Dirofilaria repens

Dirofilaria repens
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: We present an extremely rare manifestation of dirofilariasis in the pleural cavity. This is the first human pulmonary dirofilariasis reported in Lithuania; according to our knowledge, only two other patients were documented with this pathology in the world.
    METHODS: A 72-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital complaining of dyspnea, left-side chest pain, and a dry cough. She was a retiree living alone in the countryside without domestic pets (sometimes stray dogs appear) or a travel history. A complete blood count was within normal limits, with a CRP level of 16.8 mg/l and D-dimer concentration of 900 µg/l, which raised suspicion of pulmonary embolism. In chest computed tomography angiography, pulmonary embolism was excluded, and only left pleural effusion without abnormal lesions was confirmed. Left thoracocentesis was performed, and the pleural fluid was evaluated as an exudate with a predominance of eosinophils (59%), along with the presence of parasites. These parasites exhibited the morphology of Dirofilaria repens. Oral doxycycline (100 mg, twice daily) and albendazole (400 mg, twice daily) were prescribed for a 14-day course. A month later, there were no pathological findings on the chest X-ray, and the patient no longer had respiratory symptoms. However, the patient presented with an emerged, painful palpable right breastmass, where the rash was previously observed. Ultrasound imaging revealed a 1.5 × 2 cm nodule, which was surgically removed. Parasites consistent with Dirofilaria repens were suspected but not definitively identified. Pharmacological treatment for dirofilariasis was not further prescribed.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case encourages doctors to be more vigilant because the patient, who neither travelled nor kept any pets, contracted dirofilariasis. Diagnostic and treatment guidelines are lacking, necessitating further research. Treatment with doxycycline and albendazole yielded positive outcomes, suggesting potential efficacy for dirofilarial pleuritis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dirofilariasis is an infection caused by the filarial nematode Dirofilaria. Dirofilaria immitis primarily causes pulmonary dirofilariasis, while subcutaneous dirofilariasis is usually caused by Dirofilaria tenuis and Dirofilaria repens but can rarely be caused by Dirofilaria immitis as well. Here we report a rare case where in a 26-year-old with a history of international travel presented with swelling over the nasal dorsum. Following surgical excision, histopathological examination revealed dirofilariasis. Although uncommon, this zoonosis should be taken into consideration as a differential diagnosis of facial swellings.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dirofilariasis is an infectious disease caused by species of the Dirofilaria genus. It is manifested by the appearance of a subcutaneous swelling, especially in the eye region. We present the case of a 29-year-old patient who presented with facial asymmetry in the right genian region. Following clinical and paraclinical evaluations, the diagnosis of a parasitic cyst was established in the context of dirofilariasis with Dirofilaria repens (D. repens). Treatment consisted of surgical excision of the formation associated with prophylactic antibiotic medication. Macroscopic analysis of the excision piece revealed a structure that contained a cystic cavity and a filamentous form with a length of approximately 10 mm and a diameter of 1 mm. This is the first case of dirofilariasis located in the genian region reported in Romania. The overview of this pathology is important to raise awareness among physicians about its presence and clinical variations. Understanding such cases helps healthcare professionals enhance diagnostic skills, refine treatment strategies, and provide valuable insights into the prevalence and clinical presentation, fostering early detection and timely intervention. Detailed case reports contribute to the understanding of the disease\'s epidemiology, including risk factors and transmission patterns, which is essential for effective public health strategies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Dirofilariasis is a vector-borne disease caused by parasitic nematodes of the genus Dirofilaria spp., considered an emerging concern in both veterinary and human medicine. Climate changes and human activities, such as pet travel, contribute to the spread of diseases to new non-endemic regions. Poland is dominated by subcutaneous dirofilariasis caused by D. repens infections. Cardiopulmonary dirofilariasis, also known as a heartworm disease is much more rare with only single autochthonous cases reported so far. Also, imported infections are observed sporadically in dogs traveling to endemic countries. In this study, we report the first case of a dog in Poland, never having traveled abroad, co-infected with Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis.
    METHODS: A 14-year-old mixed breed, an intact male dog with fever, lightly pale mucosal membranes, moderate abdominal pain, and a mild cough was presented in a veterinary clinic in Warsaw, Poland. The examination of the blood sample collected for complete morphology and biochemistry revealed the presence of live microfilariae. Presence of the DNA of both microfilariae species was detected using Real-Time PCR with species-specific primers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Since the remaining diagnostic methods like Knott\'s test, antigen test or echocardiography did not reveal the presence of D. immitis, we discussed the impact of microfilariae periodicity and low worm burden infections on the limited efficiency of these techniques. We strongly recommend using a mixed diagnostic approach for the most sensitive and specific diagnosis since the ideal diagnostic method does not exist, and several factors may contribute to misdiagnosis. Furthermore, we considered factors that contribute to the uncontrolled spread of dirofilariasis such as climate changes, introduction of new species of mosquitoes competent for the transmission of the disease, and wildlife animals as an important reservoir of this parasitosis. Given that Poland shares borders with countries classified as endemic and pre-endemic for D. immitis, such as Slovakia and Ukraine, it is reasonable to anticipate a rise in autochthonous heartworm infections and shifts in the epidemiological pattern of dirofilariasis in the coming years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Subcutaneous dirofilariasis is a parasitic zoonosis commonly described in Canidae but rarely seen in humans. Most physicians are unfamiliar with this disease, especially in nonendemic areas, which can lead to medication error and diagnostic and treatment delay. To the best of our knowledge, no previous case of subcutaneous dirofilariasis preoperatively diagnosed on ultrasound has been described in Western Europe.
