Consent Forms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Literature on issues relating to comprehension during the process of obtaining informed consent (IC) has largely focused on the challenges potential participants can face in understanding the IC documents, and the strategies used to enhance comprehension of those documents. In this review, we set out to describe the factors that have an impact on comprehension and the strategies used to enhance the IC process in sub-Saharan African countries.
    From November 2021 to January 2022, we conducted a literature search using a PRISMA tool. We searched electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, EBSCOHOST) to identify relevant peer reviewed studies. We then reviewed the references of these articles to find additional literature that might have been missed through the initial search. We were particularly interested in full text articles in English that focused on the IC process in SSA published between 2006 and 2020. We included systematic reviews, and studies from Western and Asian countries that included data about SSA. We excluded articles that focused on medical interventions and studies that did not require IC.
    Out of the 50 studies included most were multi-country (n = 13) followed by single country studies in South Africa (n = 12); Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda (n = 5) each; Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria (n = 2)each ; and one each for Botswana, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique. We identified three areas of focus: (1) socio-cultural factors affecting IC; (2) gaps in the ethical and legal frameworks guiding the IC process; and (3) strategies used to improve participants\' understanding of IC.
    Our review showed wide recognition that the process of achieving IC in SSA is inherently challenging, and there are limitations in the strategies aimed at improving comprehension in IC. We suggest that there is a need for greater flexibility and negotiation with communities to ensure that the approach to IC is suited to the diverse socio-cultural contexts. We propose moving beyond the literal translations and technical language to understanding IC comprehension from the participants\' perspectives and the researchers\' views, while examining contextual factors that impact the IC process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the effect of modifying content and design elements within written informed-consent-forms (ICF) for patients undergoing elective surgical or invasive procedures.
    We included (quasi-)randomized trials in which a modified written ICF (e.g. visual aids) was compared to a standard written ICF. We searched PubMed, Web-of-Science and PsycINFO until 08/2021. Risk of Bias was assessed. The complexity of intervention was assessed using the Intervention Complexity Assessment Tool for Systematic Reviews.
    Eleven trials with 1091 participants were eligible. Effect sizes and levels of evidence varied from trivial to moderate andthere were contradictory findings for some outcomes. Providing patients with more informationin general or specific information on risks and complications mostly increased anxiety. The use of verbal risk presentation decreased anxiety and increased satisfaction.A lower readability level decreased anxiety and improved comprehension and knowledge.
    Our results suggest that providing more information and addressing certain types of risks have differential effects. While more information improved knowledge, it also increased anxiety. We did not find any or only insufficient evidence for many other possible ICF modifications.
    When developing ICFs the differential impact of different elements on patient important outcomes should be carefully considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The research shows a growing trend in using an electronic platform to supplement or replace traditional paper-based informed consent processes. Instead of the traditionally written informed consent document, electronic informed consent (eConsent) may be used to assess the research subject\'s comprehension of the information presented. By doing so, respect for persons as one of the research ethical principles can be upheld. Furthermore, these electronic methods may reduce potential airborne infection exposures, particularly during the pandemic, thereby adhering to the beneficence and nonmaleficence principle. This scoping review aims to identify the ethics related criteria that have been included in electronic informed consent processes and to synthesize and map these criteria to research ethics principles, in order to identify the gaps, if any, in current electronic informed consent processes.
    The search was performed based on internet search and three main databases: PubMed, SCOPUS and EBSCO. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation guideline was used to report this work.
    Of 34 studies that met the inclusion criteria, 242 essential original constructs were collated, and 7 concepts were derived. Digital content showed the highest percentage of collated original constructs (27%, n = 65) followed by accessibility (24%, n = 56), comprehension engagement (18%, n = 43), autonomy (14%, n = 34), confidentiality (11%, n = 25), language (5%, n = 13), and parental consent (1%, n = 2). Twenty-five new items were synthesized for eConsent criteria which may provide guidance for ethical review of research involving eConsent.
    The current study adds significant value to the corpus of knowledge in research ethics by providing ethical criteria on electronic informed consent based on evidence-based data. The new synthesized items in the criteria can be readily used as an initial guide by the IRB/REC members during a review process on electronic informed consent and useful to the future preparation of a checklist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Informed consent process assures that research study participants are properly informed about the study prior to their consent. Due to the increasing significance of electronic informed consent (eIC) platforms, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, we conducted a scoping review of eIC systems to address the following characteristics: 1) technological features of current eIC platforms, 2) eIC platforms usability and efficacy, and 3) areas for future eIC research. We performed a literature search using publically available PubMed repository, where we included studies discussing an eIC platform or multimedia educational module given to patients prior to signing a consent form. In addition, we tracked first author, year of publication, sample size, study location, eIC procedure, methodology, and eIC\'s comparison to paper consent. Our results showed that with a few noted exceptions, electronic consent improves patient usability, satisfaction, knowledge, and trust scores when compared to traditional paper consent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human biological materials are usually stored for possible future use in research because they preserve valuable biological information, save time and resources, which would have been spent on collection of fresh samples. However, use of these materials may pose ethical challenges such as unauthorized disclosure of genetic information, which can result in dire consequences for individuals or communities including discrimination, stigma, and psychological harm; has biosecurity implications; and loss of control or ownership of samples or data. To understand these problems better, we evaluated the extent to which tuberculosis (TB) clinical research protocols that were used to collect and store biological materials for future use conform to the requirements stated in the Uganda national guidelines for research involving humans as participants.
