
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Nasogastric tube syndrome (NGTS) is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication. Patients receiving both tracheostomy and indwelling nasogastric tube (NGT) are not uncommon, however difficult tracheostomy decannulation due to NGTS has not been reported.
    METHODS: A 65-year-old woman was hospitalized with cervical spine stenosis and cervical spinal cord injury after a fall. The surgeon planned neck surgery, but unanticipated tracheotomy had to perform due to emergency airway during anesthesia induction. She then suffered from acute respiratory distress syndrome and underwent a series of treatments including indwelling NGT. About 2 weeks later, tracheostomy decannulation was planned. Following tracheostomy-tube-occlusion test, however, she experienced severe inspiratory difficulty. Severe supraglottic swelling was found, and the opening of glottis was completely covered by swollen tissue. Three weeks post-tracheostomy, the airway patency test failed again, and NGT was removed. Finally, the tracheostomy tube was successfully removed at 5 weeks after tracheotomy.
    UNASSIGNED: This patient developed difficult tracheostomy decannulation due to upper airway obstruction, and NGTS was considered as the main cause. Although vocal cord paralysis and post-cricoid ulcer did not occur in this case, we suggest that severe periglottic swelling may also be a symptom of NGTS. In this patient, upper airway edema gradually relieved after NGT removal, and the artificial airway was also removed 2 weeks later. Therefore, removal of NGT is the primary measure to deal with NGTS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Attention should be paid to the effect of NGTS on decannulation in patients receiving long-term tracheotomy and NGT insertion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pediatric tracheostomy in COVID-19 patients is a rarity. Joubert syndrome is a rare genetic disease, involving a lack of muscle control. We report the case of a child with Joubert syndrome and a severe form of COVID-19 infection, in whom we performed tracheostomy in order to replace prolonged intubation and mechanical ventilation; successful decannulation was performed after 12 months. Successful decannulation is still possible in a child with severe comorbidities (Joubert syndrome) even if it might take much longer than in patients without comorbidities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laryngeal stenosis following surgical intervention of larynx is a difficult condition to manage. The extensive adhesions formed between the vocal cords can obstruct the glottis and subglottis region and make decannulation unfeasible. In this report, we describe the challenges faced in the management of Glottosubglotic stenosis formed post Coblation assisted surgery for bilateral abductor cord palsy. The authors emphasize on the prevention techniques and management of laryngeal stenosis with a successful decannulation in such patients.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tracheostomy is an important procedure for the treatment of severe coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Older age and obesity have been reported to be associated with the risk of severe COVID-19 and prolonged intubation, and anticoagulants are often administered in patients with severe COVID-19; these factors are also related to a higher risk of tracheostomy. Cricotracheostomy, a modified procedure for opening the airway through intentional partial cricoid cartilage resection, was recently reported to be useful in cases with low-lying larynx, obesity, stiff neck, and bleeding tendency. Here, we investigated the usefulness and safety of cricotracheostomy for severe COVID-19 patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifteen patients with severe COVID-19 who underwent cricotracheostomy between January 2021 and April 2022 with a follow-up period of ≥ 14 days were included in this study. Forty patients with respiratory failure not related to COVID-19 who underwent traditional tracheostomy between January 2015 and April 2022 comprised the control group. Data were collected from medical records and comprised age, sex, body mass index, interval from intubation to tracheostomy, use of anticoagulants, complications of tracheostomy, and decannulation.
    UNASSIGNED: Age, sex, and days from intubation to tracheostomy were not significantly different between the COVID-19/cricotracheostomy and control/traditional tracheostomy groups. Body mass index was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group than that in the control group (P = 0.02). The rate of use of anticoagulants was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group compared with the control group (P < 0.01). Peri-operative bleeding, subcutaneous emphysema, and stomal infection rates were not different between the groups, while stomal granulation was significantly less in the COVID-19 group (P = 0.04).
    UNASSIGNED: These results suggest that cricotracheostomy is a safe procedure in patients with severe COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The stay-suture technique (SST) helps ensure safe replacement of the tracheostomy tube after accidental decannulation. We describe a patient found to have a retained stay suture in the glottis 2 weeks post-decannulation. It is important to appreciate the possible complications associated with SST, including airway compromise, infection, and laryngospasm.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) pandemic, pedicle flaps (instead of free flaps) were recommended for reconstruction following wide resection for patients with head and neck cancer, in order to reduce the use of medical resources. Currently, there are no established treatment guidelines for patients with head and neck cancer with synchronous esophageal cancer.
