Corpse Dismemberment

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report on a case of criminal dismemberment and attempted scalping of a homicide victim with a \"Mohawk\" haircut. Case findings are presented. A review of the literature was performed for scalping in its historical and cultural context and particularly in criminal dismemberment and mutilation: Historically, scalping was prevalent in many ancient cultures around the world, where scalps were taken as trophies or \"proof of kill\", much like shrunken heads, trophy skulls, and other artefacts. Scalping was particularly widespread in Northern America in the context of tribal warfare, both before and after colonization. The iconic \"Mohawk\" haircut is closely linked with scalping, as it was meant to taunt the enemy. In the modern forensic context, scalping constitutes a form of criminal mutilation. However, cases of criminal dismemberment and mutilation are rare in forensic casework. Our literature review revealed a low number of scalping in criminal dismemberment and mutilation cases. The documentation was overall poor. Positioning scalping within the classification of criminal mutilation and dismemberment was difficult. In literature, even though case numbers were small, the majority of \"textbook scalping\" cases were German. The presented case, to our best knowledge, is the first modern-day photo-documented case of (attempted) scalping, even more so of a person wearing a \"Mohawk\".






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study reports the advantages of micro-CT to aid the investigative process in a complex dismemberment case. Micro-CT was successfully implemented to scan all skeletal remains of a dismembered female. The digital models were utilized to (i) screen for any further injuries not related to the dismemberment, (ii) provide measurements from false starts non-destructively, and (iii) visually represent the evidence in a structured format in court to improve the understanding of the forensic evidence by the jury. Acquiring high-resolution scans in this manner improved the efficiency of the forensic investigation by screening the remains and provided complementary toolmark evidence to the investigating team and forensic pathologist. A total of 14 false starts were identified along with the directionality of each dismemberment cut. Furthermore, the visual 3D representation of the remains in court provided a powerful tool to communicate this important evidence to the jury and form a prosecution narrative. As a forensic radiological method, micro-CT provided valuable information both in the investigation and the court presentation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: A case involving an adult dismembered body with myositis ossificans (MO) is described. A woman in her 20s was found dead in her cohabitants\' room. The body had dismembered into 15 pieces. Computed tomography showed ectopic mineralization in the bilateral upper arms and thighs. On autopsy, the skin and soft tissue were in the process of adipocere formation. Darkened areas that appeared to be subcutaneous hemorrhage were distributed on the face, left chest, and back. Bilateral upper arms and thighs showed organized granulations adherent to underlying bone. Microscopically, these organized lesions represented mature bone tissue in the periphery, cartilage tissue in the middle layer, and fibrotic tissue in the central part. These were typical findings of MO. Myositis ossificans and subcutaneous hemorrhage seemed to be evidence of antemortem repetitive physical abuse. In cases of dismemberment, the absence of organs and parts of the body provide limitations to determining cause of death. In forensic fields, adult autopsy cases involving MO are rare. This is an unusual case in which MO revealed antemortem physical abuse despite dismemberment of the body.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The finding of corpse parts poses several challenges for the forensic pathologist presenting implications for identification, diagnosis of death and determination of wounds vitality. Further interpretative difficulties in cases of cadaveric dismemberment derive from the scarcity of tanatochronological parameters useful to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI) and the absence of uniform investigative protocols in the different centres of forensic pathology. The present study proposes an investigation protocol for the cadaveric dismemberment through the discussion of a case series. The study group consisted of cases in which the dismemberment was performed after the murder. For all cases, a study protocol based on crime scene investigation, post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT), autopsy, toxicological, histological, immunohistochemical and genetic investigations was implemented. In particular, the standardised use of radiographic study before the autopsy allows all to have information that can guide the forensic pathologist during the autopsy. The use of immunohistochemistry allows an assessment of the vitality of the lesions possibly involved in the determinism of death, as well as of the surfaces of dismemberment, representing a tool of considerable utility for forensic purposes. The genetic investigations allow the identification of the victims, while the toxicological ones highlight the possible abuse of substances. The implemented protocol presents a demonstrated usefulness in improving diagnostic accuracy in corpse dismemberment cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The concealment of the body following a homicide undermines different moments of the forensic and medico-legal investigations. The aim of the present study is to provide an overview of the literature and the forensic casuistry of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Padova for analyzing and discussing diverse methodological approaches for the forensic pathologist dealing with covered-up homicides.
