
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Petal size, a crucial trait in the economically important ornamental rose (Rosa hybrida), is synergistically regulated by cell division and cell expansion. Cell division primarily occurs during the early development of petals. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of petal size is far from clear. In this study, we isolated the transcription factor gene RhSCL28, which is highly expressed at the early stage of rose petal development and is induced by cytokinin. Silencing RhSCL28 resulted in a reduced final petal size and reduced cell number in rose petals. Further analysis showed that RhSCL28 participates in the regulation of cell division by positively regulating the expression of the cyclin genes RhCYCA1;1 and RhCYCB1;2. To explore the potential mechanism for cytokinin-mediated regulation of RhSCL28 expression, we investigated the cytokinin response factor RhRR1 and determined that it positively regulates RhSCL28 expression. Like RhSCL28, silencing RhRR1 also resulted in smaller petals by decreasing cell number. Taken together, these results reveal that the RhRR1-RhSCL28 module positively regulates petal size by promoting cell division in rose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpesviral protein kinases, such as the therapy-relevant pUL97 of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), are important for viral replication efficiency as well as pathogenesis, and represent key antiviral drug targets. HCMV pUL97 is a viral cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) ortholog, as it shares functional and structural properties with human CDKs. Recently, the formation of vCDK/pUL97-cyclin complexes and the phosphorylation of a variety of viral and cellular substrate proteins has been demonstrated. Genetic mapping and structural modeling approaches helped to define two pUL97 interfaces, IF1 and IF2, responsible for cyclin binding. In particular, the regulatory importance of interactions between vCDK/pUL97 and host cyclins as well as CDKs has been highlighted, both as determinants of virus replication and as a novel drug-targeting option. This aspect was substantiated by the finding that virus replication was impaired upon cyclin type H knock-down, and that such host-directed interference also affected viruses resistant to existing therapies. Beyond the formation of binary interactive complexes, a ternary pUL97-cyclin H-CDK7 complex has also been described, and in light of this, an experimental trans-stimulation of CDK7 activity by pUL97 appeared crucial for virus-host coregulation. In accordance with this understanding, several novel antiviral targeting options have emerged. These include kinase inhibitors directed to pUL97, to host CDKs, and to the pUL97-cyclin H interactive complexes. Importantly, a statistically significant drug synergy has recently been reported for antiviral treatment schemes using combinations of pharmacologically relevant CDK7 and vCDK/pUL97 inhibitors, including maribavir. Combined, such findings provide increased options for anti-HCMV control. This review focuses on regulatory interactions of vCDK/pUL97 with the host cyclin-CDK apparatus, and it addresses the functional relevance of these key effector complexes for viral replication and pathogenesis. On this basis, novel strategies of antiviral drug targeting are defined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ubiquitination is a crucial posttranslational modification required for the proper repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by ionizing radiation (IR). DSBs are mainly repaired through homologous recombination (HR) when template DNA is present and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) in its absence. In addition, microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) and single-strand annealing (SSA) provide backup DSBs repair pathways. However, the mechanisms controlling their use remain poorly understood. By using a high-resolution CRISPR screen of the ubiquitin system after IR, we systematically uncover genes required for cell survival and elucidate a critical role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCFcyclin F in cell cycle-dependent DSB repair. We show that SCFcyclin F-mediated EXO1 degradation prevents DNA end resection in mitosis, allowing MMEJ to take place. Moreover, we identify a conserved cyclin F recognition motif, distinct from the one used by other cyclins, with broad implications in cyclin specificity for cell cycle control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) stabilization with molecular glues plays a crucial role in drug discovery, albeit with significant challenges. In this study, we propose a dual-site approach, targeting the PPI region and its dynamic surroundings. We conduct molecular dynamics simulations to identify critical sites on the PPI that stabilize the cyclin-dependent kinase 12 - DNA damage-binding protein 1 (CDK12-DDB1) complex, resulting in further cyclin K degradation. This exploration leads to the creation of LL-K12-18, a dual-site