
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Relapsed/refractory (R/R) peripheral T cell lymphoma (PTCL) has a poor prognosis, with limited treatment options and generally no durable response. However, long-term remission with the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor romidepsin has been reported, especially in angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma (AITL). Recently, tucidinostat, a novel oral HDAC inhibitor that selectively inhibits class I and class IIb HDACs, was approved for R/R PTCL in China and Japan. We present the case of a patient with AITL whose gastrointestinal symptoms and health-related quality of life improved after switching from romidepsin to tucidinostat as maintenance therapy. Romidepsin and tucidinostat appear to have different safety profiles; non-haematological toxicities such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, anorexia and fatigue may be reported less frequently with tucidinostat than with romidepsin. This case suggests that switching to tucidinostat therapy may be a viable option for patients with PTCL suffering from severe gastrointestinal adverse events with romidepsin.






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    文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Depsipeptides are an important class of bioactive natural products, where a growing number of genome-mined structures that display anti-microbial activity are macrocyclic depsipeptides. Chemically, peptide ester (depsipeptide) bond formation often displays low yields, and thereby hampers efforts to access these structures for structure-activity studies. Herein, we present a systematic study of the variables that influence depsipeptide bond formation on-resin, using simplified sequences derived from antibiotic peptides, daptomycin and brevicidine, prepared via Fmoc-based solid-phase synthesis. Our study highlights reaction solvent as the key determinant, where switching the solvent from DMF to DCM in almost all cases increased the amount of depsipeptide product. Limiting the number of amino-acids N-terminal to the reactive alcohol was also noted to significantly improve the acylation efficiency. The impact of different N-terminal and side-chain protecting groups, as well as stereochemistry, was also investigated. Additives to the reaction, such as inclusion of surfactants for esterification of long hydrophobic sequences, did not improve conversion. 6-ClHOBt, often added to improve acylation efficiency, notably decreased the amount of depsipeptide observed. Lastly, no significant difference between polystyrene and Tentagel® (PEG-decorated) resins were found for these sequences.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bacillus cereus foodborne intoxications and toxicoinfections are on a rise. Usually, symptoms are self-limiting but occasionally hospitalization is necessary. Severe intoxications with the emetic Bacillus cereus toxin cereulide, which is notably resistant heat and acid during cooking, can cause acute liver failure and encephalopathy. We here present a case series of food poisonings in five immunocompetent adults after ingestion of fried rice balls, which were massively contaminated with Bacillus cereus. The patients developed a broad clinical spectrum, ranging from emesis and diarrhoea to life-threatening acute liver failure and acute tubular necrosis of the kidney in the index patient. In the left-over rice ball, we detected 8 × 106Bacillus cereus colony-forming units/g foodstuff, and cereulide in a concentration of 37 μg/g foodstuff, which is one of the highest cereulide toxin contaminations reported so far from foodborne outbreaks. This report emphasizes the potential biological hazard of contaminated rice meals that are not freshly prepared. It exemplifies the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach in cases of Bacillus cereus associated food poisonings to rapidly establish the diagnosis, to closely monitor critically ill patients, and to provide supportive measures for acute liver failure and-whenever necessary-urgent liver transplantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal chemodiversity is well known in part due to the production of diverse analogous compounds by a single biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC). Usually, similar or the same metabolites are produced by closely related fungal species under a given condition, the foundation of fungal chemotaxonomy. Here, we report a rare case of the production of the cyclodepsipeptide beauveriolides (BVDs) in three insect-pathogenic fungi. We found that the more closely related fungi Beauveria bassiana and Beauveria brongniartii produced structurally distinct analogs of BVDs, whereas the less-close relatives B. brongniartii and Cordyceps militaris biosynthesized structurally similar congeners under the same growth condition. It was verified that a conserved BGC containing four genes is responsible for BVD biosynthesis in three fungi, including a polyketide synthase (PKS) for the production of 3-hydroxy fatty acids (FAs) with chain length variations. In contrast to BVD production patterns, phylogenetic analysis of the BGC enzymes or enzyme domains largely resulted in the congruence relationship with fungal speciation. Feeding assays demonstrated that an FA with a chain length of eight carbon atoms was preferentially utilized, whereas an FA with a chain longer than 10 carbon atoms could not be used as a substrate for BVD biosynthesis. Insect survival assays suggested that the contribution of BVDs to fungal virulence might be associated with the susceptibility of insect species. The results of this study enrich the knowledge of fungal secondary metabolic diversity that can question the reliability of fungal chemotaxonomy.IMPORTANCE Fungal chemotaxonomy is an approach to classify fungi based on the fungal production profile of