Diagnosis-Related Groups

  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Immediate breast reconstruction is recommended for eligible patients undergoing mastectomy, raising the issue of economic sustainability of both mastectomy and breast reconstruction performed within the same hospitalization, as opposed to two surgical procedures in two different hospitalizations.
    A retrospective analysis was conducted to compare economic sustainability of mastectomies with or without immediate breast reconstruction.
    Economic data on hospitalizations for mastectomy in a Teaching Hospital between 1 January 2019 and 31 March 2021 were analyzed to assess their sustainability.
    338 admissions were selected (63.9% with immediate breast reconstruction (CI 99%: 57.2% to 70.6%). Compared to mastectomy alone, mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction had higher cost of € 2,245 (p < 0.001), with operating rooms and devices as main cost drivers. Current reimbursements rates (which are the same for mastectomy alone and for mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction) led to an average loss of € 1,719 for each mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction.
    Current DRGs reimbursement rates for hospital admissions for breast cancer surgery do not guarantee immediate breast reconstruction\'s economic sustainability. DRGs system should be revised, or other solutions as bundled payment should be implemented in the light of the costs of innovation in healthcare, considering mastectomy and breast reconstruction steps in a path of linked actions aimed at improving patients\' health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a separate physical facility or unit specifically designed for the treatment of paediatric patients who, because of the severity of illness or other life-threatening conditions, require comprehensive and continuous inten-sive care by a medical team with special skills in paediatric intensive care medicine. Timely and personal intervention in intensive care reduces mortality, reduces length of stay, and decreases cost of care. With the aim of defending the right of the child to receive the highest attainable standard of health and the facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation, as well as ensuring the quality of care and the safety of critically ill paediatric patients, the Spanish Association of Paediatrics (AEP), Spanish Society of Paediatric Intensive Care (SECIP) and Spanish Society of Critical Care (SEMICYUC) have approved the guidelines for the admission, discharge and triage for Spanish PICUs. By using these guidelines, the performance of Spanish paediatric intensive care units can be optimised and paediatric patients can receive the appropriate level of care for their clinical condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Funnel plots are graphical tools to assess and compare clinical performance of a group of care professionals or care institutions on a quality indicator against a benchmark. Incorrect construction of funnel plots may lead to erroneous assessment and incorrect decisions potentially with severe consequences. We provide workflow-based guidance for data analysts on constructing funnel plots for the evaluation of binary quality indicators, expressed as proportions, risk-adjusted rates or standardised rates. Our guidelines assume the following steps: (1) defining policy level input; (2) checking the quality of models used for case-mix correction; (3) examining whether the number of observations per hospital is sufficient; (4) testing for overdispersion of the values of the quality indicator; (5) testing whether the values of quality indicators are associated with institutional characteristics; and (6) specifying how the funnel plot should be constructed. We illustrate our guidelines using data from the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation registry. We expect that our guidelines will be useful to data analysts preparing funnel plots and to registries, or other organisations publishing quality indicators. This is particularly true if these people and organisations wish to use standard operating procedures when constructing funnel plots, perhaps to comply with the demands of certification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large and increasing number of studies have reported a relationship between low nurse staffing levels and adverse outcomes, including higher mortality rates. Despite the evidence being extensive in size, and having been sometimes described as \"compelling\" and \"overwhelming\", there are limitations that existing studies have not yet been able to address. One result of these weaknesses can be observed in the guidelines on safe staffing in acute hospital wards issued by the influential body that sets standards for the National Health Service in England, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, which concluded there is insufficient good quality evidence available to fully inform practice. In this paper we explore this apparent contradiction. After summarising the evidence review that informed the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline on safe staffing and related evidence, we move on to discussing the complex challenges that arise when attempting to apply this evidence to practice. Among these, we introduce the concept of endogeneity, a form of bias in the estimation of causal effects. Although current evidence is broadly consistent with a cause and effect relationship, endogeneity means that estimates of the size of effect, essential for building an economic case, may be biased and in some cases qualitatively wrong. We expand on three limitations that are likely to lead to endogeneity in many previous studies: omitted variables, which refers to the absence of control for variables such as medical staffing and patient case mix; simultaneity, which occurs when the outcome can influence the level of staffing just as staffing influences outcome; and common-method variance, which may be present when both outcomes and staffing levels variables are derived from the same survey. Thus while current evidence is important and has influenced policy because it illustrates the potential risks and benefits associated with changes in nurse staffing, it may not provide operational solutions. We conclude by posing a series of questions about design and methods for future researchers who intend to further explore this complex relationship between nurse staffing levels and outcomes. These questions are intended to reflect on the potential added value of new research given what is already