    METHODS: We present a 68-year-old male with cT4aN2cM0 oral floor and synchronous cT1bN1M0 esophageal cancers who had defective reconstruction following oral tumor resection before esophagectomy during the pandemic. At the initial surgery, the oral resected defect was reconstructed using supraclavicular artery flap. The subsequent esophagectomy was reconstructed by gastric tube reconstruction. Both postoperative courses were successful, without the need for postoperative ventilator use. The days from initial or second surgery to discharge were 14 or 16 days, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case had achieved negative surgical margins and recovered oral intake with tracheostomy decannulation. Further case accruement using supraclavicular artery flap is required for patients with head and neck cancer and synchronous esophageal cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Failure of decannulation may occur due to unexpected upper airway problems. However, the presence of a membrane in between the vocal cords is usually rare. We report a case of a 46-year-old female, who presented with focal seizures and progressed to status epilepticus. She was put on a mechanical ventilator because of hypoxic arrest. As she required prolonged ventilatory support, tracheostomy and gradual weaning from ventilator support to T-piece was done. Following stable hemodynamics, decannulation trial was attempted which failed. Subsequently, bronchoscopy was done to assess the upper airway. It revealed a thick membrane in between the vocal cords. Further examination with an indirect laryngoscope under general anesthesia confirmed the findings, and the membrance was excised. Decannulation was successful the very following day and the patient was discharged with stable hemodynamics.
    UNASSIGNED: Kambhampati S, Lavanya K. An Unusual Cause of Failed Tracheal Decannulation-A Case Report. Indian J Crit Care Med 2019;23(8):378-379.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To describe the variables related to effective cough capacity and the state of consciousness measured prior to decannulation and compare their measured values between the different areas of care such as the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), General ward and Mechanical Ventilation Weaning and Rehabilitation Centers (MVWRC). Secondarily analyze the evolution of patients once decannulated.
    Case series, longitudinal and prospective.
    Multicentric 31 ICUs (polyvalent) and 5 MVWRC.
    Tracheostomized adults prior to decannulation.
    Maximum expiratory pressure, peak expiratory flow coughed (PEFC), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).
    Two hundred and seven decannulated patients, 124 (60%) in ICU, 59 (28%) General ward and 24 (12%) in MVWRC. The PEFC presented differences between the patients (ICU 110 - 190 l/min versus MVWRC 167.5 - 232.5 l/min, p <.01). The GCS was different between General ward (9 -15) versus ICU (10-15) and MVWRC (12-15); p <.01 and p <.01, respectively. There were differences in the days of hospitalization (p <.01), days with tracheostomy (<0.01) and the number of patients referred at home (p =.02) between the different scenarios.
    There are differences in the values of PEFC and GCS observed when decannulating between different areas. A considerable number of patients are decannulated with values of PEFC and maximum expiratory pressure below the suggested cut-off points as predictors of failure in the literature. No patient in our series was decanulated with an GCS <8, this reflects the importance that the treating team gives to the state of consciousness prior to decannulation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Any technique that allows decannulation of tracheostomy-dependent patients relieves their discomfort and reduces health costs.
    METHODS: We present the case of a 70-year-old tracheostomy-dependent patient with pharyngolaryngeal stenosis and a history of radiation therapy for laryngeal cancer in remission for 13years and multiple decannulation failures. Endoscopic pharyngolaryngoplasty was performed using reconstructive transoral laser microsurgery techniques, allowing permanent decannulation. Endoscopic sutures secured by clips were performed to remodel the pharyngolarynx and prevent recurrence of synechiae.
    CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic surgery of the pharynx and larynx was initially developed for resection of small tumours. Reconstructive transoral laser microsurgery has been developed more recently. One of the objectives of this surgery is to reconstruct the pharyngolarynx to treat functional sequelae following surgery and/or radiation therapy for head and neck cancer. It allows reconstruction of the upper airways to restore mouth breathing in tracheostomy-dependent patients, thereby facilitating permanent decannulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyse whether the outcome of tracheostomy weaning is influenced by the site of injury in acquired brain injury.
    A retrospective case review of all the consecutive admissions to an acute neurorehabilitation unit in a 2-year period was performed. Patients with a diagnosis of acquired brain injury and tracheostomy in situ were included in this study.
    One hundred and six patients were included in the analysis. They were considered in two groups based on the site of brain injury: Group S, those with supratentorial brain injury only; and Group I, those with any injury with infratentorial involvement. Fifty-one (82%) patients in Group S were successfully weaned from the tracheostomy, compared to only 27 (61%) of patients in Group I. In other words, the proportion of unsuccessful weans (long-term tracheostomy) was 11 (18%) in Group S compared to 17 (39%) in Group I. The statistical significance of successful weans between the groups was p = 0.01 (Chi-square test). The common reasons for unsuccessful weaning were excessive secretion load and recurrent aspiration pneumonia.
    Patients with isolated supratentorial brain injury have a statistically significant higher chance of successful decannulation when compared to those patients with any infratentorial brain injury involvement.





