Delay Discounting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delay discounting refers to the behavioral tendency to devalue rewards as a function of their delay in receipt. Heightened delay discounting has been associated with substance use disorders and multiple co-occurring psychopathologies. Human and animal genetic studies have established that delay discounting is heritable, but only a few associated genes have been identified. We aimed to identify novel genetic loci associated with delay discounting through a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using Heterogeneous Stock (HS) rats, a genetically diverse outbred population derived from eight inbred founder strains. We assessed delay discounting in 650 male and female HS rats using an adjusting amount procedure in which rats chose between smaller immediate sucrose rewards or a larger reward at various delays. Preference switch points were calculated and both exponential and hyperbolic functions were fitted to these indifference points. Area under the curve (AUC) and the discounting parameter k of both functions were used as delay discounting measures. GWAS for AUC, exponential k, and one indifference point identified significant loci on chromosomes 20 and 14. The gene Slc35f1, which encodes a member of the solute carrier family, was the sole gene within the chromosome 20 locus. That locus also contained an eQTL for Slc35f1, suggesting that heritable differences in the expression might be responsible for the association with behavior. Adgrl3, which encodes a latrophilin subfamily G-protein coupled receptor, was the sole gene within the chromosome 14 locus. These findings implicate novel genes in delay discounting and highlight the need for further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Delay discounting quantifies an individual\'s preference for smaller, short-term rewards over larger, long-term rewards and represents a transdiagnostic factor associated with numerous adverse health outcomes. Rather than a fixed trait, delay discounting may vary over time and place, influenced by individual and contextual factors. Continuous, real-time measurement could inform adaptive interventions for various health conditions.
    OBJECTIVE: The goals of this paper are 2-fold. First, we present and validate a novel, short, ecological momentary assessment (EMA)-based delay discounting scale we developed. Second, we assess this tool\'s ability to reproduce known associations between delay discounting and health behaviors (ie, substance use and craving) using a convenience-based sample.
    METHODS: Participants (N=97) were adults (age range 18-71 years), recruited on social media. In phase 1, data were collected on participant sociodemographic characteristics, and delay discounting was evaluated via the traditional Monetary Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) and our novel method (ie, 7-item time-selection and 7-item monetary-selection scales). During phase 2 (approximately 6 months later), participants completed the MCQ, our novel delay discounting measures, and health outcomes questions. The correlations between our method and the traditional MCQ within and across phases were examined. For scale reduction, a random number of items were iteratively selected, and the correlation between the full and random scales was assessed. We then examined the association between our time- and monetary-selection scales assessed during phase 2 and the percentage of assessments that participants endorsed using or craving alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis.
    RESULTS: In total, 6 of the 7 individual time-selection items were highly correlated with the full scale (r>0.89). Both time-selection (r=0.71; P<.001) and monetary-selection (r=0.66; P<.001) delay discounting rates had high test-retest reliability across phases 1 and 2. Phase 1 MCQ delay discounting function highly correlated with phase 1 (r=0.76; P<.001) and phase 2 (r=0.45; P<.001) time-selection delay discounting scales. One or more randomly chosen time-selection items were highly correlated with the full scale (r>0.94). Greater delay discounting measured via the time-selection measure (adjusted mean difference=5.89, 95% CI 1.99-9.79), but not the monetary-selection scale (adjusted mean difference=-0.62, 95% CI -3.57 to 2.32), was associated with more past-hour tobacco use endorsement in follow-up surveys.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study evaluated a novel EMA-based scale\'s ability to validly and reliably assess delay discounting. By measuring delay discounting with fewer items and in situ via EMA in natural environments, researchers may be better able to identify individuals at risk for poor health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal discounting, the tendency to devalue future rewards as a function of delay until receipt, is influenced by time framing. Specifically, discount rates are shallower when the time at which the reward is received is presented as a date (date condition; e.g., June 8, 2023) rather than in delay units (delay condition; e.g., 30 days), which is commonly referred to as the date/delay effect. However, the cognitive and neural mechanisms of this effect are not well understood. Here, we examined the date/delay effect by analysing combined fMRI and eye-tracking data of N = 31 participants completing a temporal discounting task in both a delay and a date condition. The results confirmed the date/delay effect and revealed that the date condition led to higher fixation durations on time attributes and to higher activity in precuneus/PCC and angular gyrus, that is, areas previously associated with episodic