye movements and foveation in humans and other visually dominant animals. Further, the bat adjusts the temporal features of sonar calls to attend to objects at different distances, yielding a metric of acoustic gaze along the range axis. Thus, an echolocating bat\'s call features not only convey the information it uses to probe its surroundings, but also provide fine scale metrics of auditory spatial attention in 3D natural tasks. These explicit metrics of overt spatial attention can be leveraged to uncover general principles of neural coding in the mammalian brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shipping noise is a widespread and relatively loud sound source among human-induced underwater sounds. The impacts of shipping noise are of special concern for Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis), as they inhabit shallow and nearshore habitats and are highly dependent on sound for survival. This study synthesizes our current understanding of the potential impacts of shipping noise on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins combined with knowledge on sound production and hearing of these animals and the impacts of noise on other whales and dolphins. For further protection and management of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and their habitats, shipping noise should be regulated and mitigated to modify sound from ships, to reduce overall noise levels, and to set more marine protected areas (MPAs) covering most Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin habitats with seasonal and geographical restrictions to avoid ensonification of shipping noise. The emphasis for future research should be on obtaining more baseline information about the population distribution, sound production, hearing capabilities at the population level, behavior, and stress hormones of the humpback dolphins under different noise conditions or under different noise-producing activities, and/or in high-noise areas compared with relatively quiet areas, and the noise characteristics of ships of different types, sizes and speeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cetacean nose presents a unique suite of anatomical modifications. Key among these is posterior movement of the external nares from the tip of the rostrum to the top of the head. Concomitant with these anatomical changes are functional changes including the evolution of echolocation in odontocetes, and reduction of olfaction in Neoceti (crown odontocetes and mysticetes). Anatomical and embryological development of the nose in crown cetaceans is reviewed as well as their functional implications. A sequence of evolutionary transformations of the nose is proposed in the transition from a terrestrial to an aquatic lifestyle made by whales. Basilosaurids and all later whales reduce the nasal turbinates. The next stage characterizes Neoceti which exhibit reduction of the major olfactory structures, i.e. the ethmoturbinates, cribriform plate and maxilloturbinates with further reduction and subsequent loss in odontocetes. These anatomical modifications reflect underlying genetic changes such as the reduction of olfactory receptor genes, although mysticetes retain some olfactory abilities. Modifications of the facial and nasal region of odontocetes reflect specialization for biosonar sound production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echo-locating bats constantly emit ultrasonic pulses and analyze the returning echoes to detect, localize, and classify objects in their surroundings. Echo classification is essential for bats\' everyday life; for instance, it enables bats to use acoustical landmarks for navigation and to recognize food sources from other objects. Most of the research of echo based object classification in echo-locating bats was done in the context of simple artificial objects. These objects might represent prey, flower, or fruit and are characterized by simple echoes with a single up to several reflectors. Bats, however, must also be able to use echoes that return from complex structures such as plants or other types of background. Such echoes are characterized by superpositions of many reflections that can only be described using a stochastic statistical approach. Scientists have only lately started to address the issue of complex echo classification by echo-locating bats. Some behavioral evidence showing that bats can classify complex echoes has been accumulated and several hypotheses have been suggested as to how they do so. Here, we present a first review of this data. We raise some hypotheses regarding possible interpretations of the data and point out necessary future directions that should be pursued.