known, and to encourage those conducting research to take opportunities to produce research that fills gaps in the existing knowledge for practice. By doing this we hope that future studies can better quantify both the benefits and costs of changes in nurse staffing levels and, therefore, serve as a more useful tool for those delivering services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The economic situation in German Hospitals is tense and needs the implementation of differentiated controlling instruments. Accordingly, parameters of revenue development of different organizational units within a hospital are needed. This is particularly necessary in the revenue and cost-intensive operating theater field. So far there are only barely established productivity data for the control of operating room (OR) revenues during the year available. This article describes a valid method for the calculation of case-related revenues per OR minute conform to the diagnosis-related groups (DRG).For this purpose the relevant datasets from the OR information system and the § 21 productivity report (DRG grouping) of the University Medical Center Göttingen were combined. The revenues defined in the DRG browser of the Institute for Hospital Reimbursement (InEK) were assigned to the corresponding process times--incision-suture time (SNZ), operative preparation time and anesthesiology time--according to the InEK system. All full time stationary DRG cases treated within the OR were included and differentiated according to the surgical department responsible. The cost centers \"OR section\" and \"anesthesia\" were isolated to calculate the revenues of the operating theater. SNZ clusters and cost type groups were formed to demonstrate their impact on the revenues per OR minute. A surgical personal simultaneity factor (GZF) was calculated by division of the revenues for surgeons and anesthesiologists. This factor resembles the maximum DRG financed personnel deployment for surgeons in German hospitals.The revenue per OR minute including all cost types and DRG was 16.63 €/min. The revenues ranged from 10.45 to 24.34 €/min depending on the surgical field. The revenues were stable when SNZ clusters were analyzed. The differentiation of cost type groups revealed a revenue reduction especially after exclusion of revenues for implants and infrastructure. The calculated GZF over all surgical departments was 2.2 (range 1.9-3.6). A calculation of this factor at the DRG level can give economically relevant information about the case-related personnel deployment.This analysis shows for the first time the DRG-conform calculation of revenues per OR minute. There is a strong dependency on the considered cost type and the performing surgical field. Repetitive analyses are necessary due to the lack of reference values and are a suitable tool to monitor the revenue development after measures for process optimization. Comparative analyses within different surgical fields on this data base should be avoided. The demonstrated method can be used as a guideline for other hospitals to calculate the DRG revenues within the OR. This enables pursuing cost-effectiveness analysis by comparing these revenues with cost data from the cost unit accounting at a DRG or case level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This is an investigation of factors determining hospital delay until treatment in an unrestricted population of colorectal cancer patients in the western part of the Netherlands. All patients with newly diagnosed colon (n=2146) and rectal carcinoma (n=1036) in the period 2006-2008 were included in analyses of inhospital delay (first hospital visit until first treatment >35 days). One-third of all patients were also available for analyses of prehospital delay (enrollment until first hospital visit >7 days). Patient, tumour and process factors predicting delay were examined in logistic regression models. The median prehospital and inhospital time intervals were 2 days [(p25-p75) 0-16] and 32 days (17-49), respectively, for colon cancer patients and 7 days (1-21) and 43 days (33-60) for rectal cancer patients. After adjustment for patient and tumour factors, colon and rectal cancer patients with first hospital visit before histological confirmation of cancer, complete diagnostic assessment or discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting had a higher probability of increased inhospital delay. Furthermore, first hospital visit before histological confirmation of cancer was associated with decreased prehospital delay in colon and rectal cancer patients. A guidelines-based diagnostic process (considered high quality of care) and multidisciplinary collaboration were associated with increased hospital delay in colorectal cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Japan Thyroid Association (JTA) recently published new guidelines for clinical management of thyroid nodules. This paper introduces their diagnostic system for reporting thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology. There are two points where the new reporting system that differs from existing internationally-accepted ones. The first is the subclassification of the so-called indeterminate category, which is divided into \'follicular neoplasm\' and \'others\'. The second is the subclassification of follicular neoplasm into \'favor benign\', \'borderline\' and \'favor malignant\'. It is characterized by self-explanatory terminologies as to histological type and probability of malignancy to establish further risk stratification as well as to facilitate communication between clinicians and cytopathologists. The different treatment strategies adopted for thyroid nodules is deeply influenced by the particular diagnostic system used for thyroid cytology. In Western countries all patients with follicular neoplasms are advised to have immediate diagnostic surgery while patients in Japan often undergo further risk stratification without immediate surgery. The JTA diagnostic system of reporting thyroid cytology is designed for further risk stratification of patients with indeterminate cytology. If a surgeon applies diagnostic lobectomy to all patients with follicular neoplasm unselectively, this subclassification of follicular neoplasm has no practical meaning and is unnecessary. Cytological risk stratification of follicular neoplasms is optional and cytopathologists can choose either a simple 6-tier system without stratification of follicular neoplasm or a complicated 8-tier system depending on their experience in thyroid cytology and clinical management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V).