    METHODS: A 25-year-old Belgian male patient presented with a subcutaneous nodule in the epigastric region. Ultrasound investigation showed a typical cystic lesion with an internal serpiginous structure with echogenic lines, and there was active twirling movement of this serpentine structure during investigation, pathognomonic for subcutaneous dirofilariasis. Surgical extirpation was performed, and the diagnosis was histopathologically confirmed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Subcutaneous dirofilariasis has a characteristic appearance on ultrasound but is not well known in nonendemic areas, often leading to diagnostic delay and initial incorrect treatment. More knowledge of this disease and of its characteristic ultrasound appearance will hopefully lead to better patient care.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The differential diagnosis of neoplasms of various localizations is the primary task in clinical practice of all physicians. We present a description of the case of invasion with Dirofilaria repens in the lung of a 68-year-old patient. In 2016 the patient was diagnosed with cancer of the left kidney and underwent a left-sided nephrectomy. During the dynamic observation in 2019, a lump was found in the left lung, which was regarded as a metastasis. An atypical SIX resection of the left lung was performed. Microscopy of the removed lump revealed the presence of a nematode of the genus Dirofilaria, presumably D. repens. The species identity of D. repens was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction using species-specific primers. It is known that the morphological identification of parasites up to the species in the surgical material presents certain difficulties and requires high professional training of the researcher. Therefore, the diagnosis of dirofilariasis in atypical localizations of nematodes in the human body is of great importance in the differentiation of malignant and benign formations, and the use of the polymerase chain reaction method can significantly increase the accuracy in establishing the final diagnosis.
    В клинической практике дифференциальная диагностика новообразований различной локализации является первостепенной задачей врачей всех специальностей. В настоящем исследовании представлено описание случая паразитирования в легком Dirofilaria repens. В 2016 г. у пациента диагностирован рак левой почки и выполнена левосторонняя нефрэктомия. При динамическом наблюдении в 2019 г. в левом легком обнаружен метастаз. Выполнена резекция легкого. В удаленном образовании обнаружена нематода рода Dirofilaria. Методом полимеразной цепной реакции установлен вид паразита – D. repens. Морфологическая идентификация гельминтов в операционном материале часто представляет определенные трудности и требует высокой профессиональной подготовки специалиста; использование метода полимеразной цепной реакции позволяет точно определить видовую принадлежность паразита.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Dirofilaria repens is an endemic mosquito-borne pathogen widely spread throughout Europe and other non-Europen regions. Infection by D. repens has been reported in dogs, although little is known about the occurrence and epidemiological features of this nematode in cats. During the surgical procedure within the framework of a trap, neuter and release sterilization program, two female filarial nematodes with spontaneous movement were removed from the internal part of the spermatic cord from asymptomatic stray cat in Spain (Grao de Castellón, Castellon de la Plana, province of Spain). Moreover, the presence of microfilariae was detected by using three different methods, including direct blood smear technique, the microhematocrit tube test, and Knott´s modified test. PCR performed from the nematodes extracted from the spermatic cord and from microfilariae in EDTA-blood sample tested both positive for D. repens. To the authors\' knowledge, this is the first report that demonstrates the presence of D. repens in cats in Spain. In this sense, a review of the current scientific status of feline subcutaneous dirofilariosis in Europe was also performed. Future investigations should analyze the epidemiological role of cats in D. repens infection including the prevalence of infection. Veterinarians working in endemic areas should be aware of this infection in cats and their susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 78-year-old Ukrainian woman who had immigrated to Switzerland presented with a rapid growing subcutaneous infraorbital mass. Surgical excision of the mass revealed a well-circumscribed, encapsulated tumor, adherent to the skin. The excision showed a soft tissue inflammation with parts of Dirofilaria spp. The number of cases of human dirofilariosis reported in the last 50 years has gradually increased. Dirofilaria repens is now endemic in many countries and is currently considered to be one of the fast spreading zoonoses in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe. The first empirical evidence of Swiss spreading of D. repens infections was in a dog from southern Switzerland in 1998. Ours is the first case of human orbital dirofilariosis found in a Ukranian patient reported in Switzerland. Our purpose is to inform the ophthalmologist to consider orbital dirofilariosis in the differential diagnosis of inflammatory masses of the orbit and to warn about the spread of this infection in Switzerland.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The article presents the clinical case of a young woman with the dirofilariosis of the nose slope on the right side. This disease is quite rare, and therefore there is a difficulty in setting the correct one. This case is a professional interest both for young doctors and for experienced specialists. Specialists,will be able, if necessary, to correctly diagnose and effectively treat this disease analyzing the given clinical example.
    В статье представлен клинический случай дирофиляриоза правого бокового ската носа у молодой женщины. Данное заболевание является редким, в связи с этим возникают трудности в установлении правильного диагноза. Клиническое наблюдение может быть интересным с профессиональной точки зрения как для молодых врачей, так и для опытных. Специалисты, анализируя приведенный клинический пример, смогут при необходимости правильно диагностировать и эффективно лечить данное заболевание.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Zoonotic dirofilariasis infestation, caused by Dirofilaria Repens, is described worldwide in different countries. A 31-years-old male patient presented thoracic muscle pain after growth of an ovoidal undefine cyst in left parasternal region. Patient reported several contacts with different species of animals for a familiar activity. In absence of blood inflammatory indices and systemic symptoms, imaging studies showed a suspected muscle cyst infection. Surgical excision was performed and microbiology confirmed parasite nature. Dirofilaria Repens, probably adult female, was identified. Treatment resulted to be definitive and any other clinical and surgical approach was needed. Healing time was uneventful and follow-up showed no further systemic relapses. The case highlights the effectiveness of surgical treatment in this subcutaneous infestation for an increasing number of human cases reported in endemic areas such as Central Italy.