    This was a retrospective review of TB clinical research projects approved by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) from 2011 to 2015, to examine whether they fulfilled the requirements for ethical collection and use of human materials. Data were abstracted through review of the project protocols using a template developed based on the informed consent and the Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) requirements in the national guidelines.
    Out of 55 research protocols reviewed, most of the protocols 83.6% had been used to collect the stored samples (sputum, blood and sometimes urine), 28% had a section on specimen collection and 24% mentioned ownership of the biological materials. With respect to review of the consent forms used in the studies that stored materials for future use, only 9% of the protocols had a separate consent form for storage of materials, 4.5% of the consent forms explained the risks, 11.4% explained the purpose of the study while 6.8% mentioned the place of storage for the collected materials.
    Many of the studies reviewed did not meet the requirements for collection and storage of biological materials contained in the national guidelines, which indicates a need to additional training on this topic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perioperative nurses are responsible for generating and using evidence to improve patient care. To protect human participants during research activities, government regulations enacted after widely publicized research misconduct specify that institutions receiving federal funds must have an institutional review board (IRB) comprising at least five members. Board members have many responsibilities, including completing a thorough review of each section of the application and attachments (eg, consent documents). To expedite the IRB approval processes, applicants should create and submit a well-written application. Applicants should understand that the application addresses the important ethical concepts of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Quality improvement activities (ie, local activities that seek to improve patient care or clinical outcomes) differ from research activities that focus on creating new knowledge. Depending on the purpose, design, and generalizability of a quality improvement project, the applicant may need to submit the project to the IRB for approval.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on informed consent (IC) has traditionally focused on the documentation of the discussion with patients of potential complications. We sought to examine the completeness of documentation for all elements of IC for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC): potential complications, alternatives to LC and details of the procedure. Differences in the documentation of IC for elective and emergent LC were examined.
    A retrospective chart review of patients undergoing LC at our institution between 2015 and 2017 was performed. Completeness of documentation was defined as documentation of all 3 elements of IC in the clinic note, the operating room note or the consent form itself. Data were analyzed descriptively. We compared documention for emergent and elective cases as well as documentation by residents and attending physicians using t tests.
    A total of 270 patients were included in the analysis. Only 5 (2%) had complete documentation of all elements of IC. Documentation of potential complications was noted in 232 cases (86%), of which 58 (25%) were elective and 174 (75%) were emergent. Details were noted in 28 (10%) cases, of which 21 (75%) were elective and 7 (25%) were emergent. Alternatives were documented the least frequently: they were documented in 23 cases (9%), of which 20 (87%) were elective and 3 (13%) were emergent. Residents performed better than attending physicians in documenting IC discussions in clinic notes and on consent forms, but not in operating room notes.
    Documentation of the elements of IC for LC was poor. Potential complications were the most frequently documented element of IC; alternatives and details were often omitted. Future studies comparing audiotaped IC conversations with the documentation of IC are warranted. The use of procedure-specific consent forms for LC may facilitate documentation.
    La recherche sur le consentement éclairé (CÉ) s’est longtemps intéressée surtout à la consignation du contenu des discussions avec les patients au sujet des complications potentielles. Nous avons voulu examiner l’exhaustivité de la consignation de tous les éléments du CÉ pour la cholécystectomie laparoscopique (CL) : complications potentielles, solutions de rechange à la CL et détails de l’intervention. Nous avons observé des différences dans la consignation des éléments du CÉ pour la CL urgente et non urgente.
    Nous avons procédé à un examen rétrospectif des dossiers de patients soumis à une CL dans notre établissement entre 2015 et 2017. La consignation au dossier était jugée complète lorsque les 3 éléments du CÉ étaient présents dans la note clinique, la note opératoire ou le formulaire de consentement lui-même. Nous avons effectué une analyse descriptive des données, et nous avons comparé la consignation des éléments pour les cas urgents et non urgents, effectuée par les résidents et les médecins traitants au moyen de tests t.