thinking. Additionally, participants made more comparative eye movements in the date compared to the delay condition. A lower date/delay effect was associated with higher prefrontal activity in the date > delay contrast, suggesting that higher control or arithmetic operations may reduce the date/delay effect. Our findings are in line with hypotheses positing that the date condition is associated with differential time estimation and the use of more comparative as opposed to integrative choice strategies. Specifically, higher activity in memory-related brain areas suggests that the date condition leads to higher perceived proximity of delayed rewards, while higher frontal activity (middle/superior frontal gyrus, posterior medial frontal cortex, cingulate) in participants with a lower date/delay effect suggests that the effect is particularly pronounced in participants avoiding complex arithmetic operations in the date condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delay discounting, the decline in the subjective value of future rewards over time, has traditionally been understood through a tripartite neural network model, comprising the valuation, cognitive control, and prospection networks. To investigate the applicability of this model in a resting-state context, we employed a monetary choice questionnaire to quantify delay discounting and utilized resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) to explore the role of spontaneous brain activity, specifically regional homogeneity (ReHo), in influencing individual differences in delay discounting across a large cohort (N = 257). Preliminary analyses revealed a significant negative correlation between delay discounting tendencies and the ReHo in both the left insula and the right hippocampus, respectively. Subsequent resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) analyses, using these regions as seed ROIs, disclosed that all implicated brain regions conform to the three principal networks traditionally associated with delay discounting. Our findings offer novel insights into the role of spontaneous neural activity in shaping individual variations in delay discounting at both regional and network levels, providing the first empirical evidence supporting the applicability of the tripartite network model in a resting-state context.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Delay discounting refers to the behavioral tendency to devalue rewards as a function of their delay in receipt. Heightened delay discounting has been associated with substance use disorders, as well as multiple co-occurring psychopathologies. Genetic studies in humans and animal models have established that delay discounting is a heritable trait, but only a few specific genes have been associated with delay discounting. Here, we aimed to identify novel genetic loci associated with delay discounting through a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using Heterogenous Stock rats, a genetically diverse outbred population derived from eight inbred founder strains. We assessed delay discounting in 650 male and female rats using an adjusting amount procedure in which rats chose between smaller immediate sucrose rewards or a larger reward at variable delays. Preference switch points were calculated for each rat and both exponential and hyperbolic functions were fitted to these indifference points. Area under the curve (AUC) and the discounting parameter k of both functions were used as delay discounting measures. GWAS for AUC, exponential k, and indifference points for a short delay identified significant loci on chromosomes 20 and 14. The gene Slc35f1, which encodes a member of the solute carrier family of nucleoside sugar transporters, was the only gene within the chromosome 20 locus. That locus also contained an eQTL for Slc35f1, suggesting that heritable differences in the expression of that gene might be responsible for the association with behavior. The gene Adgrl3, which encodes a member of the latrophilin family of G-protein coupled receptors, was the only gene within the chromosome 14 locus. These findings implicate novel genes in delay discounting and highlight the need for further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase II
    High rates of delay discounting (DD), or the preference for immediate rewards over delayed rewards, is associated with substance use disorder (SUD). Lower rates of DD predict better treatment outcomes, and thus strategies that reduce DD may support SUD recovery. The process of vividly imagining a future event, known as episodic future thinking (EFT), may be a particularly viable approach to reduce DD. Some limited research has examined delivery of EFT in treatment settings, using verbal prompts that are typical of studies in non-treatment settings. We propose that the creation of visual art represents a unique alignment of the purpose of EFT with an innovative delivery modality in treatment settings.
    This single arm, proof-of-concept trial evaluated art-delivered EFT (ArtEFT) to reduce DD in a sample of women (N = 39) in a residential SUD treatment center. Participants engaged in a single, 1-h ArtEFT session during which they engaged in EFT and created a visual representation using art materials. The study collected DD measures for hypothetical money ($50 and $1000 magnitude conditions) before and after ArtEFT.
    Using area-under-the-curve (AUCord) as the index of DD, the study observed predicted changes following the ArtEFT session. The ANOVA revealed statistically significant main effects of both magnitude [F(1,38) = 11.184, p = .002] and time [F(1. 38) = 4.731, p = .036], with a non-significant interaction [F(1,38) = 3.821, p = .058].
