
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review






  • 从历史上看,新生儿入院实验室研究的血液是通过直接新生儿静脉切开术获得的。在过去的十年里,在许多入院实验室研究中评估脐带血样本的有效性和临床影响的研究显著增加.本文回顾了各种研究,这些研究共同表明,在新生儿中使用脐带血样本进行入院测试既可以接受又有益。
    Historically blood for admission laboratory studies in neonates was obtained through direct neonatal phlebotomy. Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in studies evaluating the validity and clinical impact of using a cord blood sample for many admission laboratory studies. This article reviews various studies that together suggest that using cord blood samples for admission testing in neonates is both acceptable and beneficial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We discuss the current indications, technical variation and procedure-related complications of percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS). The term PUBS is commonly used in the United States. Cordocentesis and funipuncture are equivalent terms. A needle guided by ultrasound is introduced into a blood vessel (usually the vein) of the umbilical cord to collect fetal specimen in PUBS. We conducted a literature search in PubMed indexed journals and analyzed all related articles on PUBS and cordocentesis. We chose this subject because it is a relatively new but convenient method that has both diagnostic and therapeutic value in fetal medicine. At present the only procedure that provides direct access to fetal circulation is PUBS. The most common clinical indication for PUBS is suspected fetal anemia. Other major indications for PUBS are the diagnosis of congenital infections, cytogenetic analysis, metabolic disorders, fetal growth restriction and hematologic disorders. Therapeutic applications of cordocentesis or puncture of the umbilical cord are in utero transfusions for rhesus alloimmunization and medication administration. PUBS also provides a direct assessment of fetal thyroid function diagnosing fetal thyroid disorders and helps administer therapy in utero.  Literature demonstrates a low incidence of complications associated with percutaneous umbilical blood sampling. For PUBS, the true complication rate related to the method of sampling remains unclear. A few cases reported complications conducted PUBS for therapeutic purposes which naturally has a higher accident rate compared to diagnostic purposes. Although life-threatening complications are rare, there are potential risks that include bleeding from the puncture site, fetal bradycardia, vertical transmission of maternal infection. Therefore, PUBS should be performed at perinatal care centers by experienced physicians and the best time is between 17 to 40 weeks of gestation. There are three methods used to approach the umbilical cord that includes direct, indirect and free puncture. Anteriorly placed placenta allows an easier approach to the umbilical cord. The danger of abruption of placenta must be kept in mind while using this technique. The number of punctures should be limited to a maximum of 3 to reduce complications. According to a case series report, the mean time required for the procedure was 4 minutes with a fall in duration seen with increased experience. In conclusion, percutaneous blood sampling allows direct access to fetal circulation thus opening up new areas of prenatal diagnosis and therapy. PUBS is now a well-codified procedure. It is clear from our literature review that risks directly related to the technique are small. The indication of the procedure must be carefully chosen as the risk of complications of umbilical cord puncture is directly related to the severity of the condition. Complications such as bleeding and hematoma formation are related to duration and number of punctures which are operator-dependent. Thus, only highly trained personnel should conduct the procedure. The list of indications is extensive and growing. Nevertheless, this technique shows potential to open up new realms in the area of fetal medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal goitrous hypothyroidism is a rare condition associated with important obstetrical, neonatal complications, and neurodevelopmental impairments. Prenatal treatment remains controversial, and the risk to benefit ratio must be accurately assessed and considered for individualized management. The objective of this review was to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the conservative in utero treatment of fetal goitrous hypothyroidism. In total, 25 reports that met our inclusion criteria were selected and the management of 38 cases was analyzed. Prenatal diagnosis consisted mainly of ultrasonographic findings. Fetal thyroid status was assessed by cordocentesis. Prenatal treatment varied widely in terms of levothyroxine (LT4) route of administration, dosage, number of injections, and frequency. Although different regimens and routes of administration were proposed, they seem to have similar results regarding fetal goiter reduction and thyroid status at birth. At birth, most babies had hypothyroidism, but the long-term follow-up indicated a normal psycho-neuromotor development. Our data confirm the feasibility of conservative treatment with LT4 for fetal goitrous hypothyroidism. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal management of this disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The baboons (Papio cynocephalus) have similarities with human placentation and fetal development. Fetal blood sampling allows investigators to assess fetal condition at a specific point in gestation as well as transplacental transfer of medications. Unfortunately, assessing fetal status during gestation has been difficult and fetal instrumentation associated with high rate of pregnancy loss. Our objectives are to describe the technique of ultrasound guided cordocentesis (UGC) in baboons, report post-procedural outcomes, and review existing publications.
    METHODS: This is a procedural paper describing the technique of UGC in baboons. After confirming pregnancy and gestational age via ultrasound, animals participating in approved research protocols that required fetal assessment underwent UGC.
