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    文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Alveolar oral exostosis is a common, benign condition routinely found in dentistry. Clinical problems associated with exostoses are the maintenance of oral hygiene as well as the fabrication of prosthodontic appliances. Over time, exostoses may contribute to irritation and periodontal disease.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient in this case study had a recurrence of exostoses and was bothered by consistent and prominent pain. She reported being a bruxer; her bruxism was exacerbated due to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and antidepressant medications.
    UNASSIGNED: The etiology behind the recurrence of exostosis is discussed. The most evident etiology seems to be persistence of medication-induced bruxism, specifically awake bruxism.
    UNASSIGNED: It is necessary to take a proper history to identify the cause of the recurrence of exostosis. Dental hygienists can contribute to a better understanding of and provide better treatment options for patients who have medication-induced bruxism.
    UNASSIGNED: L’exostose buccale alvéolaire est une affection bénigne courante couramment observée en dentisterie. Les problèmes cliniques associés aux exostoses sont le maintien de l’hygiène buccale ainsi que la fabrication d’appareils prosthodontiques. Avec le temps, les exostoses peuvent causer de l’irritation et des maladies parodontales.
    UNASSIGNED: Dans cette étude de cas, la patiente présente des exostoses récurrentes et est dérangée par une douleur constante et proéminente. Elle a déclaré souffrir de bruxisme exacerbé par la prise de médicaments antidépresseurs et contre le trouble déficitaire de l’attention avec hyperactivité.
    UNASSIGNED: L’étiologie derrière la récurrence de l’exostose est abordée. L’étiologie la plus évidente semble être la persistance du bruxisme induit par les médicaments, en particulier le bruxisme diurne.
    UNASSIGNED: Il est nécessaire d’obtenir les antécédents médicaux appropriés pour identifier la cause de la récurrence de l’exostose. Les hygiénistes dentaires peuvent contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et offrir de meilleures options de traitement aux patients atteints de bruxisme induit par les médicaments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the relationship between fluoride exposure and Osteochondroma (OC) prevalence, a cross-sectional study was conducted in drinking water endemic fluorosis areas of Heilongjiang Province, China. Our study first reported that the prevalence of OC was 2.3% in drinking water endemic fluorosis areas of Heilongjiang Province, China, and no difference in gender. Logistic regression analysis found that compared to 1st quartile participants, the prevalence of OC was 73% lower in the 2nd quartile participants of WF (Water fluoride), and 3.4 times higher among the 2nd quartile UF (Urinary fluoride) participants. Our study suggests that 0.259-0.420 mg/L of WF may be considered an appropriate level for reducing OC prevalence, while UF (≥0.750 mg/L) could slightly increase the prevalence of OC. In summary, the link between fluoride and OC prevalence is complicated and needs to be further investigated in a cohort population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Tori or exostoses are bony growths that appear in different oral regions. Torus palatinus, more specifically, develop in the palate midline and can impair proper word pronunciation and hinder the fabrication and use of dentures. Even though a multifactorial inheritance model has been suggested for torus palatinus appearance, precise genetic factors involved in its etiology remain unclear. Hence, in this study we aimed to identify variants across the genome of individuals from 46 Filipino families that associate with torus palatinus.
    METHODS: All families were composed of fishermen or landless rural dwellers who provided blood samples for DNA extraction and genotyping. A total of 3519 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analyzed through a transmission disequilibrium test in individuals affected by torus palatinus and their unaffected family members.
    RESULTS: Fourteen SNPs showed trends for associations to the level of p < .005 threshold and several others were nominally (p < .05) associated with torus palatinus. We highlight SNP rs6582285, which is located in the CAPS2 gene, being the C allele less transmitted than the T allele in our sample. The C allele of CAPS2 rs6582285 protects from having torus palatinus whereas the other associations found were linked to an increased risk of developing the condition.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trends for associations were identified for several markers across the genome, supporting the hypothesis that torus palatinus has a multifactorial mode of inheritance. We hope that our study contributes to a better understanding of torus palatinus etiology and helps guide future research in examining genes for this often-overlooked condition in different populations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of ear protection (earplug and surf hood) in preventing the development of external auditory exostosis (EAE) in surfers.