    METHODS: Eighty dysphonic patients and 120 asymptomatic subjects were enrolled. The voice signal of each participant was recorded, listened to and rated by 3 licensed speech-language pathologists using the GRBAS scale and the Italian version of the CAPE-V. The intra- and interrater reliability of the CAPE-V was assessed as well as the degree of association between the CAPE-V and GRBAS judgments. The CAPE-V values were also compared between the patients with dysphonia and the asymptomatic subjects.
    RESULTS: The intra- and interrater reliability appeared to be good for all the parameters except for the strain parameter. The attributes \'consistent\' and \'intermittent\' demonstrated optimal intra- and interrater reliability. The difference between pathological and control groups was significant for six perceptual parameters. The highest average correlation between GRBAS and CAPE-V judgments was found between overall severity and grade while the lowest was found between the two strain scales. CAPE-V profiles differed significantly between different pathological groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Italian version of CAPE-V appears to be a reliable and valid tool for the perceptual analysis of the voice signal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: From 2006 to 2008, an audit of the multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer patients in the western part of the Netherlands was carried out. We evaluated whether compliance with guidelines had improved.
    METHODS: All patients with newly diagnosed and surgically treated colon (n = 1,667) and rectal cancer (n = 544) stage I-III were evaluated. Nine quality indicators were derived from the evidence-based guidelines. In order to compare hospital performances, hospital results were adjusted for casemix differences between hospitals.
    RESULTS: Colon cancer patients showed an increase in the examination of 10 or more lymph nodes (from 53% to 78%, P < 0.0001). For rectal cancer patients there was an increase in preoperative visualisation of the total colon (63-74%, P = 0.02), MRI (73-85%, P = 0.003), radiotherapy (from 82% to 93% for patients <75 years, P = 0.01) and examination of at least 10 lymph nodes (40-55%, P = 0.004). In 2006, standardised hospital performances differed widely for all quality indicators. Two years later, hospital performances for some quality indicators were more similar.
    CONCLUSIONS: After the feedback of benchmark information, compliance with guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer patients improved, and differences between individual hospitals decreased. Although secular trends cannot be ruled out, it is highly likely that these results can be attributed to the audit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Process and outcome measures are often used to quantify quality of care in hospitals. Whether these quality measures correlate with one another and the degree to which hospital provider rankings shift on the basis of the performance metric is uncertain.
    RESULTS: Heart failure patients ≥ 65 years of age hospitalized in the Get With the Guidelines-Heart Failure registry of the American Heart Association were linked to Medicare claims from 2005 to 2006. Hospitals were ranked by (1) composite adherence scores for 5 heart failure process measures, (2) composite adherence scores for emerging quality measures, (3) risk-adjusted 30-day death after admission, and (4) risk-adjusted 30-day readmission after discharge. Hierarchical models using shrinkage estimates were performed to adjust for case mix and hospital volume. There were 19 483 patients hospitalized from 2005 to 2006 from 153 hospitals. The overall median composite adherence rate to heart process measures was 85.8% (25th, 75th percentiles 77.5, 91.4). Median 30-day risk-adjusted mortality was 9.0% (7.9, 10.4). Median risk-adjusted 30-day readmission was 22.9% (22.1, 23.5). The weighted κ for remaining within the top 20th percentile or bottom 20th percentile was ≤ 0.15 and the Spearman correlation overall was ≤ 0.21 between the different measures of quality of care. The average shift in ranks was 33 positions (13, 68) when criteria were changed from 30-day mortality to readmission and 51 positions (22, 76) when ranking metric changed from 30-day mortality to composite process adherence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Agreement between different methods of ranking hospital-based quality of care and 30-day mortality or readmission rankings was poor. Profiling quality of care will require multidimensional ranking methods and/or additional measures.