molecular glue, which enhances the glue properties to augment degradation kinetics and efficiency. Notably, LL-K12-18 demonstrates strong inhibition of gene transcription and anti-proliferative effects in tumor cells, showing significant potency improvements in MDA-MB-231 (88-fold) and MDA-MB-468 cells (307-fold) when compared to its precursor compound SR-4835. These findings underscore the potential of dual-site approaches in disrupting CDK12 function and offer a structural insight-based framework for the design of cyclin K molecular glues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulated cell cycle progression ensures homeostasis and prevents cancer. In proliferating cells, premature S phase entry is avoided by the E3 ubiquitin ligase anaphasepromoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), although the APC/C substrates whose degradation restrains G1-S progression are not fully known. The APC/C is also active in arrested cells that exited the cell cycle, but it is not clear whether APC/C maintains all types of arrest. Here, by expressing the APC/C inhibitor, EMI1, we show that APC/C activity is essential to prevent S phase entry in cells arrested by pharmacological cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibition (Palbociclib). Thus, active protein degradation is required for arrest alongside repressed cell cycle gene expression. The mechanism of rapid and robust arrest bypass from inhibiting APC/C involves CDKs acting in an atypical order to inactivate retinoblastoma-mediated E2F repression. Inactivating APC/C first causes mitotic cyclin B accumulation which then promotes cyclin A expression. We propose that cyclin A is the key substrate for maintaining arrest because APC/C-resistant cyclin A, but not cyclin B, is sufficient to induce S phase entry. Cells bypassing arrest from CDK4/6 inhibition initiate DNA replication with severely reduced origin licensing. The simultaneous accumulation of S phase licensing inhibitors, such as cyclin A and geminin, with G1 licensing activators disrupts the normal order of G1-S progression. As a result, DNA synthesis and cell proliferation are profoundly impaired. Our findings predict that cancers with elevated EMI1 expression will tend to escape CDK4/6 inhibition into a premature, underlicensed S phase and suffer enhanced genome instability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: We studied the D3-type cyclin function during gynoecium development in Arabidopsis and how they are related to the hormone cytokinin and the transcription factor SPATULA. Growth throughout the life of plants is sustained by cell division and differentiation processes in meristematic tissues. In Arabidopsis, gynoecium development implies a multiphasic process where the tissues required for pollination, fertilization, and seed development form. The Carpel Margin Meristem (CMM) is a mass of undifferentiated cells that gives rise to the gynoecium internal tissues, such as septum, ovules, placenta, funiculus, transmitting tract, style, and stigma. Different genetic and hormonal factors, including cytokinin, control the CMM function. Cytokinin regulates the cell cycle transitions through the activation of cell cycle regulators as cyclin genes. D3-type cyclins are expressed in proliferative tissues, favoring the mitotic cell cycle over the endoreduplication. Though the role of cytokinin in CMM and gynoecium development is highly studied, its specific role in regulating the cell cycle in this tissue remains unclear. Additionally, despite extensive research on the relationship between CYCD3 genes and cytokinin, the regulatory mechanism that connects them remains elusive. Here, we found that D3-type cyclins are expressed in proliferative medial and lateral tissues. Conversely, the depletion of the three CYCD3 genes showed that they are not essential for gynoecium development. However, the addition of exogenous cytokinin showed that they could control the division/differentiation balance in gynoecium internal tissues and outgrowths. Finally, we found that SPATULA can be a mechanistic link between cytokinin and the D3-type cyclins. The data suggest that the role of D3-type cyclins in gynoecium development is related to the cytokinin response, and they might be activated by the transcription factor SPATULA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: BIG regulates ground tissue formative divisions by bridging the auxin gradient with SHR abundance in Arabidopsis roots. The formative divisions of cortex/endodermis initials (CEIs) and CEI daughter cells (CEIDs) in Arabidopsis roots are coordinately controlled by the longitudinal auxin gradient and the radial SHORT ROOT (SHR) abundance. However, the mechanism underlying this coordination remains poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that BIG regulates ground tissue formative divisions by bridging the auxin gradient with SHR abundance. Mutations in BIG gene repressed cell cycle progression, delaying the formative divisions within the ground tissues and impairing the establishment of endodermal and cortical