    METHODS: We performed a prospective observational study. Volunteer surfers were recruited from June 2016 to October 2017 on the Brittany coast in France. Each participant filled in a questionnaire and underwent otoscopic digitalized photography to establish the degree of external ear obstruction by two different practitioners. The correlation between the percentage of external ear obstruction and the time spent in water with or without protection was evaluated. Risk factors of EAE were assessed.
    RESULTS: Two hundred and forty-two ears were analysed. The incidence of EAE was 89.96% with an average rate of obstruction of 37.65%. Risk factors for EAE were male sex (p = 0.0005), number of years practicing surf (p < 0.0001) and symptoms of ear obstruction (p = 0.0358). A significant correlation was found between EAE severity and number of hours spent in water without any protection (earplugs or surf hood) (p < 0.0001). No correlation was found between EAE severity and time spent in water with earplugs (p = 0.6711) but a correlation was identified between obstruction and time spent in water with surf hood (p = 0.0358).
    CONCLUSIONS: Wearing earplugs is an effective way to prevent EAE in surfers unlike surf hood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Torus mandibularis (TM) is one of the most common oral exostoses. The presence of TMs has been correlated with high skeletal bone mineral density. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between TM and mandibular bone quality based on the measurement of mandibular cortical index (MCI).
    METHODS: A case-control study was designed for patients who attended the Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology at the University of Hacettepe for routine dental examination. Patients with TMs were defined as cases, and those without TMs were defined as controls. The presence of tori was assessed by visual inspection and digital palpation. MCI assessments were done based on Klemetti\'s classification. The associations between the presence of TMs, MCI, and the parafunctional activity were assessed.
    RESULTS: The sample consisted of 80 subjects with TMs and 80 control subjects. The presence of TMs was strongly associated with the parafunctional activity (p = 0.036) and a non-eroded mandibular cortex (MCI C1, p = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Parafunctional activity may be a factor related to the formation or existence of TMs. The association between TMs and mandibular morphology may suggest that subjects with TMs may have a higher mandibular bone quality compared to those without TMs.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    CONCLUSIONS: External ear canal exostosis is more prevalent in northern coastal groups than in the highlands, suggesting that ocean activities facilitate the appearance of exostosis. However, southern coastal groups exposed to colder ocean water have a lesser incidence of exostosis, possibly due to less duration of exposure. There was a high incidence of otitis media in all groups of native population in Chile. One coastal group had a higher incidence, presumably due to racial factors.
    BACKGROUND: This is a paleopathological and paleoepidemiological study in temporal bones which assesses external ear canal exostosis and otitis media in prehistoric and historic native populations in Chile.
    METHODS: A total of 460 temporal bones were evaluated for exostosis (ex) and 542 temporal bones were evaluated for otitis media (om). The study involved four groups: (1) Prehistoric Coastal (400-1000 AD) populations in Northern Chile (Pisagua-Tiwanaku) (22 temporal bones ex; 28 om); (2) Prehistoric Highland (400-1000 AD) populations in Northern Chile (292 temporal bones ex; 334 om); (3) Pisagua-Regional Developments (coastal) in Northern Chile (1000-1450 AD) (66 temporal bones ex; 82 om); and (4) Historic (1500-1800 AD) coastal populations in Southern Chile (80 temporal bones ex: 18 Chonos, 62 Fuegians. 98 om: 22 Chonos, 76 Fuegians). Skulls were evaluated visually and with an operating microscope. In addition, the otitis media group was evaluated with Temporal bone radiology - -lateral XRays-Schuller view - to assess pneumatization as evidence of previous middle ear disease.
    RESULTS: Prehistoric northern coastal groups had an incidence of exostosis of 15.91%, the northern highlands group 1.37%, and the southern coastal group 1.25%. There were changes suggestive of otitis media in: Pisagua/Tiwanaku 53.57%; Pisagua/Regional Developments 70.73%; Northern Highlands population 47.90%; Chonos 63.64%; and Fuegian tribes 64.47%.