    Au total, 270 patients ont été inclus dans l’analyse. Tous les éléments du CÉ étaient adéquatement consignés pour seulement 5 (2 %) d’entre eux. Les complications potentielles ont été consignées dans 232 cas (86 %), dont 58 (25 %) étaient non urgents et 174 (75 %) étaient urgents. Les détails de l’intervention ont été notés dans 28 cas (10 %), dont 21 (75 %) étaient non urgents et 7 (25 %) étaient urgents. Ce sont les solutions de rechange qui ont été le moins souvent consignées : elles ont été notées dans 23 cas (9 %), dont 20 (87 %) étaient non urgents et 3 (13 %) étaient urgents. Les résidents ont mieux fait que les médecins traitants pour ce qui est de consigner les discussions sur le CÉ dans les notes cliniques et les formulaires de CÉ, mais non dans les notes opératoires.
    La consignation des éléments du CÉ pour la CL a été faible. Les complications potentielles ont été l’élément du CÉ le plus souvent consigné au dossier; les solutions de rechange et les détails de l’intervention ont souvent été omis. Il faudra procéder à d’autres études pour comparer le contenu des discussions sur le CÉ enregistrées sur bande audio et sa consignation. L’utilisation de formulaires de CÉ spécifiques aux interventions pourrait faciliter la consignation de leurs éléments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmonized institutional processes and reviewer training are vital to maintain integrity and ethical rigor of the veterinary clinical research pipeline and are a prerequisite to future work that might establish centralized or single-site ethical and regulatory review to ease initiation of multi-center studies. Funded by a CTSA One Health Alliance (COHA) pilot award, a diverse working group of veterinary clinicians and institutional representatives was convened in February 2020 to develop a guidance document detailing broadly agreed upon practices for ethical review and approval of veterinary clinical studies conducted in the United States.The working group defined key areas of need for consensus, developed a set of associated guidelines, and circulated these for review by COHA\'s fifteen member institutions. Six focus areas were identified by the working group and included vital items of protocol review, composition of the review committee, post-approval monitoring and adverse event reporting, consideration of special circumstances such as satellite sites and the use of healthy veterinary subjects in research, and the informed consent process.This document outlines a broadly agreed-upon framework through which to approach vital items associated with veterinary clinical study protocol review and approval. These approaches represent current best practice in the review and approval of veterinary clinical studies, and can serve as a guidance for veterinary clinician-scientists and regulatory experts, to ensure robust and ethically conducted studies that can contribute to the advancement of both animal and human health.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The Common Rule, which governs federally funded clinical research involving human subjects, formally defines the requirements for institutional review board (IRB) membership, functions and operations, and review of research, as well as the requirements for obtaining informed consent from research participants. The revisions to the Common Rule effective in January 2019 changed some content requirements for informed consent forms. Methods: This article summarizes the history of informed consent requirements, the changes made to the requirements by the revision to the Common Rule, and the ways in which IRBs and research staff work together to develop informed consent forms that comply with the regulations and provide all the information potential research subjects need to decide whether to participate in a study. Results: Clinical research coordinators, under their investigators\' supervision, are responsible for ensuring that research consent forms comply with the requirements of the federal regulations and the institution. Many IRBs have provided education regarding these new requirements, as well as consent templates that contain all the required elements. To ensure that the Common Rule\'s requirements are met, the IRB reviews each study submission, including the consent form. The IRB panel makes revisions to the consent forms as needed and returns the approved consent form to the investigator and clinical research coordinator. Conclusion: Research coordinators play an essential role in developing consent forms and providing the required review information to the IRB. In turn, through optimizing and standardizing consent forms and ensuring that all requirements of the Common Rule are followed, IRBs ensure that the rights of participants are protected and upheld.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the individual and combined effects of a simplified form and a review/retest intervention on biobanking consent comprehension.
    We conducted a national online survey in which participants were randomized within four educational strata to review a simplified or traditional consent form. Participants then completed a comprehension quiz; for each item answered incorrectly, they reviewed the corresponding consent form section and answered another quiz item on that topic.
    Consistent with our first hypothesis, comprehension among those who received the simplified form was not inferior to that among those who received the traditional form. Contrary to expectations, receipt of the simplified form did not result in significantly better comprehension compared with the traditional form among those in the lowest educational group. The review/retest procedure significantly improved quiz scores in every combination of consent form and education level. Although improved, comprehension remained a challenge in the lowest-education group. Higher quiz scores were significantly associated with willingness to participate.
    Ensuring consent comprehension remains a challenge, but simplified forms have virtues independent of their impact on understanding. A review/retest intervention may have a significant effect, but assessing comprehension raises complex questions about setting thresholds for understanding and consequences of not meeting them.Genet Med advance online publication 13 October 2016.