    METHODS: A literature review, updated until September 2019, was performed, and a literature pool of forensic cases was built. In-house cases were included by conducting a retrospective analysis of the forensic caseworks of Padova of the last 20 years. Data regarding epidemiology, methodology of assessment, methods of concealment, and answers to medico-legal issues were extracted for both data sets.
    CONCLUSIONS: Seventy-eight papers were included in the literature review (78.2% being case reports or case series, 17% retrospective studies, and 6% experimental studies or reviews). Literature and in-house data sets consisted of 145 and 13 cases, respectively. Death scene investigation, radiology, toxicology, and additional analyses were performed in 20-54% of literature and 62-77% of in-house cases. Cover-up by multiple methods prevailed. Death was caused by head trauma in about 40% of cases (both data sets), strangulation in 21% of literature, and 7% of in-house cases, and was undetermined in 17% of literature and 7% of in-house cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: The methodology of ascertainment should be case-specific and based on a multidisciplinary and multimodal evaluation of all data, including those gained through novel radiological and/or analytical techniques.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The dismemberment of a corpse is comparatively rare in forensic medicine and usually performed with different types of sharp tools. The victim is always the victim of a homicide. Dismemberment usually occurs where the killing took place without prior planning by the perpetrator. We report a case of homicide with post mortem mutilation of the victim\'s body with previous amputation of right lower limb in which the perpetrator was not identified. At autopsy, several fractures were detected on the cranial vault, and the cause of death was due to skull and brain injuries from multiple blunt force traumas.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    On 30th March 1902 Police Constable George Doyle and Carnarvon Station manager Albert Dahlke were allegedly gunned down at Lethbridge\'s Pocket in Central Queensland. Approximately 90 kg of ash and burnt human remains with articles belonging to the two men were later found in saddle bags left at the scene on a police horse. Subsequently two local cattle and horse thieves, Patrick and James Kenniff, were convicted in the Queensland Supreme Court of the wilful murder of Constable Doyle. Patrick was executed by hanging on 12th January 1903 and James had his sentence reduced to life imprisonment with hard labor. A number of irregularities were subsequently raised about the trial including the use of a \"special\" jury and the reliability of evidence from a witness who did not actually see the event. Forensic issues to be explored involve the accuracy of the descriptions of the carbonized material, whether the remains were actually those of Doyle and Dahlke, and whether the victims were dismembered before burning, as was alleged by the prosecution.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study reports the novel application of three-dimensional technologies such as micro-CT and 3D printing to the forensic investigation of a complex case of dismemberment. Micro-CT was successfully employed to virtually align severed skeletal elements found in different locations, analyse tool marks created during the dismemberment process, and virtually dissect a charred piece of evidence. High resolution 3D prints of the burnt human bone contained within were created for physical visualisation to assist the investigation team. Micro-CT as a forensic radiological method provided vital information and the basis for visualisation both during the investigation and in the subsequent trial making it one of the first examples of such technology in a UK court.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Historically, reported cases of self-identified vampirism typically have been associated with psychopathology and sometimes a propensity for violence. However, scholars recently have noted a wide range of diverse practices and meanings that all fall under the general description of self-identified vampirism. This brief report focuses on a homicide case (male and female partnered offenders), wherein a single victim was murdered and dismembered. Due to specific case evidence, there was controversy regarding whether or not the homicide was motivated by ritualistic self-identified vampirism. Court documents were reviewed and assessed, and findings suggest that the evidence used to support assertions that homicidal motivations occurred due to ritualistic vampirism was misinterpreted due to the omission of a growing multidisciplinary literature on self-identified vampirism. It is important for forensic experts to be aware of emerging research on alternative identities, including vampirism, that challenge traditional theories and assumptions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Three classic cases and one exceptional case are reported. The unique case of decapitation took place in a traffic accident, while the others were seen after homicide, vehicle-assisted suicide, and after long-jump hanging. Thorough scene examinations were performed, and photographs from the scene were available in all cases. Through the autopsy of each case, the mechanism for the decapitation in each case was revealed. The severance lines were through the neck and the cervical vertebral column, except for in the motor vehicle accident case, where the base of skull was fractured. This case was also unusual as the mechanism was blunt force. In the homicide case, the mechanism was the use of a knife combined with a saw, while in the two last cases, a ligature made the cut through the neck. The different mechanisms in these decapitations are suggested.





