
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction is a common non-motor feature of Parkinson disease (PD). GI symptoms may start years before the onset of motor symptoms and impair quality of life. Robust clinical trial data is lacking to guide screening, diagnosis and treatment of GI dysfunction in PD.
    OBJECTIVE: To develop consensus statements on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of GI dysfunction in PD.
    METHODS: The application of a modified Delphi panel allowed for the synthesis of expert opinions into clinical statements. Consensus was predefined as a level of agreement of 100 % for each item. Five virtual Delphi rounds were held. Two movement disorders neurologists reviewed the literature on GI dysfunction in PD and developed draft statements based on the literature review. Draft statements were distributed among the panel that included five movement disorder neurologists and two gastroenterologists, both experts in GI dysmotility and its impact on PD symptoms. All members reviewed the statements and references in advance of the virtual meetings. In the virtual meetings, each statement was discussed, edited, and a vote was conducted. If there was not 100 % consensus, further discussions and modifications ensued until there was consensus.
    RESULTS: Statements were developed for screening, diagnosis, and treatment of common GI symptoms in PD and were organized by anatomic segments: oral cavity and esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon and anorectum.
    CONCLUSIONS: These consensus recommendations offer a practical framework for the diagnosis and treatment of GI dysfunction in PD.






  • 文章类型: Review
    OBJECTIVE: To provide guidance for the comprehensive management of children referred for anterior drooling. The mission of the International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) is to develop expertise-based recommendations for the management of pediatric otolaryngologic disorders with the goal of improving patient care.
    METHODS: Survey of expert opinion by the members of the International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG). The recommendations are derived from current expert consensus and critical review of the literature.
    RESULTS: Consensus recommendations include initial care and approach recommendations for health care providers who commonly evaluate children with drooling. This includes evaluation and treatment considerations for commonly debated issues in drooling management, initial work-up of children referred for anterior drooling, treatment recommendations, indications and contra-indications for rehabilitation, medical, and surgical management, as well as pros and cons of different surgical procedures in the hands of drooling management experts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Anterior drooling consensus recommendations are aimed at improving patient-centered care in children referred for sialorrhea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The rate of chronic drooling in children older than 4 years is 0.5%, but it rises to 60% in those with neurological disorders. Physical and psychosocial consequences lead to a reduction in the quality of Life (QoL) of affected patients; however, the problem remains under-recognized and under-treated. We conducted an Italian consensus through a modified Delphi survey to discuss the current treatment paradigm of drooling in pediatric patients with neurological disorders.
    METHODS: After reviewing the literature, a board of 10 experts defined some statements to be administered to a multidisciplinary panel through an online encrypted platform. The answers to the questions were based on a 1-5 Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree). The scores were grouped into 1-2 (disagreement) and 4-5 (agreement), while 3 was discarded. The consensus was reached when the sum of the disagreement or agreement was ≥75%.
    RESULTS: Fifteen statements covered three main topics, namely clinical manifestations and QoL, quantification of drooling, and treatment strategies. All statements reached consensus (≥75% agreement). The 55 Italian experts agreed that drooling should be assessed in all children with complex needs, having a major impact on the QoL. Attention should be paid to investigating posterior hypersalivation, which is often neglected but may lead to important clinical consequences. Given that the severity of drooling fluctuates over time, its management should be guided by the patients\' current needs. Furthermore, the relative lack of validated and universal scales for drooling quantification limits the evaluation of the response to treatment. Finally, the shared therapeutic paradigm is progressive, with conservative treatments preceding the pharmacological ones and reserving surgery only for selected cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the pivotal importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the management of drooling. National experts agree that progressive treatment can reduce the incidence of complications, improve the QoL of patients and caregivers, and save healthcare resources. Finally, this study highlights how the therapeutic strategy should be reconsidered over time according to the available drugs on the market, the progression of symptoms, and the patients\' needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypersalivation describes a relatively excessive salivary flow, which wets the patient himself and his surroundings. It may result because of insufficient oro-motor function, dysphagia, decreased central control and coordination. This update presents recent changes and innovation in the treatment of hypersalivation. Multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment evaluation is recommended already at early stage and focus on dysphagia, saliva aspiration, and oro-motor deficiencies. Clinical screening tools and diagnostics such as fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing generate important data on therapy selection and control. Many cases profit from swallowing therapy programmes to activate compensation mechanisms as long compliances are given. In children with hypotonic oral muscles, oral stimulation plates can induce a relevant symptom release because of the improved lip closure. The pharmacologic treatment improved for pediatric cases as glycopyrrolate fluid solution (Sialanar®) is now indicated for hypersalivation within the EU. The injection of botulinum toxin into the salivary glands has shown safe and effective results with long-lasting saliva reduction. Here, a phase III trial is completed for incobotulinum toxin A and, in the US, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with chronic hypersalivation. Surgical treatment should be reserved for isolated cases. External radiation is judged as a safe and effective therapy when using modern 3D techniques to minimize tissue damage. Therapy effects and symptom severity have to be followed, especially in cases with underlying neurodegenerative disease.