    RESULTS: We successfully performed UGC in four animals (five samples) using this technique. Animals were sampled in the second and third trimesters with fetal blood sampling achieved by sampling a free cord loop, placental cord insertion site or the intrahepatic umbilical vein. All procedures were without complication and these animals delivered at term.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound guided fetal umbilical cord venipuncture is a useful and safe technique to sample the fetal circulation with minimal risk to the fetus or mother. We believe this technique could be used for repeated fetal venous blood sampling in the baboons.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Although toxoplasmosis is considered harmless for a non-pregnant woman, it is potentially harmful during pregnancy, especially at first trimester. The aim of this study is to increase our alertness and monitoring in case of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, given that when diagnosed it can be effectively treated.We present a case of a healthy 26 years old adult woman, found with toxoplasmosis during the 13th week of pregnancy. The role of frequent maternal and fetus immunological tests, PCR-tests of the amniotic fluid and ultrasound screening of the fetus throughout pregnancy was of great value. The patient was treated with spiramycin (1 grx3) from the 16th week of pregnancy. The patient was subjected to cesarean delivery at the 36th week of pregnancy due to preterm contractions and history of previous cesarean delivery. The newborn was a healthy girl with a birth weight of 2880 gr. A two-year follow up of the baby revealed no medical condition. Maternal infections are a serious medical condition during pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis when diagnosed on time and treated properly can lead to healthy offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this report, we present a case of fetal goiter with overdistended fetal neck and mild polyhydramnios. Amniocentesis and cordocentesis were conducted at 32 weeks\' gestation and fetal goitrous hypothyroidism was diagnosed. Intra-amniotic injection of l-thyroxine (T4) was performed with a weekly dose of 150 microg four times between 33 and 36 weeks\' gestation. In response to this in utero treatment, the goiter was reduced and polyhydramnios was improved. The mother gave birth to a healthy live male infant with normal thyroid function. From our case report and review of previous literature, we recommend that the amount of l-thyroxine start as low as 150 microg, and that repeat cordocentesis be avoided as long as other clinical and laboratory parameters indicate improvement of the fetal conditions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Leukemia in a hydropic fetus with hepatosplenomegaly and Down syndrome was diagnosed at 25 weeks\' gestation. Spontaneous demise occurred 10 days after the cordocentesis. A review of the literature of the seven cases described antenatally and 10 cases described in the immediate neonatal period or on examination of the stillborn baby is presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To review our management of anti-Rhesus-D antibodies in pregnancy over a 5-year period in order to assess possible changes in the management or prognosis which may have developed with time.
    METHODS: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from 31 pregnancies with maternal anti-D levels >4 IU/ml and in which the fetus was Rhesus positive.
    RESULTS: There were a total of 30 amniocenteses, 8 cordocenteses, and 54 fetal blood transfusions performed. When undertaken as the first procedure, the mean gestational age at amniocentesis was 30 weeks as compared with 25 weeks for fetal blood sampling/transfusion (p < 0.05). The median anti-D level at the first procedure was 24 IU/ml for amniocentesis and 64 IU/ml for fetal blood sampling. Of the 54 blood transfusions, 43 were intravascular, 4 were intraperitoneal, and 7 transfusions were both intravascular and intraperitoneal.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intravascular as opposed to intraperitoneal transfusions were found to be the main method of transfusion in the later years in this study, a finding which was expected with improved sonographic equipment. Apart from this, management and prognosis of anti-D red cell isoimmunisation in pregnancy have remained relatively stable since the 1980s. Amniocentesis was useful in the management of such pregnancies, especially as an initial procedure in the cases with a lower initial anti-D level. In this series 90% of the fetuses requiring blood transfusion, but were without hydrops, survived, whereas this was about 70%, if they had become hydropic (this latter figure was reduced by 2 hydropic deaths before 20 weeks\' gestation in the same very severely affected woman).






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a rare case of fetal goitrous hypothyroidism complicated by polyhydramnios and preterm labor in a mother without thyroid gland pathology. The diagnosis was made in the 26th week by ultrasound and cordocentesis [TSH 170 microU/ml, free T(4) 0.2 ng/dl]. The therapeutic regime required repeated fetal blood sampling for determination of thyroid hormones. Five intra-amniotic administrations of 250 microg levothyroxine (LT4) weekly were initiated. Because of the persisting goiter and the elevated level of TSH (128 microU/ml in 32 weeks) in the fetal serum the dosage had to be adjusted to 500 microg LT4 in the next five injections. TSH in fetal serum declined to 49.2 microU/ml in 36 weeks. Normal fetal growth and an uncomplicated course of pregnancy between the 27th and 37th week of gestation were observed. Monitoring of intrauterine therapy by determination of TSH in fetal serum may provide more reliable data than measuring TSH in amniotic fluid. A review of 15 cases of fetal goitrous hypothyroidism in the English literature is presented.





