Cranial Nerve Neoplasms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meningiomas arising from accessory nerve sheath without dural attachment are rare. To date, only 5 cases are described in the literature. A 53-year-old male presented with long history of occipital pain and headaches. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a small intradural extramedullary contrast enhanced tumor at the level of foramen magnum. The patient underwent microsurgical resection through minimally invasive midline suboccipital approach. According to intraoperative findings, cystic tumor arose from the left accessory nerve without dural attachment. Gross total resection was achieved without damage to the nerve. Histological analysis revealed angiomatous meningioma. Postoperative period was uneventful without new neurological symptoms. Meningiomas can rarely arise from accessory nerve sheath and mimic schwannoma. These tumors may be totally resected without damage to accessory nerve using minimally invasive surgical approaches.
    Менингиомы, растущие из оболочек добавочного нерва без связи с твердой мозговой оболочкой, являются редкой патологией. На сегодняшний день в литературе описано 5 случаев удаления таких опухолей. Мужчина 53 лет обратился с длительным анамнезом головных болей и болей в шейно-затылочной области, симптоматика постепенно прогрессировала. По данным нейровизуализации выявлена небольшая интрадуральная экстрамедуллярная кистозно-солидная опухоль, активно накапливающая контраст, расположенная на уровне большого затылочного отверстия. Было проведено микрохирургическое удаление опухоли с использованием минимально инвазивного срединного субокципитального доступа. Во время операции обнаружено, что опухоль росла из оболочки левого добавочного нерва и не имела связи с твердой мозговой оболочкой. Опухоль удалена тотально с сохранением добавочного нерва. Гистологическая картина соответствовала ангиоматозной менингиоме. Послеоперационный период протекал гладко, неврологических нарушений после операции не отмечалось.
    UNASSIGNED: Изредка менингиомы могут расти из оболочек добавочного нерва, напоминая шванномы при нейровизуализации. Подобные опухоли могут быть радикально удалены без повреждения добавочного нерва с использованием минимально инвазивных хирургических доступов.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Facial nerve hemangiomas (FNHs) are rare tumors that primarily occur near the geniculate ganglion in the temporal bone. Despite their rarity, they can cause significant facial nerve dysfunction. The optimal management approach for FNHs remains uncertain, with surgery being the mainstay but subject to debate regarding the extent of resection and preservation of the facial nerve.
    METHODS: Systematic review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. We queried the PubMed/Medline (accessed on 5 March 2024) electronic database using combinations of the following search terms and words text: \"geniculate ganglion hemangioma\", \"ganglional hemangioma\", \"hemangioma of the facial nerve\", \"facial hemangioma\", and \"intratemporal hemangioma\".
    RESULTS: We identified a total of 30 literatures (321 patients). The most common site involved for the facial nerve hemangioma was the geniculate ganglion area followed by internal auditory canal, tympanic segment, labyrinthine segment and mastoid involvement. All patients were treated with conservative management or surgery. We report a 48-year-old female patient with HB grade 2 facial palsy and hemifacial spasm underwent SRS using Cyberknife technology. The treatment targeted the FNH in the left internal acoustic canal near the geniculate ganglion. Six months post-treatment, clinical improvement was evident, and lesion control was confirmed in a follow-up brain MRI.
    CONCLUSIONS: The rarity of FNHs contributes to the lack of consensus on optimal management. This illustrative case demonstrates the feasibility of SRS as a standalone treatment for FNHs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Schwannomas are solitary neurogenic tumors originating from the myelin sheath of peripheral nerves. Extracranial hypoglossal schwannomas comprise <5% of all head and neck schwannomas and can mimic submandibular salivary gland tumors.
    METHODS: We report the diagnostic imaging, surgical treatment, and histopathological findings of a rare case of extracranial schwannoma of the hypoglossal nerve in a 73-year-old female, presented with an asymptomatic swelling in the left submandibular region that had been persisted for approximately three years.
    CONCLUSIONS: Accurate diagnosis of this rare clinical entity requires comprehensive diagnostics. The optimal therapeutic strategy is nerve-sparing surgical excision, although it can be challenging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Trigeminal schwannomas (TSs) are intracranial tumors that can cause significant brainstem compression. TS resection can be challenging because of the risk of new neurologic and cranial nerve deficits, especially with large (≥ 3 cm) or giant (≥ 4 cm) TSs. As prior surgical series include TSs of all sizes, we herein present our clinical experience treating large and giant TSs via microsurgical resection.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective, single-surgeon case series of adult patients with large or giant TSs treated with microsurgery in 2012-2023.