    This study reveals promising preliminary indicators that art may be an effective modality to deliver EFT, with particular advantages for implementation given the popularity of art programming in SUD treatment programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite being a major threat to health, vaccine hesitancy (i.e., refusal or reluctance to vaccinate despite vaccine availability) is on the rise. Using a longitudinal cohort of young adults (N = 1260) from Los Angeles County, California we investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms underlying COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Data were collected at two time points: during adolescence (12th grade; fall 2016; average age = 16.96 (±0.42)) and during young adulthood (spring 2021; average age = 21.33 (±0.49)). Main outcomes and measures were delay discounting (DD; fall 2016) and tendency to act rashly when experiencing positive and negative emotions (UPPS-P; fall 2016); self-reported vaccine hesitancy and vaccine beliefs/knowledge (spring 2021). A principal components analysis determined four COVID-19 vaccine beliefs/knowledge themes: Collective Responsibility, Confidence and Risk Calculation, Complacency, and Convenience. Significant relationships were found between themes, COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, and DD. Collective Responsibility (β = -1.158[-1.213,-1.102]) and Convenience (β = -0.132[-0.185,-0.078]) scores were negatively associated, while Confidence and Risk Calculation (β = 0.283[0.230,0.337]) and Complacency (β = 0.412[0.358,0.466]) scores were positively associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Additionally, Collective Responsibility (β = -0.060[-0.101,-0.018]) was negatively associated, and Complacency (β = -0.063[0.021,0.105]) was positively associated with DD from fall 2016. Mediation analysis revealed immediacy bias during adolescence, measured by DD, predicted vaccine hesitancy 4 years later while being mediated by two types of vaccine beliefs/knowledge: Collective Responsibility (β = 0.069[0.022,0.116]) and Complacency (β = 0.026[0.008,0.044]). These findings provide a further understanding of individual vaccine-related decision-making among young adults and inform public health messaging to increase vaccination acceptance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phenomenon of future rewards being devalued as a function of delay is referred to as delay discounting (DD). It is considered a measure of impulsivity, and steep DD characterizes psychiatric problems such as addictive disorders and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This preliminarily study examined prefrontal hemodynamic activity using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in healthy young adults performing a DD task. Prefrontal activity during a DD task with hypothetical monetary rewards was measured in 20 participants. A discounting rate (k-value) in the DD task was determined on the basis of a hyperbolic function. To validate the k-value, a DD questionnaire and the Barratt impulsiveness scale (BIS) were administered after fNIRS. The DD task induced a significant increase in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentration bilaterally in the frontal pole and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) compared with a control task. Significant positive correlations were detected between left PFC activity and discounting parameters. Right frontal pole activity, however, showed significantly negative correlation with motor impulsivity as a BIS subscore. These results suggest that left and right PFCs have differential contributions when performing the DD task. The present findings suggest the idea that fNIRS measurement of prefrontal hemodynamic activity can be useful for understanding the neural mechanisms underlying DD and is applicable for assessing PFC function among psychiatric patients with impulsivity-related problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Monetary Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) is one of the most commonly used measures to assess delay discounting of reward. Reliable measurement by the MCQ is necessary for use in experimental settings or prognostic validity within clinical contexts. The present analysis expands prior work to evaluate temporal reliability and stability over an extended period, including repeated measurements, a larger and more broadly representative sample, and demonstrations of covariation with clinically significant health behaviors (e.g., cigarette use, COVID-19 vaccination, body mass index). Participants (N = 680; 55.6% female) were recruited through crowdsourcing and completed the MCQ approximately quarterly over 2 years. Measures of reliability, stability, and correlations with clinical constructs were determined for each timepoint and pairwise comparison. Test-retest reliabilities were high across all pairwise comparisons (all rxx > .75; range = .78-.86; mean = .83). Stability was also high with within-subject effect size differences all within a less-than-small effect size range (range dz = -0.09 to 0.19; mean = 0.04). Positive associations between smoking status and delay discounting rates were observed consistent with prior clinical studies. These findings of test durability support the use of MCQ administration for repeated measurement of delay-constrained choice as a stable respondent characteristic and illustrate its association with important health behaviors over extended time periods. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep restriction affects people\'s decision-making behavior. Nap restriction is a vital subtopic within sleep restriction research. In this study, we used EEG to investigate the impact of nap sleep restriction on intertemporal decision-making (Study 1) and decision-making across risky outcomes (Study 2) from ERP and time-frequency perspectives. Study 1 found that habitual nappers restricting their naps felt more inclined to choose immediate, small rewards over delayed, large rewards in an intertemporal decision-making task. P200s, P300s, and LPP in our nap-restriction group were significantly higher than those in the normal nap group. Time-frequency results showed that the delta band (1 ~ 4 Hz) power of the restricted nap group was significantly higher than that of the normal nap group. In Study 2, the nap-restriction group was more likely to choose risky options. P200s, N2s, and P300s in the nap deprivation group were significantly higher than in the normal nap group. Time-frequency results also found that the beta band (11 ~ 15 Hz) power of the restricted nap group was significantly lower than that of the normal nap group. The habitual nappers became more impulsive after nap restriction and evinced altered perceptions of time. The time cost of the LL (larger-later) option was perceived to be too high when making intertemporal decisions, and their expectation of reward heightened when making risky decisions-believing that they had a higher probability of receiving a reward. This study provided electrophysiological evidence for the dynamic processing of intertemporal decision-making, risky decision-making, and the characteristics of nerve concussions for habitual nappers.