identities. In addition, we uncovered auxin\'s suppressive effect on BIG expression, triggering CYCLIND6;1 (CYCD6;1) activation in an SHR-dependent fashion. Moreover, the degradation of RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED (RBR) is jointly regulated by BIG and CYCD6;1. The loss of BIG function led to RBR protein accumulation, detrimentally impacting the SHR/SCARECROW (SCR) protein complex and the CEI/CEID formative divisions. Collectively, these findings shed light on a fundamental mechanism wherein BIG intricately coordinates the interplay between SHR/SCR and auxin, steering ground tissue patterning within Arabidopsis root tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of the physiological and pathophysiological processes under extreme conditions facilitates a better understanding of the state of a healthy organism and can also shed light on the pathogenesis of diseases. In recent years, it has become evident that gravitational stress affects both the whole organism and individual cells. We have previously demonstrated that simulated microgravity inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis, changes morphology, and alters the surface marker expression of megakaryoblast cell line MEG-01. In the present work, we investigate the expression of cell cycle cyclins in MEG-01 cells. We performed several experiments for 24 h, 72 h, 96 h and 168 h. Flow cytometry and Western blot analysis demonstrated that the main change in the levels of cyclins expression occurs under conditions of simulated microgravity after 96 h. Thus, the level of cyclin A expression showed an increase in the RPM group during the first 4 days, followed by a decrease, which, together with the peak of cyclin D, may indicate inhibition of the cell cycle in the G2 phase, before mitosis. In addition, based on the data obtained by PCR analysis, we were also able to see that both cyclin A and cyclin B expression showed a peak at 72 h, followed by a gradual decrease at 96 h. STED microscopy data also confirmed that the main change in cyclin expression of MEG-01 cells occurs at 96 h, under simulated microgravity conditions, compared to static control. These results suggested that the cell cycle disruption induced by RPM-simulated microgravity in MEG-01 cells may be associated with the altered expression of the main regulators of the cell cycle. Thus, these data implicate the development of cellular stress in MEG-01 cells, which may be important for proliferating human cells exposed to microgravity in real space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute kidney injury (AKI) strongly upregulates the transcription factor Foxm1 in the proximal tubule in vivo, and Foxm1 drives epithelial proliferation in vitro. Here, we report that deletion of Foxm1 either with a nephron-specific Cre driver or by inducible global deletion reduced proximal tubule proliferation after ischemic injury in vivo. Foxm1 deletion led to increased AKI to chronic kidney disease transition, with enhanced fibrosis and ongoing tubule injury 6 weeks after injury. We report ERK mediated FOXM1 induction downstream of the EGFR in primary proximal tubule cells. We defined FOXM1 genomic binding sites by cleavage under targets and release using nuclease (CUT&RUN) and compared the genes located near FOXM1 binding sites with genes downregulated in primary proximal tubule cells after FOXM1 knockdown. The aligned data sets revealed the cell cycle regulator cyclin F (CCNF) as a putative FOXM1 target. We identified 2 cis regulatory elements that bound FOXM1 and regulated CCNF expression, demonstrating that Ccnf is strongly induced after kidney injury and that Foxm1 deletion abrogates Ccnf expression in vivo and in vitro. Knockdown of CCNF also reduced proximal tubule proliferation in vitro. These studies identify an ERK/FOXM1/CCNF signaling pathway that regulates injury-induced proximal tubule cell proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein synthesis is metabolically costly and must be tightly coordinated with changing cellular needs and nutrient availability. The cap-binding protein eIF4E makes the earliest contact between mRNAs and the translation machinery, offering a key regulatory nexus. We acutely depleted this essential protein and found surprisingly modest effects on cell growth and recovery of protein synthesis. Paradoxically, impaired protein biosynthesis upregulated genes involved in the catabolism of aromatic amino acids simultaneously with the induction of the amino acid biosynthetic regulon driven by the integrated stress response factor GCN4. We further identified the translational control of Pho85 cyclin 5 (PCL5), a negative regulator of Gcn4, that provides a consistent protein-to-mRNA ratio under varied translation environments. This regulation depended in part on a uniquely long poly(A) tract in the PCL5 5\' UTR and poly(A) binding protein. Collectively, these results highlight how eIF4E connects protein synthesis to metabolic gene regulation, uncovering mechanisms controlling translation during environmental challenges.