metabolites, especially the secondary metabolites. We found an atypical example that could question the reliability of fungal chemical classifications in this study, i.e., the more closely related entomopathogenic species Beauveria bassiana and Beauveria brongniartii produced structurally different congeners of the cyclodepsipeptide beauveriolides, whereas the rather divergent species B. brongniartii and Cordyceps militaris biosynthesized similar analogs under the same growth condition. The conserved biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) containing four genes present in each species is responsible for beauveriolide production. In contrast to the compound formation profiles, the phylogenies of biosynthetic enzymes or enzymatic domains show associations with fungal speciation. Dependent on the insect species, production of beauveriolides may contribute to fungal virulence against the susceptible insect hosts. The findings in this study augment the diversity of fungal secondary metabolisms.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT), is a rare yet highly aggressive malignancy with a poor prognosis. Currently, there are no SCCOHT treatment guidelines. After surgery, many patients with SCCOHT receive adjuvant cisplatin and etoposide (CE), based on its efficacy in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Nonetheless, CE-refractory SCCOHT is still common. Novel therapies (ie, histone deacetylase [HDAC] inhibitors) are being studied as they may target abnormal chromatin remodeling known to be associated with SCCOHT. We present the case of a 21-year-old female with Stage IC SCCOHT status after unilateral oophorectomy. Despite adjuvant CE, the patient developed disease progression. This is the first case report of a patient with CE-refractory SCCOHT treated with second-line topotecan (a topoisomerase-1 inhibitor) and romidepsin (an HDAC inhibitor). Although our patient\'s SCCOHT further progressed and lead to her death, her story highlights the importance of discovering better therapeutic targets for the treatment of SCCOHT.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background Romidepsin is a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor that is approved for the treatment of cutaneous and peripheral T-cell lymphoma in patients who have had at least one prior therapy. Romidepsin is generally well tolerated, though it comes with a risk of cardiac toxicities. Objective We report a case of electrocardiogram changes in a 64-year-old male with enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma, type 2, treated with salvage romidepsin therapy who relapsed after non-myeloablative allogeneic sibling peripheral blood stem cell transplant. Discussion Although histone deacetylase inhibitors have been investigated for many years, they have only recently been translated to clinical use as a therapy for malignancies. Furthermore, given their approval for a rare disease, clinicians often have limited experience with the dosing and side effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors. Conclusion This case report and literature review investigates the cardiac side effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors and illustrates the importance of cardiac monitoring prior to and during treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 77-year-old white male presented to the clinic with two isolated cutaneous tumors on his forehead. A cutaneous biopsy showed a focally folliculotropic CD4 cutaneous lymphoma. The tumors were irradiated with a complete response, and he was started on oral bexarotene. He experienced localized cutaneous relapse 3 months into treatment. These new tumors now revealed a surprisingly CD8 cytotoxic phenotype, but with the same clone. A systemic workup was negative. His regimen was switched to romidepsin, and he was treated with local radiation again. Another 3.5 months passed in remission until he developed widespread cutaneous tumors. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography revealed multifocal systemic disease involving his diaphragm, liver, distal duodenum, proximal jejunum, anterior chest wall including pectoral muscles, and lungs without significant adenopathy. He died a few days later. Given his full clinical and pathological course, he was given the diagnosis of an aggressive primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA bis-intercalators are widely used in molecular biology with applications ranging from DNA imaging to anticancer pharmacology. Two fundamental aspects of these ligands are the lifetime of the bis-intercalated complexes and their sequence selectivity. Here, we perform single-molecule optical tweezers experiments with the peptide Thiocoraline showing, for the first time, that bis-intercalation is driven by a very slow off-rate that steeply decreases with applied force. This feature reveals the existence of a long-lived (minutes) mono-intercalated intermediate that contributes to the extremely long lifetime of the complex (hours). We further exploit this particularly slow kinetics to determine the thermodynamics of binding and persistence length of bis-intercalated DNA for a given fraction of bound ligand, a measurement inaccessible in previous studies of faster intercalating agents. We also develop a novel single-molecule footprinting technique based on DNA unzipping and determine the preferred binding sites of Thiocoraline with one base-pair resolution. This fast and radiolabelling-free footprinting technique provides direct access to the binding sites of small ligands to nucleic acids without the need of cleavage agents. Overall, our results provide new insights into the binding pathway of bis-intercalators and the reported selectivity might be of relevance for this and other anticancer drugs interfering with DNA replication and transcription in carcinogenic cell lines.