    RESULTS: Seven patients underwent microsurgical resection for TSs (1 large, 6 giant; 4 males; mean age 39 ± 14 years). Tumors were classified as type M (middle fossa in the interdural space; 1 case, 14%), type ME (middle fossa with extracranial extension; 3 cases, 43%), type MP (middle and posterior fossae; 2 cases, 29%), or type MPE (middle/posterior fossae and extracranial space; 1 case, 14%). Six patients were treated with a frontotemporal approach (combined with transmastoid craniotomy in the same sitting in one patient and a delayed transmaxillary approach in another), and one patient was treated using an orbitofrontotemporal approach. Gross total resection was achieved in 5 cases (2 near-total resections). Five patients had preoperative facial numbness, and 6 had immediate postoperative facial numbness, including two with worsened or new symptoms. Two patients (28%) demonstrated new non-trigeminal cranial nerve deficits over mean follow-up of 22 months. Overall, 80% of patients with preoperative facial numbness and 83% with facial numbness at any point experienced improvement or resolution during their postoperative course. All patients with preoperative or new postoperative non-trigeminal tumor-related cranial nerve deficits (4/4) experienced improvement or resolution on follow-up. One patient experienced tumor recurrence that has been managed conservatively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Microsurgical resection of large or giant TSs can be performed with low morbidity and excellent long-term cranial nerve function.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND A mass in the parotid gland usually indicates parotid gland neoplasia. Warthin tumors or pleomorphic adenomas are common differential diagnoses. Less frequently, other differential diagnoses and sites of origin are considered. Schwannomas are rare, benign tumors in the head and neck region. Even more rarely, these tumors occur in the intraparotid course of the facial nerve. In the following, we report about 2 patients in whom a mass in the right parotid gland was found incidentally during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CASE REPORT We reviewed data from the literature on intraparotid facial nerve schwannomas (IPFNS) and compared them with those from our cases. The focus was on data such as clinical history, clinical symptoms, electroneurography, and various imaging modalities, such as ultrasonography and MRI combined with diffusion-weighted imaging. CONCLUSIONS It is challenging to distinguish facial nerve schwannomas from other neoplasms. Patient\'s history, clinical symptoms, MRI examination with diffusion-weighted imaging, and high-resolution ultrasound imaging are decisive factors for diagnosis and should be performed when IPFNS is suspected. Diagnosis and therapy for IPFNS remain challenging. A wait-and-scan approach could be an option for patients with small tumors and good facial nerve function. On the other hand, patients with advanced tumors associated with limited facial nerve function can benefit from surgical approaches or stereotactic radiosurgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Second Window Indocyanine Green (SWIG) is a novel intraoperative imaging technique that uses near-infrared (NIR) light for intra-operative tumor visualization using the well-known fluorophore indocyanine green (ICG). Because schwannomas often incorporate the nerve into the encapsulated tumor and impinge on surrounding neural structures, SWIG is a promising technique to improve tumor resection while sparing the nerve.
    To demonstrate the use of SWIG in resection of cranial nerve schwannomas.
    Three patients with cranial nerve schwannomas (i.e., trigeminal, vestibular, and vagus) underwent SWIG-guided resection. During surgery, NIR visualization was used intermittently used to detect fluorescence to guide resection. Signal-to-background ratio was then calculated to quantify fluorescence.
    Patients were infused with ICG at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg 24 hours before surgery. Each patient achieved total or near-total resection and relief of symptoms with lack of recurrence at six-month follow-up. The average SBR calculated was 3.79, comparable to values for SWIG-guided resection of other brain and spine tumors.
    This case series is the first published report of trigeminal and vagus nerve schwannoma resection using the SWIG technique and suggests that SWIG may be used to detect all schwannomas, alongside many other types of brain tumor. This paper also demonstrates the importance of preoperative ICG infusion timing and discusses the inverse pattern of NIR signal that may be observed when infusion occurs outside of the optimal timing. This provides direction for future studies investigating the administration of SWIG to resect cranial nerve schwannomas and other brain tumors.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Oculomotor nerve schwannoma in children not associated with neurofibromatosis is a rare disease, with 26 pediatric cases reported so far. There is no established treatment plan. A 7-year-old girl presented with oculomotor nerve palsy. Surgical reduction of the tumor combined with postoperative gamma knife surgery preserved the oculomotor nerve, improved oculomotor nerve function, and achieved tumor control during the observation period of 20 months. The combination of partial surgical resection and gamma knife surgery as a treatment strategy for oculomotor nerve schwannoma resulted in a good outcome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Review
    Extracranial hypoglossal schwannoma is a rare tumor primarily treated with surgical excision. This article aims to highlight the potential for unexpected complications intraoperatively, such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage from skullbase to neck.
    A previously healthy 23-year-old male presented with tongue numbness. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 17 × 20 mm nodular lesion adjacent to the cervical segment of the internal carotid artery. Surgical excision was scheduled due to suspicion of a neurogenic tumor.
    Intraoperatively, despite careful handling, cerebrospinal fluid leakage was observed. Manipulation of the mass caused detachment of proximal nerve fibers, potentially indicating avulsion of the hypoglossal nerve from the brainstem or nearby. Clear fluid leakage from the skull base was also noted.
    Thorough preoperative evaluation and patient education regarding potential complications are crucial. This article presents an unexpected complication encountered during surgical excision of extracranial hypoglossal schwannoma, emphasizing the need for awareness and preparedness in such cases.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Abducens nerve (AN) schwannomas are extremely rare tumors. Clinical characteristics and factors that influence postoperative outcomes are not well defined.
    To characterize clinical features of AN schwannomas and predictors of surgical outcomes.
    PRISMA-guided systematic review of the literature on AN schwannomas was performed. Subsequently, univariate and multivariate regression analyses were performed to identify the predictive value of variables that influence postoperative outcomes.
    A total of 42 studies with 55 patients were evaluated. The mean age at presentation was 43.9 ± 14.6 years. The most common presenting symptom was cranial nerve VI palsy (69.1%). Cavernous sinus (49.1%) and prepontine cistern (36.3%) were the most commonly involved locations. Complete recovery after surgery was seen in 36.3% at a median follow-up of 28.4 ± 25.8 months. Preoperative AN palsy (P < 0.001), suboccipital approach (P = 0.007), and subtotal resection of tumor (P = 0.044) were significant protective factors for postoperative complications. Prepontine location and postoperative complications were poor prognostic indicators of AN recovery (odds ratio [OR], 0.10, P = 0.030 and OR, 0.10, P = 0.028, respectively). Subtotal resection was significantly correlated with higher odds of AN recovery (OR, 6.06; P = 0.040).
    AN schwannomas are rare but serious tumors that can cause significant morbidity, with only approximately one third of patients showing complete recovery after surgery. The suboccipital approach was a protective factor for postoperative complications, especially when combined with subtotal resection. Knowledge of these factors along with tumor characteristics helps optimize surgical planning and preoperative counseling.





